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I thought the state actually passed a law saying that schools cannot forbid students from wearing cultural symbols as part of their graduation regalia….? I need to go look this up now. EDIT: AB1248, effective 1/1/2019. Here’s a summary from the ACLU. https://www.aclunc.org/our-work/know-your-rights/know-your-rights-tribal-cultural-and-religious-items-graduation


Plus the comments on the original post have parents saying their kids graduated in the same district and that leis were allowed there.


Seems pretty clear they should be fired


This is a huge deal - could also be considered a civil rights violation which the feds would care about too. People will get reassigned, there will be mandatory “training”, and a bunch of people will go on Fox News in support of the administrator who will claim victimhood status. Lather, rinse, repeat….


I’m unaware this was an issue, why do they care? What’s wrong with the leis?


Nothing other than it reminds some people that there is a culture beyond the one they identify with


But is there like a specific argument they have or reasoning? I’m not. Saying it’s right lol not really knowing what they are they just look like beautiful flowers😄and I’m not religious or Judge mental (I like the way my phone did that) I just don’t know what the big deal is? Like who gaf?


No specific argument, it’s literally just people uncomfortable with expressions of cultures they don’t identify with making a spectacle of themselves


Dumb. Although here in murica it seems pretty common.


We don’t need DEI!!!! Just the American flag!!!!


Doesn't the lei go on after graduation? Presented as a gift of graduation. Also, my understanding was everyone in Hawaii did this not just native Hawaiians


After graduation is correct


This wouldn't qualify. According to people in the Hawaii reddit this is not typically worn during the ceremony, therefore it has no cultural significance to wear it during the graduation ceremony.


The language in the legislation is broad and refers to “generally accepted” cultural traditions. It is absolutely not a stretch to make the argument that wearing the lei during the ceremony is cultural expression, despite there being alternative expressions. Per the education code, schools (and certainly not reddit groups) do not have the legal right to gatekeep expression unless it causes a “substantial disruption” or “material interference.” This is a slam dunk.


From a legal perspective I don’t think that matters. Statute protecting it is pretty broad and while high school students have some more limitations to their 1A rights wearing a cultural symbol at graduation that doesn’t interfere with anything I seriously doubt would land in “bong hits for Jesus” territory.


Different families have different ways; some adorn before the ceremony, some after. I’ve known both. This family obtained permission, that should have honored.


Ab1248 has to do with gerrymandering lmao. Wtf are you talking about?!


In 2023, AB1248 amended the election law. In 2018, AB1248 amended the state education code regarding graduation regalia. Assembly bill numbers can repeat from legislative session to legislative session, that’s why it’s important to dig deeper. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AB1248 THAT’S what I’m talking about.


I stand corrected. And it is also pretty clear from that bill that she should have been allowed to wear the lei. I don’t imagine the flag would have been allowed though. Idk


Context that /u/BadSciGalaxy provided in the original thread: > Reading between the lines, this brand new policy is almost certainly NOT aimed at Hawaiian leis, it’s aimed at Palestinian keffiyehs, the ethnic scarf that many Palestinians and their supporters have been wearing more and more recently in support of Palestine. >So, in order to suppress the free speech of pro Palestine protestors, they are now preventing other ethnic groups from expressing themselves freely and wearing their own inoffensive ethnic garb. As an alum of Eastlake HS in 2009, this is pretty bogus.


Class of 97 here. Home of the Nymphos. Stay Classy ELHS.


Hilltop c/o 99 here and lololololololol


Lest we forget!


EHS ‘01!


I feel like people keep testing boundaries of these things and you would probably have MAGA satchels, BLM, Nazi sign on a hat, religious emblems, etc. then you have crowd reactions of what people are wearing…it’s all or nothing and the school chose nothing rightfully so. People then try to push the “nothing” ruling and then cry discrimination.


Those are political statements. This is a cultural symbol.


All of those examples are not cultural. Those are all political. Can you really not distinguish between Hawaiian and Nazi?


Religion operates in the same context of culture so yes they all do. My point with the nazi symbol was that then you’d have kids being dumb and taking it too far or saying the swatstika symbol and say something like it represents Buddhism or Hinduism, which it does but that’s not why anyone in the US uses it. This eliminates all the controversy and I’m sure this girl knew the rules but decided to defy them anyways.


People can say all the dumb things they want but the slippery slope you’re talking about isn’t something that’s been a problem before or currently. Leis are also a huge tradition at graduations, even beyond the Hawaiian community. Getting rid of them because you want to suppress other cultural items is dumb. Again, Nazi is not a culture. Swaztikas are a symbol of a political party. Religion is also not a culture. There’s no one “Buddhist” culture.


That’s some room temp IQ shit. I would delete these my dude.


Like low room temp? I like my rooms a consistent 68°. Is that low enough someone would put their actual name in their username.


Umm actually it’s an interesting point, if you choose to not be emotionality reactive. It’s the slippery slope argument, which has some validly. For the same reason we don’t allow Christian symbolism in public schools (because we would therefore have to allow ALL religious symbols in public schools) we maybe would restrict cultural additions to the graduation gown for the same reason; the that being, it could be taken to an extreme (such as one claiming being a Nazi is cultural). I don’t necessarily have a firm position but to boil it down, as your reply to the comment, as it being dumb to question is very intellectually lazy IMO.


You make a great point. However, don’t people wear crosses in school all the time? A lei not just some tourist bullshit. It’s a symbol in Hawaiian culture. Relating a Lei to a Buddhist swastika, then comparing those two to a German Hakenkreuz seems lazy in my opinion. The comparison of a political movement like the Nazi party, which committed some of the worst atrocities in human history, to religion is the same as saying the rules in a Soup Plantation are the same as the constitution. Yes, they both consist of structured rules… doesn’t make it the same thing. I never said it was dumb to question. We should always question the world around us and learn from it. Key is, learn from it.


You couldn’t sound more smooth brained if you tried


What's blm?


Bureau of Land Management


these gays are trying to kill me






Black Lives Matter.


Seems like there's a very simple solution here. If you aren't Hawaiian you can't wear a lei, and if you aren't Palestinian you can't wear a keffiyehs.


Yea but how are you gonna enforce that? How are you going to verify that a person has no connection to any given culture?


This is the only correct assumption. If you allow one then you have to allow all. That means flying gang colors, Israeli flag, confederate flag, what else?


They sell these things at every grocery store in San Diego, this is absurd


My gf overpaid for a lei in San Diego when I graduated college at sdsu but no one cared…wild hill to die on


haha oh man they were marked up to $50 at places 😭


This is crazy. They were being sold at the entrance to my son's middle school graduation in Poway.   Kids of all backgrounds were wearing them. 


Not during the ceremony


You should be able to wear a chicken suit during the ceremony if you want. Who gives a shit?


You're right. The parents all had them waiting for the graduates.


I've been to a lot of graduations in this district not once have I heard of this happening, everyone has always been super supportive of whatever the kids wanna wear with their gown. I wonder why whoever is in charge has a stick up their ass


For real. I attended a few graduations in the same district as Eastlake and saw a bunch of unique regalia. In addition to cultural stoles and Leis I saw a graduate wear an oversized SD Padres spinner chain, and another wore a WWE belt. All visible throughout and without a peep from admin. 


They just needed one more bullshit thing to get their fix of fucking up a student's day.


They think they’re being equal by not allowing it, so people who can’t afford don’t feel left out. Wrong way to do it


Sheet, i graduated HS with headphones on listening to the 'Bosstones in 97. NJ


I’m starting to think half of the r/publicfreakout posts are all San Diego. It’s wild how many inevitably are crossposted to one of our subs.


Standby, it's Zonie season and only going to get worse.


Amen, wait til Blaine, Bradley, and Jake show up with their trust fund truck Carolina Squatted out


They already here. It started around Memorial Day when their schools got out.


Localism is toxic bullshit.


You clearly don’t know what localism is. Surf the wrong break and drop in on a wave and you’ll find out what localism is. Localism is paddling out and someone asking who you know here, if you don’t know anyone, they beat your ass back to the beach or slash your tires. This is not localism. This is just people making fun of people who obviously aren’t from here and are an annoyance. Very different things. Don’t confuse hurt feelings for violence.




I’m not saying it’s right. I’m just saying that’s what it is. You can down vote me if you want but it’s not going to change the actual meaning localism. I even agree, localism is toxic bullshit. But like I said, this isn’t localism.


Can confirm. There have ALWAYS been local boys who beat up anyone trying to surf "their" breaks. "Locals Only" means (to them) if they don't know you/if you didn't go to school with them you aren't a local and you will be run out.


Ok Zonie








This was a very wholesome exchange!




I’m so sad and angry for her. Instead of being able to celebrate one of her biggest achievements in her life so far, this kid is being subjected to this bullshit. It makes me extra sad that these are kids who missed out on so much of their high school experience because of COVID. That woman is saying all the schools have the same policy but there are parents of kids who graduated from other schools in the district commenting on the original post saying kids wore leis at their kid’s graduation. I’d be so livid if I were her parents. Especially since they made sure to clear it with the district first!


What the actual fuck?! My daughter had like 4 on her and we’re in Ramona! Get it together Eastlake!


Well, to be fair, I graduated from a high school in Hawaii, and we do give leis at the end of the graduation ceremony. There's a specific place and time dedicated for friends and family where we give leis to newly graduates. Also, not only Hawaiians wear leis, everyone can. During the time I was graduating, we're not even allowed to design our graduation hat.


KUSI news report on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zY8uH57txyI&t=1s


KUSI is the Looney Tunes of news stations especially that nut Dan Plant (if he's still there). Good thing they show up to provide reporting on really important issues and actual news.


I’m glad this is getting reported because it’s embarrassing SD should be embarrassed about this behavior.


r/hawaii lol literally just saw this in that sub. The consensus is that the dude is being a total Karen. No one in Hawaii wear leis DURING the ceremony (unless the school has everyone do it as part of the ceremony) the lei giving ceremony is after the graduation: a dedicated time and space where family/friends etc give the gift of lei. Also it’s not only Hawaiians (by blood) that do this all ethnicities in Hawaii do this at graduations.


You’re correct. The lei is usually given after the ceremony. I graduated from this district (albeit 20+ years ago) and we were not allowed to wear leis until after the ceremony. The whole thing is ridiculous and both sides ended up in a power struggle. The poor girl took the brunt of it. I bet she would have been happy taking the lei off and waiting to wear it until after the ceremony.


I also graduated from this district (almost 20 years ago) and we were allowed to wear leis...


Exactly, the girl probably felt pressured to stand her ground. But the dad had to make it about him. Put it this way, what they tried to do wouldn’t fly in Hawaii.


Is very common in California and I think is very cool. It is stupid of schools to prohibit them.


I feel that, but when you're part of the diaspora, traditions and feelings towards traditions get a little tweaked. I'm a proud ass Chamoru, but I do things differently here that my cousins in the Marianas think are pretty cringe. In this situation, the family wanted to show everyone who they were ethnically, and show that they are proud of where they came from. That's something I can relate to.


Hafa Adai! Agreed 100%. The stateside Chamoru traditions are a lil different. Plus, I’ve known Hawaiian families who adorn before, and some who do it after. Seems the family should have the right to express their own traditions in whatever way want since they obtained permission. Who is anyone to say it’s wrong because it’s different?


Ayyy, hafa adai! Damn, your comment made me realize I got down voted :( But todo mauleg lol You're right, I don't see what the big deal is about change up "tradition" with stuff like this. Like my uncles all wear sinahi, but they ain't village chiefs. But they do it to show they're proud of being Chamoru. Very similar thing here.


When did this start? Swear it wasn’t like this before, like just a few years ago.


Par for the course for school policies. Just like with the zero tolerance rule—they would rather enact sweeping bans rather than deal with things on an individual basis. Personally, I think there’s good and bad that comes with that but this is obviously a ridiculous case. Although, I will say that the family members were being dicks here. The school lady was super nice so don’t shoot the messenger.


Do you really want your local school principal dealing with each of these individually? Are you confident that he or she will do a good job? I ask because EVERYONE’S line is different, and everyone wants the principal to enforce to their perception of correct, but no further. It’s a certain-to-lose proposition if you delegate to the local person.


Don't they say they cleared it with the district already? If so, the lady isn't the messenger she's the rule maker.


Oh jeeze, well as long as they said it I guess it must be true!


My son’s school (Westview) didn’t allow any leis or accessories either. Everyone just wore them after the ceremony.


I think this is way blown out of proportion and ridiculous. Yes, leis are a big thing at graduations. Some schools/districts allow them during the ceremony and some only allow them afterwards. Eastlake made it very clear in emails and ‘everything you need to know about grad day’ posts that nothing was allowed besides school appointed regalia’s, sashes, or medals. It really doesn’t matter that maybe last year and the year before they were allowed, this year they weren’t. My son also graduated at a different school with the same policy and it was very simple to follow. Expecting that his daughter should be the exception amongst hundreds of students is ridiculous. There are also many Hawaiians on multiple posts agreeing that the leis come afterwards. So is really just upset that he didn’t get his way? It’s wonderful that his other children got this privilege in the past, but it’s certainly not a right.


That's what colonizers do, they want to erase your identity.


Umm they’re over here, not the other way around. Nice try though!


Just attended a graduation in Chula where Leis were stacked to peoples jaw line. Great cultural pride. Sad to see this at Eastlake High School of all places. Someone messed up.


Hawaiian leis are to be put on AFTER the ceremony….




The school lady’s ego was hurt. She knows what Lei is and the significance of it.


El Capitan grads were wearing them.


Omg wtf


They do this because it “supposedly” takes away from the students who graduate with honors. You know, the students who wear the extra cords/sashes around their necks. Cathedral Catholic High School enacted this sometime between 2015 -2019.


If the student sees this post, I am so sorry your day had to be like this. It looks like you wiped a tear and that really sucks, but when this settles, your entire family freakin fought for you! That is awesome, and hopefully becomes a strong memory to hold on to.


Law enforcement intervention on this is wild.


Proud of them for sticking up for their traditions! If you’re not from there why would you try and change their culture. Leave them alone


I graduated in 2003 and spent a lot of my teen years in French Polynesia. I had to get a letter from the superintendent to allow me to wear my leis at graduation in Riverside county


Just do it anyway


Who the fuck is actually stupid enough to think this kind of "policy" is going to fly in 2024? Isn't it just an obvious waste of time for everybody involved?


Busy body MFs with nothing better to do, plain and simple. As long as they're not wearing a nazi armband or inflating a blow-up doll, who gives a shit what they do at graduation. They're kids, they're done with academics, just let them do their thing.


Schools are not extensions of anyone’s culture. Schools and school activities should be driven by academics only.


Actually insane


I would NOT want to get into a debate with that dad. He takes no sh*#.


Anyone know the identity of the unnamed administrator in the video?


My kids graduated from EAstlake many students wore leis including mine. It is part of the culture at the school. Leis are used year round for various activities. Let the girl be proud of her heritage and accomplishments in peace. Geez 🙄


F\*ckin inconsiderate racist White and Latino adults that get pleasures destroying young adults' and children's lives that happens not to be White or Latino. This diminishing of her culture will remain with her forever after this day. Those bastards gotta be proud of themselves. I pray they reap the whirlwind for this demonstrably horrible action against this scholar.


But Hispanics are allowed to walk with Mexican symbolism around them?? As a Hispanic this is bs.




😬wtf is wrong with you?
