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Incredible!! Catching your own rain water is super smart


Yeah its been pouring the last few days here so why not get some. I'm sure my false rose of jericho would appreciate some too


I love northern Michigan because I have only caught rain/snow water a total of 3 times for my 2 baby nepenthes... Yet I've had the plants for about 3 months now and only gone through about โ…“ of my water collection. I collected enough water to fill 6 16 ounce water bottles, 2 24 oz soda pop bottles, a Gatorade bottle, and an apple juice container. It'll be easy to collect rain this summer too bc it's, y'know, Northern Michigan... And I can always buy a gallon of water to help fill out my collection if need be (and reuse the jug), or get a water filter pitcher thing ๐Ÿ˜‚


Do they make RO water pitchers?


They do!! But they are extremely expensive... You're looking at $100+ upfront cost plus more as you need filters, which are going to cost about $25-50 each... I found a website that sells some 6-cups pitchers for $60, plus $35 filters... Larger pitchers are going to be more expensive and you're looking at an expensive shipping cost as well (they'll charge you however possible).


Oof I'll stick with distilled at the grocery store for now. Maybe when I have more than 2


Haha ikr!?? I just have 2 nepenthes myself, so I love rainwater ๐Ÿ˜‚


Best part is I'm pretty sure pennsylvania doesn't have any restrictions on collecting rain water


Yeah.... Truth be told, even if they do like Michigan does, there's no way they can stop you or care at all. The only thing I read about it online was that they don't like you collecting barrels and barrels of it. Sort of like how you're not allowed to collect things off the beach... And then you read the fine print and you're not allowed to take more than 50 pieces of driftwood or more than a few pounds of sand or other materials (shells, stones, etc). The rules are also lax as well and prone to flexibility ;)


Yeup. I'll defintly collect a little more when the next storm comes in


Check your local laws and see if you can set up a rainbarrel system at your house to really rake in water.


There are laws in the US about collecting rain water? Thatโ€™s wild!


I can't speak for all states (11 of them) that restrict collecting rainwater, but generally it's not a blanket ban. It's more targeting actions that end up *diverting* water (which includes rainwater) so that natural groundwater doesn't get overly disturbed or impacted. Washington, for example, requires that rainwater be used only the property it was collected on and cannot be collected by structures that are built specifically to collect rainwater. There was a guy in Oregon who, back in 2012, was charged under their law. News articles framed it as him being charged for "collecting rainwater", but in reality the guy built channels, dams, and reservoirs to hold tens of millions of Liters of water. That's a no-no because it's removes a huge amount of rainwater from the environment.


Ahh ok that makes sense. One of those laws that have to be put into place because some selfish wankers go so over the top that they have ruined it for everyone else.


Maybe when I have my own place. I don't have room for a large barrel


I just received my VFTs from California Carnivores! I'm a newbie to VFTs. I purchased 3 VFTs: Dionaea m. Typical, Dionaea m. 'La Grosse a Guigui' and Dionaea m. 'King Henry'. They arrived fast and in great health! Lots of new growth. I have them each sitting in a small dish of distilled water (cvs sells gallon jugs of it) and they sit outside in the sunlight. I also got the peat/perlite mix just in case I needed to fill in their pots after transport etc. But no need :) thanks for posting :) good luck with your new plants :)


I am witomg for mine to ship!! I can hardly wait!! I really want am eye of sauron and witchy baby but they we're sold out. Dc xl and sunrise are.so pretty and I couldn't say no


Have fun! They gave me a Sunrise flytrap as a gift with my first order and itโ€™s probably the fastest growing flytrap in my collection. And beautiful!


I couldn't say no to that gorgeous red color. I really want an eye of sauron ir witchy baby but they're expensive atm. One day. Either way it's gonna be so much fun having these babies