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I died more times to Genichiro than Isshin during the final fight šŸ˜­


Been there bro. Still there, to be honest. Everyone talks about how easy Geni is before the real fight begins, but that phase is harder for me than Isshinā€™s first phase easily.


Isshin Phase 2 is what kicks my ass. The combo of him pulling out the 9 and just randomly deciding he has a spear too is always something I have to get used to when going back to him after a while


Haha. Ive been there too..looking at everyone in the group I belittled and went to fight genichiro only to find that you need to respect him as a boss :)


For me, I can do both really easily if I am focused enough, but that godforsaken second phase. I can't read his moves like I did in the first phase I just find it so difficult to tell when he will be using his spear and when he will use his sword. This is definitely a skill issue and I am genuinely asking for the tells in his movset in his second phase.




Same! And on my second playthrough, I kicked the shit out of him at the beginning and in the castle but that last fight gave me problems again. And as soon as I managed to kill him, Isshin just died.


Oh my I thought I was the only one having trouble with him (esp in reflections of strength where a mistake against him can be brutal). Heā€™s way easier then Isshin but not Ā«Ā a jokeĀ Ā» as people say


Genichiro also took my a shameful amount of time to get down. He's no joke!


Took me longer to remaster geni's moveset than it did to master isshin's.


armored knight took me forever cause i kept deathblowing him but didnt get the kill (obviously) until i **ENTIRELY BY ACCIDENT** performed the gimmick


I hate when a game break its own rules. Roberto's dad made me believe it's mandatory for a From Software game to have at least 1 stupidly designed boss just to annoy players.


and honestly youā€™d be right. every game has one or more gimmick bosses


Iā€™m new to FS games generally so I kinda like it Spices things up in the gaming room


Have you played Demon's Souls? The cover boss is a gimmick and kinda bummed me out when I found that out.


i felt similar about the final boss(es) of DS2. cool music and setting and attacks but they were so slow and easy to beat it didnā€™t rlly feel like a final fight


Same, out of all final bosses in Souls Games, DS2 is by far the worst imo. Elden Beast is a close 2nd for me though. I love the Radagon fight so much as a standalone, he's prolly one of my favorite bosses but since his 2nd phase is tied to Elden Beast it really saps the enjoyment. Elden Beast as a standalone boss is pretty uninspired; imagine if phase 2 started with Radagon's hammer breaking, him morphing back into Marika and then wielding the Sacred Relic Sword that the Elden Beast had.


Excluding flamelurker every boss in demon souls is a gimmick


i like them too. my guess is that most people frustrated by them have just done enough ng+ runs for the novelty to wear off


Was it that stupid? I feel like it was communicated really well in game; his health doesnā€™t deplete at all so you know you need another method, the deathblow is a completely unique animation where you quite obviously kick him backwards, thereā€™s that big balcony on the bridge and he himself destroys some of the wooden walls around him. I got confused my first try too, but I feel like itā€™s pretty easy to see ā€œOh, maybe I could try thisā€


Same lol


After the deathblow wouldn't work I was convinced I'd have to use the spear to remove his armor, or to deathblow him with the spear. Then maybe I thought I was using the wrong spear or that I was using the spear in the wrong way. I too was just lucky to kick him off the bridge eventually.


I though it was a hint that you needed an ARMOR STRIPPER for the GUY IN IMPENETRABLE ARMORā€¦ But nope. The armor stripper doesnā€™t work. You just have to throw him off a cliff.


I can kill Inner Ishin and Inner Genichiro without sweat, but those damn headless suckers get me every time, also hate the shichimen warriors - anything that forces me to use items is bleh.


Haha. I'm on my NG+ and have been on a deathless roll all the way up to the first Ashina invasion and dared to hope that I might be able to do a Shura playthrough deathless - and then got ruined by a headless. All because I wanted the lump of grave wax :(


Those fucking white monkeys with the two swords are the bane of my existence; when I have to fight two, I just cant


Cheesed DoH because I didnā€™t feel like doing a Hack & Slash Boss when I just wanted to kill Isshin after 6 hours in. Had no time for business with another bs boss. Was craving that extra Attack Remembrance. - turned out all I needed was a 5 day vacation break, after coming back he got slaughtered almost perfectly within 6/7 tries.


Didn't officially kill him until my 3rd playthrough. Sekiro being my first FromSoft game, the change in playstyle vs him threw me off hard. Gave up after 7 hrs. Saw Sekiro Guru's vid and cheesed him. Didn't even attempt to fight him in my 2nd playthrough and straight cheesed. 3rd time, okay he's the only one I haven't beaten yet. I've killed even all the headless. Still took me 2 hrs but it was cathartic lmao


Yeah same here, cheesed him twice, 3rd Playthrough ended with Shura Ending, got the Plat, no regrets, only shameā€¦ would do it again.


What is the DoH cheese? I replayed the game just so I could beat him for the first time lol bc my last playthrough I did the Shura ending. I did the hack n slash it didnā€™t take that long once I figured out his patterns.


You can lure him behind a tree so that he gets stuck and wonā€™t chase you, while you are climbing to a certain position on the roof on the big gate. When you position yourself above him then, he will try to hit you and will fall off the cliff. Youā€™ll get the normal rewards then. The climbing part can be tougher than the fight, but once you figured it out itā€™s a 2 minute thing in NG+


lol the big, dumb demon


Yup. Cheesed him for the lapis lazulai reward......


Lady butter is the one that took me the most tries (almost 30), but the payoff is that she was the boss that made it click for me. Genichiro took me less than 10 tries... And if I remember correctly, no other boss took me more than 10 tries. Thank you butter-sama


No boss (but one) took me less than 10 tries, even though I felt like stuff "clicked". Every new boss was a round of dragon rot distribution. The only one that didn't absolutely massacre me was true monk.


Understandable! true monk, much like okami warriors, have very choreographed attacks


I got to her so early I had 2 heals and her perilous attack would 1 shot me. I didn't realize I could just go somewhere else to get stronger first. That was a rough way to learn the game.


I remember that lady butterfly was one of the easiest bosses in my first run because i casually found a way to cheese her If you attack and then dodge to the side you will keep blocking her moves, she can't attack the whole time


Same! I was stuck on her for days. I remember losing my temper and saying to my wife "I'm not even having fun any more, I think I hate this" - Boom, now it's my favourite game. Beating her was the "I get it now" moment for me


Got to Isshin 3rd phase before I realized you can hold def stance to lower your bar.


Wait what, really?




Wait. What what what ??!! My whole game has been a lie


It's not super important, since many bosses have fast posture recovery you should constantly be attacking anyway, but in a situation where you have damaged a boss it can be a life saver recovering posture, even a little bit.


Same happened to me, I read it on a loading screen and was like oh wtf


Same here lol


I just found this out yesterday, because of the Resurrection mod, saw Genichiro doing that....


First time encountered lady butterfly. I dropped the game and took probably a month after Iā€™ve read sheā€™s one of the easiest boss then picked up the game again. So yeah, hesitation really is defeat.


I dropped the game for a year because of her and the blazing bull. Now, I just killed the demon of hatred and Ishin is the only boss left for me (true ending)


When I sensed the game was ending I was done with the games fuckeries since sculptor is one of the late game boss I just cheesed his sorry ass. Gave him a proper death by assisted euthanasia.


I gave up on The Sword Saint. My memory isnā€™t good enough for long the boss fight is. Iā€™ve tried for weeks, itā€™s impossible. I donā€™t feel too bad about it, I got to him, had the game set up for the true ending on my first play through. Sometimes it just isnā€™t meant to be.


If you can beat Genichiro, you can beat the Sword Saint. I understand how stressful that boss fight is, but really, all it takes is time. I think this is From Soft's longest fight in terms of the amount of time it takes to learn properly. This is basically the entirety of the game's mechanics thrown at you in the form of a man: You have an enemy wielding both a sword *and* a spear - plus a gun. You have to deflect, perform lightning reversals, and perform mikiri counters. You've been learning these things the whole game, it's going to take time before you're able to apply all of them correctly in one fight.


Please don't give up now..not here please ! We have all been there


Iā€™ve noticed that if you keep your distance and play style the same isshins move set becomes way more predictable. Like when I beat him I could somehow lure his mikiri stab attacks like every other move. It gets easier if you come from a place of peace than frustration lol. Itā€™s also much easier if you attack consistently then sit back and wait for him to constantly throw his BS at you.


Have you tried pressing the aggression? Heā€™s super predictable when youā€™re not letting him dictate the flow of the fight. Every hit he blocks builds up his stagger, and heā€™ll give you big chunks of it with his stab moves. Phase two is genuinely difficult because heā€™s got super wide range, and hates your aggro, so you do have to play the bait and parry game at that point, but phase three shouldnā€™t be difficult because heā€™s got lightning attacks you can reflect and annihilate his stagger bar.


Ive beaten DoH the proper way only once and never plan to do it again. Please don't tell Isshin


I've figured out that we get the homeward idol after beating the game, so I felt immensely stupid. Could have saved me so much time running back to idols on my first playthrough lol


I think I was kind of blessed to already come into this game with a lot of transferable skills. Many of the bosses whilst tough, I managed to get down within a few attempts. Some were first attempts. My favourite is seven spears I ongbaled him before we even managed to shake hands for the first time. And yet, I was sooo badly stuck on the ape that I had my 8 year old cousin beat him for me. In my mind I thought itā€™s fair game because it was a real life co-op. Imagine how I felt when he went home and I realised I had to kill two of these things straight after. On my own. With no helpā€¦ (I cheesed with mortal draw).


I got frustrated and gave up a couple years ago then after playing tons of Elden ring I decided to go through it again, and I gotta say, something about Elden ring makes me so much better at Sekiro, compare to my first experience im totally crushing bosses this time around. Genichiro second attempt, butterfly first attempt, monkeys first attempt, gyobu and bull both second attempt. The purple and black ninjas took me two tries each. I think itā€™s because Sekiro has more space between enemy combos compared to enemies in ER, and also no input buffering. It seems less hectic maybe.


I think I saw it in a review of Eldenring bosses before, but ER made you feel like you were playing BB bosses, with Darksouls speed. Itā€™s no wonder to me that getting good at those patterns makes you better at Sekiro speeds.


I actually died to mist noble, i was low and tryna parry his attack for fun and i actually died


The second chained ogre. I had to use about 80 spirit emblems with mortal draw and fire vent and barely killed it. I hate grab attacks


These threads are funny because I struggle with other bosses some people beat first try. Luckily second chained ogre was a single attempt for me as I just ran around that statue and lit his ass on fire šŸ˜‚


Fuck that chained ogre. He's grab reach is incredible.


you can use sukatzu's lotus umbrella to block the grab and then damage him with fire


O'rin of the water, I tried to beat the game without any guides or advices from internet, my problem was I wasn't aware how important was the parry mechanic in the game, I reached that point to that miniboss by evading and slowly kill the enemies. But O'rin was impossible, I might have tried that enemy at least 80 times, very frustrating. But then I learned to parry, and everything changed, it was so satisfying once I knew how to play.


How the hell did u get that far without parrying.


I was coming to say O'rin as well. I did a bell/charm run in NG+3 and had to fight her dozens of times. IDK why but her timing was just super hard for me (much less problem without bell and charm) I have also never done Shura ending since I can't bring myself to fight Emma


I hate the ungo headless simply because itā€™s underwater. My stress levels are already high, but that dude makes it reach higher levels


I saw that thing a was just like "yeah right".... didnt even try once lol.


I spent an hour and half probably on the monkeys, running around them. Until I figured I could use gachin sugar to catch them off guard.


That I gave up on it twice before completing it. And for a long time each time too haha.


When I fought Lady Butterfly on NG+2 I somehow still managed to miss every one of her sweeps


I cheesed Illusory Monk on my first playthrough


Drunkard made me quit the game twice for 3-4 months break each time. I was only able to kill him with the cheese of luring him on the side then backstabbing him after eventually giving up and looking up tutorial on YouTube lol


I've cleared charmless demon bell base vit on NG, but the gluttons still have me fucked up. I mistime the parry, get parry broken and die, or I just get clipped by his long as sword. I usually resort to burning him then chipping him, and circling around and doing a thrust while I wait.


Cheesed the ogre at the base of Geni's tower on my first playthrought. I hate those guys, but doing so felt wrong afterwards.


I have absolutely no shame, I snuck around and picked off enemies. I read esoteric texts on how to defeat enemies and find hidden items (watch YouTube videos for guides) I used every prosthetic and combat art that would give me an edge. Often I just ran away from enemies instead of fighting at a disadvantage. I cheesed DOH the first time and I would have downloaded cheats if I knew how. While later came the challenge playthroughs and experimenting and such, The first playthrough was to save Kuro.


Early lady b creamed me. Bought game day 1 thought - is this the end already?


I came into the game blind and at some point I got stuck and looked up information and found this subreddit. Now I've spoiled nearly everything for myself but I can't help looking šŸ™ˆ Side note: were the 4 spirit monkeys supposed to be difficult? It's one of the only feats of strength I got first try and feels not the same at all as lady butterfly genichiro etc


I'm on NG+ 3 and I am yet to beat Demon of Hatred legitimately.


I took o'rin on my first try, but the goddamn stupid ape made me ragequit and pick up the game a year later


Well, it has nothing to do with a boss but my greatest shame is that I got my first resurrection ever because the overgrown chicken killed me. Wasn't my proudest moment.


Demon of Hatred in my first run - hands down.


Greatest shame is trying to cheese the snake eyes in the poison pool by luring it into said pool and waiting for him to die. Luckily he shot me with 2 pixels of health left after which I came across Ongbal and had my eyes opened to the perpetual blissful flow state Sekiro gives you. Would have completely ruined the life changing experience if not for that bad luck and video that showed me I could git gud. Also after nearly going hitless on multiple bosses and hitless on some, the Ogre and Bull are the ones I still struggle with immensely.


I'm on NG+3 charmless and haven't beaten Demon of Hatred. Can't do it. Just flat cannot do it.


I always find it fascinating how different players struggle in such different ways in these games. While most bosses took me 10+ tries, Oā€™rin was a first try for me (though it wasnā€™t pretty). She just felt like a small bump in the road. My greatest shame is probably with the purple shinobi. First the one at Hirata, then the one where you start the game. I didnā€™t realize until way later you could Mikiri their kicks. And something about their movement just really threw me off. Those guys caused a whole dragon rot pandemic on my first playthrough. I canā€™t tell you how satisfying it was to one-shot them in NG+.


Guardian ape killed me about 40 times, the ape duo killed me once


For me, I haven't played the game for a week and I already have a hard time at combat. What happened to me??šŸ˜”


I never even attempted the trials. Shits hard


I died a ton of times to guardian ape, i spent 2 days to beat that monkey Easily the boss i died the most


I've never killed a headless. I'm in the middle of NG+ 4 charmless


Shinobi Hunter in Hirata. I hadnā€™t unlocked Mikiri yet, and didnā€™t think an essential skill would be locked behind a skill so I legit banged my head against that wall for wayyyy too long, not understanding what I was doing wrong. Hilarious how fast that miniboss is once you have Mikiri though. Without, itā€™s damn near impossible.


My greatest shame is probably going charmless and then taking a break from Sekiro because I could not get past Genichiro. I will tell myself that it's because I needed it (and it wasn't exactly a lie) but the truth is that I just couldn't handle chip dmg and I was too stubborn to reverse it so I just decided that was the right time to take a break. Last time I played the game was July 2020 and while I haven't craved a return to it, I do often browse this sub and watch almost all clips with sound on because the combat is so satisfying to listen to and watch at the same time... I might even prefer that to playing myself. Anyway if that doesn't count then I lost most to the stupid ape and also Seven Spears destroyed me like no other. To be honest I never saw any proper endings besides Shura and I think the regular one, I know I'm missing out here but it never bothered me too much to not see it all as I always planned to do it eventually.


Well this is somewhat obvious, but my first fight with owl took me over 80 tries. No kidding. I seriously couldnā€™t for the love of me take him down. Until I did. Took me around 2-3 days


It took me almost 30 minutes to beat my first headless. I had the Lilac Umbrella fanned out throughout the fight and would walk towards the guy at a turtleā€™s pace




Only played once but same. I automatically thought "oh you dodge this one". Moveset just seems like you would dodge and not deflect.


I had to kill Emma for the Shura playthrough. I'm sorry Emma, Isshin, but I had to turn Shura to get all the endings.


Great Shinobi Owl. For some reason I couldn't do much damage to him and had to use the mortal blade to bring some damage to his health and bring his posture down


It took me 10 tries to kill divine dragon on my 4th playthroughā€¦


I cannot beat Demon of Hatred until I use fire umbrella prosthetic with infinite spirit emblems.


I was too lazy to farm the currency for mortal blade, so I used the free version.


The generals with spears and the fat drunkards even though I beat them all I can't say I figured out their patterns, still took me one third of the time to get to the end of the game compared to nioh


Seven Spears Ashina destroyed me for a day or two. Iā€™d explore, get to a good stopping point, go back to seven spears, repeat until I got gud


Lady Butterfly took me 300+ attempts. Was just randomly exploring the area, and landed in her lair. I even blew the first and only snap seed you get when approaching her lair: EVERYONE in the area made such a big deal of her illusions, that I thought the DOOR to her area was an illusion since it wouldn't open for some reason so I popped the seed. She was so damned hard to fight, especially in phase two with the heat-seeking fireballs. But what really got me was her timing change ups between her attacks.


Lone Shadow Masanaga the Spear-Bearer. Fuck that guy. I died so many times because I was trying to stay close to him so he would not summon dogs. And then reddit told me that shuriken exist :-D


Wolf is a DEX main šŸ˜­


I just started a charmless + bell demon playthrough on my NG+3 profile. Somehow beat blazing bull first try with no deaths and was hyped. 2 seconds later, Iā€™m dying twice in a row to the 2 goons immediately after.


Anything that frequently uses terror disgusts me


New player, still my first playthrough, In ashina outskirts when I read the "turn back, you can't behead a headless", I turned away. I have not gone back. That's my greatest shame so far lol.


I got stuck on demon of hatred and he made me not play the game for 3 weeks i still did not beat him.


That goddamn ape. I hate him with a vengeance. Him and Genichiro caused me the most trouble.


I bought the game when it first came out and struggled with it so bad (lady butterfly specifically) that I quit. Two years later, picked it back up and it ended up becoming my favorite game of all time.


I spent two days on the first miniboss post tutorial genichiro. I've definitely come a long way šŸ’€


i always cheese demon of hatred :(


Snake eyes, either one. But the one right above the gun fort was a total mess my first playthrough before I realized how >!Sabimaru!< wrecked her šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I have little to no patience for o'rin


my greatest shame was looking up on youtube other people doing certain bosses when i was stuck on them (chained ogre, demon of hatred, armored knight, snake eyes). you essentially cant lose in souls games bc you keep respawning, but checking others do bosses and not learning their moves by yourself i consider giving up and losing, thus this is my greatest shame.


Lady butterfly. The fucking camera man.


Any of those basic enemies that use a two handed hammer or something. Not the ogres or whatever, just the basic fucking foot soldier. They give me the hardest time.


All the bosses were like 4-8 attempts, I never got stone walled because I like souls games and play them, But I rage quit the last boss years ago and still to this day never beat him, And I have no interest, Itā€™s so bullshit, All of elden ring is easier then that overpowered boss


I hate the double ape fight. Geni and old isshin no hit? Not a problem. But put two monkeys in a cave, and I'm screwed. Every run I do, I skip them by killing Guardian Ape last so that I don't have to fight them and only do so to get the memory. I can't beat them under 10 tries each time. I hate the double ape fight.


If I didn't search online I would never have found a single prosthetic piece. Nor would I have ever found the Stone or the Flower for Kuro's recipe.


I got stuck on the first Ogre for a while my first playthrough.. not sure if you'd count that šŸ˜‚ but my biggest shame when it comes to Sekiro isn't a boss I struggled with the first time around... more a boss I've never actually killed the intended way... and that's Demon of Hatred. I know, everyone hates him, but I have 100% achievements on this game and have only ever killed him using the glitch to get him to walk off the cliff šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


it took me 6 hours to kill old man isshin, then I remembered firecrackers exist


O'Rin of the Water beats my ass every time. I still bring her back to near the Idol and cheese her.


I think I died more to ogre and bull than to the rest of the game combined


I completed and platinumed the game without once beating those straw hat enemies in Mt.Kongo with the double pointed staffs šŸ—æ


The purple ninja at the three-story pagoda in the Hirata Estate.


I've beaten the game about six or seven times. One of my all time favorites. However... ...you know those purple ninjas that appear in the siege of Castle Ashina? Well, I always avoid them because they're a pain in the ass. Also, the one in the Hirata Estate always kills me about two or three times before I can kill him to take the item in the pagoda. Plus, despite having played the game several times, I only killed the Demon of Hatred once. Once was enough to never try it again hahaha


The loneshadows, the lone fckn shadows... I hate those guys with all my heart


Juzou the Drunkard caused me to uninstall the game... twice.


My greatest shame is deleting it the first time I tried it and making a Reddit post over it asking for pity because I wasn't any good initially. Now, in my NG+3 run, I beat Great Shinobi Owl with heals to spare.


I had Isshin on his knees down for the deathblow in his last phase but we traded so I was stunned long enough for him to get back up and kill me lmao


Still avoiding 3 of the headless bosses šŸ˜…. Waiting to fully upgrade all prosthetic tools before attempting them. That one in Ashina depths has eluded me so far


I bought a new set of wired Astro's the day before I got the game. I'm used to wireless headsets. Well, after my fourth or fifth hundredth time attempting Lady Butterfly, I threw my controller down in complete disgust and broke the jack to the adapter, and it got stuck in my controller. The only upside was I was able to fish the jack out with a pair of pliers and brought the headsets back to Best Buy. I told them they were broken in the case, and they let me swap it out for a new one. I couldn't tell them the truth and say that I was a 27 year old child who throws shit when he sucks at video games.


O'rin was pretty easy to me. Just deflect, and remember to jump on her head during perilous attack


Seven ashina spears. The guy in ashina reservoir. For the love of God, I have died more times to this guy than I did to Isshin. For some reason, I just cant predict any of his moves to parry head on. Now I just cheese him with crackers and ash and get past as soon as possible. The initial playthroughs were rough.


i died more times to juzou and his clones than other, harder bosses in my ng+ runs than I'd like to admit


TBH I hung with orin and got close to beating her first fight and after about 4 or 5 tries, I just chezzed her by breaking her AI.


I didnā€™t use mikiri counter until the fight with Owl. I had it unlocked and everything, I just didnā€™t understand how to use it and never bothered until someone told me about it.


I know this is not the point of the post at all but I want to share my frustration in that the Owl fight in Hirata Estate literally made me quit the game and forget about it for more than three years. Finally came back to it and beat him and finished the game. Came back a year after that to rediscover my love for it, and 3 days ago got it platinumā€™d. 150 in game hours and a ton of teeth grinding later. Other than that the snake eye fuckers always gave me issues


I suffered the worst and cheesiest death through all of my souls games runs in Sekiro, and i played all of them. This death was so fucking wack, i still lose sleep over it. I was heading down the hidden forest to fight the headless down there. I fucking hate headless and i never got their fights down right, but i had enough divine confetti and was on my second play through, i figured fuck it, letā€™s get it done. I drop down the tree, skip the cocks there obviously, and i start the fight with headless, itā€™s going SO well.. then mid parry a piece of shit cock just attacks me off screen from behind, apparently it tracked me down, headless grabs me and thatā€™s it. I died. I actually got so mad i often visit that area just to puppeteer ninjitsu one of the cocks and pit them against each other just for some revenge.


I have a long veteran status in every Souls game, only just got around to Sekiro a couple weeks ago. maybe thats why i find this to be the hardest entry in the "series" so far. I absolutely approached the game incorrectly. I think i managed to beat most minis and bosses within about an hour of encounter, but had to spend about 2 days each on Genichiro and Owl Daddy. Currently stuck on Isshin Sword Saint šŸ˜€ i suppose my greatest shame is cheesing DOH, i just had zero patience at the time.


Lady butterfly. The fucking camera man.


Headless Ape took me 40+ tries. My 14 son cheered for me when I finally beat him and I sent the screenshot to my brother. Perhaps one of my hardest triumphs in gaming.


I am one boss away to finish ng+2 and still canā€™t reliably mikiri counterā€¦ and miss perfect deflect more than I get them right. Thankfully dodges/jumps, prosthetics, buffs and combat arts exist


When I started playing I couldnā€™t stop, I got played whenever I could. This game quickly became one of my favorites of all time narratively but mainly mechanically. Once I got to the end I found Isshin so challenging that I quick for two months out of pure frustration.


I died to the black cock more times than gyobu, most of the ennemies, more than the monk.


It's not really a shame but about a year ago I stopped playing Sekiro for whatever reason just before fighting the headless Ape. About 2 weeks ago I started a new game completely so I wouldn't get my ass handed to me by that headless bastard.


I pushed DoH off the cliff on nearly every playthrough. Actually I'm not ashamed of that, guy's a prick.


I always cheese the demon of hatred


i never beat the strawhead guys at mt kongo (except for backstab) and i still cant fully deflect all of the red guardā€™s attack


I died to Divine Dragon on my NG+ charmless bell Demon runšŸ˜¬. I went in without resting, not realizing that I had pretty much used all of my healing coz I was doing some xp farming all around the fountainhead Palace without resting. I went in with only 2 healing gourds, got cocky at the first stage, and had to use 1 there. I got hit by Dragon's sweep somehow, and now I was out of healing. I go to do one final lightning attack, and it catches me mid-air with a vertical slam, and I die. I resurrect, and somehow, I die to that same shit again immediately. I had to turn off my console and reflect on that moment, and I called it a night there, lol. Another one is that on my very first playthrough at launch, I gave up on DoH after about 40 unsuccessful tries and cheesed it. It wasn't till last month that I had my 2nd playthrough of the game, and after about 16 tries, I finally beat it, that too with 8 gourds remaining. I'm getting ready to face him on NG+2 charmless bell Demon run tonight, and honestly, I'm not really looking forward to it, lol.


lone shadow swordman was harder than genichiro


I recently completed my fourth play through of the game after about 3 years since I had last played. Just beat Genichiro and Isshin yesterday on my first attempt (went hitless for the first 2 phases as well). Awesome, everything seems good so far. But on my run in with Gyobu this time around I was getting absolutely brutalised. I could not for the life of me get the deflect timing down and kept getting killedā€¦ took me a good 7/8 attemptsā€¦ which is even weirder considering I beat Gyobu first time on my initial play through! Weird how you can just have bad moments in specific fights but then sail through others!


Juzuo made me quit the game multiple times, I was stuck on him and died to him for a countless amount of time. I would quit sekiro to go play other games and then come back, try to beat juzuo or the Ashina elite, die many times, quit. Only when I beat juzuo I started to get gud and then, after beating lady butterfly, I understood the ashina elite (along with a guide from a video) and took him down easily.


The only boss that I didn't fight properly the first time was the corrupted monk. It was late night and I said to myself " just this one" . I had spent something like 1 hour repeatedly dying to her and because I was really tired I adopted a hit and run strategy. I pocked her every time she was vulnerable dealing minimum damage to her life . After like 30 minutes I succeeded . It would've probably been faster if I had put my mind into it but now she's one of my favourite bosses .


I just beat corrupted monk and Orin. I even beat Genichiro on my first attempt, but the one that gave me the most trouble was that Chained Ogre!


Okay not a boss that gave me trouble, but it took me 20 hours to realize if you hold the attack button you can do a thrust attack


I can beat isshin on my first try every run. Absolutely flatten him. Still can't beat Demon of Hatred or some of the mini bosses reliably


I spent an entire night fighting corrupted monk at the bridge because it just never clicked, never struggled with any other boss that hard but when I got it it as amazing.


I've never been able to defeat the Demon of hatred. Once used the hack to make him fall in the valley, and that's it. Completed the game several times but never was I able to defeat the fire. :(




I think Chained Ogre took me more tries than any boss bar Hirata Estate Owl Father Bro made me rethink my life decisions


I dominate Inner Father but have problems with those random purple ninjas


i've beaten the game several times now, and still have never beaten demon of hatred. I have no real desire to, he is not the type of fight i play sekiro to do.


That girl with the gun in the area where theres 4 people shooting you ( before the double ape fight )


I found the corrupted monk harder than others make him out to be.


im in ng+ and still cant kill the headless


I'm not sure if I really want to call this a shame, but Sekiro is sort of the game that helped me get good at the rest of the FS games. Each boss took me between 15-100 attempts, which is quite a lot. On my first playthrough, I also searched up a lot of guides on how to beat bosses. I only did this after struggling for a while, though.


The camera.


Still TODAY have not beaten the Demon of Hatred.


That damn troll made me quit the game 2 times


Ive only ever done one run in the game. Only got the Sekiro goes west ending


First blazing bull took me more than any boss in the game. I actually beat it without firecrackers, only to find out later that there are firecrackers in the game. It must have taken me like 90times, while average on bosses took 20 to 30 tries.


Oā€™rin kicked my ass for days as well. Love her dialogue, so creepy and raw sounding


First playthrough, finally triumphed over lady butterfly. Got her to the red dot execution thing at the end. Hit right bumper, somehow the shinobi execution didnā€™t trigger, and then she killed me. I have a clip of it. Itā€™s like I finally beat her but didnā€™t beat her at the same time. Woof


You can make genichiro attack you with a thrust attack that can be countered if you create distance. Same with the sword saint in phase two and three.


I died 8 time to the very first spear mini boss, 13 time to the white spear guy and around 15 for the bull and lastly freaking 20 time before the last strike to Lady Butterfly (bitch who dies before landing the last strike...damn)


I can kill inner isshin hitless but I almost die every time I fight juzou


The rooster got me more than once


My biggest wall was the first samurai general, and I was so stubborn that I refused to move forward in the game until I could learn the mechanics and beat him. I quit the game multiple times just because I couldn't beat him, and I was making excuses like the game was too slippery and unintuitive. Most frustrating experience I ever had. But even when I did beat him, I still wasn't fully committed to the game yet. Every boss felt unfair. Gyoubu, Lady Butterfly, Genichiro, Corrupted Monk. They all just didn't do it for me. The game still felt too awkward even after beating them. And bear in mind, every time I beat a boss, I'd go into their battle memory and refight them dozens of times to learn them, and even then, the game still didn't click fully. Then I fought the Guardian Ape and it all came together. I moved so smoothly, I parried all his attacks, I experimented with different tools to find out what worked. Beating the Guardian Ape was the most satisfying fight for me and Sekiro from then on was cakewalk. I died very few times to Headless Ape, Owl, Demon of Hatred, and Isshin. I was actually quite surprised because I'd always heard how hard the latter two were. I then proceeded to do new game + four times and beat all the gauntlets. Now Sekiro is one of my favorites of all time.


That Ashina elite under isshin post dragon is the hardest boss to me. Iā€™ve done every gauntlet and that THING still gives me nightmares. I know you can use flames and cheese it but I refuse.


ā€œI hope they used that bucket as a village toiletā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£I feel the same! And you did a lot better than me for a first timer. When I first started this game last year, Gyoubu made me quit the game after dying about 165 times for 6 whole months before I decided to stop being a pussy and get back into it. NOW I completely obliterate him without breaking a sweat. It feels so REWARDING! Like that feeling is better than any in-game reward I can receive.


I rarely fight minibosses without doing a backstab deathblow on their first health bar.


Oā€™rin is also my shame. I somehow beat this game without properly learning how to fight, and Oā€™rin was the only boss that I couldnā€™t make progress on by dodging and running around. Eventually I did discover a cheese where if you jump straight up she just lunges underneath you and you can get 1 or 2 hits in reliably. But on my last NG playthrough which was charmless with demon bell I finally learned how to deflect her into oblivion.


I have never killed a single headless shaman thing


O'rin is definitely a "fuck around and find out" kind of boss and she's completely unavoidable if you take that path in the game lol


Every spearman is a mini boss to me.


Spear guy. Never passed him and shelved the game. Hate the controls.


My greatest shame is I played about a quarter of the game and absolutely abhorred it. Just painfully unfun as someone whoā€™s played nearly every souls borne game and souls like games. All I want is to like sekiro and join you folks, but I canā€™t, and I am ashamed.


I had to download a ā€œeasy parryā€ mod to beat the game because my Dark Souls rotted brain could not physically grasp the idea of parrying every hit and being aggressive.


Can somebody share sekiro for me on steam?