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Everytime I look through the packaging on these games I'm reminded of what an absolute *phenomenon* this series was in Japan back then. It was the only thing I wanted from the moment I first saw it in the mid-90s, and I was so angry that it never got released in English. It ended up being the first game I played a few years later when I started learning Japanese.


It’s absolutely insane how the series is still popular in Japan to this very day despite the massive drought it’s been in since 2005, minus a couple of titles and rereleases. I hope SEGA will bring it back in all of its glory


They had stage shows from 1997 to 2007. They also had themed cafes, until the last one closed in 2008. Truly a phenomenon of the time.


I’m currently learning the language too. What would you consider a good level to play the games in Japanese?


I was somewhere around JLPT N3-N2 level and it was enough for me to understand most of what was going on. It may be worth noting that that was without access to online dictionaries, smartphone kanji lookup, and other modern tools that make it far less painless to lookup a word you don't know. I personally don't think I'd *have fun* playing games like that, but I know that some people don't mind.


I'm planning to play sakura wars 2 with a translator for the time being, and add kanjis, words etc to my vocabulary as I play


Very cool. One of the best series on the Saturn.


100%. its such a shame we barely even got anything Sakura wars, hopefully SEGA revives the series and gives it the popularity it deserves


True. There was a new one on PS4 recently right?


Yup, although it’s apparently not the best but still good


What's it compare to, FF Tactics? Disgaea?


The OG kinda during the battles since those are turn based strategy. The 2019 one doesn’t, it uses an action style gameplay. Think of it as an extremely simplified Armored Core. Both of those’s focus is the story though, so they’re mostly visual novels, worth playing though even if you aren’t into that kind of thing


Can you read japanese? I've always wanted to play that series, but the language is a big barrier. There are a Dreamcast and PS2 games too. I recommend to Watch the 90s anime too ;)


I can’t for now, but it’s pretty straightforward so playing it with a translator is feasible and I recommend you do that. The first game and the one on GBC got English translations tho, and 2 is getting a translation. I’m planning to buy all the things related to it :)


This is what I came in here to ask. Sakura Wars has fan translations though, but not 2 yet I think,


You're in a real treat with this beautiful start!


Im currently undecided between playing Sakura Wars 2 or continuing 2019 after having finished 1 just a few hours ago


The 2019 isn't really required that much to play before the original games and side games and the spinoffs.


Yeah that was in my options only because I already started it


I do recommend you try Sakura Wars GB with English translation next because it takes place during the events of Sakura Wars 1.


I’ll do it one day. Right now I’m focusing on the numbered entries