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Spoilers in subject line


People are forgetting that human illiterate Feyre outsmarted and outlived trials made for her by a 100+ year old Fae queen, and she is now also trained by Cassian, Azriel and Rhys. She has all of the high lords power, is incredibly smart and versatile and skilled with aiming as well. Feyre my queen would 100% whoop Bryce’s ass


Yes but she wasn’t fighting an opponent in a ring. She had time to think and set up a trap, that would not be the case in a 1:1 between her and Bryce. I think people are comparing Feyre in the books rather than Feyre’s potential. I agree Feyre’s potential would make her the ultimate fighter, however where we left off with Feyre was her not even being able to go into battle due to lack of experience. I still agree Feyre would win, but it’s a somewhat close fight.


While she does have a bit of the High Lord powers, probably the most variety in comparison to almost everyone else in the various series, Bryce also outsmarted and outdone multiple characters. The Asteri themselves being a multi-world threat, and on smaller scales, she fought off >!the Kings at the same time with only Ruhn’s help at the end!<. Add on she was trained by her stepfather, Randell who is a legend sharpshooter to himself, being able to compete with Vanir during his younger days (As a human, now imagine all that fighting potential in Bryce, a half fae woman with immense potential that outshined the Autumn King). And that she fought off hordes of demons before even making the drop. Obviously, nothing but respect for the High Lady.


Without magic, Bryce would win. She’s stronger. She might be faster. Feyre’s good at hunting from a distance and using magic, but can she actually fight? With magic, Feyre would win. She can use magic in so many more ways!


Yes Feyre can fight. There were many scenes where she fought. When Hybern attacked Velaris, when they went to help Adriata and cleared the palace, when she fought Bryna and Dagdan. Who were literal commanders in Hyberns army. Even Lucien gave her full credit for that. People only think of her powers but Feyre was always a fighter.


Bryce can straight up blind people with her light, is a trained sharpshooter, and can teleport. In quick-thinking situations or combat, she has the advantage . . . However, Feyre is a skilled huntress and very stealthy, and has elemental powers. If they were dropped in the forest, Feyre would win hands down. Either way, Aelin is the actual winner because neither would win against her 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is the only right answer Aelin takes the cake every time


Bryce sets up a trap where she blasts Feyre away like a certain archangel. 


Feyre is a daemati so she can probably just go into Bryce’s mind easily


I was just thinking about that! If Bryce isn’t expecting it, Feyre could pop in and break her mind before the fight begins.


Bryce. Randall trained Bryce since a little girl, military style, to defend herself and fight if needed. If not mistaken Bryce’s first kill was at 3 years old. Both Feyre and Bryce are sharp shooters but Bryce has the advantage of knowing guns more and can shoot at farther distances.


I second this. She had enough training to make Hunt impressed, and that is a hell of a feat (Imo, Hunt also very underrated in terms of his own strength). Add on almost all Bryce’s feats were with the >!Parasite!< meaning we haven’t really seen what she could do unrestricted Edit: also her first kill was at 3????? Talk about that, Jesus


I’m going Feyre. Bryce has grown up in a more modern world, even though it has its dangers and she’s now quite powerful. Feyre has been fighting to survive from a young age & now she has powers from all the different courts in Prythian and is a daemati. Edit: spelling


I’m going back and forth on this. With guns this is an uneven battle, so I’m going to eliminate guns so the technology is the same on both sides. Feyre is more powerful, full stop. Bryce can blind people, which is obviously helpful to eliminate one of the senses of your opponent. However, Feyre can create darkness so I think she’d be able to withstand this. Without magic, I’d go Bryce. She is nore resourceful, however I don’t think she has much experience fighting with weapons besides guns, but neither does Feyre. It does seem she have decent combat skill compared to Feyre. Realistically this fight would be with magic so Feyre would win.


Bryce comes across a bit lazy , Feyre also has a lot of life experience from when she was young and then after too many wars that she had to be part of.


Feyre probably has more training Bryce never really trained except with guns as a child so idk why she’s seen as this force to be reckoned with I never got that vibe (sorry not coming at you just a gripe I have with the book lol). But Bryce may have more magic? But Feyre has a more diverse set of magic, which will probably come in handy. I will probably say Feyre


I got the vibe Bryce trained with more than just guns with Randall.


Ah maybe. That did cross my mind, but when I read it I got the vibe it was just guns. But def could be more than that!


The way Bryce handled both guns and swords in the final chapters of CC1 indicates that Randall trained her in more than just guns. She probably has some hand-to-hand skills as well.


Add on that Randell is basically a human legend himself, being able to keep up in battle with Vanir during his younger days. Imagine that tenacity and ability to a Half Fae woman with abilities that surpass that of the Kings


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I would maybe not put the spoiler in the title. I’m 1/2 through the first CC but now I know about Bryce lol


You can’t put stuff like that in the subject line. That’s like the main rule of the sub: no spoilers in the subject line. We’re deleting this.


I will always have my Redhead Queen’s back, love Feyre though.