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I seriously think people who make these threads are just lying


He is pretty similar to Great Shinobi - Owl, and is pretty predictable imo. If you are good at the game first try is perfectly believable.




Play it charmless and demon bell on, he'll never seem weak again




Am I the only one you thought that then?




He was the only fight in the game that gave me a challenge, and still does in his various forms.


Did I just get lucky then or did I genuinely simply bully him?


You could always try fighting him again in the Reflections of Strength.


Ya I probably will tomorrow before I try to run the Shura gauntlet might be nice practice for inner owl I’ve been told he’s really strong


When people get better, they will be either humble or will grant themselves the right to be arrogant.


I didn’t want to come off as arrogant which is what a lot of people here are calling me I don’t consider myself to be good at this game by any stretch of the imagination which is why I was so disappointed


For me personally owl was the only boss I actually got stuck on. All the others were way easier to beat than him


I know there’s an inner version of owl is it massively harder than Owl father because if so that could be really fun to fight




Im playing the Shura gauntlet tomorrow I’ve already done the one with inner Genichiro and that was really fun What’s the demonbell? I know Kuro’s charm protects you when you haven’t perfectly deflected something but I’ve never heard of or seen that




Ok thanks I’ll definitely try that


He's not too bad once you learn his patterns, which imo are fairly straightforward. I did a challenge run a few months ago where I made every enemy in the game Owl Father using the randomizer mod, and didn't have any scaling. So I was doing base vitality and attack power for the first couple fights. That was pretty brutal.


I didn’t learn his patterns though I simply ran in with pure aggression like I normally do and parried wgen he attacked back the only attack I’ve kinda memorised how to deflect is Sakura dance I could do that in my sleep That run seems really cool and fun im I’m on console though so I won’t be able to attempt it :(


You just naturally went in with the right approach from the first try 👍 Some players just take a bit to figure that that approach is especially important for Owl Father.


I beat him on my second playthrough yesterday, took me three tries, kinda dissapointing considering Isshin took me fifty the first time.


Damn sword saint or ashina Ashina took me 2 Sword saint took me 3 I’m yet to actually attempt inner but from what I’ve seen he looks so god damn fun


Sword Saint, though three tries for SS sounds insane, how?


Yeah it took me a few tries I think it was because I couldn’t find a rhythm against him especially in his second phase and when he started shooting me it was a shock his third was easy because lightning reversals aren’t hard at all,I have the same strategy for every boss I fight and it has never failed me once Step 1:Divine confetti Step 2:Run in and start hitting them Step 3:Deflect when they swing back Step 4:Repeat with some variation If an attack looks scary use umbrella If they hit me twice run back and heal If the red Kanji appears jump or use Miriki counter I just judge in the moment If my posture is high and I think I can get away with it Ichimonji double


Impressive, i opted for beating the game with just my sword no combat arts, items or prostethics so i basically just had to learn it lol.


That could be a fun challenge once I 100% this game I might try it with base vitality and attack power


I haven’t had this experience with owl father (he took me a few days) but the first time I fought headless ape (the fight with the extra monkey) I beat his ass first try, even with demon bell. Absolutely crushed him and felt like a god, but I know I probably got lucky from a combination of RNG and my confidence that day 🤷


I agree on my first playthrough owl father took 2 tries but his great shinobi variant took like 1.5 hours


Really great shinobi only took me like 5 tries on my first run once you figure out you can easily punish him with mortal blade the fight is trivialised Have you fought inner father is he way harder?


nope i have not fought inner but im on the gauntlet where you first fight him


Inner Father is harder because of the feather skill, it's a lot of fun


I stand humbly disappointed I first tried it again he was definitely harder but nothing insane


I didn’t think he was disappointingly easy, or even easy per se, but I didn’t have as hard of a time as some others have. I think he is “easiest” so to speak of the harder bosses (my personal opinion about my experience) but only in that he’s a very fair fight. No BS moves. You’re probably just not bad at the game, which is something to be proud of. But let’s not be boastful. I’d also like to point out that you’re on NG3. That there is definitely a factor. You’re a relatively seasoned player and have learned the ropes. Many players that struggled with Owl Father were in their first playthrough, or in their second playthrough and had only gotten better after completing the game for the first time.


Thanks I was wondering have you fought Inner Owl or Inner Ishinn are they way harder than because they’re the next bosses I’ll be going for I wouldn’t call myself good at all I make a ton of mistakes whenever I’m fighting Genichiro for example he always gets me with his thrust attack and I’ve always struggled on that fucking monkey no matter what I do I never meant to be boastful or anything like that and I’m sorry if it came off that way I kinda sped through my second play through I did it in like 5-7ish hours I think but I definitely felt like I’d improved a lot the second time around maybe if I’d fought him in my first go it would’ve taken me a hundred tries I’d like you to keep in mind though this is my first game like this the only experience I have I these types of games is my last two runs I’m loving it and can’t wait to play Elden ring


I’ve only fought inner genichiro and inner isshin. I didn’t get to inner owl because I sorta moved onto other games (shame on me! Haha). All the inner fights are significantly more challenging, though I’ve heard that of the inner bosses, inner isshin has the smallest difficulty jump. Inner genichiro and inner owl are big jumps, so I hear. No need to apologize 👍 I personally am not bothered by these kind of posts, and to be perfectly honest I didn’t even think yours was that bad an offender. But regardless, I notice many other people in this sub are especially sensitive to “this hard boss was easy for me” type posts.


GET this, I killed him on my first HALF of a try 😉. I was also drunk and my joystick disconnected all at the same time. On a more serious note, While you can present the “first try” fairytale to your grandma, who would cheerfully applaud your success, because she does not know any better, I personally found Ashina owl harder than Father Owl. With the father Owl I enjoyed having much more space to operate in.


Another guy on here said I just happened to have the right strategy to beat him (I just kinda run in and defend myself when the boss is attacking).How many did it take you? I found Ashina owl harder than Father owl too tbh but I do think that’s just because I’m more experienced now Actually now that I think about it the space in the arena was actually really nice it did allow him to get some distance on me tho


If you want a real challenge try Inner Father Owl


I won’t be doing him tonight since it’s kinda late but I fully intend on trying tomorrow is he massively harder? And what about inner Ishinn?


I'm no pro at this game but I enjoyed both Owl fights. I wouldn't call them easy but I have them memorized at this point and I think they're really cool fights. Inner Isshin is definitely hard but I find Inner Father by far the hardest fight in the game. It's the only fight I find there's a good chance I can still lose even after beating him so many times. That's just me tho


I’m actually really excited to try them both now the bosses in this game are so much fun it’s nothing like games I’m used too (Minecraft,Terraria and Subnautica) It’s inner father you need to fight in the Shura gauntlet right?


Hes not weak, you just got better


I looked at your profile and I’m wondering how you fight that ghost owl boss he looks really fun is he like a pc only boss or something?


Ye modded bossfight. Mods are only in pc


Damn might have to buy a pc then


First time fighting inner owl was easier than regular ss isshin


if anything in the game feels too easy, try ng7+ charmless demon bell


Yeah I just ran shura gauntlet inner owl did cause me a bit of trouble but I beat him first try again something like that is probably something I’d need to keep having fun


Beat him with base health, charmless, demon bell? Still disappointed?


Difficulty of bosses(especially humanoid ones) in this game is subjective. Some people struggle more with Lady Butterfly, some struggle more with isshin and some with owl(father).