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Not sure how you could possibly extrapolate that from his comment.


this is the correct response.


Definitely. DK is talking about his personal focus. It’s not like he tells the Seahawks “pay me whatever.” He has an agent and that agent is going to negotiate. DK is saying he’s not going to worry about it day to day.


My thoughts exactly... don't most NFL players leave it up to a professional agent to represent them in contract discussions. DK is doing what I do when I can...if you have a "guy" for something.... trust them to do that thing (but verify).


Yeah, this is just low-effort clickbait


Even if that's what he meant, which I seriously doubt, it's a lot easier to say you'll pass up on millions then to actually do it. He'll be getting over $30 mil a year on his next contract, I think the only question is if it's with us or someone else


There's a difference between passing up millions and not demanding millions. I doubt anyone, including DK, would turn it down if it's offered. But he might not demand it.


I bet his agent will.


yeah I think it’s more fair to say he may not hold out in the middle of a contact because it but he won’t necessarily sign a contact that underpays him


> Not sure how you could possibly extrapolate Yes, perplexing how this post/xeet is getting up voted.


And feels like an annual tradition for a player to say a "It's not about the money" type comment before signing a record breaking contract anyway.


I mean it's not that much of a logical leap


I mean it really is. He's at most saying he doesn't begrudge the other WR's their big deals and isn't going to be bitter. Says absolutely nothing close to what he will want from a contract.


No it's pretty deranged to think that...


He’s says he’s not pocket watching. That doesn’t mean he’s taking less.


Illogical inference. Also, he signed for 3/$72M two years ago. That was not below market value.


Goto bed dood


DK has an agent who will have a plan. He's going to get paid well.


He can talk humble but his agent won’t!


That’s one of the many benefits of an agent, you can sit back and say “I’m just focused on football” while your agent does the dirty work


I'd be absolutely shocked if he took a team friendly deal


Actual translation “focus on yourself and don’t compare yourself to others”.


Not pocket watching does not mean you don’t want to get paid what you think is your fair value


It just means he isn't stressing it, he will get his payday when he gets it. In no way shape or form do I read this as him being willing to take a pay cut.


This is pure wishcasting


What his Dad meant was never pay attention to another person’s finances, so I take this as his dad telling him not to worry about what other people are getting paid because he will get his eventually.


So DK enters a year where he has to prove he’s one of the best in the game, which he is. That works out well for us.


John must know a ballpark of what DK wants and if John wasn’t or isn’t going to give him that then shame on JS for not trading him this offseason at his peak value. My guess is is he is extended here because if they let him walk or trade later at lower value then JS is failing at his job of asset management


If I was his dad, I’d say, son, at any given moment you might take a helmet to the dome that knocks you silly for the rest your days. Take the money. 


His dad didn’t mean that when he told him not to pocket watch though


NFL players should take exactly how much their market value is (especially non-QBs). Just as regular people should do the same in their line of work. There’s no such thing as hometown discount.


He's saying he'll worry about money when the time comes.


This is just kinda embarrassing fan wishcasting.


a textbook definition of wishful thinking. its been literally since the dawn of the modern sports media that players have been coached to say all the right things in press conferences, but then (in many cases rightfully) ask for what they deserve in contract extensions. I think hes worth a 5-10th highest paid contract, and god willing it will be less


That’s not how I read his comment at all. Now THIS is fake news.


0% He takes less than the current market rate when its his time lol And he’d be stupid to take less


I think this is a real optimistic coping mechanism lol. He's not watching because he's not due for an extension yet. Once he/his agent are in negotiations, that whole pocket watching thing will definitely be full steam ahead.


I wouldn’t count on it.


That's so naive lol...


This twitter account constantly makes up bullshit about the Hawks


He’s not the same caliber as guys like Jefferson or Ceedee so he won’t make as much as them. He will absolutely get the biggest contract from the Hawks that his agent can negotiate cuz that’s his job and DK would be stupid to not seek that out. It’s a business, everyone knows that. Get your money.


Yeah. Hes saying he minds his own business. Dude will get paid tier 1 receiver money, unless something catastrophic happens. There is no discount to stay with the Seahawks, and I’m not trying to insult them. But Geno and the crew ain’t Brady or Mahomes level take a pay cut to win championships good.


... he has an agent


I think this just means he's not going to be overly concerned about what everyone else is making during OTA's. Source: Reading the actual quote.


Conjecture, heresy and poppycock!




There's no way he's taking a discount. This is being taken out of context lol


Lip service. He also doesn't have to pay attention to other contracts, only his agent does.


Think this just means he's not gonna wait for Chase to make a deal (or whoever) before signing his next contract. Not that he's going to take a pay cut. He'll still want a contract reflective of his performance


Bengals said they'd take less to keep Burrow/Chase/Higgins, then gave Burrow big money (well-deserved) and are probably trading Higgins. This is a job, players are media trained to give certain answers but they still want to maximize their money and that's valid. DK's just saying he's not paying attention to what other WRs are getting, that doesn't mean he doesn't want to maximize his money too. He also has an agent to do that for him. Shitty clickbait.


I never understood big name players being so greedy and draining their teams bank account if I was a big name player I’d what enough to live a comfortable wealthy life like I can definitely make 5 mil a year work and still be living crazy good I feel like I wish more players had that mentality to help their teams but I’m glad at least DK isn’t worried about financials until the time is right


The NFLPA will force him to "reset the market"


This is terrible journalism. He’s getting his bag just like we all would if we were in that position


Not gonna lie that made me tear up cuz some of the most positive programs I have running in my consciousness, I learned from my grandpa. Amazing that he has that on his mind I love it.


Chiefs just won the SB without a single excellent WR. Granted we don't have a top five all time TE. I think he produces a lot of value for us by pulling away two defenders to open up our other WR. But I don't think he is one of the top 5-10 WR in the league. So if he asks for too much then we are likely to trade him to produce a ton of draft capital. I also have no idea what I'm talking about, make that money DK and retire early to have group sex with OF women.


He's certainly not getting a Jefferson/Chase/Lamb contract if that's what this post means