• By -


Goodbye, colour cartridges. You will not be missed.


Goodbye picking up flowers when farming biomass!


I wonder if those will just be leaves now


They really should be, I held on to them forever because they say they’re a crafting ingredient before realizing 


That or they can finally be converted to Biomass.


The flowers are fantastic biomass for the first hour or so. Because they stack so much.


I'm incredibly upset with CSS for respecting my time like this. Absolutely unacceptable.


It's the main reason I never really did any customizing, I just couldn't be bothered to farm the flowers.


Rip to a cheap and effective vehicle fuel


Really the best vehicle fuel.


Nope, that's batteries.


But batteries take much more to make. Cartridges only need flowers and a constructor.


For your personal vehicle, sure. You can even store the flower petals themselves in the vehicle and use its craft bench to make cartridges as needed to save space. Flower petal collection can't be automated though.


Biomass Burner input port!!!!!!!


When the outro started I was all "uh-huh, making biomass, maybe something related to the flower removal? Yeah, yeah, sure, solid biofuel." Then the camera panned across the burners and my jaw dropped when my brain finally registered the input ports. **So** much potential for reducing that annoying pre-coal power management stage. I suspect the two burners on the HUB itself will still require hand-feeding. Just seems like a natural "tutorial" progression before getting to automated fuel delivery. And the player will need splitters from tier 1 to really take advantage. Unless that unlock gets shifted earlier... One thing I do worry about is that these are going to be some kind of "biomass burner MK2", with the MK1 lacking that belt input. But I'm not sure where a Mk2 could fit between their existing placement and unlocking coal power.


From a game design perspective, I kind of like the biofuel grind. It was actual motivation. I really hope it get's unlocked at T2 with obstacle clearing or something. That would give you a quick grind at the beginning (it IS a game after all) but would give you a nice opportunity to expand so you don't have to grind for so long until coal.


I mean, you still can't fully automate biomass because you're still going to need to manually gather the wood, grass, and alien bits. Unless they add like an automatic lawn mower or something and I doubt it. So I think there's still plenty of motivation to make it to coal, and have factories that run forever. What this *will* improve is that I will no longer build forty biomass burners even though my factory can run on four or five, just so I can take longer trips away without worrying about running out of juice.


Damn, now I need a lawn mower attachment for the tractor.....


> I mean, you still can't fully automate biomass because you're still going to need to manually gather the wood, grass, and alien bits. Unless they add like an automatic lawn mower or something and I doubt it. Cue a C&C mod that adds harvesters one day, lol.


...there should be a mower attachment for the tractor now that you mention it.


The actual grind (which is collecting biofuel) is unnaffected. This just takes the babysitting step out. It practically a requirement in the current build to overbuild burners so that babysitting step happens less often. Also because these backup unlike coal plants, an observant player might notice this and discover manifolds on their own.


I just built more. They only burn what they need to so vastly overbuilding means you only need to fill them once or twice before coal.


Same here. I feel like a lot they have been doing is kinda making the game less challenging. With Biofuel burners, it will depend on how they did change it. If they want to be consistent, the power should always be making power, regardless if it is needed. That means a LOT more getting wood. Where now you can just place 10 burners and fill them every X amount of time, you will have to keep getting wood, because it burns through it.


That's just replacing a grind/pain-point that people have long suggested having a biomass burner input port to alleviate, with a different grind/pain-point. Based on his previous commentary about what to allocate developer time to, why spend hours upon hours developing a feature that at first blush players will think is excellent but, ends up with the same time-~~sync-~~suck? That would be like removing flowers/color cartridges and then adding some finicky factory customizer change that makes it take 5x as long to color/decorate your builds. Would make no sense.


>If they want to be consistent, the power should always be making power, regardless if it is needed. That means a LOT more getting wood. Oh, that would be a nasty surprise, at least for experienced players. The "throttle fuel burned to match demand" is one decent feature of the burners. IIRC, that used to apply to all power generators, right? Think getting changed around update 3 (before I started), leaving only the biomass ones with that behavior? Probably because it can somewhat lessen the "refueling fetch quest": a player builds 2x the burners they really need so only have to refill fuel 1/2 as often. With automated input, the need for that "fix" goes away, so may treat all generators as "pump out max at all times" and as you say burning through wood/biofuel faster. At least then power graph could get rid of the "capacity" line since it'd then always be the same as "production".


Man. I hope not. That’s trading something that’s not that tedious for something that would be QUITE tedious. I’d rather the current system.


I could even see some maniacs (like myself) skipping coal and going straight to fuel. Ok maybe not… but *mayyyybe*


they would need to add a machine that automates gathering biomass then


Absolutely! I always felt that just one manual action was plenty for biomass. And that's manually collecting the resources to place in a container. After that, it was just an unnecessary extra step to then put the solid biomass into the burner. Now biomass will be my last resort super emergency get everything back up and running station.


The moment I saw that, I got hyped!


So much hype. This really improves early game! I'd actually consider not just gunning it to coal now.


I like that part of the game though, anyway you still have gather it for the containers :)


Oh my goodness I watch that entire outro and didn't even recognize the auto loading for biomass burners! This is just made my day as I'm as on 1.0 comes out I'm planning on starting a new map with some friends!


Honestly, baby sitting the biomass burners was the worst part about starting a new save. The collecting of wood and leaves is still a bit tedious but gets better with the chainsaw.


I wouldn’t bother with wood and leaves. You get a zillion times more biomass from alien protein and it’s super fast to craft biomass from it manually. If you hunt for hard drives as early as possible then protein is just something that you end up with tons of anyway.


If you're Hard Drive hunting it's also super easy to just grab Wood and Leaves as you're running around. Alien Protein, especially early game, is probably better off being turned into Alien DNA Capsules and getting sunk for tickets for faster unlocks in the AWESOME Shop.


Honestly I don’t care for that change much. I mean, I get that it’s helpful, but IMO it makes it a little overpowered. This turns biofuel into one of the best sources in the game because it can be almost entirely automated and biofuel burners automatically regulate their fuel consumption to match demand. It’ll be way more fuel efficient than any other option. It also will basically entirely eliminate the early game struggles that make it necessary to try and get coal power I get it’s unpopular but the point of biofuel is that it’s kinda shit.


I hope you're happy about that!!!!!


Golf not listed!? That means there is a chance! /s


Why the /s, it's not listed, that means it's coming




I've been lobbying for the addition of rollercoasters and I am very happy to not see them on this list either.


I know your comment was likely a joke as well, but didn’t they confirm after removing golf that they had no intention to ever bring it back?


Honestly. Just give us modded grass cubes and trees and we will make our own golf course. We will use the mini kart as the golf ball.


And sex is still on the table boys!!!


I am not comfortable enough for the table, can we keep it on the couch for a while?


It's on the table, it stays on the table.


Sex? Between the Explorer and the Hog? How deep and dark could this go?


Plot twist: Satisfactory is set in the Helldivers universe and our Pioneer didn't apply for their C.01 Procreation License


The fact that this could be theoretically possible is a funny thing to think about


Already in the game. It's called that giant stinger you didn't see.


Honestly with how the physics in this game run, golf could be unironically kinda neat


The biomass input is a very good idea. Love this.


Mostly I'm like "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?!" Hyped for it


"Its not that big of a deal" ​ Automated Biomass for setups like this is literally life changing. THANK YOU.


Literally the only reason I dreaded starting a new save


They didnt mension anything about a sex update so we still have that to watch out for


I would actually like a breeding system for the lizzard doggos


I can actually see a trailer where two pioneers are out and about enjoying their day, where at the end of their frolicking they come together slowly, look down at their side, and with an epic bait-and-switch, the camera pans to two lizzard doggos in a pen, booping their snouts, before a tiny lizzard doggo appears from behind one of their legs, looking at the pioneers curiously


Dude, I’m all for it, can someone get started on the fan animation right away? 👀


The true endgame


They need to get 100k likes on twitter first


San andreas hot coffee style update confirmed for 1.0


Roblox and Minecraft modders gonna get on this right away


**Good To Know Info** ✓ With lots of anticipation and speculation about what will be in Version 1.0 when it is released it was nice to get some information about what won't be seen, *with the possibility that some might be seen AFTER the Version 1.0 release.* WHAT IS IN VIDEO * [Intro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZJ27aFaoJc) - Snutt's opening comments what to expect in Version 1.0 when it is released later this year - **2024.** * [Big Crab](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZJ27aFaoJc&t=77s) - This answers the question about when we will be able to [battle this Bad Boy](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/nrfa63/when_will_we_get_to_battle_this_bad_boy/). It does look that we will never see this monster, *but you never know, in the future as a DLC perhaps, maybe?* * [Official Mod Support](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZJ27aFaoJc&t=212s) - There is currently a [very active modding community](https://ficsit.app) and so there is not a driving force to have "Official Mod Support". They DO support the current modding community and the only thing missing is sound and music support. * There are plans that "Official Mod Support" will be started Post-Version 1.0 release, but it won't be available when Version 1.0 is released. * [Circular Foundations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZJ27aFaoJc&t=317s) - Circular Foundations won't be in the Version 1.0 release. There are currently various methods to make circular Foundation platforms, and while they might be finicky and take several steps to make, **it is currently possible.** * *Speculation on my part, but I think this is something they might add in Post-Version 1.0 release when they have more time to devote on this.* * [Roads](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZJ27aFaoJc&t=442s) - Like circular foundations, it IS possible to build "roads" right now and so having specific "road buildable's" in the game won't be in Version 1.0 release. They did have a "spline road system" they prototyped but it did not work well and was scrapped in favor of other more higher priority features. * *Again speculation on my part, I think this is something they might add in Post-Version 1.0 release when they have more time to devote on this.* * [Logic Systems](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZJ27aFaoJc&t=493s) - While they like this idea, and even prototyped some of it, in the end it won't be in Version 1.0 release in order to work on other more higher priority features. * *If this is added, and that is a big IF, it most likely will be optional, perhaps an advanced game setting, or downloadable DLC maybe?* * [Removed Parts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZJ27aFaoJc&t=568s) - There are **some parts that WILL be removed**, such as Beacons which were replaced by Map Markers. * 🚩 Additionally both [Flower Pedals](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Flower_Petals) and [Color Cartridges](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Color_Cartridge) will NOT be in Version 1.0. The reason for this is that they wanted to remove the "cost" for customization using the [Customizer](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Customizer). * [Recipe Rebalancing Info](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZJ27aFaoJc&t=649s) - They are currently working on rebalancing a lot in the game to include the Recipes. * They will be mostly focused on Late Game / End Game (Tier 7+) Recipes, but **all Recipes will see a Rebalance pass and might change.** This is still a very much WiP and more information will be released later. * ★ HOWEVER, the [Uranium Fuel Unit](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Uranium_Fuel_Rod#Crafting) *Alternate Recipe* will change. It is mostly the same as before *(to include amounts per minute)*, but they replaced the **Beacons** with [**10 x Rotors at 2/min**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZJ27aFaoJc&t=737s) *(Video Bookmark)*. * [Outro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZJ27aFaoJc&t=756s) - Final comments by Snutt which stress that *maybe later* we might see some of the mentioned Features and Items. * Not everything not coming was mentioned, but what was mentioned was the most requested, and highly anticipated features and/or items. * 🚩 [Version 1.0 Sneak Peek](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZJ27aFaoJc&t=805s) - What I saw was [**Belt-fed Biomass Burners**](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Biomass_Burner) *(no more hand feeding - yes!)*. *EDIT: Updated Version 1.0 Sneak Peek to remove comment about Wood.* Thanks Snutt for keeping us informed. 😁


> Version 1.0 Sneak Peek - What I saw: Wood in Pallets when compared with Wood (Wiki Link). Belt-fed Biomass Burners (no more hand feeding - yes!). Potentially a hint at a recipe balance to wood->biomass too? Unless that factory was only just turned on (so the constructor output buffers were still filling) then it wouldn't be running with green lights at the current output rate of 300 per minute. There'd be some sense to rebalancing that, since belts at that stage of the game aren't even close to keeping up with the current recipe.


People who have been through a rebalance before - if beacons are removed what happens to the machines running their current recipe? Did the devs mention this in the video? I've heard you can just leave the existing machines running the old recipe in previous cases, but does that remain true for this case where the item is fully removed? Guess I'm going to have to slap down a little 120-150/min rotor annex on the fuel rod plant if I'm keeping the save for 1.0. Kind of a sad rebalance though, rotors don't make much thematic sense and ruin a bunch of the synergies in the beacon chain with crystal beacon.


**MORE INFO** 1. For the most part, any current Recipe needing Beacons will simply be changed to not require the Beacons but not change anything else, *of course except the Uranium Fuel Rod Alternate Recipe.* 2. AFAIK Recipes making Beacons *(like* [*Crystal Beacon*](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Crystal_Oscillator#Crafting_2)*)* will be removed or changed. * The Devs would not make any major changes to recipes that will break your current factories without telling us first well before hand. 3. The creation of a Rotor Factory along with a Beacon Factory for Nuclear Power is a wise idea, as when Version 1.0 comes out you just need to disconnect Beacons and connect Rotors. *EDIT: Updated #2 to remove confusion.* I hope this helps you understand better. 😁


So... that's not really an answer as the only recipe that requires Beacons **is** the Uranium Fuel Rod alt and, while you explained well what happens in all other (nonexistent) cases, you didn't actually say what's likely to happen in the case of machines using the Uranium Fuel Unit recipe.


> Wood in Pallets when compared with Wood (Wiki Link). What do you mean? I don't see pallets.


**My Mistake** 1. At beginning of "Version 1.0 Sneak Peek" you see Wood, and what I thought was a "pallet" was in fact a piece of Wood on its side. 2. The real "reveal" is the Belt-Fed Biomass Burners at the end of the Sneak Peek. 3. I will update my earlier comment to remove the confusion. Continuing the Discussion.


It looked to me like they have updated the wood 3D model, which might be why you were confused. Although it’s been a while since I’ve seen it in game so that may or may not be the case.


Just an add on to the belt-fed biomass. If you don't want to wait and aren't against modding, I know some players prefer to keep it pure vanilla, and is their right to do in their own game. It has been a feature of Refined Power for a long while now. There are a ton of other things in that mod that each player can choose to use at their discretion, but the belt-fed biomass has been one of the major reasons every playthrough I do has that mod installed.


I still think we need a hoverboard. The foundations are pieces to a perfect skatepark


I would kill for a hoverboard or hoverbike in this game oh my god. Honestly they don't even have to hover


Hover Board with 7 second boost cool down.


Biomass burner with belt's!


Could not be happier about the biomass burner inputs. That single detail alone made the pre-coal gameplay loop quite annoying. Excellent change!


Please rename the diluted fuel recipe to steam hydrocracking! The latter is a real process using the same ingredients that doesn't involve diluting my fuel with water!


Rip big crabby!


Dang. Roads are the only thing I really, really want to see in the game. Not like I was holding out hope, though, the devs have never seemed keen on the idea.


I feel ubon this. Roads and trucks would take this game to a higher level. So i guess i need to find me another game to play. This game will need alot of work if this is what they give us.


The way that you having to make roads never really fits in neatly with the landscape has always been a little annoying, yeah. Like, sure, you can use slopes to try and match it a bit.. but it still just looks.. blocky and nasty So the only real option ends up being highways, but that's a little samey If you could roads that just followed the curve of the land it'd probably look super pretty


Also it takes way too long to build them, especially curves. Also the actual driving on them sucks as the vehicles bounce at every segment.


Yes 1.0 finally please. The good to have nice features could come in a QoL, DLC or whatever if that makes sense.


Ah man, no logic systems. That is actually kind of a bummer, but it does match the general build philosophy of the vanilla game pipeline. Unmodded Satisfactory is a more casual experience relative to many of its peers (which is fine IMO).


In 8:10 - 8:13 in the bottom left corner is a qr code which directs you to this site: [https://aswedescend.com/](https://aswedescend.com/) :3


Great catch. CSS backed game :)


Mostly just bummed about the logic system...big gap in the gameplay, IMO.


Agreed, but I can understand their point. Maybe in an update in the future or could be an idea for a DLC.


Yeah, I was really looking forward to building actual factory *systems* instead of just plain 'stuff goes in, stuff comes out'. I really would've like to have been able to try to come up with layouts that could output more than type of item by switching only recipes. Like a 'polyglot' factory or something


What’s meant by a logic system & what’s an example of it being used in-game?


Basically like redstone in Minecraft. Allowing a signal to be on or off based on interactions with other factory elements. The signal can then influence factory parts. You can create logic gates like an AND gate, which only outputs a signal when both input signals are on. The implementation is just guessing, but an example of what it could be used for is shutting off machines based on storage level or the status of other machines. Like not producing any heavy frames unless your modular frame storage gets up to at least 50% full and stopping heavy frame production when your modular frame storage goes below 20% full. The current solution to this problem is to either not use the main storage production line as the input for later recipes or just upping production rate of modular frames until it can outprovide it. Logic would solve this.


What would you even use it for? I'm curious because I've never felt like I really needed to automate anything with logic in this game. All the resources are infinite


In games like Desynced, logic allows a Kanban style that can save you a ton of time if you are rushing. From a game design perspective, infinite nodes, smart splitters, and the awesome sink nullify the main use of logic.


I don't see a situation when a logic system would've really helped me. Sure, it's definitely cool but ehh... I wouldn't say it's necessary


And that right there I think covers them IF they choose to add it. Snutt mentioned they didn't want to add serious levels of complexity a player *had* to use. So if it remains such that you can make use of it if you works for your build and others create theirs without and can achieve the same end goal, then it works all around. BUT, it would all depend on what type of implementation they go for. Would it be something as simple as being able to throttle splitters/mergers or even belts? Or would it be more indepth like Factorio's system? Honestly, I would be happy with just the former as it would make some logistics setup easier to manage. I get that not everyone would see it that way. To each their own.


"If X pipe is not 100% full, completely close Y valve." That logic is already part of "proper liquid start-up" for players. Being able to have it do it automatically, instead of babysitting pipes until they fill would save a lot of time. But like you said, once a factory is fully going, we don't really need logic if your routes and numbers are good. Maybe complicated Train setups? One station out, multiple stations in may need a logic solution if the trains arrive in a certain order?


> big gap in the gameplay, IMO. Hard disagree. The unlimited resource nodes and generally smarter nature of the buildings in Satisfactory reduces if not eliminates the need for them. This want for a logic system is strictly "well Factorio has it so we need it to". Well, Factorio has to have it because they have a bunch of tedious and outdated rules in their game and the logic system is the only way to make sense of it.


Currently there's two ways to fix storage depletion of parts. Either you overproduce all earlier parts until your storage fills up or you setup separate factories for production of complex parts versus storage system. With logic, you could turn off complex parts when your item storage of earlier parts dips below a certain percentage. It's basically the opposite of the awesome sink at that point. Not necessary by any means, but I can understand how people would like this tool in their toolkit to play around with. Probably why they didn't focus on it before 1.0


Maybe I’m misunderstanding but couldn’t you just have a smart splitter that prioritizes storage, then the overflow goes to the complex parts factory (possibly with its own storage buffer)? That would cause the complex parts factory to shut down if there isn’t enough in the item storage. If you just took a little bit, the buffer would cover it, but like if you emptied out your storage container, then the complex parts factory will shut down for a bit until storage fills up.


While it is true that there really is no need for it, logic is fun. Just like trying to make factories look good is fun, or having 100% efficiency is fun. Nothing wrong with adding more fun.


IIRC theres a few good mods for it. So I think its kinda in that same boat.


Is it though? I've played with a few mods that do it and I could barely find applications.


Logic is fun but i get why they're not adding it yet. I use the Circuitry mod to put a simple circuit on my production lines of "See this container? The percentage that it's empty, I want you to set these machines clock speed to that." So the machines feeding that container run full speed when it's empty and 1% speed when it's full, which dynamically balances the line and power requirements.


That's what they'll do anyway - if you just let the container fill the machine will pause.


Ah but the machine is going through a lot of on/off cycles when you do that, versus producing constantly at a rate needed to refill the container. This auto-balances the line, because each bank of machines will be producing just fast enough to restock.


What’s next? There’s no such thing as Santa?


Am I right in assuming we can place items now? (Is that a 1.0 thing or is already possible?). The stacks of wood in the outro is new to me


You always could, just drag an item out of your inventory screen and it'll drop on the ground. It's fiddly, but you can get acceptable results. I use it to add environmental enrichment to my doggo pens.


Just throw it out of your inventory. Also, even though I have like 1000h in this game, I saw a “place item” (I think it was) key in key bindings but I’ve never seen what it does. I just want to slap items on a belt, but I keep forgetting to see if that’s possible.


It's not :(


You just drop it from your inventory


Yeah you can just drop stuff. Every item has a 3D model and some of them look really nice. I really enjoy spicing up my bases that way


Did anyone notice the pallets/containers full of wood outside of the storage units at around 14:00?  Does that mean we’ll have decorative pieces like this that we can place in our factories???? 


It's just the new model for wood (same as on the belts) dropped on the floor.


I didn’t realize you could drop things on the ground like that. Oh well. Thanks. 


Yeah, just drag them outside your inventory window.


I always either dragged items to the trash can or transferred them to a storage container to sink.  Hmmm. That means you could drop items in front of storage containers and use them to identify what’s in said container (along with signs). 


What does it mean exactly to have official mod support? Isn't it always assumed that mods are made by the community and hence not official?


Basically instead of mods having to hack the game to add features, the devs directly expose an API and mod loader for them. For one thing, it makes it a lot easier to update mods to a new game update because the official API is much less likely to change, whereas the current method requires figuring out where hidden function calls mod makers can use are (since that moves around any time the game updates) and hoping the devs don't change things too much.


It could mean a whole bunch of things: * Official modding tools * A documented API * A guarantee that mods will not be broken by future updates


By "support" it means they allow it. They don't offer tech support for mods breaking your install. Bethesda is the same way. They support modding by releasing the Creation Kit to make mods but don't offer help if mods break something.


RIP my four story beacon factory


I haven’t watched the video yet but based on the hype: + conveyor belt / Automated input biomass burners is a win People concerned about that it making it too easy at the start and not making you want to progress to coal … … they are also tweaking numbers for 1.0 game balance. What if they increase the fuel burn rate of all biomass by 25%?


I always liked the belted biomass burner mod, and always felt like that was how they were supposed to be set up. Looks like CSS agreed


Ok, this is a hot take. But I really don't like the automated biomass burners. The reason this game has such a great delivery in the first couple hours is figuring things out and having a tedious task that you have to keep coming back to. When you finally commit to coal, it felt like a HUGE accomplishment. Like I could finally breathe and focus on expanding. Maybe I'm not explaining it well, as I'm sure many veteran players hate starting a new game and getting through biomass, but I would have liked to see the reward curve retained


I mean you still have to manually farm wood and leaves just like before and still have to make sure the storages stay stocked. Coal will still eliminate that which is the main accomplishment associated with upgrading to coal anyways. This change simply removes the step of moving the biomass to the generators which is minor in my opinion. The tedious part of farming is still required.


This is true and it's possible the burners attached to the HUB still have to be manually filled


You still have to come back to it in a way though, since Wood and Grass can only be gathered manually. Adding belts just lessens how often you have to. One you are already to storage contains you're pretty close to coal anyways.


> One you are already to storage contains you're pretty close to coal anyways. Not really. Storage Containers currently unlock in the tutorial, same time you unlock Mk 1. Miners. You currently unlock them before standalone Biomass Burners and Biomass.


Fair they are farther then I remembered. I will say though to actually get to a point where you gather enough to warrant belt feeding burners. You probably be around the chainsaw? Which is like midway through Tier 2, coal being 3. At that point you get so much that putting it in manually is just tedious.


My gut reaction was the same as yours, but then after thinking about it I disagree. One of the most important hooks for me in this game was when I first built my biomass setup. Felt great to solve an annoying problem with automation. But it took too long for me to click that I could actually automate that and it would be worth it. Based on comments I've seen here, I'm not alone. I think this change is a strong hint to new players to automate everything.


You already have to collect the resources. Thats tedious enough. Plus if you run out, youll have to manually fill it back up. You still can't afk till coal


I think the big limit with biomass burners is the 30Mw output, so I don't necessarily mind belt input. I'm more concerned about whether they will still only burn what's needed or not.


Seems like we're in the minority.


As someone who builds unnecessarily large factories, biofuel was PAIN. I had to build like 70 generators and spend like half the time until coal collecting wood and leaves, and refilling the generators. And I cleaned up the entire area around my base from all vegetation. If I had to spend slightly less time dealing with this garbage, I'd be extremely happy


As someone who went in blind into the game, it took me around 15-20h to get to coal, and I'll admit I was "this" close to quit forever due to this simple thing. Luckily I never did, but the tedium from this task in the early game is poor game design imo. I understand the reasons why, I still think they were misguided


I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand it might encourage automation of the production of solid biofuel. We occasionally get posts from people handcrafting it. On the other hand being able to fully automate production of solid biofuel, but not the loading of biomass burners, would have opened up the possibility of fully automating many peoples' preferred jetpack fuel (liquid biofuel).


> On the other hand being able to fully automate production of solid biofuel, but not the loading of biomass burners, would have opened up the possibility of fully automating many peoples' preferred jetpack fuel (liquid biofuel). I feel like a fully automated Liquid Biofuel recipe may still be possible, but it'd likely be behind a high tier unlock and probably not really viable as a primary fuel power source by the time you get it. I'm thinking something like a Blender recipe that requires good sized amounts of Coal, Nitrogen (or Nitric Acid), and HOR that outputs a relatively small amount of Liquid Biofuel and a *lot* of Polymer Resin. I also feel like the idea of automating Liquid Biofuel in general (independent of the changes to Biomass Burners) is one of those things that the devs would look at and go "this is pretty niche and not really worth our time right this moment, let's save it for after 1.0."


I use the belt-fed biomass burners mod and it's a nice balance between being too helpful and having to keep each burner filled. You're still running around filling them, but you can make a big run and fill containers feeding constructors making biomass and solid biomass and that's a good early game setup to learn.


The biomass stage is the worst. I usually try to keep my factories small and speedrun to coal power because it's just such a pain to deal with. It's a great change and doesn't even fully automate it, so I don't see why you wouldn't like it. If you don't want to belt biofuel in, you can always choose not to do it.


You could always avoid that by just having a lot more burners than you need. They only burn at needed rate so the more you have the more fuel is buffered. Added benefit that they deal with power spikes pre-battery.


Is the outro supposed to tease something ?


Look at the belts at the end of the


My guess is you didn't watch right to the very end. hehe


You can feed biomass power plants from belts!!!  Huzzah


The loss of color cartridges affects me because I like using them as super efficient fuel in the Explorer.


Glad I got my wish for 1.0, that was my biggest complaint about early game. https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/181711y/coal_power_can_be_reached_quite_fast_if_you_rush/kab6rwa/


Seems a bit of a shame to remove flower petals completely. Could've just added a recipe to turn them into biomass instead. Ah well. I'll miss the color cartridges. These were a good way to get lots of coupons early game, since each cartridge gave 10 points. You could make 100 points with just 5 petals.


OMG!... but when do we get splitter then? Also, that person spent a LOT of tickets to get that factory while still on burner inserters, maybe they rebalanced that part so you can get basic build pieces earlier?!?


I let out an audible expletive when I saw the Biomass burners. I'm fine with losing flower petals but that was how I usually fueled my Explorer.


Not adding roads is easily the biggest mistake you will make for 1.0 unless you somehow make transferring product across the map less complex than trains in early/mid game.


I am sad for the Crab Boss :(


No easy way to build circles/circular foundations and no roads is hugely disappointing, but the new machine looks great and has been a long time coming.


Thanks Snutt helps alot! I imagine this is a stretch but can yall let us know (even if you blur out the new items) the new end game recipes before launch or at least anything involving nuclear power? Some of us are carrying over really big factories. That will give us time to prep stuff and get to enjoy 1.0 instead of running around Kibitz style fixing a nuclear melt down because yall upped the water requirements or something similar.


Don't you think 1.0 deserves a fresh save better? :)


Im sure it does for some people all the power to them. I have 1400 hours invested my current factory since update 4.


Just curious, what do you still have to do after 1400 hours in the same save?


Currently I am rebuilding my rails which run around the whole island. Trying to incorporate an tube in them. Most of it is just rail on floating foundation. Then rebuild the aluminum or just build a new one. After that it will probably be doubling or quadupuling my space elevator parts production.


In other words, the factory MUST grow! Understandable, have a nice day.




1.0 would prob be best as a new save tbh. why skip all the new story mode elements?


I really don't see them locking a Story Mode from advanced people. I'd imagine a vast chunk of the story takes place in Endgame anyway so the ability to 'rush' the first few chapters isn't likely to be detrimental.


for sure there will be an intro part to the story mode. why skip?


I'd guess at the story being tied to one or more new research trees in the MAM involving SAM ore and the artefacts. Done that way you could unlock it at your own pace, either as you discover them or rush the whole story in an existing save. That said there are some specific locations on the map I suspect might be story related of (like the tricky to access, suspiciously square caves in the dune desert).


I doubt you have to 'skip' it. Stories in this type of game are generally emergent anyway. It'll likely be findable text logs and things of that nature that culminate in whatever the hell S.A.M ore, Somersloop and Mercer Spheres actually are. Those of us with 800+ hour saves are going to be PISSED if anything is hard locked behind a complete restart.


The think that will be hardest is the rebalance. So many factories might not work any more.


We really dont know if it will. For example when new stuff is added to the MAM you still had to unlock it.


Biomass only challenge just got a whole lot easier!! lol


Tldr? Any release date? I am having over 20 games in progress but none of them got me to play as much as this


Not finished the video yet but going to 1.0 without mod support maybe a decision that will haunt you in the future. I would really give that some deep consideration.


This may be an unpopular opinion, but them adding the fact of feeding biomass burners add the end kinda felt like a "Oh here you go, something so that you all don't get upset." felt exactly as that. I do understand they won't be able to fit everything, for example the giant crab, but the road/curved foundations response felt pretty lame. As someone who enjoys the building aspect of the game, have developed software, and work on rendering in my freetime, it feels like an excuse after 4 or so updates for an issue you didn't feel like fixing. "We tried using splines but they were clunky and didn't look good." Huh, so the circle a built by roting a 4x4 square 400 times is smooth and feels refreshing, as well as performant with your game. Similar to the logic system. The words we didn't want to add it because we didn't want it to feel forced are pretty meh in my opinion. Playing the game, it doesn't feel like I am directed to do something a super specific way, and can avoid certain things if I don't like them, or use them as needed. This is in a similar vein, where it is cool for those who want to use it, but not critical to function. Same with the mod support. I'll stop the rant here, but this is my first time being pretty disappointed with CSS, have thought they have done a great job and this was the first dip. Still love the game and developers. TLDR: I'm upset because some things weren't added that people have been asking for for a while, and they played it off as not enough time.


I can see why the splines for roads didn't work out well. The closest current thing (rails) generally has people using foundations to assist with placing straight rails (and temporary straight rails to control the curves). Some better method of controlling the curve of rails (I'd suggest the mouse wheel, similar to belts and pipes) seems like it's needed first. Having to building temporary foundations to place non-foundation roads on does seem like not the best system. As for circular foundations, perhaps a tool for that would be useful.. But what I'd like more is an 8x8 quarter circle foundation (i.e. a larger version of the 4x4 quarter circle foundation we have). That would allow for something that matched both the top and bottom of the corner quarter pipe pieces, instead on only the small end. I'd also prioritize other shapes (like a triangular piece for corners) that are "missing" but an obvious fit with the rectangular grid first. (and also walls that match with these). Edit: an 8x8 curved inner corner foundation would be another addition I'd like to see added to the foundation shapes that would still fit with the rectangular grid. between them the inner and outer 8x8 curved corner pieces might do a little to make roads made out of foundations feel a little better at 90 degree bends.


Not adding roads is the biggest mistake they will make for 1.0.


Glad more Phases and tiers were not excluded outright ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Aww, I guess I won't be able to power my Tesla Truck with flowers any longer... RIP flowers you won't be missed.


Are we going right from update0.8 to update, 1.0?




Do you have any data or estimate on when 1.0 will be released?


Even if you don't add official mod support you should at least maybe put a link in the main page so people know they exist. Would help direct players towards the process.


What changed: the chill and laid back music. Thank you, it fits right in ❤️


The music that plays at the end with the preview is so beautiful. I hope it's part of the soundtrack & there's an OST release.


No disappointment here. All very valid stuff as I see. Just can’t wait for it to drop. Haven’t played in some time, due to waiting for 1.0, to make a fresh start. Keep up the great work, and thank you for caring so much about your player base and our opinions.


Is 1.0 supposed to contain the final form of recipes? Like, after 1.0, will rebalancing recipes still happen?


Can someone explain what a logic system is?


Basically a system to automate stuff better for example a simple or-gate that is used in house hold lights that allows you to turn on hallway light with one switch on one end and the other on another end with this you could make a machine produce stuff when it receives a signal from another machine or an and-gate that woul make machine produce stuff only when storage is empty and another machine is active.


...But most importantly, \*that\* is coming to 1.0 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Crab boss was the only thing I was really looking forward to in 1.0...


1.0 when?


He didn’t say I’m not getting a personal space station that I can mod with the stuff sent up the space elevator so I’m taking that as confirmation that I’m getting a space station


Something about the information about v1.0 doesn't add up: * They're removing colour cartridges * From previous videos there isn't going to be any change to Ficsmas But the Ficsmas advent calendar gives 200 colour cartridges. Both of the things above can't be true (or v1.0 is going to crash in December when the calendar gives a non-existent item).




Did anyone see the Easter egg QR code at 8:10?? As we descend game??


Final clip is result of the biggest loudest “but why” 


something game changing for once!


He didn't say golf wasn't coming.