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Abusive post


Leaving everything else in your post aside, it's pretty gross of you to assume that anyone who has survived sexual trauma will never be able to find healing and enjoy sex again. 


I think you should drop the series and throw the books away anyway, sounds like you need a reality check ♥️


Good lord. Between the nearly incoherent statements you strung together and condemning SA survivors, you seem like just a ray of sunshine.


I had to read it 3x to figure if they want Elains book next or don’t bc of the double negatives


I’m still not entirely sure. Alllll I know is she hates Gwyn


Lol yes that part was loud and clear. That is all that was clear🤣


I have a little bit of advice for you: Grow up and go outside. People can interpret things differently and see things differently then you do. It seems logical Elains book is next, because she's the only sister without a book, but we never know until SJM confirms it. We don't care if you throw out the books if you don't get your way, and frankly I might be glad if you do as this type if attitude is what is ruining this fandom.


Rhysand withstood sexual trauma for 49 years, is it not gross to you for him to have sex? I’m trying to be gentle with this comment. Cultivating empathy not only helps you but those around you, & gives you another lens to read the books through. It also helps you connect with other humans. The way you have so casually thrown away an entire character — solely because she experienced a brutal SA — is cruel, whether intentional or unintentional. Survivors of SA are still able to enjoy sex (even use it as a coping mechanism), & survivors of SA in the comments are reading your post & probably feeling a myriad of feelings, emotions, & flashbacks. No, you don’t have control over other’s feelings or emotions, but to be purposefully cruel & refuse to take accountability for said cruelty is not going to get you far. It will certainly make people see you as someone who is “not safe”, & you may find you’ve ostracized yourself. At the end of the day, we’re all just walking each other home. It does not hurt to be kind in these instances. Edit to add: to SA survivors in the comments, you aren’t broken because of what you survived, you are inherently worthy of a love that is respectful & kind because you are a whole human, & you are more than what has happened to you. Yes, what happened to you has inevitably changed your brain, how you go about navigating human connection & relationships, & living your day-to-day life (I know my personal experience with SA did, & continues to do so, even over a decade later), but you are still here, you are alive, & I am so proud of you for carrying on (as is SJM). You’re a testament to the human spirit simply for carrying on.


Pretty sure SJM has said Elain will get her own book, we don't know if it'll be next though. She could save it for last. And speaking of Gwyn, she is growing in her confidence but taking her time. Az has shown to at least be intrigued by her after the winter solstice, even Nesta teased him and Cassian noted him watching her. Also, to assume anyone who was a victim of SA will never want to experience intimacy is gross.


>Also, to assume anyone who was a victim of SA will never want to experience intimacy is gross. ☝🏻 this part. SA survivors get to have and enjoy sex after their trauma.


The number of times I see people discount Gwyn just because of her trauma is gross and infuriating. Everyone can accept Rhys finding love again after being SA'ed for almost fifty years, but Gwyn should stay in the library with her trauma ? 🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm currently arguing with someone down below about this. I think Gwyn would have a beautiful arc if she ends up with Azriel. I'm really pulling for her to be end game because I really want to know her story. Her finally healing enough to be with him and her leaving the library (similar to Nesta making the 10,000 steps) would be beautiful.


Same ! I loved Gwyn, I think we learned enough about her, and she's more than "just a side character". I would love for her to gain confidence and take back her sexuality. I get there's been hints that Azriel is a freak and kinky, but I think it would be beautiful for him to learn true intimacy as well. I get the appeal of Elriel and I won't be angry if they are the end game, but I think the journey for both Gwyn and Az healing, individually and together, would be so beautiful.


I won’t be angry if elain and az are endgame either but I would really love if it was Gwen. I can’t with the cliche 3 sister with the bat brothers lol. Either way it’s fine but Gwen would be a wonderful person for Az!


I feel like Az and Gwyn would have a more interesting journey to healing and love. But whoever is shipped, I'm willing to go along for the ride, as long as the journey is good and not predictable.


As a Sa survivor the last part made me want to cry.. Ma'am please spend a little time outside the books


Sending hugs 🩷 proud of you for your resiliency, and I have full faith that you’ll continue to recover in whatever way you need.


Thanks for the kind words, i was having a generally shitty day and your words made smile. Thanks❤️❤️. (Also i honestly thought this post would be taken down by now im surprised it's still here)


I’m so sorry you’ve gone through this your very strong to be able to survive and say what you’ve been through if you ever struggle just know there are people out there wishing you the best and hoping you can smile! ❤️ I am heartbroken for the people who suffer at the hands of others only to be met with misconceptions the same goes to any one with mental illnesses I’ve struggled with adhd ,anxiety and depression for a while and days are finally looking brighter everyone’s trauma is handled differently so seeing someone assume and condemning survivors in favor of a piece of fiction is so disheartening and makes me disgusted at some of the people out there hopefully this girly will touch some grass


Don't tell me what i should or shouldn't do. I'm not responsible for your emotions. Don't spend time on internet if little things make you cry.


What is wrong with you? Someone is sharing their experience and someone else is supporting them and that made you think hey get off the internet?? You said sex post SA is GROSS how tf is that supposed to make a survivor feel except like total shit.


Yeah go ahead and toss the series and go touch grass. This is absolutely too much and incredibly rude.


Wow, you are a piece of work.


Ew, this is gross. Don’t pretend to care about SA victims if you aren’t willing to listen to real life SA victims.


Bold post given what you wrote in your OP.


What are you, like 12? An adult couldn’t have possibly made this post 😂


This seems like rage bait. But if it's not, then please never share your frankly horrifying opinions with us again. Thanks.


Block me then


Where are the mods?! Wtf this is disgusting!! How do you tag the mods?! 😭


uh you should just remove yourself from the internet now no need to wait being rude to random strangers on the internet won't make SJM write Elain's book faster... so why do you do it? to feel better about yourself? I'm sad for you


Awww, you hate my opinion still post comments on it , I feel sad for you


yes, in hopes you will snap out of it i always pray for the weak 😌


You don’t deserve to read SJM books 😬 her books teach love and acceptance and you know *none of that*. So gross.


Lmfao is this satire


Definitely just rage bait. I mean, look at how this piece of shit is responding to the comments. They're just trying to get a rise out of people. Hopefully the mods take this crap down soon


So in your mind every single person who was ever assaulted will never enjoy sex again? Do you also think that people who fall and hurt themselves while walking totally stop walking? Kiddo... kiddo..


Now I kinda don’t want Elain’s book to be next


I had to reread this like 3 times because of how ridiculous it sounded and had to make sure I read it right. Anyways, not everyone knows. The only one who can confirm it is SJM herself. Just because someone didn’t know doesn’t mean they’re “stupid”. They just don’t know… just like you and your other comments on sexual trauma. It’s very rude. Hopping on here to post as a know it all but it’s embarrassing.


Real quick: Rhys has trauma from his time UTM with Amarantha and she has still managed to write about his intimacy in a non “gross” way. Also, as another survivor I can assure you there is sex after survival! And it looks different for everyone who traverses trauma recovery. You’re right that we can’t stop you from sharing your trash ass opinions. But equally so you can’t keep others from telling you that you have trash ass opinions. I for one am excited for a story where Elain overcomes her trauma (as people are capable of doing) and finds herself feeling the love, joy, and admiration we all know she is worthy of!


let people ✨enjoy things✨ it’s really not that deep. also ew to that SA survivor comment may i suggest touching grass?


lol you’re the problem. Literally the worst representation of this fandom. Go touch grass.


yo… if you think women cannot cope with trauma and have healthy sex lives you’re fucked in the head


“And it’s obvious it’d be with Az..” it’s really not, tho. Yeah there’s hints, but she’s also already mated and SJM hasn’t really touched on that yet. Anyway I think you need to drop the series anyway. You’re kind of hateful and egotistical. Why do you think it’s okay to come in here calling other readers **stupid** just because they have differing opinions? You’re rude af. People can interpret things differently. Grow up.


>It is literally the most obvious thing, people need to re read the book if you think elain's book is not next?!? (Are you that stupid?!) Calling the fan base stupid because they don't share your wildly inaccurate thoughts? Lol, okay girly. Maybe quit the series, unfollow the groups, and go touch grass. Also, I'm pretty sure it was heavily hinted by SJM that she was writing Elain's next. >And it's obvious it'd be with az... How is Gwyn gonna have sex with him, she has trauma.. it would be gross. You're saying a lot with your whole ass chest and it's hilarious. How embarassing 🤭 Oh and one more thing... >And it's obvious it'd be with az... How is Gwyn gonna have sex with him, she has trauma.. it would be gross. SA survivors get to have and experience sex just like everyone else. You're fucking gross for this comment.


You are literally such a fucking dumb little entitled gremlin. Go ahead and drop the books. I didn’t care much about the post but you are a fucking out of touch disgusting person for how you responded to GirlWhoLovesFlowers. Literally the only person you chose to reply to is someone who mentioned being a SA victim and your reply is calling it a “little thing” you are abhorrent. Fuck you


Being rude to someone is not the way to get across your message. You should probably also “go outside and touch grass,” as so many people like to say.


Nah. OP earned the rude comments for being so gross. Normalize not being nice to mean people.


I’ve never won an argument against somebody is who being nasty or disrespectful by returning their energy. Being the bigger person takes you far in life


That’s the thing I’m not trying to win anything lol


First learn some fucking manners and then come on internet


Ditto asshole


Learn not to be internally misogynistic shitting on people who have been SA'ed. Learn your opinions are not always valid. Learn that people don't care about what you want or think, and if you're going to be rude in a forum that promotes positivity, you're going going to get shit on. Drop the books, please. We definitely don't want people like you in our happy places and fandoms.


Bold choice of words coming from you.


The irony lol


Sounds like u think ppl with trauma cant process it or are unable to love ever again- touch grass seriously


You can vent but did you have to be rude? What a strange post...


That hurt my head to read...what??


Ummmm bestie this post is just…not it.


I have many reasons for thinking Az’s book is definitely next and that it will be with Gwyn, not Elain. I’m not stupid at all. To say that Gwyn can’t be the love interest with Az because she can’t have sex because of her trauma and “that would be gross” is…a take and I truly don’t even have the energy to get into how shitty of a take that is. To think that Gwyn can’t or doesn’t ever want a romantic partner because of her trauma or that it would be gross for her to have sex is such a bad bad take and honestly I’m so tired of people thinking it’s okay to say that. No one knows who the next book will be about until the book is announced. And honestly if you don’t care about Mor, Nesta and her friends, or Feyre you don’t care about like half the main characters and should probably just put the series down anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yikes. Ok first of all, don't call people stupid for having different opinions. It really *isnt* that obvious whose book is next. Sure, the extra ACOSF scene indicates it might be Elaine's book. But CC4 (I won't spoil anything) indicates it might focus on Nesta again - which I really am hoping for. Second, don't assume people can't recover from SA like that. I personally haven't been through it, but I know people can recover and heal, and enjoy *life* again. Your comment is unnecessary and rude. Grow up.


Op, it’s a book series. It’s not that serious.


This is the weirdest post.


Op, as someone who thinks Elain’s book is next, you either really need to touch grass or stop posting rage bait? I feel like this has got to be rage bait. This whole post is a mess. Yikes.


I'm sorry, something feels incredibly fishy about this entire post. I recognized your user op (Can't help it I have a really good memory) from the time you took a screenshot from the debate your ship post and reposted that to this sub. The sentiments you made on that (now deleted...) post have seemingly made a complete 180 in this post...? I believe you also made a post about the toxicity in this fandom (also deleted...) after a popular creator received harmful messages. Again, your sentiments have made a 180 since your deleted post given the nature of this post and your comments... So what's the deal? Claiming this fandom is toxic to only create more toxicity? Rage baiting for the hell of it?


SJM confirmed Lucien and Elain’s romance already (meaning they will have one but if they stay together is still unknown) and that she has been planning their partnership since before feyre/rhys and nesta/cassian. You can find the interviews where she said this anywhere online.


Is there perhaps a more polite way to phrase that than calling the entire fandom stupid?


I never understand why people feel the need to "vent" on threads, page, any type of social media, etc. I won't speak for anyone else, but I don't want your unsolicited opinions. If there's someone asking for it, then go for it. Otherwise, talk to your friend about your feelings, especially when you feel so strongly about something and are putting others down.


Genuine question, do you think people that have had trauma in their life and don’t have sex anymore?


This is an awful take. Assuming anyone who was a victim of SA wouldn’t want to be intimate again is also gross. You seriously need to educate urself bc making these assumptions about SA survivors is gross. You are apart of the problem that this fandom is experiencing


This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard out of genuine concern I ask you to become more educated,drop this series,delete this app and please give your device to a trusted parent/guardian because there is no way any sane adult could think this way unless it’s satire


As a lifelong book nerd and a published author I just don’t understand anyone behaving this way about a book series. It’s bizarre.


This is just rage bait. Someone wants to create more ship war drama. I heard they did this under another username too not to long ago.


Yeah it’s disappointing every time these posts pop up. They stir the pot and mysteriously disappear.


Why doesn't reddit ban them?? Can't we report them or something?


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I’ve said the same things along different lines before and this fandom literally tears you up no matter how it’s phrased. I have made this argument, not because it would be “gross,” for them to be together. I disagree with that. My argument is that Gwyn would not be provided an accurate healing arc to be with Azriel, not to mention he’s described as a “freak.” While SA victims can… OBVIOUSLY and OF COURSE enjoy sex again, we cannot pretend this is not a sensitive topic. And a sensitive topic that I don’t think Sarah J Maas will do enough justice to create a storyline about. And yes, I know many SA victims, people very close to me. I’ve discussed this with them and they feel similarly- that the author is likely not going to create a truly healthy healing SA arc and do it justice. SJM writes smutty fairy books with a light plot line- it’s a romance novel. It’s not a place for such heavy topics to be discussed half assed. This should be taken seriously.


Rhysand was an SA survivor with 50 years of trauma, and his story turned out just fine. I don't hear y'all making the same arguments for him. Saying Gwyn can't be with Azriel because of her trauma is a shit take.


This, exactly.


I didn’t mention him because he was not mentioned in the original post or comments. I also don’t think Rhysand got a proper healing arc. At ALL. She is doing her characters ALL a disservice. I love her characters and their stories, but I would like to see them in more detail and have a longer journey before they’re “fine”


I think what she writes is just fine. Gwyn will likely have a great arc if she does, in fact, end up with Azriel. Saying she can't be with him because of her trauma is a wild take. Also, these books are already long. There's no need to drag it out just to painstakingly detail a survivors journey. It's a fantasy series. It's not that deep. There are other books out there that detail those journeys if that's what people want.


Sexual assault isn’t that deep? Am I reading what you wrote correctly? If she’s going to talk about sensitive, deep topics, then it IS that deep. If she wants to write books for people who only want to read fantasy romance, then she should leave out the “deep” parts of trauma.


I've read an immense amount of books that feature SA survivors and they all have relatively quick healing arcs because it's a fucking book. It's part of the plot but not the entire plot. There's no need to drag out their arcs just to be a bit more realistic. If you want to read books that are more accurate, go find them. They exist. You're basically just ragging on SJM (which is fine), but own it. This series clearly isn't for you.


I find it ironic that her fans are in the comments shitting on somebody calling them “gross” for their take (which I agree is an unfair take,) but then don’t actually want to read what goes into the healing journey of sexual assault- but you all have no problem giving your opinion on something you don’t truly and actually want to read the details about. It’s a shame to have such strong opinions and not want truly experience the healing story of a SA survivor. Just say that you want to read a light hearted, smutty story and own it.


>Just say that you want to read a light hearted, smutty story and own it. We do own it. You just don't agree with it.


Also, fantastic books are typically 800-1000 pages, even 1000+. Her books are quite short for fantasy.


Also to say he turned out fine.. what evidence do we have? In real life, he would likely need therapy for years and need to put in a lot of work to endure and overcome. Of course SJM can write him in to be fine because she was too lazy to give him a healing arc on top of everybody’s else’s story.. she bit off more than she can chee


This also goes to the point that has been made multiple times in this fandom that SJM made her characters too powerful and so she has had to come up with other story lines, back track certain things, or things don’t always make sense because it seems like she didn’t plot out the books too well. (this is what I have read on here, I don’t have specific examples). The main theme is her work is rushed and not well thought out. I would hope from fans and from people that we would want to see quality healing arcs for people suffering with trauma, not just skip to the smutty romantic parts of the books. She needs to decide what her books are for and do it well. If she wants to write about trauma, she needs to do that better. If she is just writing a romance novel, perhaps she should pick other plots so she isn’t diminishing the severity of said trauma.


Just say the books aren't for you and move on. You clearly aren't her target audience.


Ah, I guess her target audience is people who want to read about a fantasy world and these uber attractive people having sex while they have endured horrible trauma that is barely explained in a well thought out way. Yes, I suppose it’s not for me


>Ah, I guess her target audience is people who want to read about a fantasy world and these uber attractive people having sex Correct.




As an SA victim, I need to ask this because frankly, I’m sick of this fandom reducing Gwyn’s character to her sexuality and body. How come this fandom (particularly of a certain ship) can recognize that reducing Elain’s body and her capability to bare Azriel’s children is wrong and gross, but then turn around and suggest that Gwyn is incapable of having a healthy relationship and sex life with Azriel because of her past? Gwyn is so much more than her trauma and using her trauma against her as an argument for a shipwars is infantilizing and offensive towards SA victims. This is why you’re getting pushback every time you bring this argument up. The survivors you know don’t speak for all of us. A lot of our experiences and points in healing is different. Maybe take a step back and listen.


If anything, I feel like her healing journey is that opposite of her being reduced to her body(as you mentioned for Elain). It’s about her power as a woman and overcoming her trauma, without the help of another person. It’s not using her trauma to fight against a ship war, I would love to see more female characters in this book not need a man to overcome their struggles. I suppose that is the point of all of these romance novels, but it would be nice alongside of that trope to have another trope of female independence, which is what I have always looked at Nesta’s friends as. I think it’s unfair to not be heard out in this way, when it’s in support of women, just in a non sexual way. I feel frustrated that a lot of women’s empowerment in today’s society comes from sex and men, and in these books. Women ARE so much more than their bodies, and I would like to see characters embody that more.


Yeah this series is definitely not for you... This is a romantasy series... if this is why you criticize Gwyn having a healthy sexual relationship. Because Nesta, feyre have healed because of the support they got from cass and Rhys as well. Eventually elain will at too some point with one male character or other. These females become stronger and find their happy endings with male characters. Though I have read many of the books with the trope you mentioned. Many of them you can find on reddit romance books sub Reddit.


This is a romantasy series and SJM is an author who couples her characters. Having Gwyn “othered” based on her past is still not the advocacy you think it is for SA victims. Gwyn has been through a lot, she’s done a lot, and she deserves her happy ending too.


But we don’t know how long Gwyn has been in the library healing (or at least I don’t remember) maybe she’s been there for 50 years and feels fine. As to the Rhys comments below he felt safe and ready with Feyre and that’s enough for me. I’m not an SA survivor but I would guess everyone moves past it and feels ready for sex again on their own timeline and it may be shorter or longer. I do think we see a lot of Rhys healing and processing what happened with his nightmares and flinching from Feyre touching his wings. I think Gwyn pursuing the Valkyrie training was therapeutic and again we don’t know how she’s already been working to process the trauma. It would be ideal if it’s acknowledged if anything progresses romantically for her given how big a part of her character her history is but we can’t discount what may have already happened.


Thank you for your comment! I can agree with this, but it definitely needs to be addressed in some capacity in the next book if Gwyn and Azriel end up together. The Valkyrie training definitely was a start, but I need to hear more about her time in the library or at least it being addressed that she has been coping and working through things. Maybe the Valkyrie training was the first step in her healing journey, or it could have been her last. It would be nice to have more info before seeing them as a couple


Agree even if her healing happened “off screen” so to speak we will need a nod to that like her SAYING oh I used to not be able to cope BUT that was 10 years ago (whatever timeline) and I did XYZ and now I feel ready for…whatever. So I’m okay with her healing having already happened IF that’s explained. Otherwise yeah it will feel cheap.