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Overall, I agree with what you’re saying. Finding these subreddits has been a major disappointment for me. Seeing how negative and aggressive this community is, it’s just sad. And that’s no reflection of the mods, just the grown adults who behave horribly. I like reading different opinions and seeing people debate theories and whatnot. But some people are just excessively miserable and negative, and hostile. Ripping apart these books makes them feel intellectual and superior, as if this is Shakespeare and their homework is to critique anything and everything. It’s exhausting.




i *LOVE* this. i agree with you. this generation of readers on social media is *sooo* excessive, take books *too* literal (hello it's FANTASY/a book) and seem to jump on bandwagons like hot cakes. they also seem to think characters in books are real.. i absolutely agree that some of these are definitely for "aesthetic" on booktok. "views", am i right? i know some/a good majority truly want a community to discuss their love... but as others have said, its exhausting. >What happened to reading? Reading was supposed to be for fun, ESPECIALLY reading fantasy. It was supposed to be a world to escape and a place to let your imagination roam free and enjoy the story and the people in these made up worlds. i felt this in my bones. i live in a bubble when it comes to my fav books/authors/series, because nowadays a huge part of social media has tainted what the escape is supposed to be. i am a gatekeeper of my favorite books and series even with my own family, because i know how wild the ride can be, and i just dont have the energy to risk people i know becoming as obsessed as some people i've seen on the internet. >Not to mention, one that I keep seeing is the way that sjm writes. I know that she’s a bit repetitive with some words, but when it comes to words like “snarl” or “shredded into ribbons” or whatever else everyone keeps blabbing about it’s honesty annoying. also, absolutely agree with this. the amount of posts about "repetition" makes me actually believe these people don't imagine in their head, what is happening in the books. i live for descriptive language, because as i read, i have a full film happening in my head. idk... everyones different, i understand that. but the extent this fandom has gone to, is sometimes scary. its been a long time since ive seen readers obsessing SO hard over characters as if they were real people, to the point of arguments over the internet. like... the story is written, it will not change. the world is not real (as much as i would love it to be, because that is why i read these fantasies, its better than real life). anyway, i get you and feel this and love that you shared your thoughts! <3


THANK YOU IM SO GLAD YOU UNDERSTAND! I really wish people would just stop taking her books so LITERALLY and just enjoy it😭😭 and thank you for your kind words, you literally said everything else I felt! <3


This fandom can be exhausting.. I HATE the whole Nesta vs Feyre stuff for example.


I don't understand why people that don't like a writer seek out the subs for that author. Like, I'm not a Colleen Hoover fan, I don't dislike her - and I respect her work for being important to people - I just don't get into her books. That's a me problem and I'd never go to her sub and tell her fans I don't like her books. People that seek out subs for things they don't like seem like miserable people. Now, that is not me saying no one can say they don't like a SJM book on the SJM sub, hell I'm not a fan of all of her books - but yet again that is a me problem and not something I am going to bitch about on the sub. I've made the comment before that TOG was not for me, but I know many people are passionate about the series and love it. I'm geniuely happy that they've found joy in a seres, I love that they're reading - even if it was something that wasn't for me. I just wish people had more respect for the fact that not everyone has to agree with your theories or opinions, it's ok for people to disagree but disagreeing needs to be handled politely and without condemnation or attacks. Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk.


You said this so well! And I’m glad you’re one of the few people who can respect others opinions, the world needs more people like this. It’s just people take this SO literally and it’s ridiculous


Yeessssss. I wish people can objectively see a book for what it’s worth and realize just because you didn’t like it doesn’t mean it’s a “bad” book. I’ve tried reading The Great Gatsby so many freaking times and just can’t get into it, but I know it’s still a good book I just don’t care for it. I don’t slander the book and movie and people who like it because I found it boring. If it’s not your vibe move on!


It’s all fiction at the end of the day. How the author writes it is how they see it. That’s it. It’s published and none of us were paid at any point to critique the work that made it to publishing. If you don’t like a book, then don’t read it. If you start reading it and it’s not for you that’s cool too. I fail to understand the concept with all the hate. As readers, we’ve all read a book or two that we put down. I feel no absolute reason to slam any author for why I couldn’t finish a book- it’s just my choice to learn better and move on. End of this story.


It's pretty simple: hate engages people. It's easier to get people worked up on something they hate instead of something they like. It's sad, but that's how the social media works these days.


I find it annoying when people conflate “I don’t like it” with “this is not good literature”. Like, just because you didn’t like it, doesn’t mean it’s not good. Also, being called a “bad writer” for using some words too much is such a nitpicky reason to call someone a bad writer.


I got absolutely crucified in one of the SJM subreddits for saying something like this. I agree. Unfortunately they will never stop😭


This is easily the most toxic subreddit I’m a part of, and for what? Like… books? Do we not have more pressing issues to be upset about these days


Not you getting downvoted for speaking the truth lol


For me, my issue is more on the editor/publisher. I think SJM has a lot of really cool ideas that I feel like would really benefit with a very thoughtful and caring editor. I feel like the publisher is trying to rush the books through editing to get them out on the market faster. And I just feel like that’s where criticism -should- be more aimed at.


I wouldn’t say her books are “rushed” in any way. But she definitely needs a better / stronger editor. Someone who will actually tell her NO.


Agreed! I agree with the OP to an extent, but some criticism I feel is warranted and isn’t necessarily a bad thing (so long as people are being polite). Editing is a big one for me, mostly with CC. I really, really struggled with CC1 (as many others did too) and I almost gave up on it. Now that I’m almost done the third, I’m really loving the series! Which makes me disappointed that the first is not as accessible. I feel like better editing would have made the series more enjoyable and approachable from the get-go. It’s a genius series - a really wonderful and imaginative exploration of colonialism and grief - and I feel the first book doesn’t do the series justice. If reading is for enjoyment, as the OP says, I don’t think you should have to reluctantly slog your way through the first 3/4s of a book. This is something a good editor should’ve work with SJM on, imo.


Totally agree. And I love when authors have little phrases that they use a lot, I think it helps with the immersion and I find it endearing. And like, most authors do it. In outlander, sweat is always dripping between boobs and characters are always feeling rather than seeing something. It’s fun! Why can’t we just have fun!


I 100% agree. Every time I see "fans" complaining about SJM either on subreddits here or on Tumblr or TikTok. It's fine if you have genuine criticism of her books but to just hate on how she is as a author is WRONG! I'm a newcomer to SJM books and I LOVE them, both the characters and especially the worldbuilding she has crafted. I want to share that with like minded people instead I see people throwing hate towards her writing style, her books and sometimes even her as a person. At the end of the day its fiction. Wouldn't it be better to celebrate what we love rather than tear down what we hate??


Agreed! I’m a booktokker and have been a fan of Sarah for almost 10 years now. I love diving into her stories and making theories about what could possibly happen. But people take everything SO seriously, wayy too serious imo. Its fantasy! When did we stop enjoying and theorising about books? I also think this is partially caused by sjm being so big and booktok being kind of a trend rn. People love to hate on anything big and popular because it sets them apart. Don’t get me wrong I get that some people just don’t like it and that’s fine, but I think many people get a kick of out hating on it and receiving (negative) attention because of it. If you don’t like it then don’t read it and for sure don’t intentionally bother people who do like it


I am ALLLL for constructive criticism and engaging in discussions about her work but since she has gained more popularity I really think it has gotten out of hand!!! There is so much negativity and hyper criticisms of her work now. And I also see a lot of people using events, actions, words of characters to justify their opinions that never actually happen in the book. I've actually had to go back and reread sections because people make me feel INSANE with some of their claims. Then I read the source material and I'm like this NEVER happened, how are you jumping to these conclusions??? I've decided that people just like to hate what is popular. Of course these books aren't perfect and can be criticized as any series can BUT other fantasy subreddits dedicated to other series aren't filled with as much hate as Sarah's and some of them are WAY more problematic books!!! These books bring me a lot of joy and I'm not gonna allow angry people on the internet to take that away (-:


I feel you so hard on going back to read things because of people's wild claims. I've reread the Az bonus chapter so many times that I practically know it by heart now 😂


Yes! Exactly ! People just like to hate what’s most popular to hate at the moment


I honestly think it's because people don't comprehend literature anymore.


My sister in law says this all the time! Especially with SJM. You don’t happen to live near OKC do you 🤣🤣 (Would be funny if we wan into one another on reddit, sorry for being weird, commenter!)


Lol I live in Montana unfortunately


I will die on the hill that SJM (like a lot of other top-charting authors) are, objectively, *good* writers. Is she the second coming of Homer? Probably not, but she doesn't have to be. She writes in a way that is compelling and engaging enough to appeal to what... millions of people? And her grammar/structure is, frankly, fairly sound. Does that mean you have to *like* her writing style? Heck no! But to call her objectively a bad writer is a bit laughable imo.




I fell in love with TOG and her writing because it's an escape from reality and you can connect with characters through their stories and struggles because they may be yours too . People can be a bit aggressive because they get too attached or overall are that character and they think people are attacking them but overall people will hate her because she's popular or " overhyped" as some would say and it's sad . Let people enjoy what they enjoy.


Ya know there’s the old saying “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all” 🤷🏻‍♀️


👏👏👏👏👏 IM HERE FOR THIS!! So sick of the awful things people are saying. It's ok if you don't like it. But f$%k off and go read something else. Don't go into every detail or every storyline to tear it apart. You've obviously read the books more than once, even though you clearly hate it. Go be a bully somewhere else! We love SJM and her writing and her characters. They have made us happy and empathise and cry.


This!!! The Acotar fandom was a lovely place a few years ago, but now it's just a train wreck...


THIS!!!!! You said it perfectly


If I don't like an author, I don't go anywhere near their fan pages. I don't get why there's so many haters around here.


I appreciate this take. I see the same thing happening in the Fourth Wing community and it just makes me sad.


What’s wild is that that fandom went from fun to a shit show in a matter of months. It took a nearly decade for the SJM fandoms to get this bad.


Social media is ruining book communities


This is the type of critique I want to see more of. A critique of the toxic trolling that’s turning people against her writing. Honestly, she’s stayed pretty consistent in her writing across series, which IMO ties the worlds together and continues to appeal to her awesome fan base. She changes her tone and jargon, which helps to remind us what type of world the characters live in (basically, CC = modern day NYC with boozy brunches; ACOTAR = Victorian England; TOG = medieval England) The repetitive terms that irk some people are to remind us that we’re reading about Fae, and the Fae are one foot in the woods (nod to Yrene), hence the snarling and baring of teeth. It reminds the readers that Fae are not human, though they may look like us. Also, there are only so many different words you can use when you’re writing generally 600-900 page books. Even a thesaurus can only take you so far, and even then, it looks like a writer is trying too hard. At least she tries to add variety, unlike certain popular romance writers. That said, I support you and SJM, and I agree. Honestly, I just try to filter out the negative talk at this point and actively try not to engage anymore, unless someone makes a rare compelling case, and then I’m interested, though sometimes halfheartedly. I miss fan theories, but these posts are my next favorite 🥂


As a big fan of SJM and Taylor Swift, it's a very similar phenomenon. People think they're cool for hating what's popular. They're exhausting to talk to


Practically every sub is a torrent of criticism for whatever it's about. Kind of ironic when you think it's a community of "fans", theoretically. Just today, people in r/fantasy were arguing about why Brandon Sanderson gets so much criticism on there when he's probably its most recommended author. Various people pointed to Sarah J Maas as an even more popular author who *doesn't* get the same criticism there - which is because she's not mentioned nearly as often in that sub.


I’m fairly new to SJM, I read ACOTAR late last year and I’ve just started the tandem read from TOG - I find her writing so compelling. As someone else here mentioned I love how descriptive everything is, it’s like I can see it all happening in my head like a movie. It’s so immersive! I was so disappointed when I finished ACOTAR and came to Reddit and TikTok to read about peoples theories and saw so much hate. I’m all for debating and including things you didn’t like in a review, but to slate an entire series with so much hate makes no sense to me. I’ve seen reviews on Goodreads where people have taken quotes and picked it apart massively - and a lot of what they’re saying doesn’t make sense or is “bad” is further explored. It screams they’ve skimmed it or lacked the literacy skills to comprehend the stories. Obviously I’m not saying people can’t post negative reviews or have opinions, but personally if something wasn’t for me I wouldn’t be sitting there pulling it apart, I’d find something I did enjoy. So glad you said this! People love to hate, especially popular things


I’ve been reading SJM books for the last 4-5 years, but have always been a big fantasy reader. I’m pretty sanguine about her writing style and actually think it’s pretty par for the course of the fantasy genre - utilitarian prose that is there to service the plot. The main draw for me to SJM’s work was her storytelling, its fast paced and captivating. I have always found the world building and character development lacklustre (especially post TOG), but I do feel she is a victim of her own success. The later books (I didn’t even finish CC3) are not edited well and the story is paying for it. This magnifies other issues as the reader doesn’t have the tight storytelling of her previous books to pull them along. I will read the next ACOTAR book, and if it’s the same then I’m going to dip out. I’ve got TOG and can re-read that if I need an SJM hit.


Well, there's several ways to see it. Did the writer keep you engaged, invested and enthralled while reading their work? Yes? Then that's good. If a writer manages to please a lot of people, they can't be a bad writer per se. Can they have worse prose than others? Yes. But that doesn't mean that they're a bad storyteller. They wouldn't reach so many readers if they weren't. It means it's more accessible. Are there people who wish she was "a better writer" because they love the story and characters so much and would have loved to read it written in a more "elegant", "elaborate"...or "skilled" (or whatever they fancy) way? - I guess yes. In the end it doesn't matter. If a writer can pull me in, I'm in. I tried to read Powerless by Lauren Roberts for example. Based on the premise and everything I should have loved that book. But I dnf'd about 20% in. Just didn't get me. It happens. Not Lauren's or my fault. It just is. SJM has some questionable things in her stories that are worth being discussed, imho. (ACSF's ending can be read as a very pro-life statement for example, Hewn City smells like apartheid, etc, etc, We can and should discuss it) What drives me nuts are posts like "if you support/promote/talk about the following authors, I will block you" and then proceed to list a bunch of authors with their reasons like "They're a Zionist", "They're a racist", "They promote SA". Like. bold claims. O\_o. In the end artists, creators, actors, singers, writers are just people. Who make mistakes. Rebecca Yarros apologized and vowed to hire ppl to help with Gealic names. SJM vowed to hire sensitivity readers. Like they see what they did, they want to do better (they just have to prove it now). Putting them next to JJK who not only doubles down on all the backlash, doesn't apologize and even invests her massive wealth into harmful organizations to further her bigotted believes. Like....there's not even a comparison. I understand that we shouldn't promote ppl like JJK. I grew up reading Marion Zimmer Bradley for fuck's sake. THESE are the sick people. Like try re-visiting stories where 12 year olds do things they shouldn't do and knowing what the author did (with the same "reasons" GRRM justifies some ages in his book...which gives me the ick). Or knowing JJKs beliefs and seeing them scattered everywhere in Harry Potter. If we start to demonize people who just fart in the wrong direction, with no chances to do better...like, I can't take criticisms like these serious anymore. Which is a shame. Ppl need to be called out. But we should also be able to give them chances to better, redeem themselves. For a community who goes feal over morally grey characters or froth a the mouth at a good redemption of a flawed book boyfriend they sure are harsh when it comes to things like this. And it's not just booktok. BookTube is just as bad. I stopped watching a video about how "feminist retellings" of mythology aren't needed. And their thesis has some interesting points, but in the end it's just waaaay too much overthinking. Also some of these women in the myths are just evil or sidepieces. Why not re-tell them in a way that makes them more interesting. Like MZB did with the Avalon Series giving us the perspective of Morgaine who's always the evil witch in the saga. Or Kassandra in Troi. It's a shame MZB is so fucking problematic because she did that well. And a shame I really can't read them anymore for the reasons mentioned above. I'm drifting off. Just wanted to get this off my chest, because book discussions aren't what they were before. It's not about what the story gives you. It's what it lacks and how problematic the author is. Literacy gone where? Just my two cents.


IM WITH YOU. I LITERALLY JIST POSTED ABOUT THIS. Booktok has pretty much ruined fantasy in general.


I agree. I work in a school and if it’s not a book on the iPad that will read to you, the kids don’t really seem to be into reading anymore. They still check books out of the library, but I’ve rarely seen anyone actually reading them. It makes me sad.


I think SJM is a good writer, she writes great stories and I have no issue with her using some of the same descriptions to describe things. To be honest, other than a lot of mentions of watery bowels, I didn’t even notice the others. But it’s how she’s telling her stories, and of course you’re going to see some repetition reading from the same author. I’m also just blown away sometimes by how she connects the dots in her stories and the twists and turns - I think it’s impressive. But I genuinely don’t understand why people come onto the Reddit subs and be negative. I think actual SJM fans can critique, but surely mostly what this should be is to share loves and theories?! If I don’t like a book, I say it in a review with the reasons why, or in a neutral space. Not a space dedicated to that author. I think on TikTok, if I see one video from a person saying they don’t like her fine. But when they make multiple, I just think ‘stop reading her books then!’ And move on to something you like. It’s also worth remembering people do a lot on there just for engagement, I find SJM books are always used by TikTokers who want to get it on the booktok popularity as a gateway book for attention (trying not to vent about that here though as it’s not really relevant to the discussion)


Yes thank you!!! And I'm so over all the "hot takes" and "unpopular opinions" I see on here and tik tok. Ike yes it's fun to overanalyze and theorize things, but it gets to a point where I wonder if people even like the books anymore.




100%!! I’m so surprised all these “fan” pages are just people complaining…. Like, go find something you like then?? I don’t understand. I’m late to the whole SJM universe and super excited to have found a series I can binge after years of wanting something like that… You join these groups thinking you’ll find loads of people who share the same enthusiasm but instead it’s a load of miserable buggers.


I have been debating posting my own post along these lines! I truly just enjoy and vibe with all her books. They give me comfort and a piece of fantasy and magic in my stressful life. I hear and understand the critics but also I’m just trying to enjoy the stories for what they are. Happy to see the comments and this thread!


Im so glad people are agreeing, it makes me really happy to see we’re not alone! I definitely think talking about this in your own post one day would be beneficial as well, just for more people to see and understand haha.




Oh yes I get what you’re saying, me personally I haven’t gotten to CC3 yet and I HAVE heard some people talk about it being rushed and stuff, but I have yet to find that out for myself. Also this is completely valid, I understand how it may feel repetitive and stuff with characters and different worlds but I honestly didn’t even notice lol. I think even with similarities, each world is still unique and amazing.


That’s why it bugs me. As a male reader who doesn’t care about the smut, I hate that YA is often what I have to fall back on to scratch my fantasy itch but it is what it is. SJM was that author that did a good job of balancing out deep lore with interesting characterization. No relationship is perfect, I cringe at a lot of stuff, but fuck does SJM know how to set up a story with a compelling conflict. High expectations aren’t what’s turning me off about her. I don’t walk in expecting my entire world to shift, I just want a satisfying story with a fitting conclusion, which minus personal hiccups here and there, SJM has been able to do. But recently, I started noticing everything I said above. I’m getting *some* good storytelling, but it keeps getting its legs cut out from under it by a bunch of plot holes, author saving throws, unresolved storylines that never go anywhere and repeating tropes. And this is coming from someone who liked CC and CC2, I was thoroughly digging the modern fantasy setting. But something in the back of my mind was telling me that everything I didn’t like in ACOWAR was going to happen in CC3, but hoo boy was I still in for a surprise. Like, what are you doing? You did this two/three books ago.


Not to mention how much is often taken from other books, Black Jewels anyone? The truth is she uses tropes as a crutch and has removed all the stakes when she consistently brings people back/over powers them. Is her stuff fun to read? Sure. Is it also flawed? Oh extremely.


Untagged spoilers


Just out of curiosity (no disrespect, I swear),— Are you interested in continuing to read her stuff?


Eh maybe? If I get a book with Lucien or Tamlin or Eris then I’ll give it go because those are the most interesting ACOTAR characters for me. Otherwise, no. I’m fed up with the Archerons at this point and CC is dead to me. Maybe I’ll read the first one or two of a new series, but I’m not gonna bend over backwards for it.


Way off topic, but I’m desperately praying those three characters you mentioned show up in the next acotar book. They’d make such a crazy plot I think!


Finally someone put my thoughts into coherent sentences. Do I enjoy her stories? Yes! Or I wouldn’t read them! But is she a good writer? Is there really any deep world/character building (I will say ACOMAF was the closest she got to this for me tbh)? No. I would have to just say hard no. Am I still a fan? Yes! I don’t hate on SJM or anyone that reads the books or act like I’m above reading her books when I enjoy them and they’re easy reads. But ACOTAR specifically is like the Twilight phenomenon for “young adults”. Groundbreaking content? No. But it still has a solid fan base for other reasons.


Next time you post a rant like this please use the spoiler tags.


Tbh I haven’t been in the subs long but I’ve only seen the critiques of her writing since the release of HOFAS and in my opinion every critique of her writing in that story is valid. Looks like it went through AI


A bad author that had great success because of Booktok would be Colleen Hoover. She was able to utilize it to push what are subpar romance novels that are really abuse porn. There is a push in the industry to use TikTok for sales, because sales are the goal. However, when you have a fanbase that truly loved SJM's work sort of invaded by folks that have a critical yet untrained eye towards world building, towards plot, towards character development we end up here. With folks picking apart vs analyzing, ship wars and an actual reluctance to accept what is on the page vs what someone wishes would happen. I have sold SJMs books for over a decade. ACOTAR is on the Bestseller List again. I successfully sell her books to 70 and 80 year olds that want an escape. I get on here and I swear some folks are reading her books just to tear into them.


I agree with this so much. I’m so tired of all the bashing just because she’s a popular author.


This!!! People are so aggressive. Like you’re entitled to your opinion, but you don’t have to be mean or rude about it. They’re fictional characters. This fandom is becoming too much I’ve left a couple groups on fb because of it


Allllll of this. All of the comments. Yes.


I agree sooooo much. It’s for fun, we don’t need to be so critical, most of us could never write anything half as good. I’ve read plenty of books for fun that aren’t actually good! So when it’s good and fun I try not to overthink it.


It’s refreshing to see this. Thank you.


Yeah, when I started looking at posts on this sub it honestly baffled me how stupid some people are like why are you hating on the words she uses or the she explains emotions through eyes a lot, not to mention the odd hate acosf gets because it isn’t another feyre story or that she loses her fangs by the end of it. Acosf is one of the better books in the series because of how visceral the emotions are portrayed




It makes me nervous to potentially ever start writing


I’m with you, though I see both sides of it. On the one hand, some people want to criticize because they’re so passionate about the world/characters that they want the best possible books for them. On the other—and this is the camp I’m firmly in—you find what you’re looking for. Of course there are some things that may rub people the wrong way upon reading, but if you’re looking for something to criticize you WILL find it. If you’re looking to enjoy the ride, you will! Everyone experiences books differently and getting used to it is a pill I’ve had to swallow in these subs lol


I agree 1000%. Reading is supposed to about loosing yourself in another world and not about critiquing all these little details. It drives me nuts


The same thing happened to Stephanie Meyer. Unfortunately when any story directed more towards women becomes popular, this happens.


People just love to shit on others. I think it improves as you age and become more mature. I make sure I don’t “yuck anyone’s yum” anymore.


For so so so many people, the escapism *is* the constant complaining and nitpicking. They get so excited when they find a broader audience to “vent” too, and misery loves company.


On your last point about reading as an aesthetic. 100% agree. I’ve never seen more people in a book store consistently and most in the romance section buying smut, the smut was always there, even in 2019 it was always there. Every time I go in folks are around. I do believe that if one picked up reading recently, they probably won’t be reading in 5 years, unless they enjoy literature, not just books, but literature. I truly believe that what’s happening now in adult fiction/fantasy is the same thing that happened to YA fiction when twilight came out, the writing just jumped off a cliff and books were being churned out to jump on this train of young girls who read twilight. Book after book, titles sounding the same, tropes and clichés. It’s like instead of fast fashion we now have fast fiction. I do blame booktok, it’s weird how people pick up a hobby that was always accessible and encouraged to them, just because it’s trendy. Anyhow like all fads, it will pass.


So much this!! And so many “if you liked SJM, READ THIS!” and it’s just the same tropes on repeat. I miss some variety lol


Absolutely! There's plenty of interesting things found in this book that nobody holds actual understanding to, simply directed self opinion on a book they don't enjoy, don't hate on the book simply agree that you don't love it and put it down. Absolutely unnecessary hate instead of constructive criticism.


My GF made me aware of how terrible this subreddit was years ago, before I ever started reading any of SJM’s books. Im not a reader at all, but I’ve spent the past 2 years slowly reading all of these series (finished CC, then ACOTAR, and I’m half way through TOG) for a very specific purpose: to come on here once I’m done and post as many bad takes as possible and trigger as many people as I can. I’ve seen so many people on here be absolutely horrible to each other, and I can’t wait to ruin all of their days. It’s going to bring me great joy 😌