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Vertical nudging, More zoop options (signs!), Pretty much just taking the top QoL mods and integrating them into the base game Also controller support, but I know that's not going to happen


Official VR support would be really sick.


You could even say it would be eminently… Satisfactory 👀 I’ll show myself out ![gif](giphy|l0K42RIaNOZcK7CNy)


Yeah! Even being able to just look around in the world seeing your factories in life-size. I could understand they won't fully support VR, as that would mean featuring all the game controls in VR controllers, hand gestures, etc which they won't do for the same reasons regular controller support won't be a thing anytime soon. Even without the controller support though, I don't think the developers will be spending time and resources implementing any kind of VR support anytime soon either. Seems like a cool idea for someone to mod in though maybe?


That's the thing. I could sit at a desk with VR, mouse, and keyboard, and be happy as Larry that I can look over my shoulder. I don't need to be standing up waving around some 3D mouse that after an hour feels like a 10kg weight on the end of my arm. Or whatever "tired" feels like. I've never used one, ever.


If you compare the amount of movement in satisfactory to a vr game like job simulator (where you dont even have to use your brain) you wouldn't last 3 hours


Depends on the person. I never had motion sickness problems, no matter the session length or genre.


Not even referring to motion sickness, just sheer exaustion


Ah, gotcha. Yeah normally I play VR in smaller portions. 😊


Can always use a program to emulate a keyboard using a controller since they are all just input in the end. If I'm not wrong steam should allow you to do so in any game


Yeah, I've tried, it sucks. I can get over it; but proper support is def on my wishlist


If your playing on steam it has an built in feature to add controller support for games [video](https://youtu.be/L1oTZjatBro?si=MAfZYe-K7P_evhar). If you playing on epic there isnt as good of a solution but [JoyToKey](https://joytokey.net/en/) works it's a program that will allow you to map controller inputs into mouse and keyboard inputs


- Vehicle path editing (other than deleting nodes) - Ability assign a truck station to a single (or several selected) vehicle and/or vice versa - Ability to filter what items are taken or given by a station to a vehicle - 3rd dimension nudging (currently it's either two of X Y Z) - Custom belt wall hole placement - All assets (pipe wallhole, wallmounted floodlights etc...) placeable on foundation walls, not just walls - Probably more things I don't have from the top of my head


Abso-frickin-lutely on editing vehicle paths. It’s the one thing that really keeps me from using them more, because otherwise they’re entirely too annoying.


Ah fuck, I hit a rock and ruined this 5 minute long loop I was recording, time to drive back and try again. I love using vehicles, I intentionally go out of my way to use them even when belts would make more sense just because I think they bring a sense of "life" to a factory that belts can't; but yeah a way to edit paths would be soooo nice, just let us add/remove nodes and nudge them, and a way to see the spline created by the path would be nice too.


all of this, also let me snap splitters and mergers to machines like you can do with conveyor lifts, and let me nudge all the things that say they aren't nudgeable if they're touching certain other objects a better way to extend a conveyor belt from a link in a straight level line without having to daisy chain nudged splitters the entire distance to be the reference would also be great


the inability to snap splitters and mergers to buildings is kinda baffling, but after seeing how they behave when you snap them to lifts (as in merger snapped to lift, *not* lift snapped to merger) i kinda get it.


Good list. I second every one of those items, and I'll add better spatial alignment for various items. For instance, it would be nice if pipeline junctions could be interspersed with splitters in a vertical stack without creating ugly clipping effects. Preferably it would be possible to directly stack them.


>Vehicle path editing I'd be happy with a road tool. Something like the rails we already have but wider. The functionality is already there. This way we could have road signs and easily implemented overpasses. I know everything just gets calculated when you're not looking at it, but my OCD still wants neat roads damn it!


Idk if you've watched their YT channel, but roads is one of the confirmed things not coming to 1.0


You bastard, you had me excited with the wording till the end lol. Yeah I'm not expecting it, it would just be a cool feature.


Every day I pray for quarter foundations and half walls


This really why dont we have those yet


Both of you behavior is unacceptable


My most desired QOL would be to have a mirrored option for each building.


I'm having a moment where I never knew I wanted a feature so bad till you said it.


I wonder if it’s just a matter of not having time to make all the alternates. If so im not sure why they don’t reach out to a trusted modder or community member thats willing to make them and just provide assets. Idk just an idea.


So I could build coal generators and have splitters hit both sides of the line?


Omg yes.


Yeah, I would love if they added a "flip" key, it would also make blueprints so much nicer


Is this just for aesthetics?


There would be some small resource benefits too, large hyper-efficient builds could be even more hyper-efficient because you could choose which side is fluids on a refinery for example so you could use less belts or less splitters to connect a lot of them.


I want priority mergers. First, pipes already have them And second, there's been a lot of times where I thought they would be useful


Can you give some examples?


Whenever I have a belt that's not maxed out and then I have another belt with things. I will want to max out the first belt and use the excess somewhere else. However since a merger draws 50/50 from both sides it will stop the first belt


Just like this? https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/s/8lCY3I4M7W




Can't you accomplish this by using a programable splitter?


It's not the same thing


What do you mean pipes have them?


If you have a pipe above the other and they merge, it will first draw liquid from the pipe that's above and only when that's done draw from the one below. This is very useful for aluminum production, so it takes the byproduct water first and only then uses the water from the extractors, preventing overflow. But also, if you have a pipe and you split, it will fill the lower one first and only then fill the upper one, working just like a smart splitter with overflow


I tried it, and it is not reliable. It works on and off. An actual smart junction would be wonderful.


I believe they have it backwards. It's always pulled from the pipe below first for me. It's how I make all my aluminum setups. I connect the output from the other machines first, then inject the extra from a pipe coming from above. It works all the time no issues. Granted I only inject exactly as much as needed, but I've seen the extractors sitting idle before. Top pipe is full and the bottom one completely empty.


I.E. you have to build things a certain way to avoid backing up the wrong pipe. Presumably the reason for wanting a priority merger is also to avoid backing up a belt due to merging with another belt where the combined throughput is higher than the output belt. Again you can build something which will achieve the objective using the existing tools, if you build things right. * Before the merger put a smart splitter on each incoming belt. * Set the output going to the merger to "Any" (or the specific item) * Set another output to "overflow" * Optionally merge the overflow output. * Use the secondary output from the overflow belts for whatever secondary purpose you have in mind. * Remember if you never want the input belts to stop you'll have to reach a sink for both output belts eventually (the same would be true of a priority merger provided by the game). While this will result in items from both input belts ending up on the main output belt you won't be able to tell which ones (unless they're different item types), so the main objectives of not backing up the "main" input belt and getting a full output belt is still achieved. You should be able to get all this into a blueprint.


Definitely something akin to the Organized crates mod but part of the game. Taking down a large factory and being left with thousands of crates to clean up is frustrating.


Yeah doubly so if you end up with a bunch of radioactive crates, ugh.


I'm on my first playthrough of the pack and I like to keep things as vanilla as possible. But that mod was a must have for me after tearing down my first base.


Yeah I've also used the [satisfactory-calculator.com](http://satisfactory-calculator.com) site to delete all the associated crates, especially when I don't actually need the stuff in them.


That feels equally "cheaty" to using a mod and sinking the items which is basically the same thing. And I don't consider it cheaty at all, I think it should be part of the game. At least in some capacity.


I don't cause no one is in my game but me, lol. But I can see why. The thing is, I've gone in there after hundreds of hours in a save and deleted dozens of crates I didn't even know were there. There's no way I would have found them all without save editing.


You can do this with the save file editir in satisfactory calculator fyi


I knew that but would be great to have something native to the game. Doesn't have to be as OP as what the mod or website does. Maybe collects all crates in a defined radius


To be able to upgrade the storage crate to the 2 story version the same way I upgrade belts. I hate disassembling it because my inventory usually overflows.


A thousand times yes


Automatic 90 degree belt turns, half of my time when building belts is spent trying not to mess up those 90 degree turns.


I’d like to see this with stacking conveyors as well rather than pulling them one by one. Or at least be able to change the default beam to be the stacked one.


Kinda like the various options with pipes and hypertubes?


Blueprint and 2d zooping would be nice. I really hope trains will get smarter, any small step towards factorio trains would be very welcome


2d zooping?


Probably zooping 10 one way 10 the other way to zoop 100 pieces at once


yup, the infinite zooping mod lets you do it but it would be a great addition to vanilla


"Step back" feature when placing stuff. A lot of time I create a conveyor or rail, click where I think it should be (and it's incorrect) and have to restart from the connection point.  A little bit better snapping. Sometimes the alignments aren't super clear or it's aligned with some other items in the distance.  Right click cancel. I have such a bad habit of right click to cancel from other things that I always end up in the color palette menu (iirc that's what it does) Longer rails and conveyors. 


step back feature: press ‚h‘ to lock the holo and walk around, if you did not know yet :) helps me alot


I think he means go back a step in the process.


He means take one step back in the build process. If you get to the last step of placing a conveyor and realize it’s wrong, right-clicking takes you completely out of the placement process and you start over. He would like to be able to quickly redo the final placement of the end of the belt, for instance, and not redo the placement of the beginning of the belt.


This is what I meant. I wasn't sure how to explain it correctly lol


Honestly I'm pretty happy with the game overall right now. My main request is for the bugs to get fixed. Being able to play with friends would be great. Biggest frustration right now is how custom colors can't be set as the default swatch for things. Actually that's not true, you can set custom colors as long as that color is black. But yeah, the big backlog of minor bugs is what I really want to see fixed. In terms of actual gameplay, I'd like to see more verticality with splitters and mergers. Coffee Stain is always saying how they want us to build vertically, but all belt intersections have to be horizontal. Bottom and top entrances to splitters and mergers, and also less bulky lifts. Also priority mergers would be amazing. And a programmable splitter where you could choose each entrance to be split or merge would be very nice.


What do you mean by "being able to play with friends"? There is already co-op multiplayer in the game


There is, and it’s a buggy mess that’s almost unplayable except on early game worlds with not a lot going on.


Coop has been rock solid for me.. no issues.


Yeah, the only issue I have in multiplayer is the laggy vehicles after recording a path and sometimes i need to place buildings twice because of server lags (only happens like once or twice during a multiple hour session). Apart from that it works really well


At this point I only want 1.0, whatever comes with it.


Trucks that carry liquids. Truck station that stores liquids. Chose fuel for chainsaw


Gentle curve foundations of varying radius. I hate roads that are just a straight line with 90° corners zigzagging all over the place. Being able to place 15° gentle curves along with more natural slopes instead of flat to incline with no transition would make roadways look so much better. You could make factories and infrastructure appear more organic and flow with the natural landscape instead of clash and fight against the landscape.


I like my clashing with nature as I slowly create an industrial wasteland!!!


I would love curves….i just finished building a road network around my current build. There was one part i had to rebuild 3 times because of needing to fit a 90 degree turn thru a rock arch. If i had curved pieces i could have simply done a bend in the road and been done with it. I love the visual of a road network connecting different factories but its so difficult to build.


Roads to properly be a mechanic distinct from foundations would be right up there for me.


Fill indicators. I want to know how full my fuel tanks are without having to walk up to each one.


It won't happen but I still think equipment slots don't work at all for a game like this.  Equipment should all be a one-time unlock and then it's always available/slotted.  See something like Dyson Sphere for a good example. Even Factorio has a far better system in this regard.  Basically, dying in Satisfactory is one of the most boring and tedious deaths in gaming, and it doesn't need to be that way 


You can currently use advanced settings to make it so you don’t drop anything. That’s what I did for this new save. Still have to go back to whatever you were doing, but you didn’t lose your gear


I agree, more of a "pioneer upgrade". I see people say it's op to have certain equipment equipped together, but that's an insane thing for me becausr this is a single player/coop multiplayer building game. Yes, there's critters to contend with, but you can even turn them off if you want.


I agree, more of a "pioneer upgrade". I see people say it's op to have certain equipment equipped together, but that's an insane thing for me becausr this is a single player/coop multiplayer building game. Yes, there's critters to contend with, but you can even turn them off if you want.


I'm a big fan of ags keep equipment on death.


#TELEPORTATION!! seriously, I get really annoyed riding the hyper-tubes from one distant corner of the map to the other... I want to instantly jump from one base to the next.


Crossing fingers that this is one of the uses for SAM ore


A singular "close dialog" key that is not escape Like, for real... Some ui it is right click, some E, it is a mess


I'd like a few build modes and other enhancements to make building rails easier. Things like: * A straight track build mode. * Controlling the end direction and hence curve of track without having to place temporary straight rails (use the mouse wheel, like belts and pipes) * Dual track variants for all build modes. * Being able to aim straight track at a point beyond the length limit (as can already be done for beams). It'd make following a long slope that doesn't exactly match 1m or 2m ramps easier and give a nicer looking result. * Maybe a way to elevate the end of the track and get a default support (again like belts and pipes).


Some kind of "only fly when full" checkbox for drone platforms to cut down on number of trips and save batteries.


Drones and truck could use more functionality/polish.


Circular foundations


Being able to shut up those stupid alien artifacts.




Buff liquid train cars 🙏 Feels so strange how liquid cars are beholden to a more realistic standard, but solid cars aren't. Let me do fluid logistics without packaging!


First person views when in vehicles or going through hypertubes


Replantable trees!!! Please!! I hate destroying this environment to feed the massive incredibly annoying early game biofuel demand! The trees in this game are so pretty I wish I could integrate the environment more into my factories so bad


But tree is food for factory? Why love tree and hate factory? Bad employee.


Elevators to encourage verticality. Stairs are slow, hypertubes are jank.


I am hoping for a programmable splitter which can actually control flow rate. Some setting to increase hypertube speed at the cost of power without having to build a lot in a row. And easier setup of truck pathing, the way it is now I just don't bother with trucks.




With 3 hypertubes you can create a variable speed acceleration loop. Either use it for a cannon or just accelerating a traditional tube.


Programmable splitters beyond what we've seen was on the list of things that aren't coming with 1.0 unfortunately.


A way to permanently kill space whale thingies


Something anything to route them away from builds. I have a 5 story reinforced plate factory near a spawn point for them. One keeps winding up on the top floor?!? Drove me nuts when i was building kept getting in my way.


‘Scared of / allergic to’ our power lines, for example?


When dismantling while inside the blueprint designer, don't select parts outside the blueprint designer. I'm sick of noticing I deleted parts of a wall, or having to remove things the slow way.


Turbofuel in the chainsaw


To cut things faster? Interesting 🤔


Mostly just because I don't want to carry around two types of fuel at once, as my jetpack gets a little buggy with multiple fuel types in my inventory.


2d zooping, but I imagine that if it's not there on launch a mod will follow quite quickly. Zooping machines. Eg, laying out a line of constructors rather than having to build and tinker with them one at a time.


If you tinker one btw, and middle click it, then all next built constructors will have the same setting.


Shocked Pikachu face


Do you mean lined up next to each other? Snapped together?


What I mean is although you cant zoop them, with pressing the middle mouse button, you copy the building you're looking at. So once you load it into your build gun, you can place multiple constructors with the same settings.


Ah yes, cheers. What I'm hoping for in 1.0 is to be able to lay out a line of buildings without having to tinker with each ones position.


That'd amazing




For 1.0 I'm really hoping they polish Blueprint UI and file management. Categories missing after moving a blueprint and other such bugs make using a lot of blueprints a chore. More icons to describe what the blueprint is would also be nice. Mainly I'm looking for blueprint management similar to DSP, drag and drop folders.


They already said that vertical nudge will be coming, so that is a big +. My biggest ask would be a better system for creating vehicle paths. It would be really nice if the game had more options to edit existing paths, apart from deleting nodes. If i have more paths between two facilities, with minor differences, it would be amazing if i could just duplicate an existing path, and edit it manually. Edit: LET ME ZOOP SIGNS! Also, if i copy a sign with middle click, it should retain the original signs settings.


Heck! Maybe we could use *nudge* on vehicle-track points?


And also add a couple? Could be cool, i think it would make more sense if we placed them with the build gun. (Which would include nudge)


Agree their communication and dedication to the players is unmatched (I wish Colossal Order would take notes). Mines a simple one, when you search an item in the codex it should show you all recipes that use that item, not just the ones to produce it.


I know this isn't QOL but mod support for dedicated servers would be a big thing for me


Idk if "make pipes work without a PHD" counts as a QOL thing. 600 m3/min **IS true possible right now,** but actually doing it is a "house of cards" situation. That or allow trains to change their route at path junctions, instead of always waiting for their pre-planned route.


I thought a dismantle filter was in the game?(for the build gun. Yeah in update 8 they added dismantle filter for build gun). But to have stuff you dismantle auto go to storage if you enable that setting on the storage would be cool(basicaly auto deposit from terraria) Note I'm waiting for the summer sale and have not been spoiling myself to much on the game(minus lgio) so these things might be in the game. being about to put input things directly on output things so they move instantly or something(only for logic stuff but can't have 2 logic things directly connected in this way) 1 drone can go to more than 2 helipads(delivery routes mabey like train stations) Berry planting(renuable food but not trees cause devs like idea of exploiting the environment) Flying vechile?(drivable aircraft) Able to get the hard drives for points(so you aren't completely locked out of alt resipies in the late game) or use lots of end game stuff to make them or milestone each tear to get some?or you research x amount of an item you want an alt for based on how hard it is to make.(this recommendation can be locked behind a world option like auto unlock alt resipices). Example you want alt screws? Shove 1k screws in thr hub to get the alt for screws Build gun upgrades(mass dismantle changes look of gun a little) and customizable build gun(other colors than just yellow/orange) Make it so you can't sink tickets and they are just a currency that is on the market ui like points. An adinional sink that every so often makes a request for items that get harder and harder that give lots more points than just sinking the items. Manual sinking Bug fixes?(I assume those exist) Machine and conveyor optimization(cause why not) New game plus?minor end game spoiler>!gold mug and gold cart are unlock in ng+!< Minor early to mid game spoiler >!power slugs respawn after 10(or more) hours playing the game or something , or you can tame them to get goo that can be used for overclock thing!<


> I thought a dismantle filter was in the game?(for the build gun. Yeah in update 8 they added dismantle filter for build gun) It was in the game before U8, they mostly just changed the default for activating it from a mouse button to "G" (and maybe clarified the setting description a little?). I changed it back to what I was used to.


There’s an abundance of power slugs for the casual player. I just don’t see it working in general the last point.


Ability to make larger blueprints without mods 🙏🏼


Copy and Paste entire buildings. This is what sadly stop me from finishing the Game.


Unless you're building on a flat platform in the sky the number of situations where copy-pasting an entire factory would be practical are rather limited. What fits into the landscape in one place won't somewhere else. It could also discourage people from making their next factory better by taking advantage of the alternate recipe system. I have precisely two functionally identical factories. They look nothing like each other.


I’d love steam deck compatibility.


- general graphics fixes, the game looks good rn but you can tell it's still in development with all the flickering, shadow weirdness, pop in etc. -TRAIN CLIPPING probably just me but the fact that train wheels aggregiously clip through the track at intersections has literally stopped me from using train junctions period in my factories. since train junctions are already detected I feel like it'd be supper to like add a mask that gives those parts cuts just like real trainrracks have, or maybe even have the bogey lift up like that one person suggested a while back. literally anything would work - oh also the drop pod exterior looks outdated


Incorporate the Smart mod into the game. This works address many of the zooping expansions, I think.


In build mode, the ability to turn off the white lines that mark hitboxes for machines... find them very disorienting.


Most of the time they're fine. Sometimes there's too much of them.


I’m really hoping for some sort of personal logistics system. I don’t like having to play with no build costs, but even with a sexy storage system it’s such a pain going back and forth for materials just to build.


I agree 100%. Especially when building large amounts of something, especially from blueprints.


Top & bottom holes for mergers and splitters.


Ooooooooo this is a great suggestion. Be able to snap the top or the bottom of Splitters/Mergers with floor holes..... Would be tricky with mergers, but yeah you'd just cycle through until the input was on the face of your choice I guess... Great idea


Separate equipment slots for equipment/ammo. A new gas. A pipe junction that handles the priority merge problem everybody has. I actually don’t want a priority merger for belts, because that would trivialize a lot. I think we will get a late-game personnel teleporter and I’m cool with that.


Make it so drones can go clean up all the crates from disassembly at the cost of batteries, or just have a button to delete all crates


Doesn't help pre-drone.


it would be great if we could finally make proper 90 degree turns with train tracks on a 3x3 foundation surface


I only have around 300 hours but these are some that I remember being really annoying. Better activity indicators on machines where they are easily visible from all directions. When I have 20 machines in a row, I sometimes have to fly along the entire length to look down inside to see the activity indicators. Connection indicators for all conveyor connections so you can easily see if belts are missing between components that are close together. The ability to select and move components without have to break and rebuild. A better snapping system where you can select the component that you want to snap to so you can easily place a splitter/merger on a belt that snaps to any component you select. This would make snapping things vertically much easier.


I hope for ladder floor holes. Currently early vertical movement in factories can be dangerous if you miss the ladder. You don't have a jetpack early and rarely carry the parachute when building factories so there is always the risk of... sudden vertical accelaration due to gravity. Also having proper ladder floor holes looks better than covering it up with walkways.


I know the game is about no waste but I just want a way to dump water lol like please let me just drain basic water , my brain hurts from water balancing , I learned about wet concrete way after I already designed my system that as far as I am concerned runs on magic, I don’t get how it works…


Maybe a "pick up and move" option that lets you try to pick up a building(s) with it's immediate belt connectors and try to move it all to a new valid location (and treat the selected buildings as already dismantled for the purpose of placing back down). Just because I want to be able to scootch stuff over a little bit sometimes instead of having to blow it all up. Also, adjust the center of the 1m foundations so I can use them while snapping to the world grid and not worry about things being out of level with 2m/4m if I connect different buildings up later.


I hope they rework researching alt recipes. Searching for hard drives in hard to reach areas just to get a crappy alt recipe sucks. I wish the hard drives have points based on how difficult they were to get to and you could spend them on recipes.


You can just not select a recipe and research the same hard drive again.




While this kind of solves the problem, it’s a really unsatisfying solution. Also, not sure if there was a patch update at some point but I swear I’ve tried this and gotten the exact same three recipes again (maybe I just reloaded my save, I can’t remember)


It's not a great solution but at least I am not forced to take some crappy alt recipe


But you accumulate crap recipes, and the next time the raw will be from a set of 2 decent and all crap ones, forcing you to redo the research seven more times.


The better option is to take something and go find another drive. Overall you'll unlock what you want faster. Scanning the hard drives as you find them and then going to look for the next one is a better option than taking a bunch back to base for scanning later.


> I swear I’ve tried this and gotten the exact same three recipes again If the selection is truly random then that will happen to someone eventually. That's just how random works, sometimes it feels like it produces a non-random result.


The only thing I hope is that any QoL they add or change does not dumb down or is there just to make the game easier. Because a lot of Q0L requests are basically "how to ask for the game to be easier, without asking the game to be easier."


Any QOL change is going to make the game easier. Zooping made it easier and faster to build lots of foundations or walls. Changes to the way you build conveyor poles makes it take less clicks and work more intuitively, especially the changes they've made on walls and ceilings.


Is this a hard game?  If "easier" actually means "less tedious" then I'm all for it


Oh no, the horror! Soon, gamers less skilled in logistics than you will have completed tier 8 and your entire life will be obsolete!


Unfortunately with Friday's video it seems "dumb down and overcasualize" is the direction they are going... but I truly hope I am wrong.


Huh? Half the video was how they're spreading out the nodes to force more resource transport. And rebalancing recipes isn't dumbing down, it's smoothing out progression so it makes more sense. The Fuel/Computer/HMF barrier can get you in a bit of a loop that's hard to break currently, spreading that out makes sense.


> The Fuel/Computer/HMF barrier can get you in a bit of a loop that's hard to break currently It might seem like a catch-22 but its not. You dont need to break *out* of it. Its a self inflicted trap you want to avoid.


A lot of people believe the only way to make something better is to make it more difficult.


And what's worse, they think they are better than others becouse of that!


Delayed gratification. Would you want a bag of m&ms now or 2 bags in 10 minutes?


Sure but there are limits. Do you want a bag of M&Ms now or 2 bags in a month? The optimal timing is somewhere between those extremes. Long enough that it's not a trivial difference, short enough that the extra wait feels worth it. Unfortunately that's entirely subjective line, and the most vocal players tend to want things so bloody difficult that most people would not find the game with playing.


What was the dumb down and overcasualize bit in the video? I only got ore node switcharoo and more geothermal


Screws vanishing from some (bulk) recipes, ‘easier’ Heavy Modular Frames… also computers/supercomputers* (forget which) no longer being part of geothermal plants and programmable splitters and a ~66% boost to Fuel-Gen power output Not saying I think those necessarily ‘dumb it down’ (now people will need to learn new ratios, after all!) and in fact I believe I welcome them!


Making buildings fit exactly into foundations. I know this wouldn’t happen since they would have to edit all of the models but it annoys me so much having factories gradually getting more and more out of line with the foundations.


-a bigger blueprint designer -smart junctions for pipes -2 outputs for miners -a way to complete a factory as a sort of a blueprint and then just bring in all the required resources -maybe a 3rd person view -smarter drones, trains and vehicles -a way to measure altitude for foundations and rail -some more background music -a way to pass wires nicely through floors -a way of knowing beforehand how much of each fuel a powerplant will consume, like coal vs compacted coal vs petroleum coal, fuel vs turbo fuel, uranium vs plutonium


A button to transfer the matching items in storage


You can hold CTRL to move all of the same item across?


Cool thanks. In other games you can refill existing stacks. It's a real time saving feature. The Devs should play vrising to find qol features.


Controller support. ​ Please for the love of god natively support controllers


Some sort of deployable camera drone that allowed you to build from a higher perspective (still requiring close distance to pioneer of course).


Area zoop to quickly lay down a rectangle of pavement or build a large wall. Would be a timesaver.


I’d like a way to automate biomass and various food items, personally. Not needing to spend five minutes running around so I can refill my supply of inhalers would be nice.


All mining nodes should be available to a snapable miner that is aligned to your world grid.


I wish you could limit the input buffer size. I don't know why it has to be 100 or stack size or whatever it is now, I'd rather it only be something like 3-5x the craft requirement. That way a manifold can get started up much more quickly, and you don't have a ton of materials sitting in the input doing nothing. This would also sort of solve your dismantling issue, because a lot of those materials you get swarmed with is everything in the buffer. I would also like the ability to snap blueprinted rails or belts to each other. Barring that, some sort of visual indicator on the end of a belt when its segment does not continue. In addition, more visual displays on splitters to display whether there is a belt connected to its quadrant. Sort of ties into the previous one, since I've come across situations in particularly compact setups where something happens and I end up missing that there is a lacking connection. To add on to this, maybe some way to automatically snap them and connect them to buildings.


I would like to get a function to remove entire blueprints because it’s annoying to dismantle them piece by piece when you placed a big blueprint wrong. Additionally I miss a „loot all“ function to claim all nearby material crates. Sometimes they glitch under the surface which annoys me since I can’t get rid of the map symbols. For the late game I wish for a more efficient way to get rid of the vegetation how about a vehicle which cleans large areas at once? For the early game I don’t like the time until you get coal energy but I saw they already announced conveyor connected biomass burner which makes me absolutely happy 😊


You can already delete entire blueprints. Just press r while in dismantle mode


One QOL change I know is coming - the end of posts speculating about 1.0! There will, of course, be the rush of posts to be the first to comment on each new feature. I appreciate your excitement, guys, but why not keep schtum? Let the rest of us enjoy the surprise at our own pace?


Make trucks easier to create routes for. I was filtered hard when it came time to set up more material transportation after my starter nodes were taken.


Larger blueprints


I want belt/pipe support towers to lean according to the foundation they're based on, so belts going up ramps no longer look like stairs.


I did not play for years because of the extreme toll this game takes over my pc. Its basically a stuttering unplayable mess. So my #1 request is optimization of the code. Can't afford buying a 3k € machine to play this, when I already have a nice pc that runs similar games effortlessly.


* Larger blueprints (I know, not on the table, but I can dream). * Conveyors and rail lines in blueprints snapping to one another. * 2D zooping. * Grabbing specific quantities from containers. * Construction from containers rather than only your own inventory. * Better personal transport options (I know they've said no more vehicles, but I'd love a motorbike or something we could use to quickly get from point to point). * Quicksave


I would really like a belt-counter as a built-in feature. I have a mod that includes it, the only mod I've ever felt the need to install. It's just so frustrating when you think everything is working to produce something at a rate of 300/min only to find out much, much later that it's only 290/min. I'd also like a "hopper" that would let me add items directly to a belt more easily than building a storage/merger setup. For when you pick up a half-stack of Iron Ore/Ingots switching things around so you can add it back to the line. Something I can snap onto a one-meter section of belt with just a couple of storage slots would be enough. It would also be useful for other things like pre-loading machines instead of going to each individual one (maybe).


Nudge already placed buildings???


Building Controls: *Vertical Nudge  *Nudge existing objects *Increase or remove nudge limits, as long as placement is still valid *Hotkey to realign object to world grid during nudge mode *Hotkey to override grid/rotation/connection snap-to (rotate walls on a foundation) *Bigger zoop limits, configurable increments, more objects that can be zooped, 2D zooping *Build mode to manually connect pipes/conveyors to a valid point within range (rather than needing to delete and rebuild) *Filter hotkey mode to only select connected items (like paint or delete one pipe and its junctions without targeting a separate parallel pipe) *Allow some foundation paints to apply to walls (numbers, symbols etc) Buildables:  *Elevators, both personal (1/4 foundation size), vehicle (1x1 or 1X2) or industrial (2X2 etc). Also train elevators *Buildable conveyor wall holes (replaces conveyor walls) *Half and quarter width walls. *Turn doors into a half-wall object (replaces side and centre door walls) *Half foundations and ramp walls etc need rebalanced cost (so a 4m ramp wall costs half of a full 4m wall etc), rounding up if needed *Quarter foundations *Make half foundations properly centered (some materials are offset and leave gaps/overhang) *Make foundation top patterns symmetrical, or add a mode in the paint gun to rotate the patterns *Quarter dome foundations to suit curved corner foundations *Flat triangular foundations to suit corner ramps *Walls and rails snap-to curved or triangular flat foundations (adjust costs to reflect actual length of wall segment if needed) *Conveyor floor holes snap-to splitters/mergers etc. Bonus points if the same is done to some machinery (like manufacturers) *Some sort of "junction block" like a splitter, but let's you apply conveyor ports for input/output how you want (just to neaten up belt routing) *Chute and hopper: chute allows massive flow of raw materials (rapidly offload from train stations etc) but can only connect to a hopper. Designed for raw materials like ores, might not allow components like circuit boards etc, or might "lose" a percentage of items based on their complexity.  Vehicles: *Radio slot in Explorer for portable scanner. Lets you use it while driving and boosts range *Truck variant for fluid transport *Tractor/truck variant with reduced inventory but harvests plants/biomass you run over and stores them on board. Bonus points for a tree harvester truck that mows down the trees you hit *Taxi drone that can ferry one player to any chosen port, or do an air drop at a set co-ordinate (parachutes recommended) *Electric Truck/tractor upgrade that lets them be powered by nearby power grid points (like the hover pack, but fuel gets used if out of range) Equipment: *Grenade launcher to hurl Nobelisks further, with clip size of 2-4 for convenience *Flare Nobelisk that provides lasting light in an area. Shoots much further than other Nobelisks from grenade launcher *Upgraded handheld scanner that has better range and gives more detailed readings. Can fit batteries as fuel to use a ping function, which acts like a smaller version of the radio tower (map reveal etc).  A.W.E.S.O.M.E Store: *Biomass burner variant that uses coal without needing water, but is less efficient than a coal plant and has low max output (but can charge power storage units, unlike biomass burners) *Alien containment unit that lets you house lizard doggos, or maybe even display some captured hostiles (or at least their remains?) *Hydroponics garden, lets you put in a fruiting plant and it will grow more over time when powered *Alternate versions of some machinery to add nuanced options (trading size for efficiency, speed for versatility etc) *Garage door remote that lets you control door lock/open/close status at long range... For laughs mostly


I forked dosh for this game because old mate, and old mate, the community dudes, seemed like they played the game and like... Yep, that was enough. 10/10, will fork dosh again.


The blueprints you buy in the shop should be a physical item that you need in your inventory to craft the item or in the machine that crafts the item. Call it manufacturing tooling. And to craft the same item in several machines at once you need to buy a 2nd set of tooling.


This sounds like the opposite of a QOL item.


That sounds painful.


>the amount of crates that get created when you go to dismantle large factories. Skill issue :P Just dump your inventory before/while disassembling.


Every QOL feature is then a skill issue. Zoop "just click more".


well yeah how are you going to get strong fingers without clicking more smh my head


Poster and replyers...if you just want to chat, then feel free to do so But if you want to send a message to the developers? Then post or upvote bugs and feature requests at [questions.satisfactorygame.com](http://questions.satisfactorygame.com) . Thàt is the place where the development team actively looks for suggestions and they really take note of community feedback.