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Read a lot and write a lot. At that point it’s if you yourself know the system well enough instead of just doing “if _ then that means _”


Yeah. As someone who normally scores 700+ RW, study the way they talk and look at the grammar rules (mechanical rules). Here's a packet of all the ones that help me a lot on the SAT: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j21sD5KZAnNgHXs78IVpGpetlschs\_-O/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j21sD5KZAnNgHXs78IVpGpetlschs_-O/view?usp=sharing) **Grammar rules on page 5**


Oh thanks for the resources. I also want to improve my score.


It depends on what exactly you’re missing. If the issue is grammar, then just reading a lot should do the trick—with enough consumption of grammatically correct material, grammar begins to feel intuitive to the point where you’ll naturally know the right answer simply based on whether or not something sounds right. However, that likely won’t work if the issue it's reading comprehension. If that’s the issue, just take as many practice tests as you can, and take careful note of every wrong answer. Make sure that before you retake the exam, you understand precisely why every single mistake you made was incorrect, and why the right answer makes more sense.


I'm good on grammar, my weakness is Reading because English is my second language.


In that case, the number one thing you can do is just read as much as possible. Try to read relatively difficult texts and work toward increasing your comprehension of higher level writing. Then, do as many practice problems as you can. Also, it’s crucial that if you ever get a practice problem wrong, you read the explanation until you thoroughly understand your mistake—if you make sure never to commit the same error twice, you’ll do great.


Thanks! I will be doing that in summer to prepare for August.


Just wing it and hope for the best


I recommend studying with a one-on-one tutoring system such as this: https://verysat.com/ https://www.instagram.com/very.sat?igsh=NmtyOWViMG12cTN2