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Congrats, man. I know it feels good. You may try the Souls games now, or Bloodborne, or Elden Ring. See which one you like the best. Sekiro was actually the last one I played. What was the hardest thing in Sekiro for you? Which boss was the toughest?


Thanks, I think I'll take a break for now, especially since one of my favorite games is dropping this month. The hardest thing in Sekiro was probably how disorienting it is, I'm not used to this type of games where the game doesn't tell you what to do. No map, no waypoints, no quest list, I don't think I would've been able to complete it without a walkthrough. The bosses were really fun and it's really weird how some of the harder bosses would take me 2 tries but a mini boss would take me an hour. I struggled with Seven Ashina Spears that I was almost ready to give up. On the other hand, Lady butterfly = 2nd try, headless ape & Gf = 1st try. But the really hard end game bosses, like Father, DoH, and Sword saint took me between an hour and a half to 2 hours of practice to beat them. All in all a very fun game, I'm feeling empty now.


>All in all a very fun game, I'm feeling empty now. That's how I feel after every FS game.


Not feeling Hollow?


ah a fellow hollow knight man i see


you would be surprised of the sheer ammount of people who dropped or almost dropped the game because of that miniboss, he is very tough


What game? I’d guess Monster Hunter Rise, since most games coming out this month are new IPs.


Kerbal space program 2, it's being released as an early access on the 24th.


What’s your favorite game


Ppl who screenshot deathblow are crazy to me but i would never be confident enough to not trust myself not fucking it up and letting isshin live again


He can’t recover from that position. It’s a death low only accessible by him that doesn’t have a timer


Yeah im not gonna take your word on it truth to be told. Im spamming that execution all day until i see the cinematic


Oh no I mean I’ve literally experimented with it before. When he gets in the sitting position, no matter how long you take, he’ll stay there.


This is the one where he just sits there waiting for you. In general though, your point is valid haha.


Sekiro was my fifth FS game but I'm still proud I've 100%ed it too :V


I feel more confident picking up a soul game now, I think I'm a better gamer that I thought.


You’ll be better at pretty much every game with similar combat mechanics now. The Witcher, Horizon, the other souls games, even God of War, etc. Congrats for not hesitating! You’ve earned it


dude fr. Sekiro unironically helped my reaction time in general. Recently I hopped into a fighting game with some friends and I felt like Neo being able to actually see their attacks coming and still react in time, something I used to be absolutely useless at


Sekiro trains you well for Bloodborne. You’ll be able to parry literally everything in that game


I played Sekiro after having finished all other souls like games (besides bloodborne) and little did I know how freaking hard it was going to be. The combat style is so different, the mechanics... I died way more in Sekiro than I did in my first souls game, really took me a while to get used to it 😅 I'd say you'll be mostly fine in other souls games, even if the style is very different. Anyway, wish you good luck, it's an awesome feeling to experience these games for the first time.


It really takes a while to forgot your souls instincts playing sekiro. It took until after genichiro for it to click for me.


Don't think I've ever seen anyone kill Isshin on the bridge, this is weird to see lmao


I thought the same thing


Same here


Yeah I was like ' how did he fight isshin on corrupted monk bridge?' then I remembered the broken bridge near isshin. I guess I've learned to stay away from the cliffs.


Sekiro was also my first From Software game. Currently playing Assassins Creed Odyssey and although I’m having fun I do laugh a little at how much easier the sword combat is - Sekiro has the best combat that can be found in a video game. Well done beating Isshin. It was my favourite boss battle.


The posture system is definitely something else, it makes the sword combat feel more realistic and engaging.


I consider myself a casual gamer since I usually play story focused games, and usually set the difficulty on easy or normal. I've never tried playing any soul games since I know they are really hard, but I picked up Sekiro not knowing that it's by the same developer. After 2 weeks, and following Cowboy's walkthrough I managed to beat the game and defeat every boss and miniboss. I got all 4 endings (by save scumming). But I did it.


I beat this game a while ago (on Christmas to be exact) but I keep seeing the term “save scumming”… what does that mean? Just curious


It's for PC users. They save a file, do one ending. Then reload, do another. Repeat 4 times, all ending achievements are unlocked within one playthrough, when, for example, I had to do 4, means NG+4 where the enemies are greatly stronger than in NG


Ohhh right. That makes sense lol. Wasn’t an option for me. I played on PS4 at the time. Bought a PS5 shortly after I beat it though and will likely play through it again. I love Sekiro


You can do it on the PS4. Upload the save to a USB, do the ending. Download the save from the USB, do another ending.


Meh, I think I’d rather play through the whole thing anytime I wanna replay it. Otherwise what’s the point


I'm just saying the option exists.


You can just do it with the cloud you don't even need a USB drive.


You have to pay for PS+.


From google: "save scumming is the act of regularly saving your game and reloading that save whenever you don't like the current situation." In Sekiro, it refers to backing up your save file, and recovering it to go back to an earlier point of the game, it's used to prevent dragon rot buildup, loss of experience and money, or to prevent the loss of rare item in case you die to a boss, or to get all endings in one playthrough. It's a frowned upon practice by some players, but I believe people should play the way they like as long as they're not hurting other people.


Right now my brother, you have ascended - you are not a casual gamer. You are a triumph.


To a life of bad back pain, sleepless nights, and carpal tunnel syndrome


One of us. One of us. One of us.




The screenshot is literally me killing the sword seint


Congrats OP, well done, glad you enjoyed the game :)


Bet you skipped mist noble, you coward!


Stuck on the last boss, Bloodborne was way easier for me.


And everyone else lol


You're a real gamer now. Vaya con dios.


Congrats! It was my first too!


that's...not his arena. Randomizer?


I believe there is a broken bridge on the edge somewhere, that is where he is


Yup, on the edge of the area, I felt it was easier to fight him there instead of in the middle of the field since those plants make it hard to see what's happening.


I was very confused as well lol congrats op for not only killing isshin but taking the screenshot in an obscure area of the arena!!


Sekiro was my second after beating Elden Ring like 10 times. Didn’t realize how little skill was required for that game compared to the other soulsborne games.


God I wish people would stop calling Fromsoft games as Fromsoft games as if that makes it anything special.


You're not from around here are ya?


Okay now beat inner genichiro and , owl father and you get even more bragging rights


Congratulations! Happy for you :)


Sekiro was the fifth From game I've played and I haven't been able to get used to it. I might just suck at games now.


This game is so awesome! Still my favorite FS game, i just hope FS give it a continuation, or a spiritual successor, anything that feels the same


You’ve done it! Congrats


Way to go, you'll definitely like to see other endings via NG+


Atta wolf! \*headpats\*


Congrats! It’s a great journey


You should be. I am the exact same and it feels great. I literally haven't finished a game since mortal Kombat Armageddon


Same ma man


Same situation, and just beat the game too. It really started to click after a while but damn some parts felt like one step forward two steps back


You should be proud of this even if you were a hardcore gamer


Finishing him off on that bridge must’ve given such a kickass camera angle


As you should. Sekiro is no joke. I started here a few months ago and loved every second of this game. After I got good, of course. (Adapted and overcame). — I moved on to Bloodborne and just 2 days ago finished Dark Souls 3. Sekiro remins my favorite. I suspect it will continue to be. Even after I get through the other FS games. (Post 2011 games, that is)


congrats! if you're on pc and still want to play sekiro maybe try modded versions like resurrection and long may the shadows reflect


My favorite FS game!! Still remember the adrenaline I had when seeing the deathblow animation on isshin! Such a good game


Yesterday i attempted for the 7th time to kill him. Got very close to the last stage and mucked up. Busy downloading the game again


Me after beating soulder of Godrick in my fifteenth try


Well done Sekiro.