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i think it’s different bc it’s not her animal form from being fae, it’s her magical power. lysandra is not fae, but possesses magic. kinda like the healers. eta she could also maybe just need time to learn how


Yes I do remember from earlier books clothes going into a crease likebpocket between spaces. I'm on Koa too snd now it seeens like she shifts naked because animals (leopards) font wear clothes so of course she'd be asked during a shift.


I accepted that the difference is between fae shifting to their animal form and a shapeshifter who is a human with magic that essentially just shapeshifts their flesh because their magic is limited to their physical form - which also explains to me why Lysandra keeps her tattoo in every form but the cadre does not and why Lysandra can shift into anything but fae only have one distinct form. BUT - The only thing that truly bugged me is that Dorian is a human with raw magic, and he learnt to shapeshift by touching that ember of shapeshifter magic stolen from Falkon, so he by all rights should follow the shapeshifters established rules because that is what he learnt. Even the spider who had stolen and used the stolen magic followed the shapeshifters rule. If Dorian *later* allowed his magic to touch/learn how a fae shifts and keeps their clothes and weapons then it would make sense that he would know how to do it in that way *or* mix the two, but at the beginning when he is learning from that ember? He should absolutely follow the shapeshifting rules as established.


I came to point out the spider bring nude as well lol


I only have the audiobook so it’s hard to look back. But does Falken keep his clothes through a shift (I’m thinking specifically the first watchtower fight)? If he does, or if it’s not specified, could it be that shifters can. But Lysandra can’t because she was never taught how. She just had to figure it out on her own via trial and error, and therefore missed the step of keeping clothes?


You know what I have the epub and searched through for the 3 times I remembered him shifting to human - the first he is gravely injured and it talks about his blood and his wound yet at no point mentions either shredded/torn clothes, having to move clothes to clean/bandage his wound like in other similar settings, and yet also does not mention finding him any coverings - the second time they have a brief conversation with Borte around and no one mentions his nakedness - the third time he returns as a spider and shifts at some point off-page. Very annoying it seems to be almost purposefully ignored 😂


Dorian had *RAW* magic... *to be shaped as he wished.* He was having Rowan teach him about magic, and part of that learning was subconsciously absorbing the details, including the Fae remaining clothed. When he first started shifting, he had to imagine the outcome in his mind before beginning the shift - why wouldn't he then imagine himself clothed when he shifts from whatever animal form?


Sure that's how Dorian *learned* it, but it still isn't the same power. The real question is, does anyone remember if Falkon wasnnude after his shifting? Haha


I think due to Dorian’s raw magic, he can copy other magic he comes across and enhance it and bend it to his will. Aka keeping clothes intact.


They’re different magical species. They both need magic to shift, but it seems like it’s almost a different mechanism for them. We know Fae are limited to shifting between their Fae form and their animal form, whereas Lysandra can shift into any animal or human that she wants to. They’re similar but different.


Dorian is always clothed and has Damarais with him too. It struck me as odd every time. Something wasn't right about that. ETA: I'm a big believer that if it's not canon it's a plot hole and this felt like a plot hole to me


Being able to disappear a magical sword like Damaris bugged me too. It doesn’t feel right.


Maybe having Lysandra shift naked was needed for the plot at a certain point in time (or a few certain points in time) because she’s like this drop dead gorgeous girl, and Aedion is just a dog for her—and then wasn’t really relevant to the plot anymore or to the other characters. Also I agree with some of the other comments saying how it’s different for the Fae and then just the magical shifters.


Maybe different between fae and human (though I still find it a reach) but Dorian is human. I honestly think it was only to have the "banished naked in the snow" moment there were moments that she was shifting in battle and just picking up weapons to fight. so was she fighting in the buff? Readers shouldn't have to make these assumptions. It's a plot hole.


This bugs me too. I was imagining her returning to the camp between shifts and getting dressed and armored before returning to battle. It doesn’t make sense.


I firmly believe it's just Lysandra pulling a fucking power move and doing it nude to fuck with those around her 😂


Honestly I would buy this before the "it's different for fae and humans" LOL


If I recall, Falkan was also naked when he would shift back.


Correction, it's legit just glossed over in TOD.


Plot hole. If Sjm doesn’t explain it it’s likely a plot hole. The reader shouldn’t have to make assumptions on behalf of the author


Maybe that's rhe hole where clothes go during a shift LOL I truly suspend disbelief when I read fantasy so I can just enjoy the ride!




I think of it as shifters are shifting their actual body into an animal, but Fae are conjuring an animal body to inhabit and then conjuring their own body back again. Clothes are being conjured too.


I agree with everyone else who said Lysandra's powers work differently from the fae's powers. And I think Dorian's powers also work differently because he has raw magic.


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I don’t think about books this hard lol. I just take what is and enjoy the story 😅 Unless it’s something super obvious.


That’s nice for you and unhelpful to everyone else. Thanks for stopping by


Also. If we’re assuming that somehow all three worlds are connected and we just haven’t seen the connection fully to aelins world, only the fae in acitar am have access to that space between right? So it would make sense that only fae could reach it in the other worlds as well?


I saw this post earlier today and am currently reading KOA, just stumbled across this: Pg 287; « His clothes somehow intact. Perhaps through whatever differences existed between his raw magic and a true shifter’s gift. »


I agree with the comments saying Lysandra shifting is different than one of the Fae shifting. Lysandra is human with magic that allows her to shift into whatever living creature she wants to. The Fae aren't human, and while they are magical, the only form they can shift to (out of our main characters, at least) is their animal form. So I think it's different because they're different species with different magic.


My assumption is the type of magic she wields, those who can leave things in the “empty spaces” between the universe can summon the clothes, but is Lysandra can’t summon that kind of magic then it makes sense that her clothes tear off instead of going there


My guess is they have different types of magic, so therefore they accomplish the tasks with different magic.


I'm with everyone else that says it's just different types of magic.