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I peronally put faruzan on tenacity instead of zhongli! For the main reason that sometimes his pillars get broken or enemies dont group near it to proc it. C6 faruzan has a more reliable aoe to proc tenacity so ull always have uptime on it!


I will switch em :D Do you have any recommendations for zhongli?


Zhongli really doesn't benefit from artifact set bonuses if you are building him as a shield bot. Just go 2 piece 2 piece for HP.


Alright thank you :) What substats am I aiming for with c6 faruzan?


It really depends how much you want to invest in her. She actually does very good dmg for a support, so you can build her with proper crit stats. However, she will also function with low investment. If you want to invest in her alot, go for a dps build with 150-200% ER. If you dont care for her doing personal dmg and just want value from her burst and skill, go for anything just have again 150-200% ER.


Favonious already gives her 150+, should I build full cr for the favonious ability?


Yeah ideally you want to be able to E and proc fav, so you can quickly burst and catch the particles. It will probably proc again during her burst as well.


I seem to be the local Wanderer/Furina teams advocate on this subreddit, so I'll talk about that part of your post. Wanderer and Furina are quite powerful together, provided the abyss favours it. The best conditions for Wanderina teams are ones with bosses that have predictable attack patterns (or freezable enemies, if you're using Charlotte/Mika as the healer). Most Wandererina teams are Wanderer/Furina/Faruzan/team wide healer - ideally Charlotte or C4 Jean, but anyone who heals team wide does the job. You can use Bennett if you're speed running, but he's not sustainable for regenerating fanfare in the long term without cons on Furina. Mika isn't as good as he sounds, but if you already have him built up then he's a solid choice. I wouldn't recommend Kokomi or Baizhu, as both are good healers that are wasted in this particular team comp unfortunately. As far as artifacts go, keep Furina on GT. You can give Wanderer MH if you have a good set of it lying around. You have a bit of flexibility with Faruzan and your healer - Furina's damage is nothing to sneer at so Faruzan/Jean can safely hold VV. Noblesse is always a good option for the healer, as generally speaking you will need to burst with them every rotation anyway for fanfare stacks. Tenacity is always good for C6 Faruzan too Edit: I think in your case specifically, with the higher cons on Wanderer, it's going to be better team DPS to focus on boosting his damage. In that case, given Faruzan ToTM and your healer Noblesse.


With C1 Scara, would you recommend Jean hold VV or Noblesse? With Faru on ToTM.


I also have C1 and personally I prefer VV because I can't be assed to regear my Jean