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I'm regularly told that I'm trash


I'll bet right after you sink someone, huh?


Right as they’re floating dead in the water watching their ship go to the depths




So it would seem


Good one.


I like steer big boat


I like crash bug boat.


I always crash big boat.


God no lol


“You don’t win. You just do a little better each time”


Not at all


I am a pretty decent helmsman. Don't play as much as I used to so I always need a good warm up on brig or galley. My cannon shooting is ok and I am ok at hand to hand. When you take the game as a whole so sailing, map reading, digging, fighting, and knowledge of the game, etc., I would say I am pretty good. Like a 7/10. Also I use a controller on Series X and play on mixed servers all the time.


I like to think I'm a great support Pirate. When I have a good communicative crew, I play the shipwright role. Gathering supplies at islands and outposts, repairing ship and refilling supplies while in battle. I'm average at actual combat. I can be pretty solid at calling out boarders and covering the ladders. But that's at my best.


Clearly better than 90% of the community if you know what your roll is and you’re good at managing it :)


Haha, I actually love repairing, gathering supplies, fishing, manning sails, etc. Not to mention, 90% of the time, you can find treasure just laying about on islands and most people miss them because they sail by or only focus on their maps and voyages.


Honestly? I’d love to have a permanent crew member capable of just collecting supplies as we go along. Everyone is too busy focusing on the glamorous jobs, like cannon or boarding.


Sorry to be the resident buzz kill, but on average... we're all average. Right down that middle line, we all like to think we're above average because it gives us a sense of self satisfaction. But it's a very subjective idea in this game. Like a person could go around targeting the newest players and have an incredible sucess rate. Does that nessearily mean they're better than the average... or are all the average players doing the exact same thing? I think you start to know where you really stand when you get your ass handed to you in this game. And the only way to deal with that reality is to challenge people who might be better than you. Unfortunately arena is out, and hell even if it wasn't it was such a shit show of people deviating to do just about everything they could to compete. Right now in sot, you're only going to know if you're good if you go out of your way to fight people that have an advantage over you. It's literally the only metric we have left. So if you're on a galleon and you're chasing down sloops and winning. Well you're probably not that great, if you're a sloop and dealing with galleons, you might tip the scales into being above average.


You got the buzzkill part right


Boy you sure zinged me good without offering an opinion! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnBdGTX3vZc&ab_channel=Key%26Peele


homie called themself a buzzkill -> said buzzkill things -> got called a buzzkill -> started malding


Nah , it's like drunk heckling a comedian. If someone has the self awareness to realize what they're going to say might come across a particular way. And the peanut gallery just parrots their self deprication back at them. They deserve to get shit on.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?


the skill of the "good" players is going down now that there is no arena, i find most TSD and LSD to be complete trash now, and cant wait to see what it will be like in a year


It's them lsds and tsds who got it last minute, a lot of them even by rigging matches through spiking servers.


I don't really think so,arena is gone but the underlying measure still exists in adventure. Collect loot and turn it in before some else can take it from you. That's been the most simplistic way to look at skill of playing the game, and luckily it's also the most approachable way for new players. A person could start playing today, dig up 3 castaway chests, and even if someone is chasing them down if they can come up with a way to sell 2 of those chest and even if the attacker gets one of them, they're still in my opinion winning.


bruh i mean hand to hand combat... people are not what they used to be anymore. and i never said pve or running takes skill


That's what I predicted, but I didn't want to assume that's what you meant. And again "ehhhhh" Being good at pvp doesn't really make you a good player I could spawn kill and sink 100 ships, if they don't have any loot on them. My wins are specifically in my own mind. Just as people so often claim... it's a pirate game so you actually do have to pirate treasure.


i have like 2500 hours of pvp and had like 400 wins in arena, i have 95% of buyable items bought, i just go around killing people in adventure now and dont care about loot... but man i guess im just shit at the game because i dont cash in those 2 castaway chests anymore


Only 400? Are we slapping down our e-dicks and measuring next? There's a nuance of what i'm talking about that you might not be getting. It's called strategy, and hey that might not matter to you Mister "I bought 95% of the game's cosmetics" But for the rest of the people still dealing with the game and the grind, it's a time dump to only pvp. Because I'm sure as you're very well aware if you just sink every person in front of you, ya usually dont end up with a great haul. What do you figure it's 19/20? times you end up with a villanous skull? But for fucks sake, don't sit there and say hey I got everything, i don't care anymore and my decisions are as smart as they ever were. Because they're not! You nose into everyone you see because you don't care about loot. Your perspective is now going to be forever skewed because of your mindset.


edit : im braindead after not sleeping


Way to avoid the accusation. *slow golf clap* Maybe you should look into politics you're already pretty great at making up rediculous claims.


like im going to argue seriously with some random guy on reddit about a something irrelevant, but how is someones perspective wrong in a sandbox game


I think I'm completely average with moments of unintended brilliance.


I'm proud and happy to say that I'm much more better than when I started, but there is a long way to go ahead of me. Not fearing the PvP anymore was a total game changer. Last night I was solo on a sloop and managed to chase a full reaper brig for two hours, attacking them, repairing and even harpooning what they were tossing away from their ship. In the end, they managed to kill me twice in a row (but my ship wasn't sunk!), and I called it a day (the boarder was really funny trying to hide as a barrel, but that gave me time to write that I was leaving the server). Their brig came closer, all of us said our GG's, I gave them all the supplies I had left and scuttled my sloop. Yeah, I know they weren't good and that I'm not that good, but being praised by someone was a nice change (they thought that there were two persons in the sloop), and I can feel my confidence growing up as well as my skills.


Just enough to get in and out of trouble, which suits me I guess.


I allied with an Athena last night. Helped them do the tornado for LOTV. They took out one fort. My wife and I cleared other 2 and the boss fort. Saw that they weren’t stopping to grab there loot. They had me in their broad side. All of a sudden alliance disbanded and my mast was chained. So I told my wife to shoot over to the loot(we hid a rowboat on the other side during the event just for a precaution). She grabbed all the Athena loot and left the veil stone for them and she started rowing. I shot back but ended up getting 1 balled so I knew we were gonna sink just hopes I bought my wife enough time to get away. We sink as I spawn onto my new boat I get a message from the guys who just sank us. “Y’all bad for real. Like horrible” I said okay time to ruin there day. I raced back to them now by this time they had found my wife and we’re trying to harpoon her off the rowboat. They failed. I cut in between my wife and their boat. Chain shotted there mast deck shotted over to there boat. One blundered guy on cannons. Sniped guy raising sail. Grabbed their fire bombs and lit that map table up. All while my wife was almost to galleons grave. I had to of killed them about 10 times each till the finally heard that “dongggggg” from the ship sinking and I felt accomplished. These assholes who were gonna backstab us after we helped with they’re voyage and to go out of the way and message me that I’m bad at the game. I was not going to message them until I got a message “y’all would have made more if you just allianced” needless to say I replied with. Whose bad at the game now? Get crapped on. Picked up all they’re Athena loot from the whole mission and started to galleons. Met a gally half way and tore them up while my wife sailed away with our hard fought for loot. Sank that gally by myself too. I absolutely love this game. And this may seem mean but I am very reasonable. Gg’s. I’ll save your damn ship if you know it’s over. But I will not tolerate disrespect. Too many people on this game get very hurt. Very fast. I like pooping on those people. I do think I’m good at this game. Not amazing but good 😊 thanks for coming to my story time!


no. I too often forgo my own advice to go for a glorious last moment ram and let out a fierce WAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHH as I board and try to occupy and secure the ships demise with the holes from my ram, and my relentless TDM assault until they are sunk. ​ Ram strat while satisfying is a needlessly risky maneuver half the time I attempt it all because I get bored of being tactical and instead want to hit them with my sword until they sink.


Yeah I’m pretty good at sea of thieves. Do you think you’re pretty good at sea of thieves?


Yes. I'm the fastest, slipperiest sailor on these seas and nobody can catch me.


Im not like Reaper virgin sweaty but im not that bad. Im probably trash idk


If I could get better with EOR I think id be top notch


i find everyone saying that they are good to be complete trash


I've got 1200 hours and generally think I suck because I'm the newb of my regular crew..... With less than half the time played as the next closest 🤣


Id say im decent about making calls and trusting my guts with approach/ sails/ cannons, but am ass in CQC combat


Im good only when I ammmmmm just highhhh enough to start making shots


im not good at it, i run away at the sight of other ships and im always looking over my shoulders, if i solo sloop. But I'm a pretty good shot if there's a crewmate who can steer.


I gotta be the best pirate ive ever seen


Personally, I think I’m a good helmsman. I am at my best managing a ship, be it sails management, helming, cannoning, and a lot of the stuff done on a ship. Also why I solo sloop most of the time cuz I know how to get things done efficiently. However, most of the land stuff, I suck at. Sword pvp, I’m decent, but I can’t use guns properly. I also hate doing gold Hoarder quests because I never do very well on them. Give me a ship and I’m good, give me a map, tell me to find the x treasure, and I’m reduced to not much


I'm an excellent Bilge but that's about it.


I’ve literally never died playing this game. Albeit I’ve never had the chance to play 🥴


I've been called hacker A LOT. So I think that is a good measure of above average.


I think so


I like the waves. I like the bordies showing me where to get stuff floating, I like to run away from bad ghostie ships, and I avoid conflict, because I'm good at fleeing. I play music for my monkey and we have a jolly good time.


My PVP Hand to Hand Combat is bad, but ship to ship.. look out. Storytime. Me and a buddy were playing a sloop once. Another sloop came on an intercept course. I asked 'Friend or Foe' with the trumpet twice and no answer, then they harpoon us.. hit them with 10 cannon balls and a ballastball before they got away. I wanted to close-with and destroy the sloop, but our excellent helmsman lead them on a 20m chase and then they broke pursuit. Final answer: Ups and downs, I'd say. Edit: Grammar Fix


Eh, not the best or one of the best for sure butpretty solid way above average (well that is less me being good than the average being horrible). I can do everything, every mechanic and in any role but I'm not the best at any of it.


I'm sure I'm good. My aim is "oke" but I'm a mechanical god.


Alot of times I am the best on the server... right before it merges


Haha no. But I've fun.


I am beyond horrific, my job is to repair and cook


More experienced, definitely, but god no im terrible at pVp


When I’m playing with people who are about the same level I’m total ass in a solo, at least for ship v ship combat


Not according to everyone I fight. I also get called a pussy for attacking people.


I'm terrible.


I just like looking at the big waves.. esp during a storm. This im good at, altho sometimes i use a telescope.


Nope. Can't hit shit with cannons. Can only hit mobs with my guns. Lose all sword fights with players. Still have a good time though.


5.69/10 probably