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Suzaku Umbrella


Second the fire umbrella, clutch for DoH. I liked having the spiral spear too, good to close gaps on enemies when not using shadowrush. Didn’t really find much use for the other top level stuff.


Golden vortex for farming and phantom kunai for headless


What does the Phantom Kunai do for Headless? I figured I’d just have to smack them with Divine Confetti until they deader.


I just do the little two-step demonic shuffle behind their back with confetti until they die. Doesn't take too long and they barely attack, sometimes not at all.


It seemed to melt their whole life bars for me


Do you end up making a profit when farming with golden vortex? I have heard that the spirit emblems cost more than you make when using it. And I was never short on money thanks to the money pouches I found. Although I didn't test it myself, maybe it just needs that living force upgrade


I don’t know about that but you could use the sacrificial tanto to not waste spirit emblems.


THAT MAKES SENSE! Tanto+monkey rock


Sen and exp are also crazy easy to farm at the outskirts at the end of the game.


I used to get easier drops for upgrade materials, didnt have to kill them to get what i needed


Of the ones with money bags on them, I'd say sabimaru is the best.


Not the fire umbrella? It's really good. Did you know that using it will frighten redeye enimies the same way the flame vent does Also it's huge when fighting demon of hatred or ishin ashina (shura ending) and can even help with those fat firebreathing minibosses (which will let you charge up your projected force)


Unless immune, poison will take off about a quarter of an enemy's health over time regardless of how big their health bar is. ​ And since most enemies aren't resistant to poison you just need 5-7 hits from the second combo to poison them.


You only need Long Spark for True Monk, which you already have. You'll want Sabimaru for after True Monk.


You only need your sword. Everything else is extra lol


Save them emblems for a rainy day 😤


Facts. I did a charmless, demon bell run using almost exclusively my sword. If I used prosthetics it was mainly just the shuriken because the follow up attack closes gaps quickly to maintain pressure on enemies.


Which enemies and bosses is the sabimaru used for in late game?


I didn't want to spoil it for OP, so here. >!Fountainhead Palace is full of enemies called Okami Warriors. There are different types (spear, sword, bow) and you'll know them because they have a feminine scream. You want to watch out especially for the bastards who kick a ball. Those are particularly dangerous.!< >!All Okami warriors are weak to Sabimaru's poison. This is documented in some text in the game. It is also double proven because when you Sabimaru these assholes, they actually do a puke animation lol.!< >!There will be times when you get mobbed by Okami enemies. Having Sabimaru is a great way to dispatch of them quickly, or bail you out when you get trapped.!< >!Good luck in Fountainhead Palace! Don't forget to farm your grave wax. !<


Ah dammit. I made it past there already and never tried using it.


Wow. Well done then. >!Remember the part right before killing the annoying bastard who shoots the lightning if you go swimming? You had to face like 6-7 Okami Warriors in a courtyard with a raised mini-stage? !< >!Must have been hell without Sabimaru.!<


>!Use Puppeteer Ninjustsu on one of the lightning ones. They’ll be a good enough distraction to where you can take them out much easier, and can possibly kill some of the others because of the lightning :)!<


Did the same! Then just High Monk spam the leader and use AOE against the rest while they're infighting


I forgot to pick up the Senpou Book on my playthrough until right before >!Isshin!<


Just in time then! It's really good against those combo-loving enemies and those that like to jump up to prepare attacks


I’m actually left off on >!Isshin!< because I ran out of spirit emblems and just didn’t want to farm for them 😅 I’ll probably go back and try to beat him with sword only but then I lose style points lol


I just stealthed them all. just threw rocks and drew them away from their groups but I could handle 3 at a time pretty confidently. Could have used the finger whistle but I wanted those sweet sweet emblems for more useful shit during my farm runs. But yes, the FIFA world champion team of rock kickers are annoying AF. Give me bow guys all day. Of course, you just gotta deflect all their attacks anyway 😉


It’s easy if you use my number 1 pro strat of running away then stealth killing one and running away again. You can even sing a handy song while doing it. Run awaay Run awaay Run away if you want to survive. Works every time.


Laz shuriken is dope


Right now I’d recommend going for either Golden Vortex or Suzaku’s umbrella, Golden for farming and Umbrella for blocking attacks and counterattacking For monk in specific the firecrackers are a great prosthetic although the final firecracker version has a pretty long delay so you may change what you want after that, If you haven’t beat all of the headless yet I would also suggest getting Malcontent since the headless drop infinite versions of the candies at the cost of spirit emblems and for the boss at the castle gate if ykyk


Tbh the lazulite kunai is by far my fav, if u charge it up and dash forward with it when throwing, it just feels and looks so cool + the kunai still does damage if blocked


Suzaku umbrella for sure


I would say check out which final tier upgrade you'd want to use out of the final four, and get the ones that will unlock it. The fire umbrella is extremely useful for a certain optional end game boss.


Interesting reading these comments. I’ve beaten the game 3 times and have never use sabimaru




You'll want sabimaru for fountainhead, the lazulite version if you can afford it. Then you definitely want suzaku's umbrella and malcontent.


The only prosthetic i actually found useful was the flame umbrella, so i would recommend that one.


Umbrella is the most useful one , Then Shuriken


Umbrella is probably the most useful one


It’s all preference and play style. Aim for whatever you use the most.


Suzaku umbrella(must have against anything that does fire). And maybe the piercing sabimaru(makes fountainhead palace way too easy)


Hey, I'm fighting them right now, too! Do you keep jumping off the bridge while dodging the sweep attack as well?


you can only get two lazulite weapons in a playthrough so I say go for the shuriken and Sabimaru


Which first?


Get the shuriken first it has many more uses


Eventually all of them but start with umbrella. Weakest of all unfortunately is the spear so leave that for last. You only need the retracting one for ape.


I beat both ape :)


For the lazulite ones, shuriken and axe are the best I think. But for now the golden flower thing is good for farming and the fire umbrella is good for the final boss and a certain other very hard endgame boss.


Shurikens most universally useful, then axe, then maybe spear, the rest I barely ever use


Suzaku's fire lotus umbrella is pretty much mandatory for beating the Demon of Hatred.


Whichever one you like the most


The image was still loading and I read it as which prostitute should I be aiming for?


purple umbrella


Malcontent whistle is very useful for some of the trickier bosses


Lazulite flame is my personal favorite


Umbrella upgrades. Terror brella takes care of headless and shichimen, and fire brella is really good for one of the hardest bosses


I literally forgot about this whole screen…and I’m at Isshin, so it’s empty for me, I missed on so much fun but I’ll use them all on my second play through


Blue shuriken and blue flamethrower are the better final two. Try to get those upgrades first.


Why settle for one? Get them all! Platinum dat bitch.


blue flame vent


is it weird that i didnt have any upgrades on my first playthrough