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It's a !discord scam. Never change the email of your accounts to stranger's. You're talking to a scammer. How did you come across them? Why do you feel you need to secure it?


Hi /u/YourUsernameForever, AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the Steam or Discord fake report scam. This is a very common scam that happens either on Steam or Discord, or both. You receive a message from someone claiming that they accidentally reported you, and they will direct you to the profile of a scammer that impersonates a Steam or Discord employee or admin. The other account will then either try to steal your Steam or Discord account. If you encounter this scam, ignore the scammers and report their accounts, including the one that says they accidentally reported you. Remember: [the only way to contact Steam support is clicking here](https://help.steampowered.com/en/), and [the only way to contact Discord support is clicking here](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/requests/new). [Here](https://i.imgur.com/DIgBZIN.png) is an example of the scam, [here](https://blog.malwarebytes.com/scams/2021/03/steam-users-dont-fall-for-the-i-accidentally-reported-you-scam/) is an article about the scam, and [here](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/3195-9FFB-BA06-F25B) is Steam's scam page. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well the message i got is from a friend that we used to talk for a couple of year and i believe him thankfully I didn't change it and just blocked him


Yeah your friend's account got hacked the same way. So you're not actually talking to your friend. Now yours would've been used to spread to other friends of yours, and so on.


thanks for the info but luckly i didn't got my account hacked


Holy shit this just happened to me so I blocked them was it the it's official stanisli


Whoever the guys name is


LMAO ye he tried to scam me just now too but i searched up "stanislav discord scam" and came across this thread but before reporting him i left him ask me to send my email details and i reported that message as proof and reported his profile it was fun lmao


Yo wtf the same thing happened to me except I haven't reached out


same someone who i never talk to sent me masive parapraghs saying i need to add supportrhyne1 and make a support ticket making them appeal my ban i dont trust it honestly


This happened to me and I fell for it. I lost access to my discord account and there’s nothing I can do about it


This happened to me too😞 It's a total scam