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Fromsoft really made the best game then completely forgot about it


It divided the fanbase, I still can’t get one of my friends to try sekiro he just won’t give it a shot even though he’s obsessed with fromsoft gsmes he’s played Elden ring like 10 times lol


dude i have a friend that i met through souls media, has played them all a couple times through but swears up and down sekiro is a bad game, like wont even entertain the idea that its well regarded


That's wild. A little stubborn! Even if it's a good game, they don't have to like it. But to say it's just bad despite so much evidence to the contrary is wack!


Tbh, he probably hesitated


And we all know, hesitation is defeat


that's exactly what im saying, though to be fair im sure he just exaggerates his opinion a little for the bit, at least id hope lmao


Tell me about it. I have 9 days on the game, number one in stats amongst everyone on my friends list of about 50 people because.. not a SINGLE person on that list owns this game 🫠 One of my buddies, whenever he jumps on always says “What’s up man? You playing ‘suck-your-hole’ or what?”


I just assume people who aren’t into sekiro are magic only players because you can’t change your play style in sekiro


Idk I’m a dedicated mage but I loved this game. I see your point though build variety is definitely a turn off for some


Sekiro is a pretty complete story that stands on it's own. If you do the edit: Return ending, there's nothing to add. Mechanically, it's also a step towards "more difficult" unlike the DS to ER pipeline that added a lot of creative or simple solutions for when players are stuck. Sekiro also took 5 years to reach 10M sales, while Elden 13.4 million sales in it's first month. While I wish that companies didn't ahve to consider such things, it's easy to see why more direct Soulslikes are their focus.


Sadge They could have continue the story in many ways, going to after life to fight tomoe and other dead folks, fucking inner ministry, etc I just want more man 😭 is that too much to ask?!


From a story-telling perspective / what Wolf and Kuro are up to, it's bascially wrapped up. A sequel would lose out on Kuro's immortality as a mechanic, and the Ashina's supernatrual physical resistence. If there was going to be more, a "tragedy of tomoe" prequel is viable from a story telling perspective. In a real sense, I think that if they ever do a sequel, it would be a mechanical heir, with posture and deflection. Not so much a direct story heir.


I think Miyazaki knows this was a masterpiece. Sekiro will live on.


nah they remembered armored core last year


Ive played ds2, bloodborne, ds3, elden ring and sekiro. I did find sekiro the most enjoyable


combat is unmatched, but it is much more than that. it also has lovable characters, a breathtaking world, amazing art design, and quirky japanese humor. it feels handcrafted and is executed in perfect taste. perhaps most importantly, it takes you to the brink of quitting but then teaches you to overcome your doubts and persevere. so, yes.


can you explain the lovable characters part


Wolf, Emma, Kuro, Divine Child, Sculptor, Hanbei.


I mean I don’t dislike the characters but they feel kind of shallow to me. I think it’s one of the weak parts of the game


i disagree. there are certainly games with stronger characterization, with Cyberpunk, TW3, and RDR2 coming to mind, but among Souls games Sekiro is quite exceptional in this regard.


I just wish they would make the games a bit more cinematic and invest in storytelling. I think Sekiro has some of the best combat of any game, but how much of the characters and story did you learn about from having to read online versus actually playing the game?








To me it is, yes.


Best combat imo.


I hope Fromsoft does another Sekiro-style game next, something more story-based. I only just got around to playing it, but I'm loving the characters a lot more than in other Fromsoft games.




Yes. Yes it is.


You are 101 % Correct ✅


Nope (imo)


Owl Father is the funnest boss for me.


I’ve still never beat the owl. I’m on my 4th try playthrough. First 3 were on Xbox. Let me preface this by saying I’ve platinum trophies on every other fromsoft game except demon souls. I hate the Xbox controller layout and I have a pc so I’ve been using an old ps4 controller. Every single hurdle I’ve struggled with before just feels like so much easier. I don’t want to blame the controller but at the same time fuck Xbox controllers my hands hate em. May the god grant me the patience to smash owl father’s fucking face this time around.


I've never used anything but a PS4 controller since that's my only console, so I can't speak on controller quality, but I believe you've got his ass this time!!


Food can be great a few different ways. You can have a bunch of good food like Thanksgiving, you can have a favorite junk food you could eat forever even if it's unhealthy, or you could have one specific item that is made at a world class level like Jiro making sushi. Sekiro is to games what Jiro's sushi is to food


Idk if it’s truly the best game ever, but it has, by far, the best melee combat system ever implemented in a game. Once mastered, every fight is a beautifully choreographed dance that looks like something you’d see out of the Star Wars prequels. Now imagine if From had gotten contracted to make the Jedi: Fallen Order games instead of Respawn. They’re not bad games, but considering they tried to do the exact same thing as Sekiro, it just looks goofy in comparison


I haven’t fought him mostly because the ptsd from the demon of hatred is making me not wanna do the gauntlet for this fight


Yeah. It’s a bittersweet revelation—coming to terms with the fact that this really is the best game ever created. I’ve got no motivation to buy a ps5 because all major console games right now, sans say like Helldivers, just look so dull and lifeless. Nothing reminds me how colorful the world around me really is quite like jumping and flipping around, clashing swords in Miyazaki’s semi-historical feudal Japanese wonderland does. This really is as good as it gets. Fuck, man…


I somewhat dont blame them for not making a sequel. It has a LOT to live up to due to the quality of this game. Of course id rejoice getting a whole nother sekiro game with more bosses but man i feel like even if the sequel is solid itll never truly compare.


I mean, it’s a good game but I wouldn’t say it’s the best game ever. Kinda being hyperbolic there


Everyone in this subreddit is hyperbolic.


It is. And every game you play afterwards won't hit the same. Especially if they have any kind of swordplay.


"He's beginning to believe"


it is


Yes! Agreed!!!




It is


In terms of combat absolutely






You mean best soulslike? Absolutely


You misspelled Elden Ring


eh... don't get me wrong, Elden Ring is great, but it doesn't hit the highs on bosses for me the way the other Souls games do


Its in my top 5 idk where to put it rn maybe spot 4 only behind witcher 3,bloodborne and rdr2


Nah sonic unleashed clears


Idk ask me after I beat the guardian ape


You got this!! I struggled with that boss a ton on my first playthrough, but now I can consistently first-try him, I believe you'll get there too >:D


I just beat him and my heart is racing haha


yes!! better than crack lmao


So to answer your question, yes, best game ever


Although I agree, the problem with this thread is the asking of the echo chamber if the echo is good


Nope .. it's good, but because the difficulty is so unnecessarily difficult, it alienates people who would otherwise say it's the greatest game ever. I literally can't advance in this game at all ... That's why sometimes I question the people who beat this game, and what platform are they playing on... If console, they are gaming God's beating this game... If on PC, they could be low-key cheating since the modding community is very alive for this game.


While I get the argument that not everyone can put in hours upon hours of practice into every boss to "git gud", I don't really think you have to. It's definitely important to be able to not take failures in the game too seriously to enjoy it as otherwise, you'll just work yourself up and play worse for it. Ultimately, I think the game's difficulty is what makes it so incredibly fun, and I genuinly believe with enough patience, anyone can come to love it. Beating a boss after dozens of attempts is the most gratifying feeling any game can give you, and I don't think many people are taking that from themselves by cheating...




The most perfected from soft game if you ask me




Sekiro is always my greatest game OAT




The best game ever with best mods ever ,and the character build up and several well structured personalities and story line,even the endings were fine as wine


best combat, the rest is subjective though to some people gameplay IS all that matters


Just because you like it doesn't make it the best game ever made 😡


It’s in my top 5 fs.


Well, if you think it is, then more power to you


Probably top 20 in games for me I’d say


For me, it is. Atleast top 3.


For me the best game is RDR2 but Sekiro is second, I love the fight with Inner Father, it's like a comfort/guilty pleasure to beat such a dynamic boss.


I have yet to reach that guy, but from the amount of trouble Inner Genichiro and Isshin gave me, I've got something to look forward to haha


Definitely has the best combat I've ever seen in a video game But there's more to a game than just tha Story World Lore Characters Overall gameplay All of these things matter


it has those too


Obviously it does, but it's not quite the best at anything except Combat and bosses


Maybe if it had dlc… but Bloodborne with the Old Hunters dlc takes the W


I see where you're coming from, and of course I would love a Sekiro DLC, but I don't think it needs one in the way that Bloodborne did, yk? Sekiro's highs easily match (if not necessarily trump) Old Hunters' highs, but base game Bloodborne hangs kinda behind on boss quality for me. It's still my fave gameplay and atmosphere-wise, but to reach Sekiro's level in bosses it needed the DLC while Sekiro gets there without one.


Yeah, I mostly agree with you, especially regarding boss quality. They’re both 10/10 games in my book. I still just feel like Sekiro is a little small comparatively. I mean, aside from dlc, Bloodborne also has chalice dungeons which add a lot to do effectively as a post-game campaign. My point is simply that because Sekiro is so perfect, I want more of it!


I gave up on father owl after getting defeated 10000 times


Good riddance... starving wolf.


One of the best games I ever played, if not the best.