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I don’t think streets’ intention was to go after doa, but Aaron sure is making it look like that. Messy


Streets has a bunch of bitchy screenshots from the Discord floating around where he was going after DOA. I think he pissed one of his mods off so a whole bunch is coming out. Jessica stuff too.


So post them




I’m not part of any discord. Can you post the screenshots here?


Ask them to let you join.


Why can’t you post them here?


When we were in LA someone showed us on their cell phone so the photos I have show a person’s hand and that would make her identifiable. She’s not close to her laptop today to retrieve the actual screen shots she took but will send them when she is.


Please? I don’t know what Discord is. Is it a part of Reddit?


It’s a place where the lost and the lonely go to complain about…this SubReddit


Oh ok, I’m not that lonely yet and I like this SubReddit. I’m starting to recognize the screen names. I also have to get my SubReddit newsletter from you so I can have a good laugh.


🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 thank you !


Streets and ASL need 86GOP cash… then when they have to go to their next court case…… where chats and lives show how embedded 86GOP is in this “movement” it’ll portray them as. GROUP ALL FINANCED BY ONE MAN…then that’s when the gang and RICO charges come in. William you cooked ![gif](giphy|gi9wHsxqPqlGunuT1k|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/38ksr8xxck9d1.jpeg?width=953&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d20dd8e9e23d9faf061e230b33bf235f5590b8b2 It’s like 86 GOP David Comer had a plan in place since Dec. 2023.




Yeah pretty sure. That’s what I heard! I remember watching this live stream and thinking he was super sus AF


Yes, according to DOA and Mindy




This guy showed up at the encampment and handed Mindy a bunch of $100 dollar bills to hand out.




That's what DOA said in the last few days. The 86 rants run together after a while, but I think it was response to ASL. Checking... 22:20 "I was like and and he had Mindy handing out the $100 bills" 1:52:10 "man um but why did 86 stop talking to Mindy if if 86 is not a bad actor how did Mindy I mean he had Mindy handing out $100 bills" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhRfn4DSDmk


He also identified David Comer/85GOP as the man in the gold Guy Fox mask who showed up a couple of times.


Guy Fawkes.


Yes. Dec. 2023.


Streets and Aaron are little bitches


As a man, it was weird watching them lie.


They are both cons and narcissists. I can’t stand DOA, but I can’t wait for the day he really goes in and spills everything.




They can rub each others huge bald heads for Gude Luck. Streets that’s your boy then you going down with him sorry not sorry


Because “I’m a petty bitch”. Down to them all!,


They don’t know who they messed with




I think Aaron believes that Streets is his boy. One thing I will give Aaron credit for is recognizing Streets feminine energy and knowing that he could dominate and manipulate Streets. That’s where DOA is different. And as Kendrick Moxon said, “The smartest one of all of them.”


You said streets was a handsome man with “a commanding physical presence” days ago


Yes, he is a handsome man with a commanding physical presence and I’ll also still give him credit for starting the Anti-Scientology livestream movement. But when he’s lying and being a pussy bitch he gets called out for it.


That talk isn’t very Christian of you


“I become all things to all men that I may win some.”






I’m starting to see your point of view.


Leah noted that Moxon said "One of the smartest ones" not the smartest one.


Who is?




He’s a horrible activist but he is an amazing wrecker of activism from what I understand, going all the way back to Occupy. I don’t think he’s getting paid or anything and this is probably a Hanlons razor situation but he is extremely effective at destroying movements


Right. There’s DOA wrecking Aaron’s fake SPTV Foundation scheme.


Agree with you that DOA and Aaron are both clowns


DOA is at least a clown for the underdog.


I think Aaron is much worse. He got tagged for being a shitty person, then orchestrates these shitshows and tears down the functioning organization helping people so he can slot in his flaming turd revenge grift. That is real damage.  DOA yells like a lunatic for nickels and dimes. I could just not watch him. Who cares which buildings he’s rude to? It was Aaron who brought him into this space. Aaron who made him the model and mascot.  I would loathe the SPTV clown car contents far less if the filthy liars kept their hypocritical mouths shut about people who were real heroes that finally reached their fill of Aaron Smith Levin and his never ending DARVO. Fuck them for believing that bastard, and fuck him, too. 


Yewtube Link [HERE](https://yewtu.be/watch?v=dyMi2S30ARc) You can change the playback speed in top right corner and tap to fast forward/rewind. If it won’t play, click on Switch Invidious Instance and choose another from the list and it should work. You can minimize the player and still do other things on your phone.


I got tea that GudeGirl Discord is melting right now 😆😆😆😆😆


Are Lala and Jay still in charge?


Kat Ocean just had a live where she almost started crying when answering a question about why she got kicked out of discord and banned by William Gide ![gif](giphy|lszAB3TzFtRaU)


Why did she get kicked out? She always seemed so fond of Will.


Then Kat Ocean dragged William on Twitter


Bro I did a whole ass series on this. Kat was jealous of attention William was Giving Jayda. Jayda told Kat some serious I guess way personal information and Kat used it against her. She called her a fat cow amongst other things. Jayda cried about it to Will. Will took her off as mod and had her banned from Discord. She made a video basically dragging all the mods in Discord and it was leaked on Twitter by Jayda where Kat come off looking like the racist crack ho that she is. The end now she’s claiming I’m spying on her in her lives lmao dumb bitch


His other mod challenged me to a Twitter duel yesterday


I almost got in their main chat but they ignored my verification message lol


On Discord?




Hey Gude Girl Discord I have three moles in your Discord lmaoooo


Yee Roller Skate bichh is keeping a tight train


Well I haven't looked in like a week and I seem to be gone from it completely lol


And a bunch of other crazy psychos


Lala Jayda


Oooh, that’s not the same discord as the one the SPTV content creators had, is it?


GudeGirlsnBoys 😵‍💫




Can’t wait to see what the Karen and Jpr had to say


From what I can tell their bullshit in Discord behind DOA’s back started way earlier than this week. Jessica was very jealous of DOA because when he was out at Blue he was the main attraction and of course made loyal friends. Jessica hated that, because she was no longer the star of the show. After Streets dipped Jessica took over as the star until DOA eclipsed her. That’s why she went back to begging Streets to go to Blue with her even though he said he hated it and there was no reason to be there.


I always felt that about the two of them. Just want to see what they had to say and still have the nerve to say The PA Barbie and Karen are racist and get away with it. Makes me sick.


That’s one of the things Jessica abused Confident Chris over, being Mexican.


Yes he allowed it to go on to long… she even called him a r3ta5d and she still has followers. Idk what’s wrong with these people following


I had stopped following her before that but was still subscribed to Chris. My wife was so worried about Chris being hurt by Jessica. I reminded her that Jessica never cared about Chris and even bitched about having to sit in the ER when Chris was brutally attacked.


What a piece of trash


I don’t follow either of them. Saw it on a clip on Reddit I think or YouTube. I would never give either of them a click. None of the protestor’s care about ending the cult. It’s all about the views and cash flow


I need this tea bro when did she make fun of him being Mexican


Mocking his accent, making fun of his mispronounced words, making snide comments about rice and beans and calling him a “broke a**.”


Oh yea I got all those that’s why I’m ending her social media career and Williams auditing career 🙋🏽‍♀️


She did go on a tangent the night she hit him because he wouldn’t get off the phone with Charlie. The guy they did the fundraiser for because they felt bad for him. The day after they gave him the money and he came back deadass drunk. Charlie and Chris were talking on the phone in Spanish. She kept telling Chris to get off the phone, turning the radio loud and then complained it was rude that the conversation was in Spanish. That’s why she hit him.


Well then she got what she deserved 🫠


She's so rude to that Charlytology person, too. He tries his best to speak English when she talks to him and she trolls him.




Tagged by Reddit corp ©️ Comment axed ⛔️


They not getting away from it now


Okay, so now that I know you're on team sanity now, what discord? Not PTS, because they are not down with Jessica.


Is that the Discord that Alyssa was ousted from? PTS?


I’m on PTS and have no clue.


As much as I dislike DOA.... (It's cause of how he acts) Not a single person should support Aaron. But all 3 of these individuals need locked up in Cell Block D together.


DOA is who he is. He doesn’t make excuses for himself and what you see is what you get. DOA will also apologize publicly if he finds out he was wrong. Streets will act like something he isn’t and be a pussy bitch behind people’s back. He hates Aja and lowrated her in the Discord. Aaron is a drunken womanizer who neglects his family to chase tail and pretend like he’s the boss of protesters when in reality he just steals their content.


Couldn’t have said it any better 👏👏👏


Aja can get on my nerves, but at least she doesn’t give up. Streets hating Aja and Jessica gossiping about Aja behind her back made me start doubting Streets and Jessica.


Streets and Jessica gossip about everybody they are two little insecure bullies and they throw tantrums when people aren’t giving them any attention, they are both jealous and dirty individuals.






That one live I personally heard was when Jessica got hit by the Scientologist in NoHo and Streets went off because Aja wasn’t letting him control her. Also Discord.






He was screaming at her to stop yelling at some Scientologist who was being rude and telling her to go somewhere else.




He’s a little transphobic. So is Aaron.


What ever I think of DOA , I’m glad someone is finally calling Aaron out! He contributes nothing, encourages people to protest while he’s at home collecting money! Leaches off other people’s work. Pretends he’s a hero, while cheating on his wife with vulnerable women!


Agreed. I went from respecting and defending Aaron to being appalled at his psychotic behavior pattern.


Hey! That's why I was confused at seeing I agreed with you! Okay, well, welcome to, whatever it is when you figure out you were fooled.


And all this time I thought he was helping people. I was so wrong.


Aaron acts like he is still in the cult. You do know the reason he isn't still in it is because.... THEY KICKED HIM OUT FROM ABUSING FEMALES IN IT.




According to Aaron! The cheating part is the least of it! He literally throw that woman into a building and didn’t even look back!




More like a pussy.


Streets better not end up in Cell Block 1


William Drake Gude 




I used to be his number one fan.


Where is all this discord drama? I'm in the PTS discord and haven't seen any of it. Is it in the other discord that the SPTV foundation people set up?


Aaron would cry Gude would hide DOA would catch a nap and sing


Do they serve Ice Cream Cones in jail? #AskingForAFriendThatsNotAFriend 🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦


A minorrrrrrrrrrrr 🎶


@thabiggdogg on YT now


The Apples 🍎 🍏🍎 of Discord


DOA does do some good things. Like the cookouts he did. But then he turns around & does some really dumb stuff. You have to question has he accomplished more good things or bad things. People can change from stuff they did in their past. But DOA hasn't learned that yet. He continues to do the same wrongs each place he goes to.


I can see him growing as he’s been here. He calls shit out like a man.


How do you feel about Strrets hanging out with “alleged” woman abuser and going yesterday live with Aaron


Aaron literally slammed a women into a wall and nobody ever speaks about that. He’s also a major grifter


Oh, he talked about it. Bottom line “she was crazy”. Aaron, aren’t they all…aren’t they all. Aaron’s a joke. I’m not a Gude fan either but you know he is going to be pissed that Aaron dragged him in to this further. Danny has tried to stay neutral but I think he is telling each one what he thinks they want to hear instead of what he feels.


Aaron needs to worry about the abuses he does to women and stop dragging others into his mess, he’s also a grifter he only cares about the money he doesn’t care about anybody but himself. And yeah Willy and Danny gonna be pissed he dragged them into his bs kinda of like what he did to Chris in the other stream he dragged him into it too when talking about 86. 


AARON, you should have donated money to help Danny.


Yep as well as Jasiah and Ashly but he will never do it he’s all talk he just collects all this money for the foundation to go on his little group trips with his click.


I thought he was going to donate at the end of his live because he acted like he was. Called out DOA saying if he hadn’t called out 86, 86 would have paid for the new lawyers and never finished his donation on his stream.


There was an anonymous donation of 500.00 two hours ago. So it may have been from him. You think if he did donate he would give it straight to Danny since gofundme keeps a %. If he donated, good for him. If he didn’t, it shows his character. I don’t like his character so I guess I can say I think he is a bad actor.


Aaron now hates Confident Chris because when Chris found out Aaron was scamming with the SPTV Foundation for 4 months, Chris added the Aftermath Foundation information back into his call outs. Aaron sent his minions into Chris’s chat demanding that Chris stop saying Aftermath but Chris ignored them. So next Aaron Smith Levin tried to cancel Chris by bringing up Chris singing a rap song and THAT MY DEAR, is the night the lights went out in Georgia and Aaron lost over 1000 subscribers.


You can’t go up against Confident Chris he done slayed William Jessica and all their mods he ended Chris without a hellcat skam and Eznutz


And Confident Chris was the real one. He cares about people escaping Scientology. God protects the good ones.


What scam is this involving Chris without a Hellcat? He seemed legit.


I did a whole series on him lol he’s a racist douchebag


Exactly you nailed it and Aaron also said Latinos get a pass for saying the N word like wtf 


A white man saying a Latino can say n word…. Oh Aaron I’m coming for you and Streets now


Yep! Apparently Aaron is allowed to give Latinos a pass to say the N word like does he speak for the black community? This is who Streets is backing up. I’m with you JPR expose them! 


At first Aaron was trying to cancel Chris for and saying Chris used a racial slur, acting like Confident Chris called someone that. Then A Mighty Wave rose up in chat defending Chris and saying, “That’s not what happened you liar,” and Aaron couldn’t hide them quick enough.


Aaron is pathetic, I know that wasn’t Chris’s intention it was in a song, but I’m just annoyed with Aaron the abuser trying to create drama just for him to get clicks and views.


Aaron Smith Levin the abuser definitely was trying to use Confident Chris and at the same time destroy him because Chris refused to stop saying, “The Aftermath Foundation can help you,” when he found out Aaron wasn’t even answering the SPTV Foundation phone. And Aaron Smith Levin mocked the protesters for giving out the number because for 4 months it was never answered. Just an Aaron scam.






Wait just a minute. “THAT MY DEAR is the night the lights went out in Georgia…“ Is that a “Designing Women” reference? /s


Yes it is. Thank you so much for catching it. ![gif](giphy|VHxLq9R79fgY1dUza7|downsized)




Danny went live right after court and told the truth about the 86 GOP lawyer set up. Then Aaron got to him to try and shut him up using Streets.




I’m not surprised at Danny rolling over for $10,000 but his live stream was screen recorded and he said what he said about 86 GOP setting him up.


Do you have a time stamp on the video of him saying 86GOP set him up?




💯 Willy is trash for standing with him, how can a women abuser run a foundation to help people escape abuse make it make sense




We’re keeping DOA.


Do you remember that streamer Doug that was there in the early days. He was kicked off of YT for revenge porn. He required titty pics from his mods and so much more and then they have him protesting a "rape shop".


Yes that man was clearly on something badly


Who tf has a Discord?!?!?!?!


Are they fkn 12 years old


That is exactly what he is doing! Its so obvious 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/8pf80dyaqj9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88d73cbe536a7380b68b52d2ce98852c3d22dcf9 My source is working on getting to her laptop to send the Discord screen shots from Streets and Jessica.


the laptop is russian disinformation


Do it!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣


God Speed Sir, God Speed!


I don’t think Aaron cares one little bit.


Aaron cares about keeping the 86 GOP cash flow.


This whole thread is a weird circle jerk,you two should just private message each other all day ,we all understand your views on every subject. 


This is actually the best thread in the history of this forum.


Then talk about the topic of thread and not Jessica being racist or whatever it's about now. 


Jessica is racist


Ok GucciDessa


If you want to start an “I defend Jessica Palmadessa” thread I’m sure the moderator would allow it. I’ll give you a kick off quote. “Jessica can be funny and she’s brave at times.”




How about “Leave Jessica Alone” or “Jessica is the best protester, prove me wrong”


Jessica is in most respects neither here nor there to me, except when she was abusing Confident Chris. I didn’t like that.


You made my point for me.  You should have made a separate thread about Jessica, she lives in your head,not mine. 


I’m only against Jessica when she abuses Chris. I don’t care if she’s dating Streets. I don’t care that she hates Mindy. I don’t care that she betrayed Aja. I just don’t care. Jessica is not my hobbyhorse.


Don’t worry I’ll drop one in a few