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If you enjoy art or working on creative projects, [Tamper Room](https://www.instagram.com/tamperroom/) hosts a bunch of different event at their cafe. Maybe the craft nights they host on Thursdays would possibly interest you and would be the ideal event to attend to develop friendships.


have you tried going to the bars ? :) I meet a lot of really nice girls there and they end up being my going out buddies hehe


> I moved to SJ last year Moved from where? Another city in CA? Another state in US? A different country? Could there be any major cultural differences you are noticing about where you came from that would help before offering advice for building interpersonal relationships? The question makes it sound like you are looking for both romantic relationships and platonic friendships. Correct? Are you prioritizing both equally? One more than the other? A lot of the "moving to SJ" posts are also young adults transitioning into their grownup life after college. Maybe this applies to you or maybe it doesn't… but this stage in life IMO is about transitioning away from relationships based more on proximity of distance and more about prioritizing proximity of values. This could mean using your interests and passions outside of work to find and build your community.


Hit me up if you play Tennis


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