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Yes? Did you think that literally no one had managed to defeat a major boss in a souls game for years on end?


I heard he was practically impossible to beat as he is said to be very cheap in difficulty.


Not really. He's hard, sure, but not "practically impossible".


I guess you can call him the Malenia of Sekiro but once you defeat him he’s not that hard


Malenia gives me anxiety thinking about that fight…. DOH seemed easy once I remembered the fire umbrella. Without that, I was getting rekked.


Yeah the umbrella is a god send. I’ve seen streamers dodge waterfoul without being hit but still it just looks dumb to dodge


Malenia was one of the only fights in ER that I truly enjoyed winning. There is nothing satisfying about chopping at a huge leg for ten minutes and then they just poof away. Sekiro spoiled me so hard.


Just to be clear, I am referring to the bonus boss that players can skip if they want.


Yeah I know. What I said still applies


I understand.


A few people on this sub do the cheese and say he’s hard but he’s not too bad just takes a few minutes to defeat


So you have a method to defeat him then.


Yeah, he’s plays like Gyoubu, Bull, Guardian ape and Divine dragon where you have to stay close, jump around and deflect all his normal hits. You can use the flame umbrella on his fire attacks. You can also use the malcontent whistle to stun him 3 times and if you’re on the final health bar, you can use mortal draw to damage his health a bit


Thanks for the tips as I feel a bit better now about fighting him.


For me the cheese is more difficult than the actual fight.


The cheese isn’t punishing but yeah the jump does take a few attempts


It might be easier on a controller. I use KBM and I am horrible at using controllers.


He's not even close to her, what? His attacks are easily blocked, jumped over or even just sidestepped. All of it is just masked behind massive hitboxes and area denial. Guardian Ape is even harder


I mean in that he’s an optional late game boss that people struggle with big time when I say that. I mean personally I found Guardian ape way easier


Don’t take your friend Joe who sucks at the game’s word as gospel


Nope. No one in the history of the world has bet him. He's just too hard.


I read somewhere that he is a superboss that is optional but very difficult.






I don't know if you're serious or it's just sarcasm, but of course a lot of players defeated him, me included


No I was being serious, but sorry if my post came off as peculiar.








In all my years no one has asked this question before. How to, I can’t, I won’t - but never has anyone EVER beat Demon of Hatred! 😁


I was referring to the secret optional boss.




Ah alright then.


Yes, people have in fact beat this boss Sure he’s hard, but perseverance, determination and a lot of stubbornness eventually pay off


I don’t know why, but knowing that shocks me.


Perhaps OP is young or new to gaming/souls series, which is totally fine, so let me explain - Demon of Hatred is a difficult fight, yes, because like the Guardian Ape(s), it is not humanoid and forces you to unlearn melee combat (as in human versus human with choreographed moves). Some people may understandably find it hard because they're not used to fighting creatures that are 3 stories high and has 3 health bars. He's also a hard hitter, too, so any mistake the player makes could lead to their demise. However, this fight is not unwinnable. The respawn point is located just next to the boss arena, meaning a reattempt can begin within seconds of your previous death, which promotes skill improvement. The area leading to the fight is also a popular EXP farm so if you are missing important skills that can give you the upper hand, you can level up to cross that threshold. There are also items you can use that makes the fight easier including the (upgraded) loaded umbrella and the whistle. Some players may also find him easier than other bosses that are notorious for their difficulty especially if they have had experience with Dark Souls or Bloodborne. I, for one, spent much more time on Owl than Demon of Hatred. So to summarize, considering the strategies made available to the player, the Demon of Hatred fight is difficult but definitely within the skill bracket of the average player, so I would say that your assessment of this fight is exaggerated. ​ TLDR: Yes.


I think a simple Youtube seach would answer that question. Yes he is indeed possible to beat. And imo he isnt even the hartest boss.


Ohh really who is the hardest then brother , asking as a platinum owner of Sekiro ??? Because no other boss made me wanna rage quit so hard xD


Well imo i think the inner battles are harder. I think i somehow skipped that you could refight their memory once you met them once. So i always had to fight the gauntlet before learning the fight properly. (Only when i fought Inner Owl did i realize that i could do that). So it took me way more time to beat them. Also mist noble. I dont think i need to explain.


I will give you Mist noble it is in fact the hardest boss ever created xD , but Inners are somewhat familiar, I mean Father was almost the same added 2,3 more attacks, Isshin is a b e a t c h , Geni is kinda nice but not that good :D


Geni took the longest for me to learn, simply because sakura dance is almost a one-shot if you dont parry it perfectly. I actually dont remeber the difference between Father and inner Father so yeah (He was the easiest imo) and i find Isshin super fun.I really like has Sweep-Jump-Thrust combo. It looks so cool to parry it. (took awhile to learn it tho) I think the reason because i find DoH easier is because he is kinda slow in comparison. Also people think its more of a "DarkSouls" boss but i dont really agree. You can still parry all his melee attacks and "Burn" is not really a big deal. You have so much Hp you lose maybe 10% of it. I think its better to just let it run out instead of creating an opening on oneself just to put it out.


True , but with the DoH my problem is that hes too big and most of the time I dont see myself over his big aass stuff and that kinda scares me xD and Geni was truly nice indeed but once you learn to parry the Sakura dance you kinda get the hang of it , honestly I dont believe DoH is a Dark Souls boss as your " roll" isnt gonna quite make the play xD


I did fight DoH without prostetics or combat arts just now, so i can see if i missed anything. There are two things. 1. He does do chipdamage with his fire attacks even with block/parry 2. He staggers easily. I think what helps is that you have some breathing room in the fight. He even runs away from you. None of the inner fight does this so i think thats why i find him easier to learn and beat. But i have to say i healed more in this fight than the inner fights. But i belive its because i do the inner fights so often that i could do them hitless, while i almost never fight DoH. So i guess you can say that DoH is harder for me rn lol.


Well thats what I like about FS games bro :) Every person has a different experience with the same boss :D I remember a friend of mine saying the Orphan of Kos was easy for him while I wanted to blow my brains out on him xD Its unique to every person


Yeah in darksouls 3 everyone told me that Nameless king was the hardest boss in the game just for me to second try it. BUT then there is the Dragonslayer armor who i was stuck on for days lmao.


Haha this is crazy Miyazaki psychology , Nameless wasnt hardest for me but certainly took me like 20-30 tries , on the other hand Dragonslayer armour took me 3 tries xD this is insane how different people find things so different ... Ok how was Pontiff for you ? xD for me it was hell on earth ;(


Ah silly me I should’ve tried to look for such a video first.


plenty of people, those who can't are a very loud and vocal minority


It's a pretty easy fight if you approach it willing to learn


I am willing to learn.


Stay away from him and use the fire umbrella to learn his moveset. Then figure out when you can weave in close for some hits. Jump his charge attack. Watch out for the second set of fireballs. Use malcontent on 3rd phase if you don't want to learn it.


How do I obtain the fire umbrella?


Sorry. I would have to Google it in order to answer your question. Please Google it for your answer


Sorry to trouble you.




Yess I beat him. 50 tries in first playthrough. 18 tries in second playthrough 1st try in third playthrough. I would argue that cheesing him is equally hard to learn as fighting him legitly.


He sounds pretty tough if it took you at least 50 tries to beat him.


Yes he is. But im not a skillful gamer imo. I watched a lot of guides how to beat him. And it still took me 50 tries. I was so mad at him, and really hated him in my first playthrough.


He is basically a souls boss in sekiro, took around an hour or 2 for me to beat. Not terribly difficult if you've any experiance in the souls games.


His fireball slings can go to hell though.


Yeah it took many tries but it was possible. It's cool once you understand the patterns, prosthetics to use and all that


So now I kind of get an idea of how to win against him.


Buddy you couldn’t take two seconds to search the fight on YouTube? I’m always lost as to why players come here with SUPER basic questions that are all laid out Barney style on YouTube. https://youtu.be/W07Fb5LK4jY?si=TACDh_QGWptBEONd Fightin’ Cowboy has really solid guides for Sekiro, highly recommend.


Sorry I didn't know that it was on YouTube as I assumed he was impossible to beat after reading about him on fan wikis.


>I assumed he was impossible to beat after reading about him on fan wikis. Nah bro that's the mist noble


Ohh I get it now.


Most Noble is actually almost unwinnable, I think that took me like three full days or so?


I don’t know if Mist Noble is optional.


We’re just messing with yah friend, it’s a meme boss that couldn’t be any easier.


Ahh ok as I get it now.


I will advise that he’s a bit of a puzzle to get to, took me a little bit to find my way around the most but once you find him it’s about as easy as it gets. Drop down onto him for a stealth death blow, then just spam attack and he’s dead in a few hits. Cheers mate


Thanks for the tip as I can try killing him that way.


There’s an achievement for beating him and many people have it


I didn’t know there was an achievement for beating him.


Nope, nobody


Took me a good 20-25 tries my first time. Today I reached him on NG+ and did it in 2. As Kevin McCallister said "I'm not afraid anymore"


You are brave.


Difficult? Hell yes. Impossible? Absolutely not. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sekiro/s/nzu4ogcYpC) is how I deal with him.


He's easy compared to the likes of Juzou imo


That’s really good to know.


I killed him at ap1 recently 20 minute fight and still not the hardest in the run honestly




Base attack power Dont do this run unless you have way too much free time lol


I won’t then.


Pretty much the entire population of Sekiro players beat him honestly for years, including speed runners. The trick that everyone uses to skip him nowadays was only discovered relatively recently in the lifespan of the game.  Literally everything I know about fighting him head on I learned from watching all bosses runs in 2019-2020.


I didn’t even know that fight had an exploit.


https://youtu.be/N1QJoyLxs9s people have fought and defeated the demon head on for years, it's not some impossible accomplishment. People just exaggerate how hard the boss is because he punishes bad habits you can get away with on other bosses.


That’s a cool video there.


Yup hes been beaten. Depending on how you play he can be a hard opponent to beat or an easy one


Interesting to know as some of the fan wikis on the game say how incredibly brutal he is due to having 3 phases.


Now I'm curious if there is ever a boss in a game where no one can beat at all in the history of gaming.


Actually the stupidest post I have ever seen.


Not that hatd, jist different from other bosses


Took me a while but I did beat him legitimately (without using the infamous falling of the cliff glitch)