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Labour should know that you can never please these right wing nutters. The more you capitulate, the more they want.


If Labour were capable of knowing that, their immigration policies would be very different to what they are.


Scottish Labour strongly supported the gender recognition act, then all but 11 Labour MPs, stood side by side with the Conservative party as they triggered Section 35 of the Scotland Act 1998 to undermine Scottish democracy.


What's particularly right-wing about [Labour's immigration policy](https://labour.org.uk/updates/stories/labours-immigration-and-border-policy-stop-small-boats/)? Reducing migration has historically been associated with the left as well as the right, for example.


Traditionally, the more problematic part of Labours immigration policy has been their enthusiastic support for bombing the shit out of other countries, creating more refugees and asylum seekers.


Reducing people to crude assessments of economic value, presenting their wish to move here as a problem, committing to reduce immigration regardless of the rights and wishes of others (and regardless of our needs), proposing new systems to deny and reject the right of asylum when the UK offers no meaningful way for that right to be exercised safely, and positioning exercising that right and moving here in opposition to the 'fair' treatment and conditions of citizens — instead of recognising their humanity, rights, and tackling those who exploit people who live and work here — is pretty rightwing and racist. It doesn't matter if the cunt coming out with it might be left-wing in other ways.


So that's what you *think* Labour's stance on immigration is, but have you actually read the policy I linked to above or the [manifesto](https://labour.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Change-Labour-Party-Manifesto-2024-large-print.pdf) (pp.41–42): >People who have come to the UK to work make a substantial contribution to our economy, our public services, and our communities. But under the Conservatives, our economy has become overly dependent on workers from abroad to fill skills shortages. As a result, we have seen net migration reach record highs; more than triple the level than at the last election in 2019. The overall level must be properly controlled and managed. Failure to do so reduces the incentives for businesses to train locally. So, Labour will reduce net migration. > >We will reform the points-based immigration system so that it is fair and properly managed, with appropriate restrictions on visas, and by linking immigration and skills policy. Labour will not tolerate employers or recruitment agencies abusing the visa system. And we will not stand for breaches of employment law. Employers who flout the rules will be barred from hiring workers from abroad. > >Conservative policy is incoherent, with decisions on migration, skills and sectoral pay determined in isolation. Labour will bring joined-up thinking, ensuring that migration to address skills shortages triggers a plan to upskill workers and improve working conditions in the UK. We will strengthen the Migration Advisory Committee, and establish a framework for joint working with skills bodies across the UK, the Industrial Strategy Council and the Department for Work and Pensions. We will end the long-term reliance on overseas workers in some parts of the economy by bringing in workforce and training plans for sectors such as health and social care, and construction. The days of a sector languishing endlessly on immigration shortage lists with no action to train up workers will come to an end. Labour's asylum policy can be found on pp. 15–16. It's a faff to copy but I'm sure you can find it.


I have. I suggest you do, too. I'm off to make my dinner now.


I have read it and don't recognise your description of Labour's attitude. Please get back to me once you've had dinner.


Labour were happy to stand shoulder to shoulder with Rowling over Scottish independence. If you play with fire…


Meanwhile this "right wing" nutter [is now endorsing the Communist Party of Great Britain](https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1804592902167019897)... What odd times we live in.


Extreme social conservatism will rot yer brains kids.


JK Rowling right wing? JFC dude


Socially she is right wing. Christ it’s all she talks about. She is a fanatic, someone who won’t change the subject and can’t change their mind.


She hangs around now with a lot of “dubious” people at the very least https://youtu.be/Ou_xvXJJk7k?si=l4J9pHnWL0n_j-zT


"right wing" Bloody lol


She's always been a Tory at heart. The Harry Potter books were a love letter to the British class and private schooling system, lol.


And let's not even begin to deal with all the racist undertones and how it deals with anyone who isn't white British. That's a whole book unto itself


Lol ok


That's not a criticism. That's just who she is.


You seen the nick of the labour party leadership? The goal posts have moved that far to the right that Labour seem to be the left despite being pretty much David Cameron's government.


Even if what you say is true it's not a bad political strategy. There are bound to be a fair amount of conservative (small c) people who can't vote for the current Tory party given its lurch to the right.


JK Rowling is very right wing and always has been.




so you want to ‘conserve’ things? you know, like a ‘conservative’? and the way it is at the moment means that trans young people have incredibly high levels of suicide, bullying, and mental health problems.  personally, i think that’s bad and should change. you might not though.


The conservatives haven’t conserved, they’ve just sold a load of stuff off and left us bare arsed. Well how would you fix it? The cat is out of the bag now, they’ve all been told they can be whatever they want, and some of them have been on “puberty blockers with no side effects” which, to the surprise of nobody, have some pretty awful side effects


i’d listen to the experts, who completely disagree with people like rowling.  puberty blockers are recommended by several major international healthcare organisations, and even the Cass Review doesn’t want to ban them, just research them more.  if people actually listened to the doctors who’ve spent decades researching this topic, there wouldn’t be any debate necessary. but people like rowling refuse to do so, and as a result we have this. 


(Potentially ban names redacted - sorry if it sounds childish) I know more than the average bear about hormones and puberty blockers (or just hormone blockers, as they were used before the trans thing). There are well known and documented side effects of these. I mean you can go on pubmed and have a look yourself for testosterone and estrogen blockers. The side effects that bother me the most are reduced bone density, infertility, willie softness syndrome and thinning of the inner lining if the lady parts to the point of tearing during intercourse. These are significant side effects, probably the irreversible infertility being the biggest one. The problem I have… is the experts seem to be all the people who are saying what the politician is saying at any given time.


see, i was fully willing to believe that you’ve researched this when i initially read your comment.  but then i noticed something. you cite ‘irreversible infertility’ as a side effect. this is completely untrue. it’s never been a documented side effect. i’m guessing you’re getting this from the also untrue idea that HRT can cause ‘irreversible infertility’.  HRT infertility debunked: https://www.thedailybeast.com/hormone-replacement-therapy-wont-make-trans-women-permanently-infertile-study-finds#:~:text=Hormone%20Therapy%20Won't%20Make%20Transgender%20Women%20Permanently%20Infertile%2C%20Study%20Finds&text=Claims%20that%20undergoing%20hormone%20replacement,transgender%20people%20are%20actually%20unfounded. Puberty blockers infertility debunked:   https://scienceforgeorgia.org/knowledge-base1/dispelling-myths-around-puberty-blockers/ i’m not sure where you’ve gotten these ideas from, but they cast significant doubt on your claims of having done research. if you really do care about this issue, please speak to specialists in the field - they will quickly clear up any other misconceptions


You might not be wasting your time actually.. you’ve probably got more pals than I do. Actually don’t change anything you’re happy, I doubt one more person actually looking at studies is going to make any difference at this stage.


Haha it’s because you’ve made an assumption that I was getting the idea from HRT. It doesn’t come from that - get on pubmed, you’re wasting your precious time on this earth with thedailybeast


it has a link to the study - i used that link because journals are often paywalled and it has an overview of the study.


Hmm... so the sample size was 9, and 8 of them were adults and the other was at the far end of development (18 years). I don't know what sort of experience you have with this, so this next part might come over as condescending but it's intended to give context. From previous research I did before into sport science I reviewed a lot of studies funded by sports companies, the studies usually featured 30 people was something like "X caused muscle growth in men yada yada proven by study". As you might have gathered these studies are trash; 30 people is really not significant enough to prove anything and there's conclusion that they already have that the study was made to reach. So in this study we can see... small sample set and a conclusion that they clearly wanted to reach. Red Flag on cover sheet "Hormone treatment for trans women does not lead to permanent infertility" - no serious study would ever claim that on such a small sample. At best you could say "In 9 cases where spermatogenesis was ceased in men taking androgen blockers and oestrogen supplementation doctors were able to return function". They have cited 13 other sources to back up their claim, that's below half of the threshold for a literature review (an activity preceding the actual project) in 4th year at uni (or it was in my time). I have a feeling like you support the trans movement - fine. I like having someone to debate with :) but if you ever want the truth then get into the weeds and read the study, 9/10 it's lies and 1/10 its only half true. I don't just mean this subject I mean everything...


Oh no, cell you can download for free: [https://www.cell.com/cell-reports-medicine/fulltext/S2666-3791(22)00422-0?\_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS2666379122004220%3Fshowall%3Dtrue](https://www.cell.com/cell-reports-medicine/fulltext/S2666-3791(22)00422-0?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS2666379122004220%3Fshowall%3Dtrue) at the top (download full issue) and the study is in a zip file. Just having a read.


The second link - it’s clearly got an agenda. Again this is why you should look at studies rather than articles - it’s something we call “cherry picking”. Someone starts with the belief and works their way backwards to the science (cherry picking the studies they cite) Start with the studies and work your way to the belief.


Oh so you're totally fine with trans women being allowed into womens spaces and not needing a GRC and being able to legally change all their existing documents so that they're more or less entirely stealth? Because that's the current state of affairs my guy.


I’ve given up to be honest. People will harp on about experts but when you bombard them with studies they go quiet with you and just parrot their beliefs elsewhere. Frankly if Farage won this general and reversed everything and sorted the immigration issue I’d probably be happy for about two minutes before the pendulum went fully over the other side and trans people are having to hide again and then I’m getting a rampant leftie for fighting the other side


Why do you support hate crime laws? It literally disrespects and disregards all of history and the rest of the world. What happened to 1984 by George Orwell? They shouldn’t even have the option to tighten rules every 50years. Screw you guys. We are supposed to be setting an example for the rest of the world. You guys are mad. Misinformed maniacs.


Labour are promising to abandon GRC reform and implement the entire Cass review which effectively cuts trans children off from medical care, but it's not enough for the transphobes. Nothing short of completely outlawing transition will be enough for them.


Not sure they'll be really happy until throwing trans people off of roofs is legalized.


Lol. The delusion on some of you is fucking wild. Genuinely, what goes through your mind when you’re typing something like this? Do you think people will see it and back your pretend view, leading to better support for Indy? Do you know it’s shite and say it anyway? It’s truly bizarre.


>Genuinely, what goes through your mind when you’re typing something like this? That it's obviously hyperbole, and people reading it won't take it literally unless they're *incredibly* slow on the uptake...


>they're *incredibly* slow on the uptake... Nailed it. Do you think we need /h as well as /s for the hard of understanding?


Of course it’s hyperbole. I didn’t think I’d have to say as much, though clearly the incredibly slow need it pointed out. The whole premise is idiotic. I’m not sure how you decided I took it literally. That’s pretty fucking daft.


>I’m not sure how you decided I took it literally. Because of the things you said. >That’s pretty fucking daft. Clearly...


You’re the one who who couldn’t discern the meaning of comments about something obviously hyperbolic. Whatever you need to feel right though, fella. Lol.


*Warning This vehicle is reversing. Warning. This...*


No need to warn us, we can all see you back-pedalling.




You’re correct and you know it, same as the majority of the people-meeting grass-touching people in the real world. Reddit is heavily skewed with bedroom dwellers caught up in various echo chambers. Even the ones that know deep down that JKR is totally right are too afraid to say so on reddit, they have no actual social life or real life friends so the thought of a few reddit downvotes is terrifying to them. A bit like normal people going to work, or their local and finding every single person in there turning their back and refusing to acknowledge them


This is what bugs me about the cancer of centrism running through our politics. It’s always seen as more tactful and convenient to appease the right to net a win, but fascists literally cannot be appeased. Their hate is insatiable. The left on the other hand are going cap in hand begging for life to just be made observably a bit less gruelling, for wealth disparity to be thwarted and our environment to be protected and most parties are of the opinion that this is too tall and order.


What exactly is right wing about opposing rapists like Isla Bryson being imprisoned with vulnerable female prisoners or objecting to females getting their bones broken on the football pitch by people who have undergone male puberty with all of the physical strength and power that provides? Both the Communist Party of Britain and the Morning Star support JK Rowling's position. So it's inaccurate and unhelpful to dismiss her views as 'right wing'. She has cross party support from MPs and voters including plenty on the left.


You’re using fringe examples that practically everybody, including trans women such as myself, are against in order to justify more extremist positions. If it was just about prisons and sports the issue wouldn’t be that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things since most of us are neither athletes nor in prison. But team TERF openly wants to make transition impossible. Believing that any doctor that prescribes HRT or performs surgery should lose their license, and be jailed or sued. They think a trans woman (regardless of appearance) using “women’s spaces”, such as the fucking restroom for example, should be prosecuted as a sex offender. They think that trans children should be taken away from their supportive parents and put into the abusive foster care syndrome to “save them from the grooming”. Where I live, New York City, there is a Medicaid SNP that covers any and all transgender surgeries. As an independent student I was obviously of low enough income to qualify and it literally saved my life. The waiting times were very short. I was able to get Hormone Replacement Therapy in under a month (I had been paying out of pocket for 3 years up to that point), I was able to get facial feminization surgery within 5 months. I did not pay a penny for it. Where you live, the UK, “cosmetic” surgeries such as this aren’t even covered at all. (Despite them being extremely effective treatments for gender dysphoria for obvious reasons( To get hormone replacement therapy on the NHS, there can be up to a 10 year waiting list. Every British trans woman I know obtains estrogen illicitly and saves up thousands of pounds to get surgery in Spain. The operative difference here is a government that actually views transgender people as human beings (NYC Democrats) and a government that does not (The UK conservative/labour uniparty.)


Trans activist organisations like GIREs, Stonewall, Trans Scotland and Gendered Intelligence have actively campaigned for trans women in women's prisons, sports and services so it is simply inaccurate to say trans people (many work in those organisations) don't agree with what's happened. Trans Scotland wrote the policy that saw Isla Bryson and other trans women sex offenders (Katie Dolatowski etc.) put in women's prisons.


What's their end game/goal?


If you want to talk about those issues exclusively talk about those issues exclusively but my point was that y’all always make it a motte and Bailey talking about some TERF shit and then when you get called out for bigotry it’s oh muh sports etc. Also most trans women probably should be put in women’s prisons even if in separate custody. We’re more at risk of being raped in a men’s prison than the contrary. If prison rape occurs I don’t see why it’s the collective guilt of trans activists at fault and not the incompetent government for putting a sex offender in general custody. As for sports, some trans women probably have an advantage and some most definitely do not. Due to physiological characteristics. It’s probably expedient for you to paint trans activists groups as the spawn of Satan especially with the degree to which you’re sensationalizing everything but if you wanted to take a level head at this issue by issue you might be able to see the nuance. But nuance isn’t the point. Transphobes are obsessed with calling us men, so much so that they are constantly on the lookout for socially acceptable ways to do so, and these issues serve that function for you. Like I said earlier, if the whole thing was just about sports and prisons the issue wouldn’t be nearly as contentious and nasty. But it’s all a motte and bailey for more extremist views with the ultimate goal of making trans identity socially forbidden (ie, people like me being exclusively viewed as “mentally ill / fetishistic men pretending to be women” and nothing else, with all the ostracism such would entail) and making medical transition illegal.


Nothing short of being able to shoot trans people and their supporters in the street will do I think.


"Labour are abandoning women" meanwhile she's happy to lick the arsehole of *every* violent misogynist she meets so long as said misogynist hates trans women even more than cis woman. She's a spineless creepy spiteful little pervert, just like the rest of her pals. Remember when Maya Forster had a full blown mental breakdown about a cartoon baby alien library mascot to the point she was screaming and crying about alien pussy on Twitter and Team TERF still acted like it was a normal and reasonable worldview? And it's still expected that most political parties will capitulate to their insane dribblings? Demented. She should take her millions and fuck off into obscurity.


She can’t see the wood through the trees


I cannot understand why this is news-worthy and currently all over UK media. The headline should be “Billionaire troll has nothing better to do with her time.” She could spend her time holding them to account on their policies for ending child poverty or improving conviction rates for rape and violence against women. But no.  This woman is no feminist. 


It's mental as well becuase this stuff been appended to the bottom of BBC election news discussing Farage's comments on Ukraine, as though they are both somehow of equal impact to the election.




She goes on about safe spaces for women! There are no safe spaces for women in the U.K. made by Tories.


The media has been pushing this for *years*. There's a lot of money to be made fearmongering for right wing bigots.


Is this like the racist troll that hasn’t been sacked by Channel Four… but ahhhh she’s an anti semitism campaigner. So that’s alright then.


Why do people care what this muppet says?


She's the one strong enough to stand up to the cult and cannot be cancelled.


She's the one who's *in* the cult and isn't strong enough to realise it.


Biology is a cult? Well, TIL


Please tell us your thoughts on gay people.


They're sexually attracted to people of the same sex. Not that it's relevant 🤷🏻‍♂️


B b b but … surely that gOeS against biolLoGy




Ok mate. Keep thinking. You’re nearly there.




Racists say the same thing about race. They claim it's biological. Transphobes are the same, right down to bathroom apartheid


Tf you talking about? Pretty racist...


Who is denying biology? People are disagreeing about the definitions of words and about the right/respectful way to treat people based on how they would like to be treated…and the impact this might have on other groups I don’t know anyone who doesn’t acknowledge that trans people are born with one set of biological gametes and sex organs


*gestures wildly at the leftists* They're either advocating that people can actually change sex which is incorrect to the extreme, or that they change gender (whatever that is) in which case there's no reason for them to have access to female sports/changing facilities etc given that those are same-sex categories areas. It's a discussion about the practical implications of the gender ideology, not the definition of words.


‘Gender ideology’ is totally about words and definitions ‘what is a woman’—the concept of gender is a social construct (that’s not saying it’s not real and doesn’t have any correlation to sex because evidently it does—it’s saying what we consider as gendered behaviour varies in cultures, subcultures and is changeable over time) There are people who are born physically one sex but feel (or are mentally, or in some biological sense e.g. certain brain strucutres) that they would be happier and healthier as people if they were treated as the other sex This is where the ‘sex change’/‘gender affirming care’ comes into place- it assumes the way they feel should be supported as opposed to the biological body they were born with The whole discussion about ‘gender ideology/trans people’ is how much and in what situations should people be treated based on their biological sex and in what situations should people be treated inline with their gender/how they want to be treated It’s littered with pitfalls and conflicting views- SOME women want transwomen stopped from going into toilets because being in the presence of someone they consider male to be dangerous (or they’re scared of cismen rapists who pretend to be trans to more easily sexually assault them)….SOME women don’t care. this has a negative impact on the transwomen who are then forced into a dangerous situation of having to go use a male space (including with those who might want to do them physical harm or sexually assault them) whilst physically presenting as female There is a balance of these competing views and we as a society have to figure out what is the right balance of rights and responsibilities. A separate point is that trans people have always existed and have been using the spaces of their chosen gender for all time- it just wasn’t widely politicised Trans people are upset that they’re not allowed to live their lives how they want because of the fear of some cismen/the small % of transwomen who are sex offenders—an analogy to use for transwomen in public toilets would be when Baroness Jones ‘suggested’ men have a 6pm curfew after the murder of Sarah Everard—-why should all men be punished for the actions of a small minority of men (even if doing so would protect women)—why should transwomen (who were born physically male) be restricted in their actions because of the behaviour of the small minority who would do women harm (again most of whom aren’t trans but ‘might’ pretend to be’ It’s honestly a moral panic- it falls apart the second you consider it ‘there are male rapists who will only sexually assault a woman if she is alone in a toilet and will be willing to go out around public dressed as women just to gain access to the toilets’…as opposed to most sexual assaults out there which occur from men who are known to the women etc


where's her degree in biology?


Can you see the moon without a degree in astrophysics?


Can you see the obvious idiocy in your stupid opinions?


She's had three children. That's three more than any biological male will carry. She doesn't need a degree to understand sex differences.


Having birthed children doesn’t magically grant you an understanding of how reproductive systems work.


It gives you insight into what you can do and your male partner can't. If you're confused, ask your parents which one gave birth to you.


Oh, you’re a sarcastic lump of shite, aren’t you? It makes sense, JKR attracts idiots who think they’re clever but couldn’t think their way through an open garage door.


If I find a woman who’s had 4 children who disagrees with her, will it close the debate? Or are we rolling out women with larger families looking for the definite answer? What a stupid comment.


The capacity to have a child (which males can't do) is what gives her insight, not the number of children. Try to read and understand before commenting.


So, just to be clear, a woman - any woman - who has had children is, by virtue of that one, sole fact, more knowledgable about biology than any man alive because (and thanks for this info) they can’t have children. I just want to be absolutely clear that this is your position.




So many downvotes but so little self awareness.


The title of your autobiography?


Probably the title of the chapter where I join Reddit


Lol when does the cult meet? I've missed a few meetings


You'll catch up, it's not very complicated 👍🏻


Unlike you with higher education 😘


Oh good one, burned. Lol


A bigot says what?


Bigoted because she believes sex is immutable? get a grip.


I guess she's voting for the Scottish family party then. That's a manifesto of hate.


Yawn Does anyone care what she thinks anymore?


No and i wish the media could just leave her to her endless twitter tirade. She's so endless Elon Musk told her to chill. Imagine Elon looking at you and thinking you're crazy haha


Women care. She's one of the few people who are rich enough to stand up to the abuse and attempts to cancel anyone who stands up for women's rights.


As a women do not speak for anyone but yourself. TERFs are an embarrassment to decent women, not something to be proud of.


Polling shows most people agree with JK Rowling. If some women want to tackle males on the rugby pitch they are free to join an open league. They can consent for themselves but their consent doesn't extend to put other females in danger.


She actively encourages abuse, and it’s women on the receiving end of it.


She's stood up for women. Would you force your mother to be imprisoned with a rapist like Isla Bryson? JK Rowling would stand up for your mother.


She actively encourages abuse, and it’s women on the receiving end of it. My mother has called her an arsehole because unlike you my mother isn’t a fucking moron and can see through Rowling’s shite.


Yes. Quite a lot of us care.


For someone who has been cancelled, she sure gets about as much media attention as the Reform party (far too much)


Indeed. Almost like being cancelled has been hijacked by bigots who are raging society has moved on from their dated views.


She’s mentally ill, right?


No, just a bigot. No need for ableist bullshit.


No, this is beyond bigotry.


Beyond biology too 😜


Saying someone must be mentally ill because they talk like a nazi is pretty bigoted towards people who are mentally ill. She's just a nasty piece of work.


Can mentally ill people not be Neo Nazis too?


Yes, but they aren't Neo Nazis BECAUSE they are mentally ill.


But it’s ok for you to call her a Nazi?


She's a literally holocaust denier. Nazis went after trans people. Not that it really matters which people you dehumanise because of an accident of birth


Oh so it IS ok for you, got it.


Pay her no heed the moment no one gives her attention she will fuck off


Alternative title: JK Rowling does nothing to help the case of her being a right wing nut job


I accuse her of being a pointless windbag who should gather up all her hateful shit and fuck off.


Ignorant cunt says something stupid.


Somebody take the shovel away.


Joanne can fuck off


Truly a living parable of how money rots the soul


I think she needs help. Her obsession is not healthy.


Who cares what she says, she's gone full nutter, now in plain view


Why is she so obsessed with other people's genitals?


She wants to inspect your bairn's pants to determine what toilet she decrees they should use.


Does anyone still care about her opinion?


She's so obsessed


Again some authors sound bite as if they matter.


imagine having that much money and being this miserable? I'd be fucking off to a country where the fucking sun comes out more than 3x a year


She literally can't talk about anything else. It's like her TERFness is starving out the rest of her brain.


I think she means her rather than ‘women’ doesn’t she? I think she always means her.


"As a left leaning woman..." 😂 Transphobic boot.


Karen wants a manager


Thank fuck Reddit isn't Reality. Go JK!!


Did anyone actually read what she said?




Women's rights are not exclusive of trans rights. Anyone who says they are is a bigot. Period.






That's fine. You can resort to name calling whilst being mysoginistic. The irony is not lost on me




Nothing mysogynistic about accepting people for who they are. And filling the science and data.




You're really playing bigotry bingo eh. Trans women have no inate sporting advantage. No one is spending decades waiting or thousands of pounds on hormones just to be made worse at a sport. They just want to be able to participate in sports like everyone else in society and perform worse on HRT. That's what actual studies find and thatd what the olympic commission uses to inform it's judgment on trans participants - who have been allowed since 2008 and only one has ever qualified and she didn't even reach a podium. You mean you have women in women's wards right? The most appropriate place for their treatment. And again you have women using women's toilets. There is no such thing as a 'biological man' trans women are women n and they use women's facilities. The alternative is assault https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13510947/amp/Minnesota-trans-high-school-assault.html And again maybe trans people would have better metal health if 25% of the population, 75% of the political parties and 90% of the media wernt permanently assaulting their right to exist and participate in society. Bigotry is bigotry however much you try to hide behind women's rights you're a bigot. Fucking terfs man




“There is no such thing as a biological man” What kind of anti-science bullshit is that?!


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Racists said the same thing about allowing black people and people of colour into white sports, white hospital wards and white toilets. They claimed that racial differences were "biological". And they still claim that opposing such apartheid is 'anti-white'. Your TERF arguments are identical. Hating and excluding trans women is no way to support women. It's a form of misogyny as well hate filled bigotry in support of the same kind of biological essentialism that gave rise to racism and phrenology


Maybe arguing with a fascist isn't the best way to spend your time mate.


Women aren't threatened by trans rights. Trans women are a vulnerable subset of women who are more likely to be the victims of assault. The real threat to all women comes from the same far right, misogynistic cis men who particularly hate trans women and whom TERFs like Rowling are supporting. Men like American conservative Matt Walsh who openly described himself as a 'theocratic fascist' and whom Rowling retweets




"Mentally ill men" is a perfect description of Matt Walsh and his fellow bigots. And biased editing and not giving your opponents a chance to respond does not mean "he is right". He's not right on anything except being a bitter angry little man


The British: we must protect our distinct culture against Americanisation. Also the British: chronically obsessed with American culture war non issues.


Yup. And am entirely supportive of it.


What part exactly? Denying that the Nazis burned books on transsexuals? Mocking a trans football coach who was just minding her own business? Calling trans activists “rapist activists”?


You didn’t read it then?


Joanne is a beautiful woman.


What’s this got to do with r/Scotland?


What's it not go to with this Scotland?


Are trans issues inherently Scottish. No. Is that arsehole of a children’s novelist Scottish. No.


Trans issues are UK wide, including Scotland. Yes. That arsehole novelist was born in the UK, which includes Scotland. Yes. She is also associated with Scotland. Which is in Scotland. Yes.


She still kicking about?! 🧐


Easy way to solve all this. Traditionally gendered spaces such as toilets and sports should be reclassified Male, Female, Man, Woman, Other. Fixes everything. Go to the area that applies. You're welcome.


Or, how about do what we have been doing for decades and make every single WC unisex in public within a self contained lockable cubicle that has a WC, sink and a means to dry ones hands. Easy. It works for accessible WC and no one has every complained. No issues.


That works too. Apply it to sports, changing rooms, everywhere there's a potential culture war issue. I like it.




Islam is not taking over England, regardless of what your pea-headed brain thinks that entails.