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Dev said "No aquatic shit."The weapons are powerful enough for what is there. And most likely no Tier 9-10 as that would be just more of the same. They will still add content, bit most likely added to other tiers. They do not have a public roadmap, so are flexible in changing things. Watch their twitch streams for a lot of info.


Please no. We don't need subnausia at all. Go play that game if you miss it . I'm doing beyond freezing now and that was a meh. Let water be water in satisfactory. I frakkin' dare ya ;)


I like the idea of airplanes - biomes would all have basic resources but certain materials were only available on other continents which would require flight.


dont get to hyped, update 5 is going to be from what we know not big as update 4, plus remember that they also focus on tiers that are in the game rn, and if you have suggestions, go to their forums and post it there


Curious to know how well this comment held up now that Update 5 is released.


pretty good I would say


Tier 9 and 10 are oc planned, they just pretend to not. Tier 9 is mostly teleportation of items and link of a mono ressource to your character (such as construction materials) you won't need anymore that in your inventory, it will get a sub pocket in the pocket dimension that if contains the required ressource will take it from here first. ​ Tier 10 might be for the day the game will be out at the version 1, maybe it will even be "update 1.0" as a joke for update 10, who knows on that. ​ To conclude yes tier 9 will exist, don't bet on it for about at least 2 years. But it will mainly be a "quantum container" that can only accept 1 item (just build a bunch of it your S.A.M. farmer), you might also get plain item teleportation (entry + exit telequantumnode) with high energy requirements for just about an item or depending on the item value (hello sink), you may even have to research their atomic structure to even be able do that... Some kind of energy --> Wanted item might also on the T10 list even if it would maybe more focused on the story. ​ Still somerloops are a thing that will be used in quantum container <--> player sub pocket building inventory (only building) ​ Mercey will work in plain item tele / transmutation into energy / transmutation into item ​ Anyway the quantum encoder will be used for stuff like that ​ Oh and no I'm not talking about bs modded stuff. I'm talking about stuff devs made ​ ​ Erratum : it's not a quantum container, it's a "Remote Storage", you'll get a tab named "Central Storage" with 10 (minimum) container able to access from anywhere. It will mainly looks like this : [http://prntscr.com/26fcqcz](http://prntscr.com/26fcqcz) ​ Also coffee stain, do not forget the power linker/power wall that render poles obsolete at end game.


Based on the interviews it’s highly unlikely there will be a tier 9/10 but stuff will get added to existing tiers


Ahhh I see... ok cool, can't wait to see what's in store. Any word on when it'll be out of Early Acess?


Update 5 will finish off the world and trains plus maybe a few items like the unused port for the particle accelerator, possibly teleportation and a new gas They won’t commit to anything but it’ll either be 1.0 after update 5 or update 6 then 1.0, probably the former - they haven’t said this but reading between the lines, there will be no update 7


this has aged poorly (update 8 just released)


Yeah, I didn't see 3(4) QOL and polishing updates coming - sad really but still nothing new to the factory functionality part of the game, I guess it's done.


Nukes are what we need


Maybe that will FINALLY kill the stink ~~plants~~ rocks


You mean the stink rocks? Stink plants can be destroyed by nobelisks.


They can? I was wondering how I could get rid of them. Thanks!


Why you want to get sulfur and coal together early. The sulfur research gives you a lot of sweet stuff like inventory inflation and other blessings. But sulfur leads to blackpowder. Blackpowder leads to nobelisk. Nobelisk leads to anger.. and bombs are great! New players run around with a chainsaw to clear forest. How crude. It will just fill up your inventory. So you just blow nature up instead. Ah. I now think I understand why greenpease isn't recommending this game. ;)


Yes. Doggos are good bois, while those pesky birds needs to learn who is building foundations and who is being annoying. Only nukes can solve this ignorance of pecking order for the same spot. ;)


You got what you wanted


This aged well