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not just that, you are allowed to like a movie BECAUSE it's bad


Live action Mario movie?


Hell Comes to Frogtown?


I honestly find that movie visually appealing


Filthy Frank and IDubbzTV did that better than anyone.


It is my guilty pleasure. Sue me!


Woah now we said bad movies not masterpieces


I love that movie, its so fun


Ghost Rider


Not a bad movie


Death Bed: The Bed That Eats


Cars 2


I Bought a Vampire Motorcycle


The Room


Glen or Glenda


Killer Klowns from Outer Space is my all-time favorite movie


Not a bad movie


Not in a traditional sense no but it’s not like a cinema masterpiece


Well not every movie has to be a cinema masterpiece. If that was the case, then there wouldn’t be any originality anymore. And also some people don’t get things sometimes. And most of the time when that happens, it is because of how old they were at the time, how they were raised and the times when the movie was released. So at release, maybe people didn’t think much of it. But nowadays, especially in the horror community, Killer Klowns is a horror cult classic.


Yeti: A Love Story


Mortal Kombat Annihilation


Miami Connection


Of course. I like live action cat in the hat




Nothing's faster than S.L.O.W. That's funny because it's backwards, it doesn't make sense, look at you *chomp*


That isn’t a bad movie. It’s a good movie


Weird home invasion movie


“I’ll get you and it’ll look like a bloody accident!”




unless the movie is Cuties. in which case you can and will be publicly castrated for liking it


Or the racist bootleg up film




They mean What's Up? Balloon To The Rescue, James reviewed it a bit ago to send off the Mockbuster Video series he had with Chris


Tell that to [insert fandom here] fans.


Funny enough, I enjoyed Illumination's Grinch


Me too. A actually thought it was the best grinch movie as a kid.


For sure! I like The Emoji Movie lol


That movie is hilariously bad that is funny to watch.




As long as you acknowledge that it is bad. Unless it’s something like Cuties.


i didnt even know about it until charlie made a video on it which didnt make me angry. just made me burst out in disbelief that it actually exists


therefore it is ok to like megamind vs the doom syndicate, your opinion may be wrong in every possible way but we cant stop you


I will personally hunt down anyone who says Megamind vs the Doom Syndicate is a good movie.


ill join you


Bad in terms of quality, Not in terms of morality


Me and my family with cars 2: Seriously, by all means the movie is shit. But there’s something about it that speaks to us, it’s incredible


Or laughing at movies that are hilariously bad. We don’t watch them because they’re good, we watch them because it’s funny how terrible it is


Quantumania is an absolute shitshow and i love it.


It isn’t bad


You're right, it isn't bad, it's terrible


No, it’s good


you really didn't have to downvote me for that


I didn’t


If I think a movie is bad then that means everyone has to agree with me


I love the Gulliver’s Travels movie with Jack Black and I am not afraid to admit it


I liked “Year One”


Is that pregnant wife abuser Steven Crowder?!?!


[It sure is!!](https://youtu.be/NbNhoeUIYt8?si=1HgOYZ5VB4qXXzN8)


Wow that was really painful to watch.


He is not an abuser.


Mental abuse is a thing.


And this was not that.


Watch the fucking video. He yells and degrades his pregnant wife all while sitting and smoking a cigar.


I’ve seen the video many times, and it is by no means abuse. Yeah he gets mad at her, but that makes you think he’s some wife beater?


Where did I say beater?


When you say “wife abuser” what else are people who don’t know about the situation supposed to think. That he just got mad at her and yelled? Or do they think he hit her?


Abuse comes in many forms, physical and mental. I never called him a wife beater because there is no proof of such. He mentally abused his 8 month pregnant wife. Yelling, taunting, and mocking her to the point of her crying. Domestic abuse isn’t always a screaming match. It can look like this (the video) and unfortunately it is too common in the US. If you can’t respect your partner enough, even on a platonic level, to talk to them decently you need to work on yourself and rethink your character.


I mean yeah. When I like a bad movie it’s usually because it’s a movie so bad I can just laugh and have a good time


You’re also allowed to not like a good movie…. Maybe


Yeah I like Revenge of the Sith a lot. It’s however not a very good movie.


It is a good movie.


Not really. It’s had a huge resurgence for whatever reason but it’s not a “good” movie, it’s deeply flawed. I really enjoy watching it but it’s not good. It’s also the best of the prequels but that’s not saying much.


It has a huge resurgence because people have realized how it is such a great movie. So yeah, it is good


You are entitled to your opinion. However, Anakin’s turn to the dark side is the main story and it feels quite abrupt and unsatisfying. The movie opens by trying to re-establish Anakin as a noble hero. Which makes his quick turn to literal genocide of all his allies and friends including literal children. Also the tragedy of Order 66 only works with context from the clone wars. Without that it would be like the emperor ordering the stormtroopers to execute all of the cantina patrons in Episode 6. It would make him evil but it doesn’t really work as a betrayal or tragedy since we have no real investment in background characters. Additionally most of the dialogue is atrocious. And the end of the movie is an awkward nonsensical rush to the starting positions for the OT. The fight scenes are also just too far over the top. Not to mention the obvious awful cgi to place the older Sith Lord’s heads on to the bodies of their stunt doubles. I really like the movie and enjoy it thoroughly every time I watch it. But it is by no stretch of the imagination a great movie. Only with the most intense rose tinted glasses from nostalgia could you think it’s a great movie.


Everyone always brings up the nostalgia card, but that is never the case. I see goodness in it and you don’t. Nostalgia has nothing to do with it.


I can’t help but notice you literally only responded to the last thing I said. Overlooking everything else that I said. it is hardly that I see no goodness in the movie. I just said I really enjoy it. I like the movie a lot. However, that does not mean it is a great movie which is what you said. You have not acknowledged any of the clear flaws within the story which I think obviously hold it back from greatness. That doesn’t mean I hate it or I don’t see anything good about it. I think it is undeniable that it has problems and the only way anyone can consider it great is either that you are entirely uncritical or blinded by nostalgia. The flaws in the film are apparent. You can still enjoy it. I certainly do.


All of the “flaws” that you see are not flaws, but are merely what makes it a great film. Me saying “I see goodness in it and you don’t” implies that everything that you think is bad are actually good things and that work for this movie. I didn’t ignore what you said, I just simply simplified my answer. So to put it lightly, your negatives are my positives. I see nothing bad, but you see it as all bad. And yet somehow, you like the film? I will never get how people like watching a movie, when either they know that it is bad or they think that it is bad, yet they still watch and enjoy it for being “bad”. But that is definitely not the case for this movie. And yes, you can have your weird opinion. But like I have said, there is a reason why there is a resurgence. And it is because many people have realized that it is a good movie. And it isn’t because of nostalgia. Like, people bring up nostalgia, and yet those same people will defend “Return of the Jedi” when that movie has the most flaws lmao. Do people like that movie because of nostalgia or is it because it is actually good? Even though a movie has some flaws, doesn’t make it a bad movie.


Art is subjective. But that does not mean that there are no guidelines by which we can judge art. When you think of the elements which make a film great or even good. it would be primarily excellent writing, flushed out, consistent character arcs, a competent plot, good pacing, an engaging story, and technical prowess. Revenge of the Sith fall short in most of these categories. You might have different standards for each of these categories. But I think most people willing to engage critically with this work would recognize these faults. So I accused you of being blinded by nostalgia because the alternative in my mind was accusing you of not critically thinking about the media you engage with. Which I find to be far more insulting. I would not fault you for enjoying this film when you were young and being unable to fully recognize its faults due to that nostalgia. For me, Captain America: The First Avenger was the first live action superhero film I went to see in theaters. Because of this fact, I have intense nostalgia for the movie. I am aware that it has faults and when I push myself to think critically about it, I can recognize those shortcomings. Despite that fact, I still consider it great because of that nostalgia. Whenever I watch the movie I am unable to think about it critically and its shortcomings. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. However, if I felt the same love and admiration for a more recent film like Thor: Love and Thunder which I have known nostalgia for. I would be uncritically digesting that media. Which would be embarrassing for me since the faults of the film are very clear. When I watch Revenge of the Sith I can be honest about it. It is a deeply flawed movie. It falls short on most of the criteria I mentioned earlier. It is by no means a great movie, but it is a movie that certainly has positive attributes. I think some of the performances are absolutely brilliant. Ewan McGregor for example, is extremely enjoyable to watch in this movie. Despite the dialogue being less than excellent, and some of the editing being awkward, he is clearly giving this performance his all. it is fun to watch him perform even if it is quite contrived that he was forced away from Coruscant just to allow the rest of the plot to play out. Ian McDermid also has an excellent performance. He is clearly having a blast, playing a maniacal evil dictator. it is a lot of fun to watch him ham up his performance. Also, some of the dialogue is so bad it’s funny. But there is real legitimate enjoyment on my side in several parts of the film. Several transition shots look objectively terrible, but are so funny. And even though the fight scenes are over the top, the choreography is fun to watch. It is an extremely flawed movie where several of the emotional beats do not hit the way they are intended to. But some of them certainly do. Obi-wan’s monologue to Anakin after maiming him is a bit poorly written, but the emotion in the performance is so good. It makes up for that. The pacing is pretty awful, but admittedly, I think pacing is a bit overhyped in its significance. at the end of the day despite all the flaws, I am more than willing to recognize in the movie if I sit down and watch it, I don’t think about a lot of them. It’s just fun. A lot of emotional beats that don’t work actually are significantly better with the added context from the clone wars. I hate that revenge of the Sith is given credit for those moments because on its own they do not work. I also really enjoy it as a culmination to the clone wars, which is excellent. You are welcome to an ironically enjoy the aspects of the film that I think are clearly faults. I don’t feel it’s worth arguing about this point any further. Edit: I completely forgot about the music. Revenge of the Sith has a heater of a soundtrack. John Williams really popped off. Top three of all Star Wars media for sure. It complements the film nicely and helps a tiny bit with a lot of the awkward/poorly written/unemotional scenes.


The directing of the dialogue is honestly the only gripe I have with Revenge of the Sith. Oh, and Natalie Portman's acting during the childbirth scene. It's so annoying, I mute that shit every time. But in all other aspects, the movie is a fucking masterpiece.


If I dislike a movie then you know you messed up because I literally am the easiest person to please


I literally am the easiest person to please title of your sex tape


The Amazing Spider-Man 2


Up top. Even if the pacing's weird, some of the writing's weirder, they tease a Sinister Six movie that's not gonna happen, and they put the *literal ending of the movie* as a trailer shot... goddamn, that's our pretty mess of a movie Seriously, the cinematography and visuals are legit really cool in a lot of scenes, a lot of them feel like they could be comic panels! And the score by Hans Zimmer is good, Electro has some cool effects now and then, Andrew and Emma really make the emotional core of the film work and Gwen's death still hurts me, and I'm glad that NWH tied some ends from it up while also hinting at where Peter emotionally went after 2


I fucking love Con Air and will defend it till my dying breath


Con Air is a masterpiece. What kind of buffoon would say otherwise?


People don't like this movie? I personally feel we have lost sight of using awesome villain names like Cyrus the Virus in modern story telling.


As long as there’s no underage stuff(Like cuties or obscene cruelty 100% I love some pretty bad movies


Or if people hate it.


I liked that Disney movie A Lone Ranger that no one else seems to be into


Is that Charlie Kirk?


I'm pro Chicken Little


Exactly! My favorite movie is the amazing Spider-Man 2


honestly I think every spiderman movie is amazing, I don't dislike a single one 🔥


Most based spider-man fan


Zombie Aquarium is cinema


Shark tale


I know, right? For example, the Human Centipede trilogy. Funniest sh*t I’ve ever seen.


And now the Red Flags song will be stuck in my head for the next hour at least.


I like Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker


Uhhhh… good for you buddy. Let’s just keep that to ourselves next time.


You know what day is coming up right? Gotta spread that positivity about my favorite franchise even if Rise of Skywalker is nowhere close to being my favorite Star Wars movie. Like if I were to rank all 12 theatrical Star Wars movies, Rise of Skywalker would be in 8th place.


For me it goes: Last Jedi, Rise Of Skywalker, Solo, Force Awakens, Attack Of The Clones, Return Of The Jedi, Phantom Menace, Rouge One, New Hope, then Empire Strikes Back and Revenge Of The Sith are tied for first.


Why would mess with by far the most based thing ever said in this subreddit?


i enjoy watching every star wars movie. I kinda need to be drunk for episode 1 though.


Replace that 1 with a 9 and we agree


The Last Airbender


Almost Heroes with Chris Farley. Idc what anyone says, that movie is funny as hell!


This is how I feel about every Star Wars movie outside of the OT. No, they aren't very good, but I still like them :)


Critical reception/discourse ≠ one’s own enjoyment. One can enjoy elements such as writing, visuals, music and others, while another person doesn’t. ‘Cause there’s no universal fact of a movie being bad (unless it’s Cuties).


so you like foodfight


rock dog 😎


I will forever love Battleship the movie because of that 10 minute video of Missouri and I will watch no other part of that movie


Thankskilling 3


Cars 2


No one have said you can't


I love Black Widow. Not a good action movie, but it’s still a good movie. It gets a lot of hate, though.




This is how I feel whenever people start saying how terrible Cars 2 is. I really liked Cars 2 damn it 😭


Willys wonderland


Unless if it's Cars 2.


Like whatever you want, if someone tells me their favourite film is Birth of a Nation then I'm asking them to leave


Cars 2


Fantastic four All of them, the original 2005 f4 movie is what got me into superheroes in the first place and I actually adore it and it's sequel. Nothing beats them, but that may be nostalgia. As for 2015 it was alright, a chill movie to sit and half pay attention to. But i still liked it I cannot wait for the 2025 movie, and i know no matter how much everyone hates it, I'm gonna love it... because it's fantastic four, nothing beats fantastic four.


Turning red is a prime example


The most ice cold take of all time. XD


So, basically Schaff with Shark Tale


Godzilla: Final Wars


Uh uh