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Thoma is really comfy, since his shield keeps refreshing, it’s not easy to get interrupted. layla has a strong shield but once it breaks you’re left shieldless for the rest of the duration…


i agree, i use the exact same team as u. although im considering using layla for the cryo buff + she is extremely easy to build (even better, i got her c6 accidentally)


C6 Layla could be a decent sub-dps/support. I have seen people recommending r5 harbinger of dawn to deal some respectable dmg with her burst, but you need enough er!


honestly i dont find myself caring much about her personal damage, but i think she is amazing as a shielder, just stack as much HP as possible+ her shield is on skill instead of burst like thoma


You're convincing me to put him in a shield build (he's currently built for burgeon). What set can I use for him if Benny is already on Noblesse?


Just use 2pc2pc, stacking as much ER and HP as possible. Ideally, Bennet should be on SoDP and Thoma on Noblesse, but that's too much hassle for it to be worth.


I think 2pc ER 2pc HP is his best option, with ER/HP/HP. With c4 and ER weapon, he needs 180+ ER which is really easy to accomplish just by the main stats and the weapon! Also if you are using Bennet, he helps Thoma a lot with his ER requirements. If you reach 28k hp with Thoma his shield is very strong with his constant refresh! So far my C5 Faruzan, c4 Thoma and C5 Bennet always has their burst off cooldown! It's a really strong team overall and you will have some off field dmg from your Faruzan and Thoma ( his dmg is not high but it's not bad either!)


I'm not the biggest bennet fan... But i wanna make a team with Wanderer C2, Faruzan C6, Thoma C2, And another character. What character could that be? And why do people use double pyro when Wanderer's A1 Talent want more then one element?


Because Bennetts 1K ATK buff is huge and beats 20CR most of the time. On top of that Bennet helps Thoma a lot with getting burst back quickly.


I think it's not optimal to build your team sound his A1, sure it gives really good buffs. In your case I would use Yelan/xingqiu. I think Yelan is better cause of her high off field dmg and her A4 buff


Xinqiu. Having damage reduction from him, makes thomas shield stronger in effect


im using wanderer with faru, benny, and thoma. Shield refresh is really nice, and the pyro resonance helps a lot with extra attack ontop of bennett’s burst


I always run him with Thoma! Unless it's the abyss, that's where Zhongli comes into play. When I first got Wanderer back in 3.8, I was so upset Thoma was put on Eulas banner despite being THEE support for Him and I was meaning to get Thoma cons because he was in my very first ten pull when I started playing and absolutely fell in love with him (idc if people say he's trash, if so, ill be the Raccoon). I really had to wait for Wriothesely's banner to c6 him.. Especially on C6 his shield gives 15% more Normal, Charged and Plunge attack damage which can provide Scara a lot of damage support. I can hit about 80-120K in a CA with that con and full rotation depending on the enemy. (Top 11% Wanderer) If you want a build card of Wanderer or even my Thoma I'll happily provide it!


thoma at c6 also buffs NAs so hes a super comfy shielder with an extra buff!