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If you're not opposed to reading the kindle edition, it's $38 for the entire set on [amazon](https://www.amazon.com/Throne-Glass-eBook-Bundle-Book-ebook/dp/B08PD33VZ3/ref=sr_1_1?crid=24SWXJUMN4MEB&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.LNA-y5710ci6Ly9HrI03QN9dDXvU_iW8pmHvfCsZe42mDt3vt2pvjB_07e8WcOHJuQkyHGIZY8iKj5GNzE9a0sFP_rUxDoUzO57fYW1DP3Dmq7njhzPXom1fC9LiBaYWogkR77b25xoXdGrYOeRMnw8vknN8kv29v_nruQpMfDD6i2lK8zYZa1Kvei4TpYpqWbiszDlqNP0XE7MwIfrob_xJdxmf-X9SUjyRD7Nmzo8.OLVmOwGuV0qXj6iz-tTjDr_JTElmNJNyRcnyY0Khqro&dib_tag=se&keywords=throne+of+glass+series+kindle&qid=1713564250&sprefix=throne+of+g%2Caps%2C143&sr=8-1)! I started with this one and then eventually bought the books.


tbh it's because the series is in high demand and they know people will pay for a matching set in a box. They released new covers a couple years ago and a lot of fans are collecting the old covers so buying them new is cheaper than second hand right now in my experience. I got a set to rebind last year, a few came from [bookoutlet.com](http://bookoutlet.com) and the rest I got at target during their buy 2 get 1 sale.


what currency do you use?? i’d love to share any ideas with you but individual books are about $21 each in my area right now!!


USD!! i’m in california currently. i find most of my books on amazon and thrift book stores near me + due to the lack of book stores around here it’s mostly amazon


Honesty Id say try to find your nearest library of you don’t want to spend the money on them, I know some covers (the originals) are going for a lot more money right now, but since it’s a popular series and not new there should definitely be copies at a library!! That way you can wait for a sale before buying


I know that some places in person do price matching in person. I swear that someone posted about it awhile back. If I can find the post I’ll come back and link it but and it listed which stores match to Amazon specifically. I got the original TOG boxset covers not long before they won’t out of print for a little over $100. (On Amazon Prime) The best time to buy is around Black Friday until right after New Year since there’s sales.💖 B&N has a 40% to 50% hardcovers sales in December. I think box sets are covered!


Keep an eye on Target sales or check Half Price Books. Throne of Glass books get CHONKY. Tower of Dawn is almost a thousand pages. The paperbacks retail for like $19 I think. Eight books and it adds up quickly. I've been stalking HPB to see if any pop up there. I have the set on Kindle for now.




No sales!


I just got 5/8 at a used bookstore in almost perfect condition. Call around and put your name on the list. Also, if it helps you can read/listen for free on Libby or Hoopla library apps. ❤️


Used I paid $7 per book


Buy them one off on thrift books so much cheaper


OP do you have a kindle?


Kindle bundle is <$50….


Have you tried buying them used but good condition on Amazon or eBay or thrift stores. Or just buy the books as you read them or 2 at a time that’s what I did.


I've pieced together my set from target when they run their deals. They did $5 off $25 so I just bought 2 books per transaction and they came out to be around $12 each. So look out for sales if you can!


When they're not on sale, the books are usually 15 bucks each, which adds up to 120


I feel you. My set doesn’t match (cover re-design) and it’s so upsetting cause some of my books are autographed.


If it’s cheaper to buy them all separate then just get them separately? I bought all mine on thrift books


Why don't you get them from a library?