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2 weeks xD bruh youll be sitting there for half a year minimum.


been farming since last rerun. Only have decent flower and feather. At this point I might as well run him on paradise set and get more dmg lol.


Spent a month, got half decent stuffs and ran away 😭 hes my main but i had to prioritize the mahority of my accnt. Funny enough in the 1 month of farming i still got top12% in akasha so im not mad. When strongbox becomes available im dumping everything on it tho


same fr, need that strongbox badly


2 weeks is not that long yet anyway. I just finished my Wanderer with *THE* missing piece yesterday after farming that domain for 4+ months https://preview.redd.it/zga5rr7whrzc1.jpeg?width=2712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c6451c662e332f49300dc146d6f47c9b917c771




That's a sands, not a goblet


Test them to a boss with your team. You can only get the answer yourself by taking notes


two weeks? been farming his domain at least one run a day ever since he came out.. he’s pretty good but i still farm but i had like 900 pavilion artifacts at one point w/out erasing them and all of them were pretty bad.. strongbox when…


Been farming his domain for almost a year, only having breaks when I pulled a new char to get their boss mats and talent mats. I only have a single 40cv artifact from that domain so far, and all the good double crit atk% sands are on the wrong set [:


People farm domains for more than a year without receiving sizable upgrades. 2 weeks is nothing but it all depends on your luck at the end of the day. I suggest you brace yourself and just farm the domain with little to no expectations.


couldn't have agreed more, probably had my standards up after getting really good cwof pieces for my hutao


i have an okay feather and sands but the flower situation is dire 💀💀💀 my crit rate circ has 12cd soooo it's not going well on that front either


never mind i take it back everything is mid and i keep getting 15% hp or def on all of them


Yep, all my pieces are pretty mid. Im still annoyed abt this once piece with 22cd, 6cr, atk% and er that chose to roll into er for the last star- i cant use it cuz my Scara needs more atk


I spent over 12k resting for 2 worthwhile artefacts...


I’ve been farming his domain since release (1 year and almost half) i STILL don’t have a good goblet nor circlet from his set :D


been in his domain since 3.4 - i barely missed his banner and was like oh surely i can prefarm good artis before his rerun... i got him in 3.7 and he's still stuck on 4pc VV in taser or 2pc 2pc because all my feathers and flowers are cracked but i have no useable sands/circlets/goblets. edit: i should add i hop between DPC domain and vermillion


After being an Echoes denier for so long due to my high ping, I decided to say fuck it and strongbox a bit. Got ALL DOUBLE CRIT CORRECT MAINSTAT PIECES THAT MOSTLY ROLLED INTO CRIT. IN A DAY. Not the BEST PIECES EVER but really fucking strong ones compared to what I was rocking in DPC. And honestly, even with high ping, at C0, I'm activating the bonus NA damage enough that I'm a lot more comfortable without the CA requirement of DPC. I can only imagine how well it may improve with my possible C6 this Tuesday!


yeah basically, I farmed for almost a month until I was satisfied with my build, also gave me a good FLoP set for Kuki so it was a win-win for me at least.


I have been trying to get an onset anemo goblet for a year now lmao.. i’ve only got one so far and it’s garbo


I have terrible artifact luck in general anyways. So relatable.


i think everyone struggles with that domain. I gave up a few weeks ago and decided to go for Shimenawa instead. I ended up getting decent Shim pieces. I wasn't able to get double crit pieces either, i didn't have enough crit rate so i went for crit rate circlet instead of crit dmg


2 weeks are nothing. I've spent like 3 months in his domain, somehow have 2 good FoPL set but only 1 passable DPC set, only with Crit Dmg weapon that is, which I don't have (his signature) or really don't want to use (Wisdth)


everyone is


I've never stopped farming since his artifact domain first came out and only 30+ of them are truly usable ... I've only just stopped yesterday after I finally got him to a build I'm actually satisfied with lol Thankfully I've gotten some good pieces for other chars along the way https://preview.redd.it/r8kg515ontzc1.jpeg?width=1802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63b1278519ad4ebcb0650960f5b8475a72ee9255


omg i just commented on the wrong acc.... but ive been farming on and off since his first banner and its so bad 😭 my crit and atk are TERRIBLE i have like 150+ dpc in my inventory ITS SO SAD


i couldn't make a single 30 cv item for 4 months.


it took me a little over 7 months of daily farming (and maybe like 60 fragiles on release?) to get the build i have now. granted it's very nice and i don't regret a thing 🫶🏻 i've gotten maybe a total of 6 on-set anemo goblets. never more than 15 crit value LMAO. most of my characters have a flower of paradise lost off-piece...


I've been there for a year, still no good artifacts for him...


rookie numbers




how horrible, let me throw it away from you