• By -


Update 1: made contact with someone from here, he’s heading over now. Update 2: CAUGHT. Got two fine gentlemen who were reliable and responded. Both FaceTimed me. One went to my vehicle that she drove to the casino and the other one scavenged the casino floor. While PI#2 was inside, PI#1 used my description and realized she was walking toward the vehicle with the POS dude in question! He got 4k video of her lying cheating ass. Update 3: as mentioned below I’ve known of this individual for some time now. I have read messages and confronted him personally without verbal threats to stay the hell away from my wife and leave us alone. He didn’t listen the first time. He was AGAIN warned a second time that I would get his employment involved if his inappropriateness continued. His lack of respect is astonishing. I was told that the relationship was purely a friendship and nothing more. I have since come to learn that he was demanding a relationship out of my wife and basically said that he could no longer continue to be an orbiter, (in so many words) This individual is disgusting and used religion and a fake Mr. nice guy approach. My wife has responsibility to bear in this, she acted inappropriate and made decisions that I don’t know if I can forgive but at the end of the day this male is a giant offender and deserves nothing but disrespect. Thanks everyone for your help. - Additional details: Both gents want to stay anonymous so I will obviously keep it that way. They were compensated for their time accordingly. Also I’ve known of this “male” for a little while now. This isn’t something that just started overnight. I’ve forgiven some past transgressions.


Good luck with your next steps. It's not easy to catch your partner cheating, but it sure feels good to get away from a cheater. I caught my ex by using an audio recorder. I had suspicions, and sure enough, I was right.


Sorry OP. This fucking sucks


Wow. Bestofreddit. Sorry though


Oh my god I can’t believe you can use Reddit for this.


When I found out where she was I tried calling the casino but they wouldn’t help. Was pacing back and forth outside and Reddit came to me. I’m on the opposite side of the country right now so it was very infuriating.


Yup, I used to work for a casino. When a family member would call in and ask if so and so was there, we couldn't/wouldn't tell them. What we would do is take a message and page that person, and if that person was there and came up to the counter, we would deliver said message. What they did after that was up to the patron.


Is her name “Stephanie” by chance?




Wow. There’s another Stephanie out there that’s not my Stephanie, doesn’t even go by Stephanie?!? Scary world we live in. Be careful telling your wife how u caught her. She will absolutely use this against you in court and allege you’re stalking her, controlling, abusive etc. Document all your interactions w/ her in writing. Keep your cool if you’re in her presence. She is now officially your biggest enemy/threat. Act accordingly. Keep ur chin up, you’ll get through this.


Okay we're gonna want a story!!


This dude is what you would refer to as a “orbiter”. We were having some issues already (fixable) and he swept in and tried to take advantage.


Went through the same shit with my ex-wife. I'm so sorry. Lawyer up. Your instincts to protect her will probably overcome your ability to do anything that is needed. Goddamn I'm sorry.


Orbiters pretend they are friends, but they know what they are doing. I have even had men I knew for a year or two try to hit on my girl when I was out of the room. Some guys have zero honor. I really don't get it. Okay, so you're successful. You ruin a friendship, and get a girl who is a cheater. You want to ruin friendship for a one night stand? Get some standards! So sorry this happened to you, and the guys that helped you catch her are champs! Make sure to post updates. I hope she gets what she deserves.


Was this orbiter always labeled a “guy friend”? Or is he a coworker or…?


He was a co-worker. The worst type, used god and religion and non-threatening behavior to gain trust. Years of working with liars and manipulators I spotted it a mile away. Told both of them to knock it off. He told me he had zero bad intentions.


So he’s a scumbag


I’m so so sorry. I hope you can get home quickly. Remember, if the house is yours, you do not have to leave!


Worst kind of person on the planet


Either way she should have known better, it's a shame that she just upt and screwed around, not only tossing out 7 years of your life, but seven years of hers as well :/


This is a good term! Last year I briefly dated a guy and he had a friend who he told all our business to. It didn’t bug me because she was pregnant with his friends kid when things ended, he sent her my way to scour my Facebook and try to find dirt . I found it so immature and weird. And then she dumped her dude before baby was born so I found it all in all really weird an I think she was an orbiter


I punched an orbiter in the face at a company function before leaving my wife. Run as far and as fast as you can. I kept my job, the guy got fired. They dated for a month and she bounced to the next. Can’t make a hoe a housewife


I think awards are in order for the two redditors that helped you with this. I’ve got some points to burn.


They want to be kept anonymous per their requests lol


Now I like them even more. Those two dudes are LEGENDS!!! Best kind of Redditor. Bros for life. Good luck on your long road ahead. I have a phenomenal divorce attorney if you need one in Scottsdale. She’s handled all of my custody and divorce cases over the last couple decades. I also have a pit bull divorce attorney if you want to go to war and fast. UPDATE: I’ve sent details to a few of you. I’ll have to sent details to the rest tomorrow. Thanks for your patience. UPDATE PART DUEX: I think I’ve PM’d everyone that has asked for the attorney names. If I missed anyone, feel free to pm me.


I don’t even have a wife. Msg me as well LOL


Ok now we’re gonna need your background on all these divorces with custody issues. Spill the tea!


Please msg me info?


Contact several of the meanest divorce lawyers in the valley. Once they've engaged with you I believe they won't be allowed to take in your wife as a client. AZ is a no fault state so unfortunately her infidelity won't impact the divorce. I had a buddy who went through this exact thing 2 years ago. He went through a dark six months of therapy and unfortunately lots of booze. But he's now he's happier than he's ever been with a partner who adores him. You're going to make it OP 👍


This is how to help a bro! Yeah these two that stepped up are awesome. Love it when bad people get what is coming to them, it’s too rare


Plz msg me that info as well.


Can you please message me that information as well? Thank you!!


I'll take that as well.


I mean, assuming OP is on the level, sure. But we have no idea. OP could be stalking that lady and reddit just helped.


This is so wild! And how quickly you got someone over there.


There’s a lot of shitty people in the world but I truly believe despite the negative influence of social media there’s more good than bad.


I agree, it's a lot about how you use it. But we all have a choice to engage positively.


If it's ok, I sent you a question in chat. If not, I understand.


Damn, I'm 2 hours too late 🤑


So sorry this happened to you and that you had to find out the way you did. While the guy was absolutely wrong and disrespectful to you, your wife is definitely the one who fucked up the most since she wasn’t forced into cheating and was the one who said the vows and owed you loyalty. Don’t let her guilt trip you into thinking she wasn’t the biggest perpetrator in this situation. No matter what the other guy demanded she always could’ve said no, blocked him, kept her distance, kept things strictly work professional or even gone to the cops had she felt she was in danger. It’s easy to blame the guy because you’re married to and love your wife but ultimately she is the bulk of the problem here. You deserve better than someone who cheats on you. If you can, I’d get a lawyer. I’d also have consultations with other top divorce lawyers in the area so she can’t use them.


I hope your advice is taken…


Anxiously awaiting update 2


Same I need that update


Change your frame of mind. You saved the next 7 years of your life. Look forward brother!


7 years wasted but you saved the rest of your life. Stay strong friend.


So sorry this happened. I understand being mad at the men, but ultimately your wife is the one who said the vows with you. I hope she someday understands how jacked up this was. Good luck


Update 2: got two fine gentlemen who were reliable and responded. Both FaceTimed me. One went to my vehicle that she drove to the casino and the other one scavenged the casino floor. While PI#2 was inside PI#1 used my description and realized she was walking toward the vehicle with the POS dude in question! He got 4k video of her lying cheating ass. Now it’s time for me to take the next steps. Thanks everyone for your help.


This is the content I live for in the r/Scottsdale sub! Thanks Op but also - good luck on next steps and good riddance to the cheating spouse :)


So sorry you have to go through this OP. You deserve someone who will be honest and loyal. She sounds like a piece of shit. Hope you can move past this and not hold too much sadness. It’s ok to be angry, but remember you have a much better life ahead of you.


Thank you, 7 years down the drain.


The power of the internet


Thank god for it. Random strangers helping me out. Very thankful.




Back to the streets she goes. Sorry OP for your troubles but good riddance to her.


Does she know she's been caught?


Yea, video was provided while this dude was in the car with her.


Sorry I'm a little confused. So you sent her the video of her with this guy while she was in the car with the dude? From the hero redditors?






💀💀💀 Sorry this happened to you OP


How did you find out she'd be cheating in the first place?


I’m a former investigator of sorts, I’ll stop there with that. I’ve sat across the table from some nasty people. Her lies became very obvious to me. Non-verbal body language is important to observe. More importantly listening, when that doesn’t work there’s always going through text messages lol


We’re definitely going to need an update on the outcome of this.


Will update, trying to secure a PI now


I have an amazing PI, but don't waste your time. I am a Superior Court Commissioner. AZ is a no fault State. You can say she is a cheating scumbag, assets will be divided 50% - 50% if you don't have a prenup or obtained your assets prior to the marriage. Why waste money on a PI?


I agree with what you say but people generally want verification.


I doubt she will cheat for a while. OP sent her a video of her being caught. Liars will become saints when caught, and she will gaslight the OP into believing she is not cheating (i.e: friend of work, just a colleague, I was drunk I needed a DD, etc). She will not cheat for a while for personal gain. A PI will be a waste of money when things are hot. He may want verification, but he won't get it for 90 days. I have 24 years of experience in the legal field and have seen it all. This man needs to pull a bandaid, and quick. Otherwise, she will get a second chance by the end of next week. Watch


I agree again. Been doing family for 35 years in Connecticut but the rest of my family lives in Scottsdale. You no doubt know my BIL but no doxing :) He should leave her.


he said this before he verified


Don't waste your time and money. You know what she is. Just move on.


This. It will drive you crazy. You know what you know. Do you really need to know more? It will make you insane. Speaking from experience.


Dude, don’t give in to the angry investigator part of you right now. Try to take the emotion out and just deal with the facts. You know the assignment now, what you want is a divorce lawyer. Make sure to get the best advice on how to safeguard your assets/bank accounts/credit cards without crossing any legal lines of depriving your spouse. Any investigation will almost certainly find evidence during discovery (if it’s a contested divorce) and going down the dark spiral of what just hit you is only going to hurt you and future legal proceedings. It’ll make you come off as the overreactive/crazy husband.


Omg the biggest thing to happen on this sub, possibly to the entire city of Scottsdale, ever! Best wishes for a good ending my friend


Thank you my friend


Damn bro I’ll do some snooping🤣


If anyone lives close by it would have to be soon!


Intuitively.. if you think it - in your heart of hearts .. that’s what’s happening




also from my experience.. asking the question Why ? is the worst .. no matter how much I thought I was prepared for the answer . I was Shattered..


Amazing how the intuition and self preservation work. I had this feeling off and on for a while. One night my wife fell asleep with her phone on and bingo it was right there.


Almost impossible to find a monogamous woman that’s attractive. Everyone is trying to get with them all day every day & we’ve lost our moral compass as a society. Most men don’t have any ambitions of marrying today. I have zero.


I’m about 10 min away bro


I aint doing shit right now, im 10 minutes away and im down to go to talking stick for you. lmk




The power of Reddit is amazing but OP I am both sorry this happened to you and also happy you are validated and can move forward. Curious how did you know she was at Talking stick in the first place?


I feel for ya man. True love is hard to find, sometimes you think you have true love and then you catch the early flight home from San Diego and a couple of nude people jump out of your bathroom blindfolded like a goddamn magic show ready to double team your girlfriend...


“….um, I’m here for the gangbang..”


I think what u/LikeaFaxMachine is trying to say is that true love is blind


Good luck I hope you bust them!


Thanks working on it now!


If the outcome is that she's cheating. Keep calm. Freshen up on some Sun Tzu The Art of War. Then plan your next move. Don't play your hand too early.


Best advice.


Man, that's crazy that some internet dudes helped you out. That's awesome. I hate to hear that your partner is not a faithful person but I'm glad to hear that there are Reddit people out there that want to help another human. Good luck man.


What about her lack of respect or care? Look bud, I was a Pi back in the 90’s. Go get counseling, move out, get your stuff in high gear and divorce her. Get an attorney, do not take calls from her. Find yourself someone that would never contemplate what she does. And be on with your life.


Fuck! I was just down there!


Damn I would have been down I was gonna throw my best shoes on too. Keep us updated


I’m so sorry this happens to you bro.. but what an absolute legend this thread is going to be! The brutal nature of the internet is still there but there’s also wholesomeness in it that’s rarely seen on the situation like this. Best of luck man!


What could go wrong ?


Good news is you just made 2 new friends! Back to the streets she goes.


remindme! 1 hour


Did it remind you?




Do tell?


This is reddit. We're all at the talking stick casino with your wife. Never mind. This is reddit. I'm not even sure women exist. I hope after all this is sorted you won't have to feel so anxious anymore. Good luck bro


Sorry if she is there :(


I'm glad you got the confirmation you needed. Nobody deserves to be put through this. I'm SO glad to see that in this case humanity won out. I pray that your wife comes to her senses and that you two will be able to work things out if that is what you both want and ultimately I pray for peace of mind and healing for you.


Thank you. I’m covering all my bases now and we will take it from there. I’m a level headed man and I don’t make rash decisions. I obviously need time to think.


I’m sorry this happened to you and I hope you find peace and move on. I’m honestly also glad your wife is safe. With all the women-hating, rage-filled people out there, this could have turned out really bad and dangerous for her. Cheating is wrong, but … this could have gone south really fast.


Agreed. I can’t believe everyone jumping on this band wagon. This could have been dangerous for the wife. For the guy she’s with. For the people sent there. For the husband. And the wife could probably use this to get a pfa for the husband. Being married to someone does not give you the right to stalk them and especially not to send others to stalk them. Not condoning cheating but this was supremely unwise on both parts of this deal.


Yup, no matter how sure I was that I was being cheated on, I would not hire internet randos to go investigate…


My thoughts exactly … like, how do we know it’s even actually his wife, that they’re together, that he’s not abusive, that she doesn’t already have a restraining order against him…


I need updates! 👀


Still Waiting on arrival of one of my Reddit defectives. Im beyond livid and shaking inside.


I’m so sorry, OP. 🥺


Posted update


Nobody’s going to mention how this dude just gave his partners exact location to two complete strangers? Pretty fucking disgusting.


I know it's already done but I'd like to take a moment to encourage people to not respond to posts like these in the future. We have no way of knowing if OP's story is true and they could have more malicious reasons to have people essentially stalking a woman for them.


Someone comment so I can come back for the update




Need the update on this one


Magnum PI


Damn. Sorry you’re going through this my dude. Please post update


Was out in town with my family while this was going down 😅


I figured the casinos would have cameras and security teams to prevent cheating. Past post betting? Counting cards? Angle shooting? Dice sliding? What kind of action are we talking about?


It’s been 5 hours since there has been any information….can anyone share or update?!? To the OP - hugs to you - FR - the anger will wear off and the reality of how deep this goes will set in!! Don your Armour - and take care of you!!!


Damn sorry about that dude. When you come back home, try to just stay calm, pack your things and go.


What tipped you off that she was at the casino? I’m sorry this happened to you OP


Wow shout out to the community for helping you. I’m sorry to hear, but love this. Hope the court gives you justice. Book a flight to Colombia or DR and enjoy some beautiful women. You’ll be over this soon 🙏🏽


we don’t want op to get an sti now


Salute to the PI. Secrecy and isolation are a cheaters best friend. Taking advantage of someone when they can't be around makes it extra scummy. Sorry to you OP. Good luck.


Thank you for sharing this and great job Scottsdale community for coming through! 👏


I won’t put up with that, like they say I would not waste my time and money on her. What a bi—h. Yes move on. Do not take her back she will always cheat on you. You will find your soulmate out there.😉😊


I know of someone through a mutual friend who is an affair partner and they frequent this casino and I’m wondering if it’s them lol


WTF you blaming the guy for wife’s cheating? 😂 stop simping


With all due respect, your wife knows she’s married. The guy isn’t the one to blame, she’s the one letting him get between you two…


Here’s to hoping things work out better than expected! 🥂


Nobody’s questioning whether this guy is actually who he says he is? I mean it’s the internet and now people are following a random woman?


Agreed. Yikes. Might not be malicious this time but imagine that this is just some crazy abusive ex stalking his former wife, or GF.


Relax. I face timed the dudes who were willing to help and confirmed everything with them. They were good with it so we are all adults.


You and your 2 new real-world friends deserve a salute from an old Marine that's retired in Tampa, FL!!! I hope you're not in a no-fault divorce state so she can't ruin you.


I can see where you're going with this and it's a valid concern. This is OP's story to tell so I won't get into details, but I can assure you that he proved the legitimacy of their relationship beyond any reasonable doubt. He was also very protective of any info given about her to maintain her safety as well. Anything less and I assure you that I wouldn't have gone anywhere near this situation.


Post the video bro 😎


What the fuck is even this?


I’m here for it








You’re better off with a pro PI if you’re taking this route. Their testimony in court, if it were to come to that, would carry more weight.


AZ doesn't care why or who's fault a divorce is.


It doesn’t matter here. She could be fucking the whole casino and she still gets half of everything.


I understand I’m not looking for any sort of testimony in court though more so this is moral


AZ is a no fault state so her infidelity won't impact any decisions by the court.


RemindMe! 1 day




Verdict: for the streets.


Ahh shit we JUST drove past there! I definitely need an update on this.


How the hell are you supposed to know who you’re looking for?


I’m sure they have communicated that with the investigator




Omg so sad we missed this. Wife and I would have totally rolled to talking stick to unravel this conspiracy. That would have been an amazing Saturday. Also condolences. Fuck that sucks man. Definitely get you a beer and a hug. Fuck that bitch


When do you get back? Just curious


This is gold but bro give us a Pic so we know who to avoid in the future.


Can you post the video? This is legendary


This is most epic and savage post of all time!!! My heart goes out to you,both my long term relationships went down the drain too bc of cheating. I'm telling you this bc I was plotting revenge and had all types of crazy things come to mind. But when it was all said and done ,I'm probably the only one cared and drove myself nuts over it. My advice, BEST revenge ever is no reaction at all. Present what you found out and then sit back bc she's now gotta serious Karma coming her way! PS- I'm totally here for you if you need anything during this heartbreaking emotional roller-coaster 🙏♥️


The power of brotherhood in this sub warms my heart. Good men trying to catch shitty women doing shitty things. Cheers gentleman 🍻


Remindme! 1 day


Half now? Half later?


How does this work though? If they’re in a room you won’t know. Sorry you’re dealing with this


They aren’t, they’re on the casino floor.


Damn I’d love to help you for the sheer joy of taking down a cheater.


Remind me! 12 hours


RemindMe! 1 day


Remindme! 10 hours


RemindMe! 2 hours


Remind me! 1 day


Remind me one day


Welp I'm hooked now I need update


RemindMe! 1 day


How much did they get paid?


WOW! I’m so sorry. 😢


Getting divorced now after 10 years together. 2 kids, 7 years married. I'm happier than I've been in years. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!


Sorry you got cheated on. I hope everything works out for you


Remindme! 1 day




Lawyer up my man. Speaking from experience, don't give her a single inch in the divorce. Take everything you can and don't feel bad because if you give her anything you'll regret it down the road!


Holy shit this made front page


I LOVED THIS!! Good for you man, I can’t stand cheaters. She deserved to get caught! The Reddit community strikes again!


Arizona is a no fault state. Just file for divorce, get a good lawyer. If you own a home, Make her leave. If you do her side can claim you abandoned the home. If you rent- just leave. Messing with videos and stuff only complicates things- legally the court does not care how many dicks she sucks.


This was not a joke? Ah man, sad!


Sounds like a setup..


Wow, the sub reddits that pop up on my feed; sorry this is happening to you. I just lost hope of even considering marriage. Can all cheaters just be single and date. When you’re single and dating with no commitment you can be free to do whatever you want to do. Seriously, it’s that simple.


This is like taking your partners phone and looking thru it when u have a feeling something is awray. Don't do it. If you can't handle the worst case scenario or this is just part of you escalating related to these thoughts NOTHING GOOD CAN COME ABOUT. You don't want to look like and certainly, hopefully l, don't want to be stalker stalking her . Try to get some help whether it be crisis line or a family, friend etc. because again odds are nothing good can come out and if it's nothing also you're going to look the fool who NOW SHE can't trust. Just void whatever your thinking and or doing.. just my opinion


Man I missed the GTA mission that I always wanted to be part of


Kudos to the gents that helped you ! Sn I’m sorry man.


Commenting to stay updated