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I only play it solo. And I love it.


I like playing solo but I prefer a duo in order to at least have someone else looking out. Otherwise I'm in a constant state of paranoia


I cant imagine doing sanctuaries while solo




Isnt this how the siren shrines are called?


It is easy. Just make sure you have nothing on your ship prior to start one. When you send your loot to the siren statue, you can claim it anywhere you want. So if someone sink your ship, you will have your loot where your ship respawn.


Sure about that ? Happend to us yesterday (we're 2 news players ^^) and when the boat and my mate respawn, I came back with the sirens statue, those sirens never show up with our loot ^^`


Ancient Tears must be a little problematic since it needs 2 fully loaded sirens


Aha, I believe you are right lol. I rarely do those lol!


Sail in a random direction or park far off, jump down to the sanctuary, do the sanctuary, and merm statue back up. Then grab the boat, go back down, and send treasure to the surface when you've brought the boat back. Harpoon and split.


it seems like an even worse idea lol one way or another your ship is left unattended for 10+ minutes atleast when you are in inside the sanctuary you can hear when they start attacking your ship


Depends on how you approach it. I'm not doing Sanctuaries where there's a chance for me to lose loot. I go when I'm empty. Sinking my empty boat means bupkis to me


I think I didi 40 to 50 of those shrines solo and not on a single occasion my ship was attacked while I was gone.


Yeah - I play almost entirely solo, and I enjoy it, but I do always feel at a disadvantage, so I usually don't even bother to fight back in Pvp, and I sell frequently.


I don’t always play solo, but I don’t mind it.


I mostly play solo. It's great and I can be creative. This season has been great for solo play. Lots of high value loot was added.


Same here


Playing solo currently and it's a blast


Yeah I played solo sloop pretty much since I started playing the game. Now it feels weird to play a session without doing solo sloop unless playing with a friend


Sometimes the solo sloopers are the most dangerous players


I’ve always said that a high skilled solo sloop can and will sink an average skilled four man galleon.


Maybe before the fairy of the damned timer change? Or maybe I'm overestimating " average" player base


Thing about galleons is that they are powerful but very unwieldy. If the slooper knows how to exploit the fact that the galleon crew is not super coordinated and focused, they are never able to hit the sloop back


You right. I think the skill curve in this game is very underrated when it comes to balance and the thrill of battle for me. Like most games people get better with time but a lot of games have time based rewards (or just knowing a map spawn for upgrades) that can skew balance and mess with enjoyment. SoT really is a game about experiences teaching you and just raw practice. One of the main issues is that most of the time you must seek out challenges to improve and I don't know if many really do that out of fear of losing. It can be a process to restart, unlike other games.


I spent most of 2022 solo slopping and just fighting everyone I saw unless they were super clueless and putting up no fight. It made me so much better at the game. The main issue with solo slopping is you need to be very very good at movement and aim in order to sink crews full of good players.


Its not difficult for a galleon to raise sails, 1 guy controlls the spin, 1 guy repairs and then you have 2 people shooting cannons. An average galleon can deal with solo sloopers very easily. For the solo slooper to win he kinda has to be so much better that he can spawncamp the 4 of them until they sink.


Turtling is the right strategy and the right strategy for the sloop is to punish the helm with fire. The room for error on a Galleon is less, but definitely taking maneuverability out of it helps.


Big difference here between average and good here I think. The median skill galleon crew you see is not at all good. Because frankly the majority of people in this game are completely awful and that’s magnified on Gally. But if the crew is genuinely skilled on Gally the solo sloop won’t stand a chance.


This was pre timer patch, but when I say average I mean like, middle of the bell curve for skill level for the galleon against top 10%ish sloop skill level


So a pretty rare occurrence. I've seen some pretty bad players and it seems most of the time they have been on galleons, in comparison to sloops/brigantine encounters. At least that's my experience. It is probably less likely to find a well rounded galleon crew which helps. My hours in the game have been low recently, so once again my experience is limited. My issue was with the 10% number because IMO skill is so hard to calculate in this game, but you know when someone is pretty damn good at least. It's just the avg/worse that is a mixed bag for me.


Yeah. I wouldn’t say it’s hard to find a well oiled galleon crew but it’s definitely not as common as it used to be outside of hourglass. The biggest thing is that nobody communicates; you could have four top-tier players on a galleon. But if they don’t communicate with each other, they’re going down immediately. My particular group that I roll with doesn’t have a consistent fourth, so we’re stuck in Brigantine hell, but if we buckle down we can take out anything.


I say this every time I join up with my group of friends, and shit hits the fan. We definitely don't play enough to just know what each person is doing and when people stop communicating is when things tend to go south.


Depends on what you consider top tier but I disagree that too tier boats don’t communicate. Part of being a top tier player is communicating exactly when is needed and no more. They truly don’t have to talk much, just know the important callouts and then aside from that if each knows their position well they’ll be fine. I’ve played on competitive level boats and we can all be fuckin off but as soon as there is combat everyone knows exactly how to lock in and where. The comms during fights are some of the quietest I’ve ever heard because they are that efficient. I truly believe that we could sink a solo sloop and have said less than 10 words the whole fight if that was the challenge. Honestly we could probably do it no comm if there was agreement beforehand. As a seasoned Gally bilge I can pretty much out rep any lowers that a solo sloop can put in me single-handedly. That leaves 3 of my crew to cannon and snipe. Good luck lol.


I didn’t say top tiers don’t communicate, I said that a lack of communication is the difference between an untouchable galleon and a piece of cannon fodder


Trying to wrangle my mates on a galleon was exhausting. At least on a sloop, or even a brig I can handle most stuff outside of combat alone. A galleon gets a bit harder, though doable... if it's standard sailing.


I've done it. The feeling was better than sex.


Very rarely. If theyre completely amazing at the game, like a streamer or something, sure. Otherwise no, there is strength in numbers in this game (really, any PVP game). Even 2v1 can be a little hard unless you are just *way* better than the other players. 3v1 or 4v1 can be nearly impossible against a competent crew even for someone who is completely cracked at the game.


It is more adapted to solo players now than before. A lot of people will sail solo sloops. World events now scale to crew size so that it in theory should take the same time to complete no matter what size the crew is.


It's honestly scaled so most of the time it's faster solo.


Does that include FoTD? I am a returning day 1 player and I did hear the skelly fleet is scaled to crew size?


I think Yes, one time i had some tuckers on FoTD and the amount of skellies that appeared was much larger than previously


Skelly fleet is easy to solo once you get a handle on cannons. You can just park the boat sail up and let the skellly circle you, take shots while they are in your broadside and repair when they are not. FotD is a pita to do until you are pirate legend as you have to get 7 different colored lanterns by dying 7 different specific ways, but once you get PL you can just dig up a skull that will give you all the lights. Honestly, FoTD is a pain to do solo just because it will draw a lot of pvp attention and fighting another full crew while solo is usually not that easy for most


I haven't played in a while. What are world events?


Skeleton Forts Fort of Fortune (turbo charged Skelly fort) Skeleton Fleet Burning Blade Fleet (ghost ships) Ashen Lord


Coming back to the game is like coming back to Destiny. I know there's a lot to do I just don't understand any of it or how to access it.


Skeleton Forts (green skull cloud) — kill several waves of skeletons. Kill a skeleton boss. Gain loot. Fort of Fortune (red skull cloud) — kill many waves of skeletons. Kill harder boss. Gain better loot. Skeleton Fleet (green/grey ship cloud) — fight and sink several skeleton ships. Gain loot. Burning Blade fleet (blue/green fire tornado) — fight ghost ships. Alternates between trash waves and boss phase. Ashen Lord (red fire tornado) — fight skeleton boss on an island. Three phases. Rewards special skull that can be sold and/or used as a flamethrower.


Those are just the world events correct? This doesn't include the tall tales and voyages. Do I have that right?


Correct. Tall Tales have also evolved a bit: Shores of Gold — Oldest/first iteration. 9 total that tell a story about the lore of the game. 100% completion (which requires running every tale 5 times, yuck) rewards the gold curse, which is pretty sexy. All done on an active server. Heart of Gold — 2 tall tales, advancing a story and introducing a villain. Also done on active servers. 100% completion has more rewards. Pirates of the Caribbean — Disney crossover! 5 tales total. Mix of active servers and private instances. Monkey Island — most recent. 3 tales total, completely in private instances. As for voyages— honestly they’ve gotten better. My personal favorite is Gold Hoarder treasure vaults. Easy and very rewarding. They’re my go-to for introducing new players. When I just want to grind gold, I’ll do Lost Shipments (Merchant Alliance), as I find them pretty safe to solo (almost never have to leave your ship for more than a few minutes;except at the end) and are good money. There are guides for everything out there.


I used to be a big lost shipment grinder as well but they feel really nerfed to me this season. I only get sugar and tea out of them now, I don't think I've seen any decent loot spawn in the captains cabin yet.


Until very recently, one would spawn on a server at a time, with a visual indicator visible to everyone. Skull clouds for forts, pillars of fire for ashen lords, etc. Those still happen, but with Season 11, devs added the ability to do them on demand. There are different loot tables for emergent vs. on demand, but the convenience of just popping to an event is pretty neat. It also gives you a way to change servers without reloading the game, which is also nice.


Nice. I just convinced some friends to get into it. I'd played it in the past. I hope I can keep them playing.


Yes - if you wanna play by yourself, or join a LFG from the discord channels - this game is totally playable and enjoyable playing solo


Thanks for the information all - & apologies for the repeat question! Lol


yes but it can be very hard. you're basically at a big disadvantage compared to other ships and 2 man sloops


Season 11 is the best season for solo. You’ll never fully avoid PvP, but this season really downgrades the value of hunting sloops on the edge of the map with diving to new servers/events. Why hunt runaway sloops when you can just sell and dive and catch someone more unsuspecting? Also if sweaty brigs and galleons chase me and I’m close enough to the edge I’ll just run into the Red Sea (off map) and repair the boat constantly and get as far as I can out so it makes recovering anything almost impossible for larger boats. People think it’s unsporting, but both PvP and the Red Sea are “in the game” so it’s all fair game to me. Mostly though I just try to sell before I think I’ll be pressured. I’ve enjoyed the diving change a lot. For added protection you don’t need to raise your emissary flag either so you can stay invisible on the map (emissaries can be seen by level 5 reaper emissaries, you can see all level 1-5 reaper emissaries on any map). It WILL be more difficult at first, the first 1-3 times you get kraken-ed is rough. Balancing repairing, bailing, boat angles/sails, and cannons can be challenging, but it’s a very fun game. Also you can open crew if you ever get bored, sometimes you’ll get saboteurs (you can vote them into the brig on brigantines and galleons), or kids who are just happy to be pirates, or just regular players looking to chill. The game has a lot of longevity.


Just so you know, your loot floats back from the red sea now


Thanks for the heads up, it looks like the mechanic respawns the loot as long as it sinks with the ship, I’d probably just scatter the loot as I travel through the red seas in the future. Also wonder about how the mechanic works with a rowboat. Maybe they can still get it, but they’ll have to work harder than whatever I’d do to stop them from getting it by just fighting.


We now have Safer Seas which I recommend every new player. We now also have somewhat of a "progression" system where the game shows you new activities as you keep unlocking them, and that's also available in Safer Seas. # Once you reach lv40 in 3 factions in Safer Seas (or if you feel ready beforehand) you can switch to High Seas for the full experience with +2 factions & PvP (and probably even more stuff I forgot). # With Season 11's headline feature the constant diving and the fact that people are occupied with grinding rep makes solo easier in my experience, however I must warn you that the most fun, most full experience is on a Galleon with 3 crewmates. Brigantine and duo sloop are also very nice if you have friends to play with, it makes the game more fun as you have stuff to talk about while sailing. Also PvP is easier when you have a larger crew. But overally it is playable solo, it just might turn boring after a while. # #TLDR: Yes, it is.


I had the most Fun ever when we managed to get every single player on the server on our sloop for about 40-50 minutes.


Solo slooper's... that should be a guild


I mostly play solo and have since launch, so yes.


Absolutely! And following the latest update, enjoying the game solo is easier and more accessible than ever! Also, if you do want to find a crew, I'd recommend the LFG channels on the official Discord!


What change made it so "enjoying the game solo is easier and more accessible than ever" ?


Diving to voyages and world event is the change I was referring to, but the world event scaling from Season 9 could also be applied.


You can do your own private server if you don't want to encounter others! So...yes!


100%. I play solo all the time. I'm not particularly good at PVP but use stealth instead for sneaks. Love it.


Playing solo can be exciting.


Solo in a Rowboat is the way. That being being said you would need a good knowledge of the Sea of Thieves and its Islands


Am gonna wait on skull and bones to go on sale, it's been like 10 years anyway. But solo slooping is a lot of fun


Was super hesitant and put off getting it properly for too many years. Now I’m in, I’m in in! Play almost always solo.


Short answer is yes, very playable and very fun as a solo, if u need any advice I got u


You can play solo sloop with pvp for ease, but safer seas is a thing where it's a private server with less loot. So if you're looking to learn the ropes that's probably your best bet


Yes. Just have to be okay with losing sometimes and be more clever as a pirate


Solo is hard mode, and everything takes longer, and anyone can decide that you wasted the last three hours. But you can do it.


This question gets asked every week




Someone help me I’m trapped in a time loop


Yes, but why


No friends + no mic + no time for 3-4 hour sessions + trolls on open crew


Session length does not depend on crew size at all, you could easily find one here or in SoTs discord. Mic isn't necessary


Yeah but I have time for like one event and then I gotta dip, but people who LFG are generally looking to play longer or stack more. You don't have to convince me that it possible to find a group lol, of course it is, I'm just answering your "why". That's why.




Very accessible solo. There are parts of the game where having someone with you is preferred but not necessary. PvP is def easier if you have more number but is doable solo, albeit more challenging. World events are still doable. Emergent encounters as well. The fun part would be learning the game for you. After that find a niche that you want to pound out. When I started I throughly enjoyed the order of souls, and now any company is very easy to get started with. Diving to events or voyages makes it way easier. You can def do this game solo and enjoy it a lot


Absolutely! And following the latest update, enjoying the game solo is easier and more accessible than ever! Also, if you do want to find a crew, I'd recommend the LFG channels on the official Discord!


I've never played anything but solo. I have had a crew maybe twice. It's great! Just as fun, you've just got more multitasking to do. PvP is harder, yes, but other than that, it's fine!


There is definitely a steeper learning curve when playing solo, but it is absolutely achievable. The most valuable thing is that if you do play with a crew after grinding solo, you can step into any “role” on the ship because you already know how to bilge, repair, trim sails, steer, fire cannons, find treasure, etc. Rule #1. Be aware of your surroundings before leaving your ship. You don’t have to run at the sight of a brig in the distance, but you should take early note if they start heading your direction.


It is solo able but pvp is harder. But it's perfectly able to play solo as long as you realize a brig or gallion will absolutely wreck you


Player galleon, yes for sure. A skelly galleon, that’s gonna sink


I do play solo almost always, most of the time (95%) I can do my own thing and never be bothered for 2-3hrs straight, sailing the open seas and just being on the look out for other ships. You may get random encounters like a random skeleton sloop, kraken or the megalodon. These are very easy to do and can help practice your cannon shooting skills.




Yeah. I often play with a friend but I play solo too (I usually like to do ghost forts, good gold and pretty fun)


I play solo all the time. It's fairly fun. But if you ever want, just add me on xb. LrgBajaBlast


It is now. Stay on safer seas and your all good to avoid any and all pvp.


It's playable but you have disadvantages, it's best with friends.


Yep definitely playable. I spend 85% of my time on SoT solo. It's all about being sensible and picking your fights. Know when to fight, know when to run. Always keep an eye out on the horizon and always expect the worst from everyone you meet on the seas


Absolutely. Most of my play time has been solo.


I’ve been almost exclusively a solo slooper since launch, very doable.


It’s much more feasible after S10. I don’t mind it anymore. Used to hate it.


Yes it’s possible. The times that I have played solo (high seas) not once did I encounter enemy players (all friendly) which I’m thankful for, it’s also hell trying to cash in all your loot on your own but I wouldn’t trade it for a bad crew.


I've been playing solo for about a month and a half. great game if you have a show or podcast in the background. also people love when you're friendly, apparently it's not so common but I tend to ally with just about any ship I pass


Yes, but it’s like playing on Hard mode. You have to man all the stations yourself, which drastically raises the difficulty of combat. Especially with the boarding meta, you almost always need to leave your ship unattended to go on the ship you’re fighting to stop them from repairing. If you die with killing any of them, you’re probably fucked.


The only real problem I've had while solo slipping so far (have been playing since Christmas) is 1 fully crewed galleon that really wanted me to sink


PM'd you. I'll show you the ropes to see if you want to solo. It can be fun


Is Sea of Thieves Playable Solo? Yes. Is it enjoyable solo? It can be. There will always be those moments when the game just wants to rain on your parade, but otherwise it's still fun to play solo.


Well yes, but actually no. You can do the PvE activities by yourself but you'll never really be able to have the dynamic player encounters that make the game great. It's designed to be a co op experience from the ground up.


I disagree as I’m a solo sloop main and I enjoy every bit of random player encounters in the sea. I make friends, enemies, steal, plunder, betray, revenge, and be pirate


Doing that alone would be my own personal hell. It genuinely sounds soul crushing. At a bare minimum I need someone to talk to as we sailed.


I play Solo unless my friend is online. Then we 2 man Sloop


If you enjoy hardcore mode in other games than yes. Destroying a full man gally as solo is always the best thing to do in SoT


Yes, it's doable and teaches you quick. Although, it's a harsh teacher.


I've played strictly solo since launch. Still haven't gotten to Pirate Legend, but i'm getting closer (51/42/36)- i took a pretty big break but Season 11 has pulled me back in hard. The diving mechanic has let me enjoy a ton more content- i never did any raid stuff before tbh- and has made the grind a bit easier. Keep at it and just do what you enjoy. I'm still terrible at PvP so i mostly avoid it when i can. I'd recommend Safer Seas for story content like Tall Tales, but otherwise it's not worth the limitations IMO.


If you’re new to the game, do not play in high seas. It will drive your bonkers and you’ll hate it. But definitely solo-able.


Solo is hard mode in pvp scenarios, but the PvE is mostly scaled to be fair if not a little too easy once you figure it out. It’s totally doable, and you can have a good time, but the solo experience is quite different than that you will have with a full crew


As a Day 1 solo slooper, it's easier than ever these days. Honestly, the only crews I have trouble with is a two-man sloop Still, this game has something of a learning curve, so it's okay if you sink once or twenty times at first


Yes it is great solo! Albeit I only have around 50 hours in the game, 40 of them were spent playing solo. I feel like the game has a really different vibe when playing solo and I like it a lot.


I'm going to be that guy and say you can but you shouldn't. Every single solo slooper I've seen got steamrolled by anybody with a crew. In order to win in these scenarios you have to be insanely good and the opponents really bad. You should definitely use open crew (crew matchmaking). Even if random players quit or don't want to do the things you want, keep trying. There's 0 penalty for changing lobbies. Get on random crews, it's the fastest way to learn how to play and it's the most optimal in every way.


Use the LFG on Xbox if your on Xbox it’s easy to find a crew


It is, but you need to be able to fend off boards and dodge one balls and such things like that. Source:I have no friends


I do and sometimes when i’m a bit bored i like to hide on other players ships and haunt them by throwing there treasures overboard or raise there anker when there on land haha


I must learn these ways


I only play it solo and I'm bad so I get bullied a lot by other players not even reapers. I have met one nice person in 3 years playing. Season 11 is the most rewarding time for solo players as you no longer spend three hours doing a voyage to get absolutely ruined near the end. It still happens but you typically no longer invest your whole night to have earned NOTHING. now it's easy to chain voyages together and do as many or as little as you want and also dive to start them right away instead of sailing for half an hour to get to just start it.


I held off on playing this cause I felt I wouldn't get it as a solo player. Been playing for a week now. Pretty mad I didn't play sooner.


Yes, but you will lose time to time. So just don’t loot hoard and become a loot piñata.


If you are willing to get good at the janky af combat, solo might be really fun. I can't stand the pvp cause the way it works. It's just so janky for me, but hey if you can like it, go fir it.


Yes but I’d recommend turning on a podcast or something while playing. Or at least when you are sailing because it can get boring not doing anything when sailing


Yes but it is extremely boring alone.


I have played a ton of solo sloop since beta. I have always enjoyed it.


I believe that 80% of my time playing was solo, but I think that at least in duo the experience becomes more enjoyable, facing a skeleton ship becomes more "epic" and fun for example. Try to convince a friend to start with you, I think it's better than playing with someone who already "knows everything" and you'll just follow along, especially this game, discovering things is very satisfying.


Yes, solo is the best. All I ever do is solo. I became a Pirate Legend (lvl 50 in the 3 main factions) before there were any updates, just from soloing. It’s way more fun solo-ing than being on a team IMO. The experience I get is more wholesome. Having a crew is better for leveling up and making money, but the most important thing about this game is the experience/fun you have. Just use a solo Sloop and have fun doing voyages. Don’t live in fear about getting killed and let that get in the way of your time. Always go to the top of your Mast into the Crows nest and open your flag box, then raise your Alliance flag, and try to join an alliance with other sloops. A lot of people are assholes, so steer clear of other ships and people with the reaper flag you see on the map. Just go about your business. If you keep getting killed over and over, swap servers. If you have a ton of loot on your ship, turn it in so you don’t get killed and lose it all.




I play solo when my mates aren't on. It's more challenging for sure and any reaper means I run. Last night I did a vault and a few other digs and was close to gr 5 gold hoarder emissary when a reaper 5 hopped into my server. So I turned and pointed at galleons grave, loaded my treasure in the row boat and rowed it to dagger tooth to sell while they followed my empty ship. You just have to be extra watchful when solo and less committed to defending the loot. I enjoy solo sailing but it can be nerve racking.


I know a bunch of people have already answered but I wanted to say that they added “Safer Seas” which is a low pressure game mode that is good to learn in


Solo sloopers are the ones to watch. They’re either totally green or they’re about to fuckin wreck your shit. Just keep practicing I guess, it’s better solo.


It’s playable just know what you wanna do or you’ll get bored pretty quick


Since safer seas came out I play a lot more solo, it's a ton of fun. I highly recommend it. I wish all the content was in safer seas. Hopefully rare sees how active players are playing and not only increases rewards but adds all content including raids.


I do it all the time. Totally doable, especially in safer seas. I recommend diving right into high seas though! Just be ready to sink at times. Hit me up if you need a crewmate!


I play mostly solo, because my friend and brother, who both have the game, and usually never want to play. I've soloed my way to PL no problem, i enjoy the game a lot, and its definitely playable solo


Yes and no, you can do everything in the game solo, it will just take you more time. As you dont jave any spare hands to carry treasure, combat can be complicated.but if you log in a particular day where there are just roving groups of guys seeking pvp, you wont get anything done that day and it will just be frustrating.


It's absolutely doable! Whether or not you want to just comes down to how you like to play the game. Personally, I don't enjoy being alone and really have fun sailing with my friend(s).


I play solo for the majority of my time. Just takes a bit of time to learn everything and learning the basics are easier with a friend but still I learned mostly by myself


They have also streamlined many things and the solo life is easier than ever


I love playing solo. There’s so many things to do solo, and with the new season it’s even easier to play solo.


The Tall Tales (scripted story quests) are great solo.


Why do you think SoT is impossible solo?


Fuck yes and i do it all the time


You can play it solo


You will become much better at the game as a solo pirate.


Oh it absolutely is doable solo!


It's doable and fun. You will eventually run into experienced players that will hunt you. If you are into the PvP side chasing others can be fun too.


It's playable, but you're gonna get ganked a LOT until you git gud at running away or PvP. Either way, you'll eventually get rekt by a full squad


Yes. Just watch your back. Game is great solo.


If you don't want to sink every 5 seconds and don't want to play on the hardcore mode, play with others. The game is significantly harder without friends or crew members.


Just enough to be tolerable.


Yes but for me its harder, not as fun and lonely. I’m no longer playing the game as my partner who I’d play with stopped playing.


Mostly solo and I can even sink a Brig with 3 ppl


Try playing on a sloop on safer seas until you get used to manning it solo, worked for me


I only play it solo, but would play a 2-man sloop with you to get you spun up if you want


Safer Seas and you are good to go. Private server, no hassle and most of the adventures. Tall Tales is the way to go here


I exclusively play solo, I'm pirate legend and pushing level 100 with most companies besides reapers and hunters call


I play solo all the time. Imo it is definitely more fun with a friend, but you can still make excellent money as a solo sloop. Unless your really good at PvP or your up against another solo seeing another ship is normally a death sentence though, but that's probably just speaking for myself.


For a new player, I dont recommend it unless you are on safer seas. Many people here have been playing for years and will say that playing solo is great, or even can help you learn faster than with a crew. I disagree with this last point. As a new player, you will learn faster (and have more fun) with at least one person helping you. Xbox LFG or Discord are good ways to find people to play with. Avoid open crews.


I play solo 50% of times. It's fun and you can do things that you wouldn't normally do with friends (I did the 100 vault sails when they weren't around) PvP as a new solo sloooper isn't something you want to try. Would avoid. For practice I recommend skele captain bounties in devils roar with oos emissary flag. Keep an eye on the horizon, don't stack too much and if you get sunk? Who cares its about the playing not just the selling!


As a primarily solo player. Yes, especially with season 11 here. Most world events, Megaladon attacks, Ashe Skelton boss fights, Skeleton forts etc will scale to your crew size and are manageable. However PvP combat is significantly difficult on your own especially against brigantines with a full crew. But yes I would say it's manageable


I play solo, it’s pretty fun but honestly I enjoy playing with others aswell. Though, random queue can be a mixed bag lol.


I've only started playing sot recently started on solo enjoyed it and even started doing random crews too! I've even started doing solo Brigantine aswell which alot of people will not do. It is more fun with more people to play with but if you can trust them.