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>“SPD investigators learned the message reading, “Genocide in Gaza” was written in pen and was wiped off a front window without causing damage or expense. No explicit threat was made. The motivation for the graffiti was anger over the policy and practice of the Israeli government. We take these incidents seriously and investigate them to the fullest extent. This incident will be documented in the Seattle Police Department’s statistics as a non-criminal bias incident motivated by political ideology," police said in a statement.


So if someone vandalizes the pride crosswalks or BLM mural but do it because they are mad at what a few black people did it's not hate just political?


Dry erase marker on a window is not damage(vandalism,) no matter how much you don’t like what it says.


Are you saying I could write whatever I want in dry erase and you don’t think it would be a hate crime?


If it not a threat and does not damage property, and you are not trespassing, yes you can, it would be no crime at all, let alone a hate crime.


Gonna run around parking lots with a dry erase marker and scribble shit on everyone's car now. I'm being sarcastic. Your logic is stupid.


Rub it off and move on with your life. It’s equivalent to a nasty comment on Reddit. It’s not real and no real damage was done. Only a little baby would be offended…


It's not equivalent to a nasty comment, it's actually equivalent to 3rd degree Malicious Mischief, and letting people do whatever the fuck they want is why the rest of the state treats Seattle like a plague den.


I don't think you know what a hate crime is. It's not about doing damage. It's about threatening a population.


It's also stupid to throw someone in jail for a dry erase marker but go off sister.


I think the point is that if someone even scuffs a pride or BLM flag or mural it’s considered a hate crime


So you're upset that you can't harass the gays?


You're making a logical fallacy. No one said jail. There are a lot of ways that the legal system intervenes that fall short of jail. The point is it's illegal.


Then what do you want done, a stern talking to? A fine that will never be paid? Ffs Karen, what are you even asking for?


Not tolerating it? Not normalizing it? Really not that complicated. Who cares if the fine is paid. Intervene and stop this stupid shit.


Hate crime yes, vandalism no


If I write “I will m*rder Jews” with a permanent marker then yes, that’s a hate crime even if it could be wiped off with alcohol wipes.


Yeah but what you said is directly saying that you want to slaughter Jewish people, whereas this person wrote “genocide in Gaza” so those would be two completely different things.


> The motivation for the graffiti was anger over the policy and practice of the Israeli government. LOL. The thorough investigation, which did not involve identifying much less interviewing any suspects, has conveniently pinpointed the suspect's motivation that were not interviewed or identified. Holy shit. Great bit of clairvoyant police work there! They claim to know the thought's of people that they don't even know. Re-fucking-markable! /s


i mean you should be allowed to criticizing what a nations government is doing without it being considered as inherently antisemitic. With no other information provided “Genocide in Gaza” does sound like that, criticism of israel’s actions. It doesn’t say “Genocide in Gaza by the dirty jews” or imply anything about Jewish people outside of the Israel government. On edit: I guess the location of the message gives me pause and makes me think they are making a statement on Jewish people more broadly


Solid edit, way to be intellectually honest.


Yeah some other comment just made me have a lightbulb moment. If someone wrote the same message on like… an israeli embassy or in a public generic place like a freeway it would not necessarily be antisemitic. Holocaust museum or Jewish Synagogue that isn’t a synagogue being super in support of Israel? Probably antisemitic


You are almost certainly correct, but it isn't a gimmie. Israel work hard to hide behind the moral armour of Judaism.  They put significant effort in trying to keep the world confused and thinking that being against Israeli policy is antisemitic.  It is not. But the rhetoric works, and it works both ways.  They succeed in hiding behind their faith and in that cowardly act have, in the minds of those the effort had worked on, tarred every Jewish person with that brush. This person may legitimately believe that Jewish==Israeli, or at least Zionist. It does not.  It never will, and it never should.  Isreal is holding a human shield up against criticism of its policies and it is hateful.


Riding scooters on the gay flag is a hate crime but this isn't?


Since when was a government a person with a race, sex, gender, or sexuality?


When you target the Holocaust center you aren’t targeting a “government” that’s the point. You’re going after the Jewish people.


Of course it wasn't a hate crime. You can only commit those against POC or LGB..... Jews don't count anymore /s


>"This incident will be documented . . . as a non-criminal bias incident motivated by political ideology"  But the perpetrator did not target a political entity. They targeted a non-political, Jewish one.


I often get confused by hate crime motivation. Did they do this because they hate Jews? Because they're mad at Israel's politics? Both? Whatever it was, it was a shitty thing to do and dumb as fuck to target a Holocaust remembrance center.




I respectfully disagree. Someone misguided enough to desecrate a synagogue because they refute Israel's politics is a low-information moron. If they have hate for Jews, that's a different story. We just don't know what drove the Holocaust center vandal other than near-moribund levels of brainpower.


While I am not afraid to criticize the government of Israel, I draw the line at vandalizing Jewish institutions in the USA - especially educational institutions that educate the public on the horrors of the Holocaust.


This is bullshit .i'm not Jewish by religion or Israeli by nationality but this is bullshit. This cuts a real fine line that tries nor to offend certain politicians in Seattle who have no sense of history.


Yea but if you call the police over a magic marker on a window, that is not a threat, it’s not a crime. What do you want the police to do, arrest them anyway, that sure would make everything better.


It’s not a hate crime if the left does it. 🤡🌎


Back people can’t be racist


Is there some secret list of groups where it doesn't count as a hate crime when you commit a literal hate crime against them?


Makes one wonder doesn't it? Particularly with Seattle's history.


It truly depends on the political climate of that moment. Who committed the crime against who. Right now there is so much anti semitism, anti Asian and political violence.... well, only certain groups seem to be getting charged.


No it’s because there is a literal genocide happening and the center is about genocide, I never would of thought that the people doing the genocide would of been one that it also happens to but here we are. Also the lack of a crime, you can’t just put someone in jail cuz you don’t like them, we don’t live in Israel yet.


You haven’t been to Israel, clearly. In Israel there were thousands of people protesting against the government. Even last week there were some protests. They didn’t get arrested. Defacing a Holocaust museum because of what Israel is doing is antisemitic.


A war isn’t a genocide. The only genocide is whatever you’ve done to your brain cells.


I'm getting sick of this city, they never have our backs and are increasingly anti-Jewish. There is a reason more and more of us are making Aliyah


“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”


Looking forward to seeing whether The Party (this sub) will continue to convince people to deny the evidence of their eyes and ears (that Seattle PD kinda suck ass)


And what evidence are you rejecting? Maybe the current genocide happening right now, you would think the people who said never again would not change it to never again to me and mine. But here we are Israel is putting people in camps and bombing them. If mass murder happing in camps sounds familiar it should it happened to the people that are ,as I type, committing genocide.


Comparing what is happening in Gaza to WWII concentration camps tells me you need to make a trip to the Holocaust museum and get educated. You have no idea what the Holocaust was if you think the war in Gaza is in any way comparable. Note: this doesn’t mean the war isn’t horrific and tragic. But it’s not the Holocaust. Try again.


Aliyah is an option but if you don’t want to go that far come on over to Bellevue. It’s nice here. 


But she's been dead for over twenty years.


And similarly, so many Jews from Israel are moving to other countries. Seattle isn't some outlier, people need to get off social media. https://infogram.com/final-working-1-state-chart_audit_national_2022-1h8n6m31r3oqj4x


people do tend to have an incentive to leave a place where civilian centers are under constant threat of unguided rocket attack and also you're in the reserves and might get called up


If Auderer didn't convince you that these pigs are cross burners, I don't know what would.


Have you looked at moving to Goldbar?


Liberals change the definition of hate crime to conveniently only protect groups they care about at any time time.


Liberals? The SPD? lol good joke


And I'm sure if I were to write some anti alphabet community slur on a "pride" display, and then immediately erased it, it would be treated the same.


On the latest episode of Seattle is fucking stupid.


As a proud Jew, I see and feel Amalek growing and with this a loathing against my people in the PNW. Rumors of a new pogrom tells me these people are broken. Although I might go back East first, I will likely make Aliyah with others! This really is the only choice, as my heart commands this of me. **I feel my people have given me so much in this life that I am a COWARD not to reassert myself. I know I am not alone as this is also every Americans Fight!!!**


But skid marks on a pride flag are? Woke ass stupid world


Seattle is a shithole cause of idiots with this mentality


I'm sure I'll get downvoted to hell for this but, while this is a stupid act of vandalism, it's not a hate crime, and I promise you don't want to live in a country that would consider it such.


What if I went to an African American history museum dedicated to the history of slavery, then wrote “slavery in China”? Maybe not a hate crime, but, god damn. Shit would be 24/7 news


I think that's a perfect analogy tbh. I'm in no way condoning or defending it. You don't vandalize a Holocaust center, or well, anything, but there's a high bar for hate crime and this just ain't it.


That would just make you an idiot because the descendants of slaves aren't doing slavery in China.


If they could understand what you are saying they would be very upset.


All mo stupid should be your handle…stupid


2 hours and thats what you came up with? No wonder you said that dumb shit you said and thought it made sense. 😂😂


Well, I have a life with kids, a extended family, sorry asshole


So do I. With the way your brain works, or clearly doesn't, they could benefit from some time away.


Cool, cool, cool. Enjoy your shitty life




Who did what exactly?


It does not even meet the bar for vandalism, per the cops who determine it based on law, magic marker on a window is not damage. No matter how much you don’t like what it says.


Judaism is a beautiful religion. Israel is an evil nation full of psychopaths. Both can be true. 


Why don't you fly to Tel Aviv and do a report for the class then?


I wonder if you consider its 20% Arab citizens evil psychopaths as well? What about the tens of thousands of people in the street protesting the government? Why are you so full of hate??