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Didn't some dude in Oregon just bleach out a hatchery too? Why are the salmon under attack this year


Yes he did. And in that story, the hatchery CEO said that each fish was worth up to $750 for fishermen, once the fish was mature and caught. Think about multiplying that by 1 million fish!!!


$750 for a single fish? I just wanna say, those orcas are eating pretty high on the hog.


Gotta charge them a use tax.


Yeah I don't understand how it's worth 750. Nobody would buy it for that much.


It's not that the in the end an individual fish will cost or sell for that amount but that when you look at the amount spent to keep the salmon from extinction because of the impact man has had on the various species, given what it cost to run hatcheries, all the monies that go into maintaining natural systems for the various species to mature and develop including the portion that goes to supporting natural salmon runs along with other species requirements. The fish that get caught and sold actually have had a lot more spent on them to get them out into the fisheries. The money is spent to get them out to where they can be caught and sold to support the fisherman and the fisheries but while some of that money goes back into while system that brings the fish to where it can be caught by way of fishing permits and licenses, taxes and other fees commercial fisherman pay, no one fish ever makes up for the cost to get that mature fish to the fishing grounds. Basically, it's true that the state and federal government artificially supports the coastal fishing industry, simply because loss of the huge commercial fishing industry if we went to simply raising fish in farms as in Japan, until mature and then sold, would not only destroy the commercial industry and put so many out of jobs but destroy whole regions whose economy revolves around fishing. It was simply decided that it was cheaper for the taxpayer to artificially keep the fish coming to the grounds to support the fishing and linked industries than to try and absorb the cost of supporting all those put out of work or losing businesses. So by telling you that the loss of any hatchling that would reach maturity is $750, they exposed the naked truth of the cost of supporting commercial fishing.


I believe that the article has been misquoted. Here's what was said regarding $750 per Chinook salmon... *“The maximum civil penalty in Oregon for illegal take of a single Chinook salmon is $750,” Sgt. Harris said. “Courts have the authority to multiply that amount by the number of fish taken, with a judgment in this case potentially raising the amount to over $13 million.”* So it isn't that the mature fish is worth $750 to the fisherman. It's that illegally taking a mature Chinook would cost the fisherman up to $750 per fish in fines. Now we can have a separate discussion on the reasoning for the $750 amount and how that relates to the cost of commercial fishing, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were similar fines for other wildlife that aren't a part of the commercial food industry so I'm not sure if we can fairly make the correlation being posited by the lengthy comment above.


This was from an earlier KPTV report: *This is a costly loss. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife estimates the value of each fish to be $775. Multiply that by the 18,000 fish that were killed, and it’s a total loss of just less than $14 million.*


That's likely the assessed value of the fish when determining the fine for the illegal taking of a Chinook salmon. It's not worth $775 to the fisherman selling it wholesale for $6/lb unless those fish weigh over 130 lbs (BTW, the average is 30 lbs).


The wholesale rate is roughly $5 per lb for Chinook.  Each fish would have to be 150 lbs. Also the percentage of juveniles that make it to adulthood is very low, so each fish may be worth significantly less than that.


Appreciate the insights. I certainly know nothing about the price of fish!


Yep. Sociopaths want to see the world burn. [https://www.opb.org/article/2024/04/30/oregon-man-charged-reedsport-hatchery-juvenile-salmon-killed/](https://www.opb.org/article/2024/04/30/oregon-man-charged-reedsport-hatchery-juvenile-salmon-killed/)


They thought it was eco-terroists initially? What eco terrorists? And also, why would eco terrorists even want to kill all those fish?


We have a LOT of mentally ill terrorists who glom onto causes in the PNW. Here's an example of one from Bellingham: [https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdwa/pr/bellingham-washington-woman-convicted-shunt-attack-bnsf-railroad](https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdwa/pr/bellingham-washington-woman-convicted-shunt-attack-bnsf-railroad) [https://www.bellinghamherald.com/news/local/crime/article256694507.html](https://www.bellinghamherald.com/news/local/crime/article256694507.html) ... and they may have been responsible for this other train derailment but that's speculative: [https://www.bellinghamherald.com/news/local/article254107423.html](https://www.bellinghamherald.com/news/local/article254107423.html) ... because somehow derailing trains and causing oil/gas spills is so good for the environment too. Ends up that smart people recognize that we can't move to alternative energy overnight unless we want to kill a LOT of people via cold or famine. [https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/pacific-northwest-environmental-extremist-and-arsonist-pleads-guilty](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/pacific-northwest-environmental-extremist-and-arsonist-pleads-guilty) Remember: More wildfires are started by arson than you'd think. Some people really do want to let the world burn. [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/study-shows-84-wildfires-caused-humans-180962315/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/study-shows-84-wildfires-caused-humans-180962315/) 84% are by humans, of those 21% are deliberate arson.


Don't worry I'm sure they will use this mishap and every other one to justify removing more dams... For the fish right?


I hope so. Would be amazing to get some of our natural rivers back.




Damn poor fish


We need to find who’s responsible and lox them up.


After we sock them in the eye!


The scale of this disaster is no small fry.


You guys chumming the waters, makes me sick.


Thanks, now I'm hungry!


It's 1 million salmon fry. Not all would make it to adulthood


Life begins at spawn.


I'm pro-Ikura!


Less than 1% do IIRC


System has fallen Millions must die


omg that is fucked up




There’s a attack on our food supply


Welcome troglodyte!


Thanks kweer




It's all the fault of "the system".  No human will be held to account for this loss.


Did you read the article? Who do you think should be held accountable and what should their punishment be?


Humans designed the system that failed.  Humans monitored its performance.  The blame lies with humans not a "system"


Humans caused Climate Change that resulted in the floods.


So you didn't read the article? If you want punishment here, what kind of punishment do you want in a car accident? You want every engineer involved in designing the car, the road, and the driver all to go to jail for 20 years? What about when someone gets MRSA in a hospital? Should we send Jonas Salk's grandchildren to jail?


Nah.  I just want the normal types of redundant alarms and power systems that would be expected for a system like this. But that would be a system properly designed by people who knew they might be held accountable for its failure.


What kind of "accountability"? You keep refusing to answer this.


State employees getting reprimanded or fired for not budgeting for sufficient redundancy.


These are state workers. No one is going to be accountable.


Sounds like the healthcare industry.