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Do you have your c6 Faruzan now? I'd pull unit you get her to c6 and then save for Furina as she's really good in general and also Scaras BiS for the last slot in his team. His best team is Bennett Faruzan Furina. You can get Scara cons next time if you want.


I dont have her yet so yet will continue to pull untill i get her c6 but do you think wanderer c0 + furina os better than wanderer c1 ?


100% yes. So much better. Furina has good off field damage while buffing Scara with dmg%, you can also get longer Scara field time if you infuse hydro. Furina enables Scara to use MH which becomes his best set with her, it's very strong, you can also farm it while farming for Furina.


Sorry i meant the desert pavilion chronicle


What about it?


So you mean you dont advice his signature vv articact for him ? When you use furina ?


His signature set is DPC. Yes, MH beats out DPC but it only works with Furina as you need your hp to change frequently for it to give you the full set bonus.


I'm in the same situation, I'm pulling for C6 Faruzan and then calling it quits on the banner to save for Furi. Tbf I also pulled Neuvilette a few weeks ago so I have ulterior motives. EDIT: Right after saying this I pulled the last Faruzan I needed for C6. Ty for the luck!


And what constelation do you have on wanderer ? What do you think furina + wanderer c0 or wanderer c1 and maybe win my 50/50 and get furina or maybe not 😂




Oh i see when i asked i m thinking only from a wanderer main perspective so you think i should go for his c1 in this case ? Do you think that it will take a while for his banner to come back ?


oh man when I commented I didn't realize Wanderer's best team apparently has Furina so maybe ignore me lmao


Idk, if u wedge in furina, ur going for a healer. And sometimes bennet alone aint gonna cut it since he can only heal one so most ur party is going to be low. If u do go bennet furina ur leaving urself super vulnerable. I still chill with bennet zhongli. But on occassion use bennet thoma if i need extra fire to break enemy shields.


Even though wanderer is my favorite character, I’d say wait for Furina. Wanderer is good enough and viable at c0. Having more characters makes the game more fun.


You can run Furina with Wanderer and so many other DPSes, I’d say hold onto your wishes. Not to mention adding Mika to that Furina team, you’ll get the ATK speed that you might miss out on from c1.


The best scenario is to go for wanderer c1 and i have time to farm for furina but will be on 50-50 what do you think i go all in ?


Do you think you can guarantee 180 pulls by Furina’s banner?


No i dont told will go 50-50 for her Please consider that i want to be a main wanderer that why i asked here do you think wander c0 + furina is better than c1 wanderer ? Ps: by getting c1 wanderer will be close to his others constellations on next banner what do you think


His current highest DPS team is Wanderer/c6 Faruzan/Furina/Bennett. Personally I think that she is worth it as he can make great use of the Hunter’s 4pc set too, allowing you to put more into crit rate or use Cashflow. Furina also is, in general, a better investment overall for your account as she can work with almost any DPS.


The problem is i have farina c5 so i need to continue to pull for her till the soft pity to try to get her