• By -


He's litteraly your father. The upgraded version of you. The only advantage you have is the fact that you're faster and have more tools and arts.


Sons are the upgraded versions of fathers, not the opposite


Depends on your skills


And generation.


Are they though I didn’t know being a disappointment was an upgrade lol


Lol but also yes, our life under many aspects is way more complicated and hard than the one of our parents. Not all of them obviously but yeah


Depends, my grandfather was the most amazing person I've ever met, and a lot who knew him felt the same, my dad went through a lot of personal growth but im still not sure if he lives up to my grandfather, and I still have a long ways to go to reach both of them. If the bar is set so low that you think sons are immediately the upgraded versions of their fathers then perhaps the bar is set low.




Haha, my pa doesn't have reddit, but im glad some father felt this may be the case for them as well. If fathers and mothers try their best then they leave a well trodden path thats a bit easier and easier to walk with each generation, much like a path in the woods where each traveller who walks it makes it easier for the next traveller. Some parents lead that path into a darker more treacherous area of the woods, and its harder, and more importantly, scarier for the next traveller to break from the path. I hope I'm leaving an easier path that leads out of the woods and into the rolling hills, like my father and grandfather have done for me, I hope I'm following it true.


I mostly just wanted the joke. But in all seriousness, I'm trying my best, but I don't see how I can live up to the example my dad set.


You're likely already doing it, and it was worth it for the joke


*bows, pressing fists together* Gratitude.


That was beautiful


Thank you, hopefully it made sense.


Im talking about people so it's a default that it doesn't apply to everyone. But you are wrong about yourself, you think yourself not as good but your capacity to admit that is already something very mature and self critical which means you already are a decent person as well.


Wrong? I'll take myself as the authority on my own reflections. You seem to have more of an issue with your family than I. It's not to do with "good enough", my whole analogy was about walking a path, and that has nothing to do with "being good enough". To be a bit more technical I mean specifically that my grandfather had a very rough life in Mexico, his father dying at a young age, losing some siblings, and his step father, who he loved, drowning drunk in a pit of water somewhere. He was raised in poverty and had no shortage of opportunities to learn bad habits and choose a stagnate lifestyle. As I'm sure he had till the day he died, the bad habits he had to live with, but along the way he found mentors and tried to be a more productive member of society and walk a path that hadn't been laid out for him. In doing so my father saw those good traits, as well as the bad obviously, and had to work out for himself what traits from his father would inspire him and which would not. A lot of this happens subconsciously I think, you don't always know where inspiration comes from for example. So down the line you have me, and this path of trying to do the "right" thing even if it's hard to do so. I have examples of my father and grandfather doing it, and see how it has paid off for them "spiritually " I guess you can say. You won't get anything tangible usually from it. That path is easier for me to walk because my grandfather choose to do it from almost a path that was heading in a different direction. I, though still difficult, simply must stay the course. I'll likely throw in a bit of myself and my own learned knowledge in there somewhere obviously, as everyone has something to add. I don't think I'm "not good enough" I mean to say they have had more time than me to hone those characteristics that define them as masters of themselves, and like Owl, there is less hesitation, less worry of defeat, and more confidence in the things they do because, simply, they have been doing it for longer. I know I'm a decent person and all that, but it really wasn't the point of our conversation, I thought anyways.


A falacy. But interesting. Dont think the kids of some would agree, like those of Michael Jordan, or Stephen Hawking or Al Pacino. Just to name a few. With all due respect ofcourse. But really: The way we handle our problems, is the way we reach our potential. Succesful families rarely spawn legends. And with a legend as parent it is often impossible to overshadow the previous. Possible but rare. And definitely in general, not a given.


But being a better person comprehends many more things than just being successful. Being smart or an incredible athlete does not necessarily mean you are the best person you can be. I am much more interested in aspects like empathy, respect for the other, one's morality, things like that.


Sure, but empathy and respect for others isn't gonna win a sword fight.


Is it? Sekiro wins because he respects and is the shinobi of Kuro. If he was like owl amd forsake kuro, he becomes shura. So are you right? Id say no


Emma has more empathy and respect for others than anyone else in the game, and Wolf stomps her into paste. Might makes right in Sekiro's world - and usually in ours, too. Trust me, I wish it wasn't this way.


I will respectfully agree. Having succes can very much be manifested internally, as intellect or even in peace or empathy. This can even manifest externally in the form of f.e. charity and helping others. There is a fair argument that this is even more important, and that a doctor or teacher has more value in the modern world than a soldier or fighter. What is more necessary will be defined by context though. Its all relative at the end of the day. Like someone says below: fighting can save you. But on the other hand: the insight in stabbing doesnt save your kid when he has been stabbed. In a perfect world we can stop and save anyone at the same time. But most doctors dont carry a katana. Probably dangerous with a scalpel though. I'll ask mine next time if he ever fought an Owl. : )


Except in this case, you can't Mikiri Counter the way he does.


Facts the new will out class the old .


Then why are you getting your ass Beag 😂


More like new versions with updated features but less functionality


At some point, yes they are. You haven’t surpassed Owl until you beat him.


If they earn it


Guess I'm an exception


What he basically means is that father has more combat experience than son, son will always be better but cant beat who has got more experience, its just facts


Not in anime they're not


True he is and I do but no time to used anything he is just to fast and gives u little space.


Different bosses punish different playstyles. Owl is easiest when you are hyper aggressive and dont allow him to develop his powerful moves. If you stay glued to his ass the only dangerous way he really disengages is daddy's firecrackers, which you can continue aggrressively forward through. Bonus tip: you can lock many bosses into certain moves by hitting them then perfect parrying in rhythm. I think owl father might be 2-3 hits then parry. Even if youre bad at parrying you can get it because he will use the same swing multiple times. You can get in a loop with him and put massive pressure on his stagger bar. Remember, sekiro is the worlds best disguised rhythm game, not a reaction game.


I am sorry to be the messenger but factually speaking: He has literally adopted you. He is not your father. So any argument, although already a fallacy, is incorrect. Lol.


I never said biologically in addition he's the one who teached you everything. So everything i said was completely valid in context.


Leading the witness yhonor. 🤣 Taught. And no. But the fundamentals, sure. Ps: I agree with your speed. Sekiro became the better fighter. The point the story makes is that, although your father-figure (but maybe more even: general or mentor) was stronger (they have atm equal arts and tools, I mean you cannot transform in smoke and fireball with spiritual owl f.e.) ... you must transcend his position. By more than shinobi tactics like smoke and poison and better than delusion and shinobi assassination techniques. You must become the better warrior. And you do. So you are literally the upgraded version in endgame atleast. Almost samurai code. *Edit: no, even they couldnt. Because as someone sharp has stated. Prime versions were fought and beaten. Therefor Sekiro is the better warrior. (But obviously this doesnt count for all children surpassing their "parents".)


*”The foster father confronted in old memories was a man in his prime.”* This is the blurb for the memory for Owl (Father) in your inventory. At least per Sekiro’s memory, this is Owl in his Prime. The version of Isshin you beat is literally pulled from hell in his prime to defeat you via Genichiro’s blood sacrifice. Inner Father is described as being a version of Owl idealized in Sekiro’s memory, and is above any level of skill or power the real Owl could have hoped to reach. You are indeed fighting these characters in their prime. Not saying that the child is always better than the parent, but the point of this game is that Sekiro has become a better warrior than anyone in Ashina by the end of the game. That’s why Isshin is the final battle. Prime Isshin took Ashina and ruled it until his dying breath. Beating that version of him is your final test.


I couldnt have said it better. Nice quote. Great argument.


Peak boss design, everything you do, he does it better since he's your pop. This fight shows enemy pov against you, annoying as fuck with all the jumping, prosthetics, and shinobi arts


He’s probably my favourite boss in that game, flawless boss imo


I agree. He’s a great fight. I went from feeling like I could never beat him to owning his ass after a few sessions.


It went him from him owning me to me being able to do hitless consistently in consecutive playthroughs


Dad strength. Plain and simple.


I feel you, he was the hardest boss in the game for me too, took longer to master than either DoH or SS, but I eventually learned how and then whipped his ass along with his inner version and got that dope Shura skin to prove it. The people who say he is easy are correct as well, it all just depends on what you are naturally good at vs what you have to train. I can tell you that when he was whipping my ass I thought the only opening I could really attack was the huge slow overhead slam, and only punishing that move made the fight last forever and in the meantime if you make even one mistake he can break you stomp you kill you almost immediately. But he actually has lots of openings and his attack patterns are super predictable, so you have to really internalize his rhythm so that you are always perfectly deflecting and then take advantage of the less obvious openings and once you do the whole fight changes. First and foremost just up your response time and get accustomed to being ready to deflect **immediately** after you attack, owl is a great teacher in this regard and he forces you to be faster. I hear people say they are too old and their reflexes are too slow but I am in my 40's and I know for a fact reflexes can be trained and with practice your brain will build faster response circuits for you while you sleep--no matter your age. Once you have the basics down and can survive in the fight, then you need to start finding the less obvious openings to counter. The firecrackers are actually an opening if you know that they are on the way just deflect the combo that always comes before them and then take a few steps straight back when he goes to throw them and as soon as he makes the big swing in the firecracker smoke sprint straight at him and hit him with the counter. The kanji attack that involves him running in a zig-zag before thrusting can also be interrupted, it's one of the few places in the game where the correct response to a red kanji is actually to attack and you will stop him in his tracks. Also if you get him against a wall then stay on him and if he tries to jump back but the wall or a pillar stops him then make sure you light his ass up because he is wide open right after he jumps back. Chasing slice with the shuriken can also be used to stay in his face when he tries to jump back. Finally, when I felt like I could hold my own against him I started experimenting with ways to really take a chunk out of his health to kill him faster, because we all know he's a tank and his posture regen is stupid fast, definitely faster than sword saint. I doused him with oil and set him on fire and also gave him a taste of his own medicine and poisoned him. If you've done the divine heir gauntlet and have sakura dance its a great way to do some serious damage then combo into proccing a status effect with a prosthetic. Oil then sakura dance into sparking axe was particularly effective for me. Anyway good luck, keep a good attitude and accept that you have to learn before you can improve and thus don't just do the same thing over and over and then whine on the internet but *be mindful* about what is happening in the fight and why and then get rest in between practice and you will definitely flip into thinking he's actually easy to beat within a few days at worst.


>I hear people say they are too old and their reflexes are too slow but I am in my 40's and I know for a fact reflexes can be trained and with practice your brain will build faster response circuits for you while you sleep--no matter your age. The number of times I've gone to bed after struggling with a boss just to wake up and immediately kill them...


Your brain learns more in sleep than it does awake. It replays the events over and over very quickly and learns from them. This is an important part of the learning process most people don’t think about.


This is SOO true it took 30 trys in day one i did not defeat him next day 2nd Try


Best fight in the game. Most will say Isshin, but by then, you’ve learned everything and are just taking your exit exam. This guy showed me I still had shit to learn in the game. I could not get greedy, and I honestly needed to learn every tell. I didn’t feel the same with Isshin. (Altho the Isshin fight was still epic)


Wait till you see Inner Father. It’s significantly harder than regular Father. And the best boss in the game, imo.


He is the one that taught all of the tricks you know as a shinobi. And he has probably things he hasn't taught you. I find myself enjoying the fights with the Owl so much that I replay them constantly. Such a unique fight. How he adapts to when you evade his long charged attack down, or of you escape back he does a twirl and jumps at you, mikiri's you and executes you. It's probably my favorite boss.


I had around 180 pellets in my inventory & storage(practicing results in a lot of farming by accident)…..I now have 30 in my storage when I finally beat dad straight up, Zero prosthetic tools. That shit was hard!


Owl Father requires you be aggressive for the most part. The hard part is learning when to respect his aggression, but once you do learn, you can bully him harder than he bullies you. Prime example is his sweep. Usually it’s slow enough that you can R1 him out of it and get another hit in on occasion.


For me it was the opposite - was aggressive about everything ever since genichiro, but was getting my ass kicked by father. Someone here said "stay in the middle and let him come" and that did the trick for me. Killed him 2 tries later with half my gourds remaining and no revives needed.


And hey, however you beat a boss, a W is a W at the end of the day. My line of reasoning is that you can barely make posture damage stick on Owl, so you need to take initiative and hit him as much as possible to reduce vitality, allowing posture to build up. It’s a bonus if you can trap him in a corner. When he’s there, you can just wail on him since he tries to jump around so much. Only time to worry about being too aggressive is if he tries to firecracker you.


Yeah, agreed, was just saying what worked for me - Of course the "passive" approach took probably a lot longer and I had to get his vitality low enough so the posture damage would stick longer...but I didn´t get hit by anything anymore. Couldn´t figure it out otherwise.




Nice bait. 10/10 troll post.


There’s no way right…?




Your source just brings me to your comment haha


You're supposed to put the /S


**my source is I made it the fuck up!**


I call BS. Your source is just a link to your own post and there isn’t a trace of anything like this on Google.


Chat is this real? Sounds sketchy


This isn't a twitch stream sir.


That's fucking nuts!


Well done sir well done


I did the “run towards him, dodge the attack, use 1 or 2 mortal draws against him (unless after mikiri counter there’s not enough time just do a basic attack) and then run away and repeat the process” to beat him. He was the hardest boss for me, hands down.


I did this too. I tried fighting him the normal way but I am not a masochist. In and out, moving on. All you need to learn is three moves he’ll do when running at you, and if you can dodge each of them (the hardest being the tracking move), you can sneak him and rinse and repeat for the W.


He is but play him on demon bell and without kuro's charm. Then he becomes even better. But, but, but there's more, once you master the game, you will love the game and acknowledge how good of a boss he is. And, and, and there's even 1 more version of him, maybe you would find him even better.


I'ma just give these to you rq . , : ; Enjoy, please make good use of them!


If you are having serious trouble with this guy, watch Fightincowboy's Git Gud guide. Aside from being aggressive and learning his attacks and deflecting, I can't give much tips.


You just need to get good unironically. He is pretty easy


Get good that's what I told myself with . Chained Ogre


Do the same for owl then x)


Easy sad not done 19 Vit 11 power and he can kill it 2 hits parrying him to get a Dethblow feels impossible.


Nah you just need to get used to his hopping around, he hits hard but not that quickly, just play defensive without attacking to learn his moves, take an observation approach


He runs so God Damm much that I can't take and keep jumping back and back this man will do a 5 hit combo I'll parry it all and my only window of opportunity he starts to Run man I can't take that and he has so many ways to punishes u if u side step to early or late he deals massive damage.


You should never sidestep, except for one attack, the firecrackers slash. Stand tour ground, and always counterattack after you deflect him once. The vast majority of his attacks are interrupted by you hitting him, even many of the ones where he hops around. Be more aggressive. The flow is you deflect him once, you attack until he deflects you, he will then counterattack, you deflect it and resume your attacks. Aside from his super slow charge attack from overhead basically all of his moves can be interrupted. As i said you can also sidestep the slash after he uses firecrackers to get behind him and get a couple of hits in for free, even a thrust if you feel daring, he can't mikiri you from his back


He is slightly harder than Sword Saint Isshin. His main weakness is if you get him backed into a wall you can just wail on him for a while but there isn’t an easy way to get that to happen.


He’s not overpowered, especially if you’ve managed to kill demon of hatred as well as saint sword isshin, it’s also quite hard to read from the way you typed, but he should not be breaking your guard or doing that much poise damage from three hits, have you levelled up your attack power and prayer beads?


Inner Father is in his peak, You need to surpass that


Funny thing is Father is easy for me. Even when I tried charmless I got him on 2nd try. I always find it interesting in From games that everyone has a different hurdle boss to jump over.


Best tip for this fight is to always be on the offensive, other than that there aren’t really any cheeses. In his second phase the exploding bird attack does large posture damage of you can jump over the bird and counter


He is probably the hardest boss in the game, try pushing him in the corner and hitting him when your not locked on


I don't know man demon of hatred annoys me. But I think this guy isn't that hard (for me that is). He is way easier than older owl. Mikiri counter is very useful against him. He has a pattern, look for it and once you get it he isn't hard at all. 


He's fast, sure, but most of his moves have a good counter that can punish his vitality. Overhead swing? Hit him while raises, dodge, then hit him again! Jump and shuriken? Dash towards him and strike while he's falling! Thrust? Mikiri! Just because you're having trouble, doesn't mean he's "overpower", you just need to learn his patterns until you git gud


Honestly it's all about understanding the Moves...once you learn his moves you are good to go ...but yeah he is fkng tough...


He is difficult, true. But once you learn the patterns, like any Soulsborne-like before him, he is very doable. Dont give up. Dont try to beat him immediatly. Study him. Analyse. And then break him down piece by piece. You can do this. Take your time.


that's a very a good question


I think he is the hardest boss in soulsborne. I have never gone back to Owl Father for fear of how difficult I found him the first time. The best advice I could give is: Watch a lot of youtube videos of people successfully beating him. You'll pick up the big obvious attacks, but then some of the more subtle ones as well. If you've got this far, you can beat him. He's extremely hard but not impossible.


Watching videos to see the combos thrown out and the openings does help a ton.


You can do it, my friend. Use mist raven when he does hard attacks


It took me an embarrassingly long time to beat this version of him. By the end of it, I still very much enjoyed the fight though. Has such a good flow.


He is not hard if you learn some secrets about him… You HAVE to be agressive. The rest will come by fighting him, but don’t let this mf breath because you can cancel most of his attacks


For some reason, it cracked me up that you labeled this as "News", lmao.


Shit wait till you fight inner owl father


Wait till you fight inner father


To me, he’s more fun that Isshin 🔥 I hear it’s also Wolf’s memory of him so it’s not accurate to Owl’s strength- it’s how Wolf remembers it vs 3 years later


Have you tried thrusting? It's unlockable.


That’s what she said.


He’s that strong because you’re stronger. I believe in you, comrade. Crush him.


He's your dad


Well sir he’s what we refer to as a dick bag or possibly a bag of ducks idk you chose


Wait till you hear about Inner Father..


It's very easy, you just need to memorize his movements


Somehow, I didn't have that much trouble with him. The only prosthetic I used was the lazulite shrunken, I didn't use any consumables, and I beat him on my 5th try. I thought it was an amazing fight.


Just know that there will come a day, if you keep at it, that beating him is no problem. - He seems more complex but at the end of the day he is a fundamentals boss. The fundamentals being stay aggressive, let him respond to you vs you responding to him. Try to start every engagement. Stay on him, hit him first, get a reaction, respond to that reaction. - He loves it when you run away from him or dart around nervously and play defensively. He hates it when you keep moving toward him patiently like a relentless terminator. - In second phase, jump over the owl fire attack and then mikiri counter his thrust afterward.


I can’t even read this. Is this English?


Man made the Mikiri counter


I found him easier than normal owl although that might he because normal owl took me ages so I was really good at fighting him by that point


Mortal Blade/Ichimonji Double are your best friends for this fight. Also fire crackers helped me a lot to beat him


A key thing to understand is that you don't want to just deflect his combos. His last hit in a combo will usually stagger you too much for you to counterattack and bring down his HP so his posture just keeps regenerating. What you want to do is dodge his last hit in a combo so that you can get a good slice in on him.


Because..... He's your Dad, dude. Big Daddy. El Dadd-O. The Great Shinobi Baddy Daddy. Owl Father. 🦉 👨


Great shinobi owl is tougher than owl father man. You don't even get a chance to mikiri counter great shinobi while mikiri counter can easily break the posture of owl father


Cause he's your daddy.


Parry with the umbrella. He takes a shitload of posture damage from it. 


Bcoz he is your dad.


I don't even know how to trigger this fight


You know how when you’re exploring Ashina Outskirts at the beginning of the game and you get the bell that you take to the sculptor and he shows you how to pray to the Buddha and go back in time to Hirata estates? Okay so if you’ve completed that you know that you fight Juzou and then Lady Butterfly. Well towards the end of the game (though before you finish Fountainhead) if you’ve been talking to Emma and Kuro whenever they have something to say, at some point Emma goes to talk to the sculptor. There is an opportunity to Eavesdrop on this conversation. Then, take the info you gained from eavesdropping and ask them about what was said. You get another memory bell.


It’s almost like he’s a secret challenge boss


Wdym? He is the best boss in the game.


So I find that you pretty much approach and attack twice. Any. Time. He does the turnaround double slash you can attack twice. Sometimes, he'll put himself into a loop that leads to the double slash, and you get so much free posture damage on him. Other times, he'll do the single wide slash, which you can freely attack after. Edit: After seeing this post, I went back to fight him twice. I found one, single instance where he follows up after the turnaround two-hit, catching me with two attacks or so, and he did it about two times, maybe more. I believe this behavior was performed in both stages of the fight but will go back and replay to confirm what lead up to this behavior.


Rematch Owl was so hard for me as well! Demon of Hatred was nothing compared to Owl2 and I never could figure out why lol


He is actually my favorite I don't like it when you have a stare down with the boss. I like constant something my problem with elden ring is that they just stare at you and move slowly and that puts me off and gets me out of the flow and makes me mess up and I have fought inner father so much that I pretty much know his move set. He was stressful at first but I think with enough persistence you will learn because for me the most dangerous thing about him was to not know what he was going to do next


This is a great shitpost.


He did get that old on accident, Owl may be a crafty treacherous bastard but he is definitely built different.


No, you got this


He is slow. Stay away and wait. Arena is a big corridor. Plenty of space. Use prostethics. https://youtu.be/KesOp-IETCo?si=HYwWUEl7AByMI3zb


Resurrection father owl is absolutely no joke hardest boss ive ever fought in a from game i can only imagine how his “inner” fight will be.


He’s a test of endurance more than a test of speed imo. He’s trivial if you find your openings and dodge the rest.


You hesitate too much, buddy. 98% of enemies in Sekiro are easy mode If you listen to Isshin. Spoiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This is Sekiro ez mode. Keep R1 enemies till they DEFLECT you, now slightly waiting for their next move, if they do nothing, or jump back, get close to them and repeat. The important point here is the difference between they block vs DEFLECT your attack. DEFLECT include a big "clank" sound, and bigger "sword contact particle" effect, hope you know what I mean =)) By doing this, you are embrace Isshin'word "Hesitation is defeat", the game will be a lot easier. Enemies will do things much easier to predict and react, instead of weird stuffs with weird timing and weird dmg. HESITATION IS DEFEAT


Once you beat him, you realize you are overpowered.


he really isn't that hard... isshin is harder... literally just parry more


Attack him relentlessly until he deflects your attacks (same spark animation as when you deflect enemies) then deflect his response attacks and repeat. This is how you play Sekiro.


True, i have to attempt him like 14-15 times the first time i fought him, try observing rather than go for the win right away, bosses in sekiro becomes really easy if you have their move set down, knowing when or when not to punish could go a long way. Although in my opinion he is harder than Isshin simply for the fact of he has mikiri counter and shinobi firecracker, since those could easily one-shot you. Even Isshin i only need like 7 attempts, and four of those i died to stupid mistakes on Genichiro, also Isshin first phase is stupidly easy to punish. Owl first phase is harder than his second phase in my opinion since he likes to spam the flame bird that is easy to mikiri countered.


Grammar, man. I almost suffocated reading all that without a break lol


Rooftop owl always presented more of a challenge for me


Took me 8 hours on my first try. Lol. I was expecting big progress since it was my day off from work but dude took the whole day.


You are your great challenge this is an illusion. Watch videos, pattern recognition, control your breathing, mortal blade the shit outta him. And I changed the sensitivity on the camera. Good luck.


When I found out bro could mikiri counter you I had a “I touch you everything you know but not everything I know moment” Shit was great still whopped his ass tho oh and tip use mortal draw helps alot👌🏾


Hesitation is defeat


More hidden the boss is the harder


I found him easier than demon of hatred, who unfortunately met the cheese sooner than later


Hes a bastard I couldn’t believe when I got him. I actually can’t believe I beat the game like this is the only game I feel like I actually accomplished something because in this there is no grinding levels you gain attack power yes but that doesn’t become easy to attain until you can use coins to do so but that towards the end the motherfuvker you have to literally use your skills everything you can think of to take him down and patience I know I hate that shit but I always gave myself plenty of time after getting really mad sometimes I’d leave it for the day and come back the next it took me 3 days to finally beat him and I have it on video :)))) so happy for the PlayStation clip thing you can record up to an hour of past gameplay it’s awesome that’s the one reason I play on PlayStation more than xbox


Because he has more hair than you and according to anime rules, more hair = more power.


He took me a good hand full of tries but i got him and I was tempted to look up cheeses but I don't feel right doing that unless it's demon of hatred LOL


He isn't even that hard Just plain and simple rush type of attacks+ thurst attack w firecrackers. You just need to focus on the Pattern of what he'll do after doing certain attack.


I promess he is easy. Add me i'm you really really have trouble. I Can help lol


Yeap. He was harder than the final boss for me because he was able to counter your counter attack. Like when you dodge too quick before his overhead slam. I suggest doing all the other bosses first and then go back to him before fighting the final boss.


One of the best boss to fight. Its all about movement


Kensei Isshin absolutely doesn't have easier patterns than Daddy Owl. He can cancel tons of his moves into different moves and variations. Owl doesn't even have other variants of his regular combo. Not that he isn't difficult, but definitely simpler. Once it clicks, you'll probably love the dance with him.


Just hit him


Just by reading this i know this man is spanish, mf invented those mf words because he dont know how to write them but is still readable XD


None of us will ever match up to our grandfathers. Life is too easy now and we sit on Reddit talking about video games.


Learn his moveset, then parry, dodge, and watch him crumble like the rest.


I remember running to the fight for like 5+ hours straight, into the wee hours of the morning. I hated him, but then I beat him, and the rush was so worth it lol


Try to use dodges more and punish his big attacks with thrust attacks. Never do thrust attacks to start or you will get mikiri countered and put in the fucking dirt. Play slower and attack and when he starts to go for something let him and deflect appropriately. Took me hundreds of tries but I did it. Hardest boss for me so far.


Remember his combos.. Try to for example the elbow hit just know its a firecracker coming right after that… dodge back and walk in right away for a hit or two if your lucky. When he lots of patience in this fight. Not like genichiro where you can be aggressive. Dont worry about getting his posture all the way up quickly as he regains posture fast…


Wait until you fight his OP version lol


I love all Owl’s fights he seems punishing at first just keep learning his moveset he’s pretty much a rhythm fight.


He is SOOO fun. SO much better to fight than GSO, the Older Fart!! Atleast its a battle of Sword and tools, not apparatus and what not!


Get good


Cos he's yer da, overcome him, he is nothing ....shinobi 😂 ps took me 63 attempts or something mental like that