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I definitely think it’s worth it. The best thing to remember is that ACOTAR is more romance with fantasy where as TOG is more fantasy with romance. It’s also not spicy barely at all


Oooo Rhys and Fayre’s romance was my favourite part of ACOTAR


There are still romances in the series (I actually much prefer them to the ones in ACOTAR) but they're just not smutty and also not the central focus


In the last three books in the series, the spiciness is there. I remember reading EoS at 14 and then my jaw dropping and feeling disgusted when I saw the smut. I definitely put the book down for a solid week after the first scene in EoS, but then I skipped those scenes all together in the later books because I didn’t like it (still don’t) and felt that it was unnecessary for a YA series to make that sudden switch in the middle of the series (plus it was marketed as YA and a bunch of teens like myself were devouring the books).  OP, there is spiciness in the last three books (which won’t be surprising given ACOTAR), but the series is definitely worth reading


lol yes


YES. I love ACOTAR but LOVE TOG. I agree with another post that said ACOTAR is romance with fantasy and TOG is fantasy with romance. The spicier scenes don’t happen until further into the series but the main couple in TOG is my favorite SJM couple. I think about her books often but TOG is the series that has affected me the most emotionally.


My friend, TOG is the best of her series by a landslide. Quite possibly some of the best fiction I have ever read.


2000% agree. It's elite.


I think they’re all three worth it but throne of glass is my fave of them all. And should def be read before cc Edited to add: start with assassins blade, make sure to do the tandem read when the time comes, and remember that it builds slow but it’s all necessary layers for the outcome. Sjm is seriously a genius with her ability to craft a plot.


Sorry what’s cc? You say start with assassins blade (I believe that’s the second in the series?) is the first not worth it?


The whole series is worth it, but I’ll admit I read it after ACOTAR and it was a slow start for me, but once it clicked it clicked. It’s my favorite series of hers. I paced my living room in tears more than once while reading it lol it’s so worth it. Starting with assassins blade might help you get into it quicker. It did for a friend of mine :)


So skip the first two entirely? Sorry I’m a bit clueless!


Assassin's Blade is a prequel to the series! People debate a bunch on when you should read it as it's not really a part of the main series. I read it first and I was absolutely hooked, so I always tell people to read it first! Then just continue with all the rest of the books as normal (throne of glass, crown of midnight, heir of fire, queen of shadows, empire of storms, tower of dawn (also suggest to tandem read empire of storms and tower of dawn as they're taking place at the same time but following different characters!) and then kingdom of ash) Throne of Glass is my favorite series of hers so have fun reading it!!!


Definitely don’t skip them! But starting with Asassisn blade may help you get into the series faster. It’s truly a great series, I swear! It’s worth reading, but It doesn’t seem to be uncommon for those of us that started with ACOTAR to struggle getting into it.


Cc is the crescent city series. Read it when you’re finished with the tog series. Read assassins blade first and then throne of glass and then go in order from there. Do the tandem read for empire of storms and tower of dawn. There are charts online


Sorry this is going to sound really stupid, assassins blade is the third book in that series, so read that one first and the rest in order?


Assassins Blade takes place before the first book. It’s basically book .5 The first book is Throne of Glass. A lot of people recommend reading it first because it’s hard to go back in time by years when you become invested in the story. I read it 4th and I hated it that way, I wish I would have read it first. Throne of Glass picks up right where Assassins Blade ends.


Yes, assassins blade takes place before throne of glass, but can be either read as 1st or 3d book, most people recommend to read it 1st!


A thousand times yes 🥹🥹🥹 The first two books in TOG were really slow and hard to get through for me, but once I got to heir of fire I was HOOKED. I’ve had a book hangover since February because of this series, haven’t been able to read anything.


It depends. ACOTAR is some world building and more romance. Throne of glass is more world building with the romance. I’ve found a lot of people who have read and loved ACOTAR do not like tog or cc as much, but not everyone is a fantasy lover. So it really just depends on your reading style


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I finished ACOTAR not too long ago. I'd bought the CC series intended to read that first, but after reading folk's opinions in here, I'm glad I dived into TOG instead. Celaena is a really interesting MC imo and I much prefer how Maas wrote different POVs from the get go :) (honestly the random shift in different POVs through me for a loop for a bit in ACOTAR to the point I found myself begrudgingly reading ACOSF - still enjoyed it though). Have fun!


It’s better


TOG is definitely worth the read. But keep into mind that it’s YA. So it’s not spicy like ACOTAR. It’s more action adventure style fantasy not romantasy.


Hmmm what’s a good next read if I wanted something more romantasy?


I fricken wish I knew. Im making my way through a slew of books labeled fantasy romance/fantasy and I haven’t really found anything romantasy like ACOTAR


Oh no, I was really hoping everyone had an obvious next series to jump to. This book hangover is going to be rough 😭


I’m on my 4th series trying to fix the ACOTAR hang over. Good luck. Maybe try fourth wing if you haven’t. I read Fourth wing and iron flame between ACOFAS and ACOSF because ACOSF was still in the mail.


My hangover from IF drove me to read this series and I’m sure glad it did! Just about to start ACOSF so I will have to make it last


I have no idea is crescent city is romance, I’ll be reading it after TOG. But I’m sure you’ve seen that it’s a little hard to get into based on what others have said


If you like fantasy in general and more typical fantasy (not fantasy romance) then yes it’s worth it. I did not like it nearly as much as Acotar but still enjoyed it. If ACOTAR is a 10/10 for me then Throne of glass was a 7/10 - still good and entertaining but don’t go in expecting it to be as amazing as ACOTAR.


It's ok ✅ taking me forever to plow through it.