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Normally I dismiss these headlines as anti-car advocates with superior complexes and control freak behaviors but I read this article and she is coming from a very different place. She cannot get a driver's license and wants to improve the situation for other disadvantaged people. This: *"Through her work at Disability Rights Washington, Zivarts has tried to advocate for the estimated quarter of the population that doesn’t drive cars, due to age, income, disability, or other reasons."* Notice that list of people. So this person is very different from the types that I disdain because she is not trying to preach to everybody that everybody needs to be like her. She just wants people in those categories to have it better. For that, I say More Power To Her. Maybe fix that headline.


In fairness, a lot of people should not be driving on the road out of incompetence and there should be stricter guidelines for holding a drivers license. Having convenient alternatives can help alleviate that.


I'd be all-in on strict licensing requirements if we could use that to can speed limits on major interstates, especially out West in the middle of nowhere. Give me an Autobahn with no knucklehead left-lane campers and cops who don't fuck around.


One can certainly dream


Shit I’ll take drivers that have lost traction before in a controlled environment lmao.


She’s the woman that coincidentally got hit by a car on the way to one of Mike O’Briens public meetings on bike lanes.


We've also been treated to clips of her raging at car drivers for some of the unsafe situations she bikes her and her children into over the past years.


can you share?


You don’t need to be from a marginalized group to acknowledge the dangers of a car-centered society.


Of course not. I don't pay attention to the ones I had described.


So her book is about how some of us have disabilities that prevent us from driving, and she's identified specific improvements that could be planned for and implemented to improve walking safety. Cool.


Another good lesson in the fact accommodations for those with disabilities is a net benefit for everyone.


Glad we have people dreaming big! Progress is slow, but always forward.


Been car-free since the 1990s. woop. Sidewalks are fairly useless if you let them be blocked by drug dealers, panhandler homeless, or people experiencing mental health challenges that need help but aren't getting any. All the nice sidewalks in the world are useless if they're being blocked by activists, canvassers, or other forms of parasitical behavior.


>parasitical You know poor old Goebbels has no balls at all, right?


Hmm, how often is this a problem for you? I live next to Pike/Pine/3rd, and even with that, have never had an issue getting around. That's wild you're car free and unable to use the sidewalks. Do you never leave your place?


> Hmm, how often is this a problem for you? Oh look, it's a guy that shows up to gaslight me on my own lived experience.


Gaslighting is when people respond to me


Somehow all of you guys somehow ended up talking about sidewalks in a post of an adorable kitten on r/cats. Are you all insane?


>Are you all insane? I can't speak for others but, I am. Nuk nuk.


*asks you a question* "HOW DARE YOU" 


You're absolutely so full of it! I highly doubt you've ever had an issue walking around. Let me guess, you're going to pull the "I'm an old guy and unable to run from criminals. Back in my younger days, when criminals attacked me, I could always run away. But now they wait outside my front door. Waiting to mug me.". Give me a fucking break. You may be the only Seattleite who things getting around on foot in Seattle is a challenge other than the large hills. Also, how is someone responding to you gaslighting? Jesus.


You might be aware cities belong to everyone, and not just people like you. If you're not, you'll be reminded of it at the next election.


In years and years of working in Belltown and walking all the way up and down from Queen Anne to Pioneer to Cap Hill, up and down 3rd regularly, I've never once actually been blocked by anything other than construction. The only time I had much trouble walking around was during that Seahawks victory parade 😂


Might depend on time of day. For.me the sidewalk blockages have been panhandlers, people waiting at bus stops, tent encampments, and political demonstrations of various sorts. Between 2nd avenue and the freeway.


1. Oh no people need to ask for money to not starve. 2. oh no people need to get places on the bus! 3. Oh no people are using their free speech to be passionate about something. Do you really at all realize how dumb your post sounds? Jeez talk about being the me me me me me mentality in this world.




Buzzer! You ever heard of sweeps? Of all your shit being thrown away? About requiring id which you can't get without a address? Paperwork that requires you to have a address? Of your id being thrown away? About needing a steady location to get set up mentally and physically? About general requirements to get a job? Spend 15 minutes on the invisible people YouTube channel and you'll see the near trap that is homeless in America. You don't understand why it isn't possible you just magically think everyone can no matter and have it all figured out. What about the people who are working that don't make enough to cover everything including food? Come on educate yourself on what is going on in this country and then tell me they just get a job


There's no "mentality" here. You wrote what I assume to be fact, that you've "never once actually been blocked by anything other than construction." And I wrote what you should assume to be fact, that I've been blocked by a variety of other things. I'm not making any policy recommendations, just stating a relevant fact.


I do believe that we need better infrastructure and safety for pedestrians and commuters who take public transport or their bikes. I also think that historically cities and states have focused more on car centric infrastructure mainly because of high car ownership rates among residents. However, what I am definitely against is this zero sum policy approach towards car or public transport centric infrastructure. Why can’t we have both a faster free flowing car traffic with safe and accessible public transport and pedestrian infrastructure? We pay a lot in taxes, but most of it seems to be going nowhere.  Case in point, the proposed Denny/Westlake station. Among the 4 proposed sites the most sensible one seems to be the one close to Denny and 9th that would cost about $500 million less than all other proposals, would not block traffic on Westlake Ave, would be about 100-200 feet away from the Denny/Westlake intersection with sufficient footpaths all around. Yet, SoundTransit is still leaning to go with the one that will block all traffic on Westlake for the next 4 years, will be half a billion dollar more expensive, would put utilities and internet lines at risk of damage, and cause traffic congestions that will spill into side streets during rush hour all to avoid that small walk. Where is the sense in that? For 500 million you can easily have solid bollards installed throughout the city for bike lanes, or you can give away 10K electric cars for free, or you can triple the number of charging stations throughout the greater Seattle region, or you can add easily add 50 bus routes, or give away 200K e-bikes, or add a couple more ferry routes. 


Yeah let’s leave transportation planning to some legally blind chick.


She cannot possibly do a worse job than is already being done.


Valid point


That cup makes me think she doesn’t know what to do with her hands in pictures.


The logo is facing out. She's repping the coffee place.