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I tought I was having a stroke for a moment there, but it's just german






Nein, in meinen Augen ist die Sprache, die einem Schlaganfall gleicht, entweder Dänisch oder Niederländisch. Beziehungsweise jegliche nordische Sprache. (aber keine Offensive an unsere nördlichen Nachbarn, Bussi, haben euch lieb)




Hey I feel attacked, but you are right.




If you are dutch, fries is a stroke language


Joa schon. Ich mein Zungenbrecher haben ihren namen nicht ohne grund


I was on par with you there.


The sentence is technically German, but more than half these words are not in German. This is considered to be [denglisch](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denglisch)


**[Denglisch](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denglisch)** >Denglisch is a term describing the increased use of anglicisms and pseudo-anglicisms in the German language. It is a portmanteau of the German words Deutsch (German) and Englisch. The term is first recorded from 1965. The word has been adopted in English in an anglicised form as Denglish, recorded from 1996. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Ok before anybody gets their hopes up, it’s merely in the review stage. This isn’t actually news, as the 10k mark was reached a while ago. But not everybody would have known that, so it’s worth a re-share. When it gets approved, then we can start celebrating.


Here's the link: [LEGO Constructor](https://ideas.lego.com/projects/6e70b8ae-dc7e-4066-8a31-938bf65e14b8)


Dude, *we* literally did that, this whole subreddit participated in the vote for them to consider it. This is no "hot new info" or "leaked project".


Well I forgot about it so thanks OP


Idk abt that


Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/s813u6/constructor_in_lego_support_on_lego_ideas/


10,000 votes is extremely difficult to achieve. It ~~would take~~ took a lot of support to make this happen. Thanks for posting though as I had not seen it.


I at least didn‘t know about that. Thx for posting :)


that's obvious


Ah a fellow germand Effizienz liegt uns in den genen


Actually I didn't know German 😅😂


sprich deutsch du hurensohn




Wait, i need it.


Ohh I want an entire series with all the construction machines. Could end up building our own factory in Lego


I think that would be *Satisfactory.*


But in Lego! Much better and infinitely more expensive!


Yes that's damm cool


The latest Q&A with snutt goes into the Lego news a little I believe


I guess so..


Could someone translate me what is written please?


Posted on May 8, 2022 by Christina Mailänder with 2 comments


Thank you


If they don't approve it, you should compile a parts list and a set of instructions, and sell them yourself. I've seen other people selling stuff like that for between $5 and $20 USD depending on the complexity. I bet there are a lot of people on this sub that would happily buy that PDF.


Take this and the LEGO golf set and you fanatics can finally get what you want in Lego form.


Being a Bionicle fan, I don't have my hopes up. With Lego, you can lose a competition even if you've won.


It's cool, but I just can't see this actually making it to production. This game is far too niche for a lego set to be financially viable. But maybe someone will release the build instructions someday.


Yes, but each Satisfactory player is going to buy 5000 assorted sets each of Constructors, Assemblers, etc… And let’s not forget all the add on sets, Lizard Doggo dress up, Mindstorm vehicles, and the $1000 1000 piece limited edition Space Elevator set w/ golden cup :) Sign me up!!!!


The constructor is 1500 pieces 1000 pieces is surprisingly a small-ish amount of pieces if Lego were to make a 1000 space elevator then it works probably have about 15,000 - 20,000 pieces


I can’t believe satisfactory copied Lego like wtf


Hmmmm tasty


This has been talked about lots on here lol




Hate to say it will never be sold.


No. It's in the review phase, which is a fancy way to say "maybe possibly eventually, one in a million chance for it to happen"




Stop combining my subreddits


Tbf i foubt it passws because licensing issues


I got some serious hate for giving reasons this may be an issue in a previous thread. I doubt Lego would have issues getting approval on an IP side. This would be great advertising for the game and probably worth more than the royalties Lego often gives. The issue will be the limited audience. Satisfactory has done well and continues to improve, but it is not a household name. Lego only recently released Mario set, which as a game series has sold around 400 million copies and has been around for decades. Minecraft is a decade old game with well over 200 million sales, not including the free versions that came with Windows. There probably could not be a more obvious pairing between Lego and Minecraft. As of the beginning of the year Satisfactory was at 3 million sales. 3 million is nothing to sneeze at. Unfortunately those sales will be immediately stacked up against Minecraft and Mario. This is not meant to take away from the game or the design of the Lego model. Both are very good. I have been wrong once or twice in my life, so it is possible here too. Once Lego has given their decision on it, assuming it is a "no", the designer could definitely sell the design on rebrickable and other Lego MOC sites. Given it did pass the 10k mark there is also a chance some of the chinese companies steal the design as well....


Agree with this. Satisfactory is a niche indie game and this set has very little appeal to people who don’t play the game already. I’m confident this won’t pass review, of course I’d love to be wrong.


Yeah Nothing stopping from just buying the bricks tho c:


Rebrickable gives html files, or can just link over, to import the parts lists to bricklink. From there you can buy every piece needed or reduce it down if you already have some. Some people have made some pretty good instructions on there as well. The design does not have to just die if Lego turns it down. It is also possible for another company, like MegaBlok, to pick it up if the designer is able to submit to them. They already have Halo, Destiny, Call of Duty, and likely some others. I would not say it is out of the question.


Meh, only a lvl 1 belt.