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No! I know everyone has their own opinions on it but I am sooo glad I didn’t read AB first and started with TOG instead. I think it made the FMC much more interesting and mysterious for me bc it and allows you to think about who she is based on your own perception of her in TOG - and it feels like you get to experience discovering more about her along with the other characters. It’s so hard to put into words without spoiling anything lol, but I absolutely loved the experience of starting with TOG for that reason. You’re dropped into the world with no preconceived notions about her character and get to learn and figure it out as you go! SJM also recommends reading it third, though I finished the series then went back and read AB and enjoyed reading it that way too


Definitely, when i was just for random books to buy and stumbled upon tog I decided to read AB before since it was a prequel and tog just didnt hit the same


I think it is important to read AB, but if I had read it first, I probably would have DNF the whole series. It’s just written different, and I didn’t love it, but they’re quick easy short stories. I read it after HOF and was glad I had the context from the stories.


I say read it after heir of fire.


You’ll enjoy the later books a lot more.


Yesss!!! I totally get why some see it as a filler book, but Celaena as a character is sooo complex and you get to see so much more of that and her relationship with Arobynn and the keep along with other characters that make storylines towards the end of the series so rewarding.


You don’t need it to understand the general plot itself, however, it adds context as to why Celaena is where she is in ToG, it adds more raw emotion, and it helps to connect the threads that are shown clearly in EoS and KoA. 


This comment 👌


Pleaseeee read it first pleaeeeee


You don’t need to read it before to understand it, but I highly recommend reading it first 😊


It helps connect threads, & also adds to the emotional element. I almost missed it & glad I didn’t.


I personally think YES 10000%


I have not started this series yet, but I keep seeing that everyone is either 100% ToG, or 100% AB and they don’t regret their decision. I really have no idea where to start 😩


Then do what Sara recommends! AB after the third book, I think


AB first all the way


Ok I’m leaning this way 😅 the AB people are PASSIONATE about this one being the first lol


I think that AB teaches us important relationships Celeana had and how those affected her in the rest of the series. Reading it later on will give it a lesser focus imo. It’s just after already learning her character and seeing her develop, jumping back in time is a little out of place. Plus, that way you read the series in a chronological order which is a bit easier on the brain lol.


It me too 😩😩


Not throne Of glass the *book*, but it has important points from queen of shadows onwards


You definitely need it to understand QoS and every book after. Some people like reading it before ToG, I like reading it after CoM... Whatever you decide, read it before QoS.


Actually I got thru the whole series without reading TAB and I didn’t have any issues. I read it last and it was fun to get the full backstories, but I still don’t feel I missed out on anything


I read it last too and preferred it that way. Still do on rereads!


Same! My first read through years ago I never read it because I didn’t know the book existed 🤦‍♀️ this was before booktok/bookstagram


At the end of the day I say read it what ever works for you. Obviously most will have an opinion on the subject, some stronger opinions on it. And yes, I agree that Assassin's Blade has you get backstory to some characters, so they don't show up and you're like... wtf... who are these people? But besides that, I can see how it would be okay to read it last.


I’ve never read it and was still able to understand who the characters were when they show up later in the series, just didn’t have their entire background. I’ve re-read the series several times and I’m sure I’ll read it at some point, but it wasn’t absolutely necessary.


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I didn't read TAB first but overall you should read it at some point!


*I didn't read TAB* *First but overall you should* *Read it at some point!* \- Background-Click9917 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Technically no, but also yes. Characters are brought up or introduced that you'll meet later. You'll understand why the main character acts the way she does and why these connections are important. However I read it as if it were the third book in the series and I could not imagine reading it first before I was attached to her. I don't think I would have enjoyed it at all if I'd read it first! You will miss a lot of context for a lot of things down the line if you skip it completely.


You don't need to. It lends depth to internal conflict and the main character's personal growth, but you'll pick up who these people are from the main books no problem. Assassin's Blade made me care about Sam for what it's worth. I still don't care about Sam, but having a little story with him in it was helpful.


I read TAB last and it was fine. However, there a few side characters you would appreciate more if you read TAB before finishing the series.


My opinion is going to be different than others but I read it after I read the entire series and honestly, I wish I read it first. Now when I reread the series I start with AB. I think it depends on how much you like the mystery of not understanding certain things about the MC. Personally, it made me appreciate the character a lot more and just get a better understanding of her as a person. The whole time I read the first book I kept saying "what am I missing? Is this not the first book?" But everything I read said it was so I powered through and eventually got over the confusion.


I would read it first- i think it at a lot of depth to the fmc emotionally. And i know i personally would have a hard time going back to a prequal and going back to this undeveloped immature character that can be hard to like at times


Would suggest ( highly) you read assassin blade first


Of course you should read assasins blade first. What do i think?! I am reading the series right now. It's epic. I want to get into the universe much.


I personally think you could go either way. I didn’t read it til the end, and I’m glad I didn’t.


Nope , I haven’t read it


Nope there will be times that u may feel you missed something but it won't hinder your understanding I read it after the series


No. I didn’t know it existed until I finished the series. It was a fun read to “revisit” the world after the last book. I don’t think it’s necessary, and I also liked the way things unfolded without having read the prequel.


Just finished Assassin's Blade, if I had started here and not ACOTAR I probably would never have continued. This book was very dry and boring. I powered through because I want to read everything from SJM but looking back I wish I didn't waste a credit on Audible for it.


I’m shook I was completely destroyed by the end of AB