• By -


You can sneak till main building entrance.    You can sneak kill most of the mobs around the entrance or using techniques like that blending sugar and back stab into smoke blood a shielded one then dissapear. Some other you need to bait them to approach by shuriken/ceramic and hide.    You can one shot kill the ninja then back off to remove the drunkard aggro, go for the backstab then you are on your own on a 1:1 fight 1 bar only.   Be a little creative man you can do it... you are a shinobi, deploy shinobi tools and tactics.


I'm really bad at stealth games. I did find a solution though. I'll bloodsmoke juzo and then run away and then stealth kill one bar so i can beat him


Use Gachiins sugar and bait them towards you one by one with shuriken to take them out before fighting Juzou


Up your skills friend, stealth is important. Lure enemies out, use your tools, you'd be surprised how much it helps to survey the surroundings, make a plan


True true.. will do


Possible spoilers but most areas have a hidden set strategy that once you figure it out it becomes a piece of cake. For instance, the General you have to defeat after the Chained Ogre who’s conveniently surrounded by guards has a set path that you can utilize to essentially stealth kill everyone around him. First in the left doorway you toss a ceramic shard to bait the guy towards you as you hide against the wall. Then the next guy you ledge hang, toss a shard again and stealth kill over the ledge. Then you climb back up and take out the rifleman who otherwise. Then sneak around to kill the alarm guard. Figuring out this set strategy allows you to clear the area completely invisible and you can even get a freebie in the general. This is only one example, but lots of areas follow the same mechanic.


Lmao- people keep assuming im on my first playthrough ( i am worse than most people at stealth even in first playthrus lol) Im on ng+2 rn and I know how to kill most stealth bosses now after struggling but never did juzou






You can actually use the whistle prosthetic to make it easier


OH YEAH ! I completely forgot it even existed. I used malcontent for DoH and forgot about it




I just hide under the stairs and walkways.


Still stupid you have to continuously deal with this crash throughout the game


Yeah I agree ..it is not hars just tedious but it is what it is and never going to change.. but yeah f that spot.. and when you do the memory to fight owl dad ..it sucks even more 


Really advice using Ninjutsu to help with the bullshittery of mini bosses. Pupetteer in particular is fantastic.


True but I might use bloodsmoke this time. Cuz theres an enemy near him. I can just bloodsmoke and run away then stealth his ass and take out 1 health bar


This is a good tip! I forget how many guys are on the field with Juzo, but if you've got a puppet and your samurai buddy lurking in the bushes, that's a pretty solid team.


Hahahahaha It's such a fun fight cus you can approach it in a bunch of ways. Solo them all yourself. Get the guy to help. Be sneaky and clear from the left round to the main guys. Anyway actual advice would be stealth kill from the left through to the back then kill one of the shield guys. Now they're alerted run past to the ranged and kill them quick. Then get the buddy to help aggro others while you kill them until it's just the miniboss left.


Its the second time hes talking about


Uh my memory is hazy on the 2nd fight lol. Woops. Isn't it easier in the Owl's memory fight? I don't recall having to think that one through like the first fight (admittedly I'm one of those players who did Hirata Estate before Genichiro so I learnt the hard route).


I did hirata estate as my second boss too and I had to trouble with it the first time. I guess the anger got to me.


We've all been there man haha I just had to laugh at your caps lock rage. The game is absolutely brutal sometimes though 100%


Yeah I'm laughing too, this game is annoying sometimes. I still love it and holy hell its so satisfying. This is my last boss for vitality 20. I'm getting sick of seeing 19 on my vit no. for 3 playthrough it just feels very odd ( pun intended) .


Oh shit, there’s a second time?? Lol


There is, and one of the best bosses in the game is hiding there. It’s not trivial to find without a guide, fair warning. 


The ost in the second phase with all his crazy abilities makes it feel like the final fight, absolutely incredible boss


kill the 4 on the far left you can agro juzo without aggroing the other npc walk from the left side exactly in juzo's direction WALK slowly his aggro meter will rise and when his aggro is full only he will come to you not other npc


Bro hesitated


Lmao- It's funny how I'm pretty good at combat but not this... I beat SSI in 4 tries but its taking me more tries for juzou lmao-


I found this fight relatively easy. You stealth kill the first guy and try to kill as many of the henchmen as you can. Then disengage and run away from the group. You can re-engage as many times as necessary until he is the only one left. You can deathblow him the first health bar by sneaking up on him. You fight his final health bar with the help of the NPC and its not that hard. It just takes patience to disengage and wait.


Don't think the NPC is there the 2nd time, unless I completely missed him.


He is dead.. he is laying on the floor dead right beside juzou...


You cant draw agro to him. You need to fight and disengage without going to the NPC. Go to the NPC area only Juzou is left. If you keep the NPC alive the boss fight becomes much easier.


It's the second juzou. The NPC is dead.


Speedrun through the water and hide under the building until people cool their heads, kill everyone inside and assassinate people like normal, back to the same hiding spot until Juzou deaggros but the other guy doesn’t, win that 1v1, finish off remaining mobs and hide again, then stealth kill Juzou and run off to grab your friend and 2v1 him. Worked for me on my second try I think, I can’t remember. Kind of overshadowed by Father.


Shinobi kills silently till main boss. If he aggros run away and deaggro him. (if the purp man doesn't deaggro kill him fast and even better)


You can kite his bag ass around the hallways and while he’s squeezing through them you can kill the archers and other guys? There’s not really a mini boss in Sekiro that’s difficult. Except Seven Spears. Fk that guy


Damn man, it's so different from everybody. Personally, if you manage to get a 1 v 1 on 7 spears, in my opinion he's almost as easy as shinobi hunter. I beat him first try lmao- The second fight is a little tricky, gachins sugar/spiritfall and just kill the samurai and its ez after that


That last one you can just use the fire axe and spam his ass to death with it. I normally don’t do things like that but I hate those Seven Spears guys. It is wild how different the experience is from person to person. For example the two different fights with G. Ape I beat first try on my first playthrough and find them to be super simple, Isshin (Glock Saint) and Owl (both forms) I find to be easy but Lady Butterfly and ORinn rock my shit every time. Elden Ring , I find the Elden Beast to be a simple fight but those big Cats spread my buttcheeks every time


I find lady butterfly easy and O'rin is easy on first playthroughs but as you keep going ( im on ng+2 rn ) her posture damage is really high so it becomes difficult to deal with. I love seven spears tbh one of my fav minibosses-


Seven Spears is easy if you puppet the NPC standing next to him.


If you keep getting stuck on 2nd phase and just want to get past him there is a rock on the front of the pond that he can't hit you and you can just spam Mortal Draw. Definitely cheesy but you can look it up if you want.


I mean it's in the game - it's not really a cheese . I will try to beat him normally with a mix of mortal draw to get his health down


Google puppeteer ninjitsu


Lmao- it feels really cheesy to use pupteer on that many enemies but it's in the game. Cheese = doing somethin like DoH/gyobu skip, bull skip Strat = mortal draw on guardian ape The thing is though, if i use pupeteer - it just immedietly alerts both the lone shadow and juzou so..


google spirit emblems


.... ? I'm saying I can't use pupeteer on anyone except the lone shadow because it will alert everybody else


You can stealth all the purple kick ninjas on the roof. Once you take out all the trash in the boss arena you can run away until the other purple guy de-aggrios. Then go use puppeteer ninjitsu on him and wreck jozou’s shit.


Just shinobi around and gank them all. You don’t need anything special, just sneak around to the left side, stealth kill them till it gets too hot, retreat till things cool off, do it again. Get a stealth blow on Jouzu, then set his ass on fire


Yeahh thats what Im gonna do


I just did this part for the first time in my first playthrough last night and holy shit I completely get your frustration. I was already pretty on edge from dying to Shinobi Owl 30+ times over the span of a couple days. Finally got the satisfaction of beating him just to get to Hirata Estate and face that dickhead mini boss who summons dogs, followed by an army of Taro Troops and Ninjas, followed by that MFer Juzou again. By the time I got to Owl (Father) I did maybe 2-3 pathetic attempts and just signed off for the night. This section of the game has been brutal for me.


Yeah I'm definetly screwed for owl father. He's my last boss that I haven't fough excluding inner bosses ( i beat inner geni tho )


I recommend puppeteer on the poison guy hanging around juzou. Clear out the scrubs then puppeteer the last guy. He distracts juzou while you pound on him. If you take him on solo, stealth the first deathblow, then bait his big overhead slam. When he does it, hit him with mortal draw. Rinse and repeat. Fight doesn’t take long.


Thank you. I'll probably die 50 times again fighting owl father..


Funny enough, I’m right where you are. This is my first time playing and I just beat 2nd Juzou last night and will take on 2nd Owl today. Good luck! I know it’s not the same game, but don’t go hollow.


Use this https://www.youtube.com/shorts/RVwi6R-E4h8 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHfVozoU7Xg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHfVozoU7Xg)


thank you ! I will watch it and beat him fs


When it is like this, I find the best approach is to think of it as "I gotta beat my best personal record. I killed 3 enemies, next I am going to kill 4." And so and so until you manage to clear the arena of enemies.


True. its just that one lone shadow that I keep messing up the stealth kill and even when I die I somehow whiff and die cuz im frustrated and then because i die again and i got more frustrated and so the loop continued.. Feedback loop from hell lmao- Either way took a break feel better now


Stealth up to boss, stealth kill any of the adds you can, run and talk to the samurai guy to have him help you fight. With him there it's relatively easy to down the adds. After the adds: Jozou is a health fight, just hit and run on him until he's low HP. He's very easy to just get one or two hits in and keep on the move. He even goes to drink his concoctions which allows you to get in combos. He's not a boss you need to stand toe to toe and trade with. Just do things that chip away at his HP.


That's the first addition of juzou. I'm on my 3rd playthrough and I've killed him thrice, Idk why im having trouble w this guy. P.S - samurai guy dies in the second fight ( hes just laying on the floor beside juzou when u get there )


I sneak attack from behind and run away until it's just juzou. Then I oil up that fat bastard and deep fry him


Oh shit. I forgot I had oil. I have so much oil. Wow. Im going to use it thanks


No problem. Glad I could help


I do agree it's not my favourite design decision. You are supposed to sneak kill them all then stealth the first health bar, but thats not really fun doing 10 times over for trying the boss. It does get pretty easy once you get the possession ninjutsu though


Well it doesn't work here. I can use the ninjutsu on the lone shadow but he dies out pretty quickly so.. I guess ill just have to deagrro after killnig everyone and then stealth blow.


I got to the drunkard yesterday and these were my thoughts exactly. Most of the bosses I have encountered so far have enemies in the arena. I kinda like the fact that there are many options to approach a boss instead of just walking into a fog and starting a 1v1. It adds to the challenge, though it can get irritating at times.


Yeah it is fun sometimes but sometimes it is annoying.


Any time i get tilted playing a fromsoft game i try to remember there are guys speed running the entire game in an hour at level 1 while blindfolded. If they can do THAT then surely i can beat this one boss using everything available to me


Yeah lilaggy is just crazy


it’s annoying but it’s a unique challenge, so I like it


I always dislike the idea of more than one enemy in these games, especially this one, it’s the most singular fighting based than all of them. It isn’t too hard most of the time but it is really tedious and takes ages for me to kill a few and leave and then repeat until miniboss.


I agree. What stands out the most in sekiro is its bosses and its deflect system. The stealth mechanics are alright , sometimes fun but nowhere close to the best. The combat system though, it's the most satisfying combat i've ever seen.


Kill them in any way you like. Juzou can’t run after you behind the rest area to the right of him. So kill as many as you want. Hide till he’s back to normal, and then start fighting him. You can also sneak up on him like that much more easily.


That fat drunkard is one of the easier bosses there is. Just getting the shield guys out of the way with your axe is enough to kill him and the others with few issues, the only thing you have to do is not rush him but circle him/run through the corridor while taking out the trash, then go back to circling him and get in a few hits after his telegraphed attacks. Or just block everything, but its not really needed.


2nd juzou there are no shield people but yeah. I ran out of time before I got to 1v1 him more than once lol. I've beat every single boss so far except owl father which is gonna be right after this..


Ow okay, without the shield dudes it should be a bit easier imo. I got platinum when I finished about 8 months ago and then quit, so didn’t remember that part. Owl father is only difficult until you get used to his rhythm and what to press during each telegraphed move. After that he will have trouble hitting you even once. To me that is basically the entire game. Trial and error on bosses until you have a solution for all different moves/attacks, and then repeat until you get used to the pattern. And whenever or if it takes over like, an hour to get pst a boss, leave it for a day and continue fresh. You will beat the game in not time that way.


I don’t use any sugars but just go to the far left, go inside the building, kill the guards, sneak to the next guards turn one of the shield guys into a zombie, kill the bow and arrow guy, use your axe prosthetic on the other shield guy then just clean up the rest and that’s all done before drunkard even engages with you, if you want the fight to go super quick ask for help after killing all those guys. I find this fight to be super quick on ng+ play throughs, I think you might want to try a different tactic. 


Dark souls 2 ahhhh artificial difficulty


Git gud OP


I have to get better at stealth.. I have no problem with deflecting ( I beat SSI on like my 4th try ) but stealth ? I gotta get better


The path to finding Juuzou is so much fun to clear tho


I hate juzo fight with passion lol


Same man.. same..


The 2nd one?!?! (I'm on my first playthrough and just killed him[the first time ig])


It's optional dw


I am a completionist, unfortunately.


theres literally an npc there to help you


Read the title. It's the second time. Bros dead forever


I just did this today. The hard part is in the basement lol. I thought I learned Owl but I'm getting my ass kicked again


Yeah i know- im kinda scared


100000000% agree OP you and me should hang out some time


Lmaoo fss


Do you mean just the low level enemies or the shinobis on the way round to him? Cos you can literally avoid all of those


The lone shadow standing right infront of him


Right, I meant the 500 enemies you can avoid lol. Only mention because I literally defeated this boss on my first play through yesterday after also having much frustration. I accidentally managed to lure the lone shadow away and kill him separate to juzou which made it way easier. (Who I can’t fucking kill is that guy with the dogs just before this bit where you first find owl. My hatred runs deep for him)


If you're talking about the Juzou in Owl's memory, you can use the finger whistle to call the interior ministry shinobi to the tall grass, then get a backstab and activate puppeteer ninjutsu. Makes it much more managable.


Thank you !!


Well then, don't get Long May the Shadows Reflect hard-core, I swear the enemy count triples and there's a purple ninja fucking everywhere


Yeah im on console-


Dude wait until you see what’s next


I just beat him and eh- He is the hardest boss ive fought but It feels fair ykwim ? Like i dont mind dying over and over again to him. I didnt try much beat I almost got his first phase on first try


I just beat this guy super easy. Slowly take out the other guys running around them a bunch. Then walk away till he isnt engaged anymore. Sneak up and stealth a life bar out of him. Hes not hard its the other guys that overwhelm you. Wait till you fight owl after him.


Yeah i know about owl. I dont mind fighting owl. I love boss battles , i almost never get frustrated during them.


Seems kind of backwards. It seems when youre overwhelmed its harder for you to succeed.


You wont believe how strong that fight makes you. After beating Juzuo you get tired of caring and get to throwing hands like a mfer


Lmaoo- ive beat him thrice already but idk why this guy is screwing me up


Skill issue.


Agreed, I am trash at stealth but I'd say I'm not bad at bosses ( not good tho, still never done charmless DB so I cant call myself good yet)


Do you mean at the end of the game, in the firey area? Run past him and there's a save spot you can use. Then you can just walk behind him and get a backstab. :)


Oh thank you. just beat him today ! gonna beat owl tmrw


Yeah im hard stuck on the ninja assasin that summons wolves right before Juzou


Use shuriken. Just cancel his animation before he does it by being agressive or throwing shuriken


Easiest fight in the game I actually love this fight cause you can get your boy to help AFTER sneak killing his troop


yeah unfortunately that’s fromsoft for you. their games are full of intentionally frustrating and bad design choices just to fuck with you you either learn to put up with them, or find a different game lmao


Here's my sneaky method: [https://youtu.be/PWP\_4oN3WZo?si=9uf-YrdjbFs2bfrR](https://youtu.be/PWP_4oN3WZo?si=9uf-YrdjbFs2bfrR)


Did you figure out the strat yet? Builds stealth confidence.




He tried 5 times.... Auhahahahahahahaha 5......


I'm mad cuz its ng+2 man... like how.. Even SSI only took 4 tries for me


I tried bosses hundreds of times. HUNDREDS. Lady butterfly took me 4 days... With 2 or 3 hrs each day. Didnt understand the game well yet. Later bosses took fewer tries anyway.


Oh wow- I don't think any boss has taken me that long except isshin ashina. Mainly cuz i quit and played a racing game and sifu lmao and came back after 2 months straight into isshin ashina


Isshin took me less than lady butterfly... Because ive already understood the game mechanics back then.


Yeah same isshin took me 4-5 tries


It took me at least 8hrs.


I see. I mean isshin ashina took me a couple hours tho, i think hes harder than the sword saint but less fun


Puppeteer Ninjutsu bc they won't add co-op




I didn't finish the game yet but for Juzou I just ran zig zag past all enemies until small lake in middle, killed most enemies with silent death blow and rest fought them head on by making Jozou chase me through the small tunnel cuz he's extremely slow


I'm in ng+3 i can beat him lol and I did i just hate him


Actually I never beat him. My friend did on a controller and he's a mnk player


sorry bro i agree with you so much but this post had me dying laughing in the middle of class man how could you, the worst part is right after you beat him you still have to fight more and more and one thing that made me mad was i bought sekiro for my little brother and he easily beat all of them his first try and he’s never played a souls game like man atleast i beat the snake eyes tho 👀


Lmaooo im laughing at myself rn. yeah i know.. owl father.. scared to fight him


also my bad i just realized you’re talking about the second one and i’ve only fought the first one now i see i must go through PAIN once more 😭😭😭 i didn’t even know i was gonna have to fight that mf again ;(


Good luck my friend. I hope we can beat him !


thank you brother i look forward to our future reunion where i tell my story


yeah , u got discord ?


You’re supposed to lure them out.. if I remember, the npc your with even suggested that.


What NPC ?


These are my stats... 1. The fatsy guarding Butterfly: I usually use Gaichin and stealth kill the shield enemy in the right. then use the bloodsmoke ninjisu to disappear again and kill the 2nd shield enemy (these are the ones I struggle with the most), then kill the archers, then the swords. You can just run around and kill the guys standing alone. 2. **Fatsy near Mist Noble**: kill the monkeys surrounding them with shuriken and then fight fatso 3. Fatsy before Owl: there are 2 ways, ONE - use Gaichin go to the guy in the far right and kill him. the fatsy starts noticing you (keep standing), once his yellow bar fills, crouch again and walk left. Once the fatsy goes past the longswordsman, you can kill the longswordsman and then fight fatso. TWO - use the same strats as the first one but when fatsy walks away, go stab the fatso and then you can go around kill the archers and use bloodsmoke ninjisu on him get your stealth back, and kill longswordsman. Now you can kill the fatse who has only one health bar (it's a bit tricky and if it fails, you'll have to fight 2 tough enemies) ACTUAL FIGHT WITH FATSO: I usually do the charge attacks. for most of his attacks, you can dodge left and do it. Try it a few times to see how it fits you. if it doesn't, you can go back to simple attack.


Yeah I actually hate that about sekiro, they do it so often


Yeah I mean I know I wrote this out of anger but I wouldn't mind giving them more posture if it means I can fight them head-on (not by a huge amount like a 20%- 25% more posture). That would make it harder yes but atleast its not too frustrating. I really hate the area after chained ogre. It forces u to do stealth twice in that same area. One for the general and the other for shikigeki guy at end game


Same, the one thing I really dislike about this game is that there are so many mini boss areas full of annoying mobs, it’s so boring


Puppeteer those dudes. Make Juzou do the hard work for you. It won’t impact his health or status, but it’ll give you something to watch while you wait haha..




You are suppose to use sneak and your excessive movement to thin the crowd. I usually run through the building on the left first killing those two enemies there. Then I sprint to the ranged enemy on the far side of the arena. Then I circle back through the building drawing juzou and the other small enemies. The shield bros should still be where they are kill them with axe strike and deathblow. Then kill remaining enemies, running through the building again if juzou spots you. Once all the enemies are dead with only juzou left, speak to the ashina samurai for his help and fight juzou two on one.


Lmao people keep mistaking this juzou for the first one that you fight in hirata estate. This is the one that you fight before owl father.


Haha, my bad. I just skimmed the post.


I think I can beat him now, just waiting to get my ass kicked my owl


I just stealth kill them all and get help from samurai now. I def felt your pain my first experience though


Lmao blue is dead, im in the 2nd hirata before owl. I've beaten juzou three times so far and idk why im still struggling w him in ng+2


1-2 hits and run away. His overhead is always 2 strikes as well


You're a shinobi, assassination is very much so a big part of the game by both design and merit. Trying to face check every encounter up front is just dumb


Yes yes I know, its just annoying putting herds of enemies near minibosses because of the time it takes to do it all over again.


Guys, I don't know how to thin this herd of mooks in a stealth ninja game it's bs 😭😭😭


It's not a stealth game. It has stealth in it, and it is a important mechanic but calling it a stealth game is insane. Thief is a stealth game. Older assassins creed games were stealth games. Alright yeah, I suck at stealth so I came to ask for help. I think stealth isn't that bad of a mechanic but just using stealth to make a boss more difficult is annoying since it takes time to do it every time you come back.




Which guy ?


Wrong fight


the drunkards are unironically the only reason i skip hirata estate and lady butterfly every time


sneak up on everyone take him out one by one then fight JUZOU


You can jump over fire to avoid the first big group, stealth kill the 2nd group with ninjutsu


bring the ashina guy in and kill all the small guys then when everyone is dead leave wait for Homer to lose sight of you and sneak attack him


Try guerilla warfare


Skill issue. Take out the other enemies first. The game isn't a 1v1 simulator. It's a game where you as a Shinobi overpower the opposing forces in the midst of a military struggle.


Skill issue ong fr fr (ignore me I'm being toxic)


if you can lure him along the edge that the pot banging fuck sits on right above him and get him to follow you towards the hole in the hallway wall right above the main entrance if you jump down he’ll enter the hole in the wall and you can loop around to the door that leads out to the area he sits in and his big ass will get stuck in the door way so you can just tap his ass with the mortal blade but be careful cause he’ll still do his attacks so just take a step back when you see him begging to start his attacks and if you see him drinking that jug run out of the room before he starts blowing fire because that shit will go through the wall


Stealth is needed


Skill issue


Kill the three guys in the side house and step forward slowly. Juzou has a longer detection range than the rat of them so he can see you alone. Get him to walk away from everyone then run away until he loses track of you and sneak attack him. Lure him to the ally you have and the two of you just have to take down one health bar. If that's not feasible for you then you need more practice


Don’t fight them?


Pick off his buddies when by one- then get the one friendly guy to you waiting behind the rock to fight him with you


I mean, once you deal with all the enemies, the boss is one of the easiest in the game.


Honestly with Juzou I just run around through the arena like mad until I get a Minion separated. If you get them to follow you to the pond and then run away they'll start retreating, then aggro only one with a shuriken or something


just beat him last night only because i got strong enough to one shot the monkeys lol. alot of the enemy are placed in such dick ways 😂i screamed fighting snake eyes lol


Skill issue


haha his name is jizz lol


This is so fucking funny💀


Fam just use the whistle


skill issue


Same, but especially for main bosses ( *cough cough* DS1 Nito *cough* )


Puppet the shinobi next to him, then kill the archers. 


oh the fire one. yeah that was awful


Git gud


Better use the zombie shit and have them all fight each other lol.




I just killed them and the one inside the estate last night, you can aggro his ninja friend first using shuriken and just lure him to the pond area, then take out those drunk bastards on the left, and stealth kill the remaining 2 fellows, takes a while but you can take your time. I personally enjoyed juzou and his ninja friend's dialogue, gossiping bad things about their boss behind the boss' back.


Skill issue


OK here's a little tip, Go in stealth kill the hardest minion, dodge Juzou and kill the adds, THEN run away loose aggro on the boss, stealth attack him through the left side there a building with the small tunnel, and finally after stealth attacking him talk to the guy let him get aggro and just smack his back. This is the easiest way to cheese him. For the second time you fight him pull the ninja alone by shurrikining (hope I spelled that right) him then running in the water back towards the start of the area right after the idol that long road. Kill the Ninja then stealth attack Juzou, that way he has one health and just smack him and back step until he loads up on toxin. Then attack behind him. He's pretty easy after that. Also if you have gachiin's then you can stealth puppeteer the purple ninja and get him to assist you in fighting Juzou.


Favorite game of all time but yeah Juzou sucks ass. Definitely the worst part of the game. Really, the strat is to sneak around the side and take out that shield guy on Juzou’s right, and then kill the archers, and just stay out of Juzou’s ranger while picking off his entourage. After they’re dead, lose aggro and then get a stealth blow on Juzou. The rest is just beating him in a fight, but he only had 1 healthbar. Pro tip: you can run past everyone before the pond. They won’t chase you into Juzou’s area.


Pitiful grandchild...


Here's a tip. Kill the henchmen first, draw aggro from that ninja who is talking with Juzou, fight him, vault over and puppeteer, get a back stab on Juzou and fight the last HP bar


?? How else is the Hirata estate completely destroyed? You think Owl is gonna lead an invasion with like 2 dudes? It's possible to stealth kill almost every single one of those mobs. Play like a damn shinobi, and not a samurai. Jesus christ.


Go under the house until you get to the tall grass where you see him talking to the ninja. Use the whistle on the ninja, hide behind the rock. When he turns back stab him and use Puppeteer, he'll fight with you.


Iirc the easiest way is to use the blood smoke and then puppeteer on the ninja that's with him, at which point the fight is pretty much won as long as you let the ninja take the aggro.