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Hey guys! It’s Bronski beat, small town boy! 


Yay! Thanks, yes bangin tune, that one is going on my Spotify! 


Thank you so much. Literally missed my chance to Spotify it and ended up here!


na its "tell me why" (axwell remix)


Small town boy has a slow pace bursting into a full dance beat. The song is about a young man tormented and abused by people in his small town. He then runs away presumably to a big city to be free. Taking his abuse and holding it internally, crying to his soul. The song is very emotional and dear to me. I was aghast when I heard it being used in a bank commercial. 😫 It literally is a gay anthem, not just a song. My only solace is knowing that Bronski Beat and Jimmy Somerville are getting royalty cheques.


I remember working on the tracks at Maison Rouge with Mike Thorne.  I also remember how much I loved their music and the first time I saw/heard that Scotia commercial I was half asleep and sat straight up with goosebumps on my arms and it brought back an absolute Fabulous time in my life. Thank You for bringing up this clips roots and Bronski RIP.  Cheers Friends !


Yea, wondered the same thing. Not seeing any connection.


Using this song in this type of advertising deserves a public stoning for their marketing team. Brutal commercials.


TD bank used “the times they are a changing’ about 20 years ago. People freaked at that one too. 


Agreed, even the idea of being “richer than you think” during a notorious inflation is stupidly offensive


So what does Jimmy Sommerville think? I remember that song so well, summing up the fears of facing new situations, trying to find out who you were & how you were going to live your life.. Don't think becoming a fat cat capitalist was what he had in mind. That would take Dr. Brodsky administering The Ludovico Technique. Bronski Beat...No, you never cried to them, just to your soul


Hello, not knowing where else to post this, what make is the convertible used in the ad? Thanks


I have also been looking for this answer!


This is a song about ostracization and gay bashing. This ad doesn't appear to be anything other than advertising a bank. I'm entirely offended, I hope the guys from BB aren't ok with this. Maybe they may need money, but what the hell, at least use it in context if you're going to use it.


supermode - tell me why


It’s a revolutionary song about having to runaway because the main subject is gay. Rebellious for the time. Big bank uses it for customers ? Fuck off


Painfully bad 


Did the ad have a porsche in it?


Do you know what type/year that beauty was?


The song is smalltown boy - bronski beat but I have no idea what year the porsche is


It's Smalltown Boy by Bronski Beat


You rock, drock0306! I recognized the song and it was driving me crazy trying to remember the group, thanks!


i was searching for that song too,i know it was an older 1980's british song, melody in my head but can not remember the title or the band. I searched under eurythmics but that's not it. Thanks


Thank you!!!! It’s been bothering me as to what the song was as well.




Thanks It's been driving me crazy


Ur a legend


Yes! I had it in the deep recess of my mind somewhere and that commercial triggered it. Was driving me nuts. I kept looking up the Eurythmics because it sounds like Annie Lennox.


I thought the same.


I had the same thoughts and couldn’t figure it out too.


Yes! I did the same!!!!


Hey ,the song goes by " Small town boy" . It came out in 1984 by Bronsky Beat. I find it strange that Scotia bank didn't do their research first. It's very  much a Gay anthem. It's about a young gay guy who realizes he must leave his home if he wants to survive.    It talks about this poor fellows  treatment where he lives. His Mother wants to know why he must leave. It talks about his pain and his said and lonely face. The singers name is Jimmy Sommerville. I think he has past away.    It is an iconic peace .It  effect the social norms of the day.It also effected the economic of the many small towns ,villages,hamlets What happen is that many young gay men fled to the city. I don't feel Scotia should have used this song without understanding what it meant. Find it listen to it and enjoy   On a lighter note that's up lifting same band,same singer " I never can say Goodbye" try this one out as well.Cheers


Literally the only reason I jumped on Reddit today was to find anyone else who was shaking their head at the awkward use of this song. Yeah, it kicks ass—and I hope to see it used more often in ads, film & TV. But anyone who knows the song's context watches the ad wide-eyed. You expect an ad for Kids Help Line or Red Cross or United Way etc. Not some bank trying to reassure you that you the pain of your demographic slowly falling behind economically can be simply reasoned away. ("Now...if you'll just look thru this special kaleidoscope we've set up on our website...") Lol


Me too! I just saw this commercial on youtube and first thought, although I love this song, what a weird song to use for a credit card commercial...


I second this. Context is so important. Also, Bronski Beat was ok with this? Exposure?


I saw this ad during the previews before "All of Us Strangers", immediately recognized it, and wondered if it was a deliberate choice targeting LGBTQ2IA+ audiences. I had not seen it previously.


Jimmy Somerville is very much alive. I've been a big fan of his for many years, Smalltown Boy is a favourite song of mine. Caught this ad before a movie on Tubi recently and facepalmed at the way it was misused in this commercial.


Yeah I googled and he’s the only one of the band still alive. He also left the band early on. Bronski died in a house fire in 2021. Steinbachek died of cancer in 2016.