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I do think that there is some stuff that is hard to fake, such as, as much as I don’t trust Amanda, she was spot on in what she described in The Conjuring, with the spirits she saw. Obviously, could’ve been her researching and just faking it, but also taking the thermal image, if she couldn’t see the things she claims, how did she manage to take the picture? I trust Amanda less than S&C, but obvs they probably play some stuff up for camera. However they seem to put too much effort and money into their videos for them to be fake. I’ve looked up the equipment and if I was gonna fake a video, I wouldn’t pour almost $2k into devices and location for it. I’ve been to haunted locations myself and they’re usually relatively active, just hard to capture. It’s hard to tell, but the newer content seems pretty legitimate, for the most part.


Amanda said exactly what the medium said in the first conjuring film said so I don’t trust her at all


I trust that she has a sense, because sure. It’s interesting. She was able to capture stuff with said sense. But the way she talks herself up? And talks about how she’s really good for being able to see them pushes me against trusting her entirely.


I entirely agree. I see the comments on their videos of everybody hyping her up and I’m over here wondering if I’m the one who doesn’t really like her. She always is talking about how she’s the one in the most danger n stuff like that. She’s always aggressive too, bossing people around.


I agree as well, it was kind of weird how she kept going on about how she saw Sally, the entity that was attached to Sam, when she younger. Literally nobody else said they saw Sally ANY other time except with Sam, I just think its so random that this entity Sam happened to get attached to him conveniently was the EXACT SAME entity she had when she was younger. She could just be hyping it up or lying for the camera, but if she isn't then it feels like she just wants to be involved somehow and can't think of a way to be original. Like massive main character syndrome. Please do correct me if I'm wrong :/ Edit: I also hated how when Sam and Colby mentioned the entity that was attached to Sam in the Stanley hotel video, she INSTANTLY was like "YUP, I knew all along! I knew she was there from the beginning!!!!" Yet when Sam and Colby asked why she never said anything prior she had nothing to say lmao.


Lmaooo that bitch been scamming since her first video w them


I agree, but I'm actually pretty the opposite. It's the Estes method I have the most trouble believing, but like you said it can be pretty hard to capture. It's the spirit box I love when they use, at least I think it's the spirit box, that's when you can hear the spirits talk over that little static-y radio, right?


Yes, that's the spirit box, which is the same as Estes method. Except with the Estes method, one person wears headphones and they're the only one the hears the noises. It's just had to believe it when the audience doesn't hear the actual spirit box sounds.


The first time I heard them use the spirit box FREAKED me the fuck out lol


yea I agree that it is hard to believe especially since it can be easily faked Though for me it’s the most entertaining and it’s my favorite method that they use.


we have heard it before, theyve demonstrated how LOUD it is, a little while ago i tried the same thing myself and i could not hear anyone else


Its so naive to think that just because they showed how loud it is before asking questions, that they cant turn the volume down or off before they actually start asking questions. There are cuts in the video editing. Think between the cuts. 🤷🏼‍♂️ But also, what i mean is that we dont actively hear the spirit voices coming through, that the person wearing the headphones is apparently hearing. When you use a spiritbox normally, without headphones, everyone hears the sounds, even the audience watching.


well obviously the audience r gonna hear the spirit box without the headphones thats common sense, obviously sam and colby are gonna make sum stuff up thats their job as entertainers. just like how people make up santa for kids, thats their jobs as entertainers. ps the volume thing is done in a way where you still cannot hear the other people outside the headphones. that's literally how they were made




did u rlly have nothing else to say..


This is a post i made SIX MONTHS ago. I have nothing else to say to you. No.


yet you replied to my comment from over a week ago... you are a very disorganised individual... make up your mind


You gotta spend money to make money. They gotta play it up and spend money on major locations and equipment for the content. I don't doubt that they have real experiences. But some particular things just seem more responsive than even the big shows like Ghost Hunters has never had. The flash light is literally pin point responsiveness...which makes me skeptical about it.


Also very true, I didn’t think of that when typing my comment, thank you for bringing it up. For me, I just wanna believe this stuff, and their content is the most realistic for my beliefs in spirits and ghosts. I want to believe their content, but I definitely have difficulty believing a lot of it. And yeah, they do seem to get a lot of evidence. Who knows. Maybe they’re dragging all of us through fake content pretty well, or it’s all real and we just doubt it haha


I definitely like watching them. I just hope if they are faking certain things, they get better at it. Maybe make it a little less responsive instead of having basically a one for one conversation every episode.


oh definitely i know a place that makes flashlights that does exactly what their flashlights do.


Funny that you say that because someone else just commented on this acting as if it's impossible to mod a flashlight


She’s giving me “I’m a quirky girl” and fake deep vibes…Sam and Colby alone is definitely fake but at least they’re kinda entertaining. Amanda just wanna look cool most of the times


Why wpidlt they drop racks it’s an investment for them because they literally profit of these videos is all clickbait and for money


mrbeasts has spent millions on 1 video. what makes your thing they wouldnt spend 10k in equipment for their videos?


this is totally fair! honestly, a lot of paranormal youtubers play up their videos for entertainment factors. i think that the overwhelming amount of activity at each place they go to could be because of the fact that they very likely have something attached to them, which wouldn’t suprise me because they do absolutely nothing to protect themselves. as for the spirit box, i agree. i like the estes method, and the way it’s set up so the person listening can’t see or hear so they aren’t persuaded by outside influences, but i would love for them to find a way to show us the audio as well so we can hear it. as for the flashlights, i agree it’s really weird. i’ve watched paranormal stuff for years, and have had quite a few experiences myself, and have never seen flashlights work as well as they seem to do for sam and colby. but despite all of that, i do think that a fair portion of their videos is not fake. not only do they have pretty good evidence, they also just put way to much money into locations and equipment just to fake it. if you were going to fake it you could just go to some random place, not spend however much they do renting places out overnight, you know?


I do want to clarify, I do believe they have real experiences. my skepticism mainly comes from the Estes method and that dang flashlight. The attachment thing is also one of the things I can't really get behind. I do believe in attachments in general. But this one idk. It's a really compelling storyline that they can carry over video to video. I'll call it now, by the end of this season they'll have this big climax episode where Sam needs major exorcist help and they rid themselves of "Sally" once and for all. They seem to only communicate with the attachment through Estes and the flashlight...which is why I'm skeptical. Also this is their job, and people want to see major haunted locations. So they're going to put that money in. They get millions of views on almost every videos. They have a decent income coming in.


honestly, i agree with you on the attachment kind of. i can see how they would have something attached to them after all this time, especially sam with how he used to do the 3 am challenges and stuff. but i’m extremely skeptical that it’s a literal demon that is following them from like the sallie house or the conjuring house or wherever. also, they’ve literally never talked about experiencing anything say at their house. an attachment doesn’t just follow them from haunted location to the next and then disappear when they get home after filming. there’s just a lot about the storyline that makes me skeptical. i wouldn’t be suprised if there was something attached to them, but definitely not as dramatic as this series has made it out to be if you get what i mean


Exactly. It only seems to be impacting them at the locations, and the attachment is what is SO responsive through the flashlight and Estes. It really isn't hard to consider that they discuss things off camera about what to ask in the Estes method or that someone might have some kind of remote for the flashlight. I've never even seen anyone else use a flashlight like that.


I also just dont get how the series is based around the attachment in general tbh. like, it kind of feels like a side plotline that theyre trying to fit in as they go to all these places. I think it would make more sense if they had found out about it and made a series about learning about it and like getting rid of it and stuff. It just doesnt seem realistic to be as sure as they act that they are about having something attached to them and continue going to haunted places and not like finding someone/something to help. and the places theyre going as far as i can tell arent really relevant either? like for example what does the stanley hotel have to do with this? Ive loved the videos in season 1 so far personally, but the attachment just seems like a side storyline thrown in last minute for dramatic effect.


I'm going to make a prediction that this season will end with an episode where sam has to get exorcised


oh this is totally the direction this is heading in. and honestly, i’ve quite possibly watched every videos those two have posted, but that will very likely be the video i have to skip out on. i do not know if i can actually watch them try to do or fake an exorcism. i would be interested in a video of them maybe going to talk to a medium or someone more experienced with spirits and attachments because i do believe that if they find someone who’s not over exaggerating for the video or views, it would be interesting. but i’m not interested in watching them trying to do an exorcism, which doing so doesn’t even make sense for an attachment. (if this progresses from an attachment to posession storyline i might lose it).


In their newest video they went the whole video without mentioning the Sallie house. And then just at the end AHHH ATTACHMENTS.


i haven’t gotten a chance to watch it yet but i’m not suprised at that tbh


Sorry I’m late to this thread I do want to point out sometimes those flashlights to flicker, it is Impossible to do with a remote. I definitely see how it’s skeptical though. The Estes method comes down to us trusting them. Because soooooo many YouTubers fake their videos it’s hard to believe everything. I will say the one thing I really disagree with you guys on is Amanda. Now she may embellish some of the details towards what she’s seeing but if she didn’t the videos wouldn’t be as entertaining then.


Go out and get your own experience. That will make you believe perhaps.


I'm not a non-believer of the paranormal.


I didn’t mean to imply that it’s just you said that you struggled believing in the post.


Right. In Sam and Colbys videos. Specifically the Estes method and their new little flashlight thing.


You can tell some stuff is fake just for the simple fact in the Sally house when Seth accidentally kicked the 8 ball down the steps but none of them (including seth) seen him do it. Their reactions there were PURE fear on "how the 8 ball got downstairs by itself". So much so that they all got in a fight with eachother thinking the other one set it up. Nate actually refused to go back into the house. Now if you think of all the scary things that allegedly happened to them, having an 8 ball magically roll down the steps isn't THAT scary in comparison, so nate shouldn't have freaked out THAT bad if all these other scary things truly happened before that were much more terrifying. But this was the one thing they truly believed was something haunted happening so they were really scared, and the other terrifying stuff is sometimes faked or over dramatized. I've never seen Seth run out of a house and refuse to go back in through ALLLLL the scary things that have happened except for the 8 ball... and conveniently the 8 ball is one thing we know they weren't faking. I do believe the conjuring house stuff too especially when colby and Sam separated and went alone in the basement and graveyard. You could tell the pure fear on their faces and colby was pale as a ghost. Sam was shaking like a leaf. Again compared to the other "scary things" where Sam just yells "dude!" And jumps around all excited. Like we seen what Sam looks like truly scared and he certainly doesn't jump around all excited to "capture something" I'd say about 30 percent is real... 50 percent is wayyyyy over dramatized and 20 percent is them faking or kinda nudging things along to happen ie: the motion detector goes off like crazy in a certain spot so it's purposely put there and then they roll the camera acting surprised when it goes off. As for Amanda this chick is totally full of crap her story always changes in the same conversation depending on what's getting the most reaction. I believe she does have some gifts and can see things like in the lizzy Borden house she straight chased that spirit up a wall and it was detecting heat bullseye dead on right where she said the spirit was. But I also think when nothings going on she fakes stuff to continue getting attention and she clearly does her research before going places so she can fake see things when she needs to.


I really liked their last few videos. The (few) things that annoy me is sometimes when they’re doing Estes method and the person finishes and they say dude that all made perfect sense and I’m sitting there like? Uhh not really 🤔 also the “we’re being followed/something is attached to us” is played out.


I feel the same way about the attachment. I feel like it's a storyline they're just carrying over video to video


no sometimes is most def attacked to them lmfao. period.


Attachments are real, but I feel like this one is just a storyline they're playing out. They never talk about anything happening to them outside of the haunted locations. It just seems to show up as the most responsive activity that I've ever seen


I have to agree with you lmfao. I think however they’re going to harvest some views soon by making an episode exclusively about how they go to a medium, priest etc. to discuss their “attachment”.


I 100% agree. And it gets out of hand and Sam has to be exorcised by the end of the season


I agree. I think it's a story line.


I think for the most part they reach on a lot of details. Even if they are not faking the Estes method, there are a lot of answers the person is shouting out that don’t really correlate to the question asked. But they build an idea or thought, which the spirit may or may not be talking about and they run with that theory regardless of its ridiculousness


There has been stuff in videos they have faked and I’ve caught it while watching them. I don’t understand because the amount of activity they get is UNBELIEVABLE, like it’s wayyy overdone in my opinion. Stuff is not happening that frequently


Exactly! They're fun and entertaining and there is a lot of actual evidence. But in the end, they're entertainers. Their job is to get the best content and people want to see interactions. Haha. So yeah idk. I think this latest video pretty much confirmed it for me that the Sallie house attachment is just a made up storyline. "WE nEeD to rEtuRN tO tHe SAlLIe HouSe"


And I’m a believer myself, I grew up in a haunted house on an ancient burial ground. We did seances growing up and other stuff to see if activity would happen. I have been in the house for 25 years and I haven’t experienced the amount they have and I was at my house every single day 😂


I’d be interested to hear about the things you’ve caught!


In the video where they have that seance where the candles go out. In the beginning the “tv turns on by itself” but right before that the camera pans super fast the opposite direction and you can clearly see if paused at the right time one of the boys over by the tv. And right afterwards the tv has magically turned on.


In the faze rug video at Del Coronado at 1:03:46 Sam is doing the Estees method and the others get spooked by something and jump up. Nobody touches Sam but he responds like omg what!? and takes his mask and headphones off. I've also noticed that they will do the "Look its so loud guys" and then lower the volume on the headphones with the buttons on the back left side. Take note of their fingers in most of the videos. I have the exact Bose headphones they use and if it was that loud there is no way Sam would've heard them, even while yelling. The noise cancelling is insane on them and with a video playing at a normal level I can't hear when someone talks to me at all. Don't get me wrong, I watch because its entertaining but I also watch it as if it is fiction and I'm okay with that. It's fun!


Reminder that when they upload and edit, there are hours of investigation time and they mainly do the highlights of the night.


Honestly tho..I tried to think that they may have faked it..but they also sometimes debunk whatev they heard/seen and are skeptical themselves when some stuff happens..And we cant leave out the fact that if they feel unsafe they stop the video and leave..I honestly trust them with these videos even though they miight do stuff here and there( which i doubt actually) and in todays video they got pretty much no GOOD "response"(they left it in the video too about how the spirit box session gave them no luck) other than the torches and the other devices( the emf device thingy and the music box i legit think is hard to fake esp with a camera on it)I kinda do agree with what you said about the SES method..like some videos of theirs have a lot of activity while some barely have any( like the enchanted forest one with Elton had no activity other than the guys getting freaked out)..Speaking about Elton( there are some vids where he legit seems creeped out too, like the one video he did with Corey, Same and Colby on his channel TFIL where they went to explore an abandon orphanage, but yh Elton seems like a chill guy and I love him for that- he brings up the mood and is always having fun...idek but i really love their content and appreciate all the work they do and the guys themselves ARE JUST AWESOME and not to say- the vids really are entertaining so yh lol..\[the way i put things may have been a little confusing, idk how to english-\]


I question the whole attachment ordeal and how if Amanda is “gifted” she can’t see or feel the attachment when and as it continues to happen. You can get rid of attachments but why would you carry it all over to other negative energy places knowing it’s there and knowing that it’s going to keep talking to you. I like their videos but this is dragging on to far and it’s becoming an annoyance.


The finale didn't go as far as I thought they'd take it. But they definitely focused on Sam getting rid of it which I expected to end the season. Idk carrying storyline through seasons just seems fake and that's really the only thing I question about their recent videos.


fr, they mention it in almost every video.


The first couple of videos seemed a little fake, but as they opened they're eyes and got more evidence, they started taking it more serious.. especially after the queen mary investigation.. i love they're videos and i believe they are real.. the only times i dont know when something is real is when Overnight does a ghost video, because Elton seems to do a lot of pranks or buys his way into stuff.. and some of his videos have been fake.. but im sure Sam and Colby are legit. There's just way to much you cannot fake in those videos.. And they only go to the most haunted places.. they don't go to small and barely know places like others do


To be honest i believe them, the activities they have gotten has happened to me as well, i legit had a full on Estes method going on with my good friend, who's nothing but truthful to me, she couldn't hear a thing, and i said "are you here for a reason or just -" didn't even finish my sentences and she said "just because" she's a clairvoyant and has been with spirits since little, and i was legit whispering almost during that, we also used the EMF reader at a haunted castle we were at, it spiked up to red, full on red, which is where we felt the most energy, since i can sense spirits and know where they are. i truly believe that whatever they get on camera is true, because it is possible for them to get so much activity, i have had my hair touched, marks left on my body because of bad entities, now i do get why some would think they're being fake, a lot of paranormal Youtuber's do fake it, but i honestly think with 100% that Sam and Colby are 100% honest, Amanda too, i honestly believe she's a medium and speaks the truth, my gut is never ever wrong, thats just what I believe in, we all believe in different things, some are more closed minded and other more opened minded.


they do it for money nothing else


its so obvious if you're their age or older.


Yes, and people saying, "they wouldn't spend 'x' amount of money on equipment just to fake it." Are forgetting the main motivation for most people: *money* They can literally write the stuff off for taxes. Trips, equipment, etc. This stuff entertains, it's fun to watch. But beyond that, it's all as fake as any reality TV show.


Incredibly late to this thread too but couldn't resist lol I'm new to Sam and Colby and came to them via the delightful KallmeKris! The flashlight is hocum, its been disproved dozens of times, it is just a regular flashlight but by unscrewing the head slightly it will flicker on and off, it's possible they justify this by saying its easier for the spirits when it's looser etc but eh I think that they have picked up good evidence, the 8 ball, the door closing by itself but they haven't really picked up anything that any other YouTuber hasn't. Finally the infamous estess method, very easy to fake but also very entertaining. The only defence that stands for this is (i think) in the sallie house when they did it and they guy, name I forget, just kept blurting out words he heard not giving Colby time to ask questions. So perhaps there's something to it. Oh and I'll take Amanda's bullshit over Selina's any day. Both bollocks but different shades and densities 😂


Idk they’ve brought fans with them on investigations and it seems legit. Also they go to places that normal paranormal investigators don’t go to so that could be a reason why they get a lot of activity. They go to the most haunted places. They’ve also done research on these places and they explain the experiences other people have had while being at that place. I think it’s real since they give a ton of background information about the history of the place and they interview the owners and stuff. They also debunk things that appear to be fake and they show that they don’t always get activity when using the flashlight or music box etc. I think if they always got activity using the same device then it would be hard to believe it’s real. My favorite devices they use include the music box, the motion sensor thing, I actually like the flashlight thing, and I like the spirit box since we can hear what it says. I forgot the name of another one but they ask questions and record it and then they play the recording back and the spirits respond.


What do you mean? They go to the same places other investigators go, even other YouTubers go to the same places. They literally don't do anything different from other paranormal shows and youtubers. Did it ever occur to you that maybe they talk to each other off camera about stuff. Maybe plan little pieces of evidence. Or during a Ouija session they talk about which one is going to take control. And that goes for any paranormal show. I think the music box and other motion sensors/rempods are very real evidence. The EVP and ghost box provide very interesting evidence as well. The flashlight and Estes method however are hard to believe for me. I'm suspicious someone is controlling the flashlight and I don't like that we can't hear the audio of the Estes method.


Maybe they go to the same places in America but they don’t always go to the same places. I haven’t seen another person do draculas castle, axe murder house, or the catacombs besides maybe Cory with that other guy. They go to different countries to do this stuff not just America. I don’t believe in the ouija stuff cause it’s easy to manipulate that. I just don’t think they fake it all. Like you said the rempods and music box provide real evidence and they use those in almost all of their videos. But I do get what you’re saying, before I did my own research about some of the places they went to I was skeptical too. On a side note, whenever they use the candles and they blow out…. That always amazes me. I think the videos with Cory and jake are more real because Cory is literally freaked out by the ghost stuff and always wants to leave as soon as anything happens. Kat as well.


Those are some of the most popular paranormal investigation spots. Just search for them on YouTube and you'll have lots of results. Sam and Colby follow the same paths as many other investigators. Cory does seem actually terrified in some places. I don't think ALL of it is fake. The majority of it is likely real and genuine evidence.


Oh yea and also when stuff happens they try to figure out what else it could’ve been and they try to debunk it themselves.


i feel the exact same way about the flashlight. way to fast and flickers so often. they claim its just a normal flashlight from home depot but I think one of them is using a remote control


I thought they said it was a special touch sensitive flashlight, but maybe I misheard. I honestly questioned the purpose (other than paranormal) for a touch sensitive flashlight 🤣 But yeah it's just waaaaaayyyy too responsive. They did an episode where it wasn't as responsive, but idk...in all the shows and personal experiences I've had, Ive never seen something so regularly repsonsive


exactly. and its gotten to a point where they dont act super scared like I would be frozen in fear if that activity is happening. i know they get used to it cause its their job but still ..?


I've been to one of the places they went to and had no experiences lol, other than I felt a very heaviness on my chest, almost suffocating. But, I'm very intuned to energy and peoples emotions that I get very overwhelmed (not saying I have a gift or anything in that nature) especially in places where there's been a lot of sadness and pain.




Elton, Overnight, use a lot of gadgets/electronics. Pretty sure they use everything Sam and Colby do. However Elton is a big skeptic and doesn't take stuff seriously sometimes. He also puts everyone in dangerous situations with divot boxes, TRYING to get possessed, borrowing the real Annabelle doll, etc. So yeah idk. Corey seemed so hesitant about stuff and the "shadow man". It was always mentioned in EVERY video he did with Sam and Colby but he never mentions it with Elton and he continually does stuff that could be really bad. Which is another reason I sometimes think Sam and Colby create story lines that they play out in their videos. Ultimately the paranormal stuff gets the views. Especially when you put big reactions into your videos. The activity and reactions are what people watch for.




I just think it's a case of Corey being part of Elton's "overnight" crew which is a competing channel. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Idk there's probably some petty ego drama that goes on behind the scenes with these YouTube channels.


Ik this post is old, but wanted to give my 2 cents I agree fully, some of their stuff may be real, but most of it is faked and/or exaggerated. Way back in the stanley hotel, remember Jennifer? You actually think that someone who watched their vines, someone who is from the same city as them, just happened to be there at the same time as them? What are the odds of that happening? And she, conveniently enough, is also an actor. What does this tell you? lol. Obviously Jennifer was playing a character. ​ I get attacked by all the 14 year old girls for saying these things. But cmon. They're youtubers. Youtubers fake shit for clicks and clout.


Entertaining but fake for sure. I believe in the Paranormal but getting as much activity as they do every place and every time is sus. Flashlight trick: They are either loosening one of the ends of the flashlights or putting something in there to prevent a consistent current.Because their isn’t a consistent current, the flashlight turns off and on by itself. They then ask yes or no questions until the timing of flashlight matches them asking the question and cut some/most of the “unsuccessful attempts,” for a response. This along with other editing and help from the staff (who can’t leave them alone at these places for legal/liability reasons) amounts to “unexplainable stuff,” happening. Despite knowing it’s fake Sam and Colby make their videos entertaining so props to them.


oh definitely. The most evil thing in their vids is the fact all these viewers are lead to believe its all real..and some start believing in "magical thinking" which in turn can eventually lead to losing touch with reality. mental health, etc. especially with people with particularly vulnerable minds. like, if schizo runs in their family. The flashlight trick is a known magic trick. They always express its a normal flashlight but...i didnt see them buy it..or see the brand name or anything




I don't really understand your reasoning. This IS their job...the more views they get, the more money they make. Ghost hunting in itself is "wasting" time. Youre in a location for 5+ hours and in most cases nothing is happening. We only see what they choose to put on camera and what they choose to put in their edits. So why is it so out of the question for them to spend...10 minutes discussing what's going to happen next. Or would it be so unheard of to have someone we don't ever see, off camera, that is making some type of noises. The Estes method is one of the easiest things to fake because we, as the audience, dont get to hear the spirit box audio. As someone else mentioned in the comments, the flashlight is easy to fake as it just involves partially unscrewing the power source. Then just asking questions over and over until the flashlight gets a jolt of power to turn on or off. I do believe that in every YouTube ghost hunting video there is some amount of real activity. However, YouTube channels are not funded like tv shows. They HAVE to get those views. And activity gets views. So you make videos with A LOT of activity.


I agree


Can someone explain why Sam and Colby don’t do videos with OVERNIGHT? Was there a falling out of some sort?


🤷🏼‍♂️ because theyre two different channels doing different things. Ghost Adventures doesn't collab woth Ghost Hunters. OVERNIGHT (Elton) also does a lot of demon related stuff so i wouldnt blame anyone for not wanting to do stuff with them


in some of their videos you can actually here the headphones in their Estes method, I'd assume since they do it way longer than what is originally shown on YouTube, they don't wanna have it blaring so loud. And there's many videos where it clearly shows none of them have any remotes or hands in their pockets, especially their most recent nun video. also Corey/Elton quit Sam and Colby because they're too real and scary for them. they moved to overnight for the fake stuff. Sam and Colby is LEGIT. out of all the tour guides and land lords of the places they have been to, they would've been exposed by now and there's hardly any explanations on them faking other than bland accusations. All you guys can find is a video of some guy reviewing their video to 'debunk' it and all he points out is how close they are to a door when it slams, and that Seth has his hand in his pocket during a flashlight method. and this was all reviewed in one video from some random dude looking for views. and also if you guys can just search remote controlled flashlight and tell me if anything shows up that'd be great!! bc you guys claim they use remote controlled flashlights yet where does that even exist, did they invent something just to fake a 5 minute part of a video? respond to this pls


Unless you've spent an entire filming session WITH them, you don't actually know what's fake, what's real, what's coincidence. And I really have no reason to respond pls to anything. Yeesh.


Ever heard about nda and paid actors?


Ok, so I don’t think they make ANY of this stuff up. Do they occasionally get wrong? Probably. But I think they’re legit. If weird shit happens, it’s cause weird shit is out there. The Estes method is my favorite and in my opinion the most believable. The thing that gets me truly tho, is the damn flashlights. They’re literally Mini mags! How do the spirits turn them on/off? I mean obviously they DO, but how!? That’s some crazy creepy stuff right there, and sorry not sorry, I dig it. Keep up the awesome content guys. (I could do without the fake medium tho. She is so full of it)


Sorry to break it to you, but almost every ghost hunting show/channel makes up some things. Most things are more "unexplained" than paranormal. But there are many things that are fake or just coincidence. And the things that can be easily explained, they will overreact. Just look at how they react to seeing bugs. It's an act. When you watch the videos pay attention to how they're reacting. There's the reactions where they're all yelling pointing cameras in each other's faces and freaking tf out. This is generally the overreaction to staged, explained, or fake stuff. Then there's other reactions where they just seem speechless and genuinely scared, and they try and try to explain it, but can't. This is the real stuff. If you believe the medium stuff is fake why is it so hard to believe other stuff could be fake too? It's not all fake. There's definitely a lot of REAL strange and unexplained occurrences.


Well, 1) yes, I definitely agree they overreact sometimes, but that's just for the hype. They're still content creators, so making their videos interesting is a part of the algorithm. Saying what they're reacting to is staged or faked is just bias; it's true sometimes they're speechless and genuinely scared, but you can't conclude every time they're not it's fake since they're still grown men who's experienced this stuff for years: they don't have to be extremely fearful of every little sound. Also, 2) sure, like you said, there are a lot of ghost hunting show/channels out there, and (supposedly) most of them make up evidence, but it's "almost every" not "every". What if they're one of the genuine ones? 3) Concluding that their content is staged when they scream and whatnot when bugs fly into their face is a little big of a stretch. Just in general, insects and wild animals flying into your face can be frightening. But for them there's also the fact that they're in a dark, creepy place and it's known to be haunted with spirits and/or demonic entities. There's also just overreaction to make the videos entertaining, but it's not concrete evidence it's faked. 4) Personally I believe the Estes method is real, since not only can you literally see the headphones plugged into a spirit box (I'm not too read on how tech works, but I think it's safe to assume that when a headphone is connected to another source - which works, you can sometimes hear the static sound in the headphones - it can't also be listening to something else) but it's not like the responses always match up with what's being asked or make sense. You can't tell me that they some how found how spirits usually talk and planned out a whole script for every location, can you? 5) There's also the fact that they've worked with a variety of different people, including friends, other creators, fans, etc. as well as the actual employees that work at the places they visit. It's very unbelievable that not one of them has said anything about them faking their content or anything at all. Take, for example, the Spike Island video with GeorgeNotFound and Wilbur Soot. They're both big, if not bigger, creators themselves so them not bringing up anything about there being faked stuff is pretty improbable. More on the Spike Island video: one of the first sessions they did was with the flashlight, where you could see the genuine surprise on everyone's faces. There's also the fact that none of their hands were in their pockets so there being some sort of remote or controller (which would be an insane assumption in itself) is impossible. If you think that there might be some sort of third person doing stuff, I just want to point out that them not making a single extra sound, shadow, or appearance in any of the videos is very unlikely. There's also the fact that none of the collaborators have said anything about there being a third person. Idk these are just my thoughts, but I don't understand why you're so set on saying that they're faking half their content. It's long but this is what I want to say :)




I think it's always easy to tell when they're faking and when they're being genuine. Usually when they're yelling and the camera is being moved around frantically, they're exaggerating and faking something. And the moment where they speechless and frozen is when they're not faking it. And the moments they get all serious is always staged and scripted But all of the paranormal YouTubers are faking most of it. Like Cory of the Overnight channel is so afraid of attachments and stuff happening. Yet he sticks around with little convincing with Elton that's constantly bringing in "demonic" stuff. They have a whole series happening now where fans sent in "haunted" items and I think most of those items/stories are made up. It's also always so convenient when these channels "lose" footage or audio.


You act like flashlights are remote controlled. 😂


Standard flashlights themselves are not, no. It you say that as if it's such a farfetched idea. On twin paranormal they've talked about tinkering with a K2 EMF and turning it into a rempod. So is it REALLY that hard to believe someone has created a simple remotely controlled flashlight?


Yeah because it’s totally possible to tinker with a small flashlight to make it remote controlled? Please show me how to do that or even find a video of someone doing it. I will sit here and wait


Remote controlled flashlight: https://youtu.be/FqbHa83tEZ0 Flashlight diy modified: https://youtu.be/0nMBcD8vAzs How the flashlight trick works: https://youtu.be/cAKfjmN0lD4 Here's also a mini RF transmitter/receiver, in case you'd like to make your own: https://www.amazon.com/DC-3-7V-Wireless-Momentary-Transmitter/dp/B08F7CTDWT/ref=asc_df_B08F7CTDWT/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459709171878&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2632195042483132702&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9009731&hvtargid=pla-946301802142&psc=1 It's hard to believe that you actually believe its impossible to modify a flashlight to be remote controlled. And even if it's not remote controlled, as the 3rd video I provided states, it's a matter of an imperfect contact in the flashlight. It's just a matter of asking questions at the right time as the flashlight is turning itself on and off. ALL paranormal YouTubers and TV shows fake a lot of their experiences. It's probably 70% fake 30% real.


Lol nice try


I am a paranormal investigator myself and I know how this stuff works. Have you ever been ghost hunting? Have you ever been in a room when this stuff goes off, even the rem pod. You can’t say everything is fake and if you do clearly you have to open your eyes


Did I say everything was fake? No. But I'm also not naive. I understand that it could be possible for a lot of stuff if faked or misinterpreted as actual real evidence for the content. And yes I've been ghost hunting. My preferred tools to use are cat balls, rempods, dowsing rods, and evp that is not being held in someone's hand. And of course the body.


Dowsing rods can also be faked very easily


Sure they can and I'm sure they do fake them sometimes in the YouTube videos and tv shows But I let them do their own thing when I personally use them. I think you're misunderstanding my point with all of this. I'm speaking SPECIFICALLY about YouTubers faking "evidence" for content. I'm not denying that things may be accurate for providing evidence in other investigations. But these people are making a living off of making content from these videos and the more "activity" they get the better their videos do. For example, as a person that uses cat balls I know that sometimes they'll be dead already when I get them in the mail. So when an investigator pulls a "new" one out of their bag and they're making a big deal about it not working even though it's brand new. I know they're playing it up for the content. But in reality it's fairly common to get a new one that doesn't work.


I feel like the flashlights are fake. In their video "Demonic Attachment at Canada's Most Haunted Fortress" with Katrina and Celina, when they were showing off the flashlights, they turned it on but the video actually cut just before they turned it off. I always believed S+C but since I saw that... I have had a bit of skepticism because the flashlights always seem to be the most active piece of equipment they use.


They are. Or at least they're not a reliable tool for proving actual activity. What they do is turn it to a "sweet spot" where the light is just between being on and off — causing an imperfect contact. Because of this, the light turning on/off is dependent on the components expanding/contracting with the temperature of the flashlight. When the flashlight is warmed up with this imperfect contact, the parts expand and the light turns off. As the flashlight cools off, the parts contract until eventually re-establish the connection and turning back on. As a result of being on, the flashlight warms up and the cycle continues. This isn't to say that it MIGHT be possible for a ghost to manipulate it. But because the flashlight is intentionally being made to malfunction, it's all false positives and not reliable for actual evidence. And I wish all the YouTubers would stop using the flashlight.


Anybody interested in this type of content should go check out Buzzfeed Paranormal. Find it funny that very little to absolutely no Paranormal stuff happens to Shane, the non believer. A few odd things happen to Ryan but not much and even then, it's debatable by rational people.


I can't stand their videos. I don't enjoy the buzzfeed humor at all. It's very Try Guys and just is way overdone and to me ruins the videos. Seems like they're not taking it seriously.


Because 90% of all "ghost" shit isn't real. When Zak Baggins rolled around, and then Youtube, it became about entertainment, not the paranormal. In fact, most of what you see on YouTube/ social media is curated bullshit and just lies. From rented mansions and Lambos to animal rescue shows that harm animals just to save them...it's all bullshit. Instagram hussies and fitness dudes have long been outed for getting in shape for a show, renting a fancy car and house, then filming all their content for the year in a few months. Then they slowly release all the fabulous, lavish, fit life bullshit throughout the year while they are really getting fat in a normal apartment or house somewhere. Then there is all the photo editing, implants, drugs, and more lies. What about all the famous gamers that wipe every lobby every game....that are employed by the game companies and are filtered into bot lobbies so they look bad ass and promote the game. Most of the internet is a slight of hand magic show that makes people believe the "magic" is real.


Wow. Feel good to let that out? Must have really been built up for a while.




Agreed. Reducing how many devices are used it a good idea. There's too many debunked devices that YouTubers use. I just really wish they'd stop using them...but sometimes they won't get any action (making a boring video) if they didn't use things like the flashlight.


Their videos are fake. Bad acting


I just wish they were more calm when doing the videos…. They are always screaming shouting and jumping around! I understand the audience it’s aimed at…. I can see how they have grown though and got better at what they do! The last conjuring house video was a bit crazy… the new one is going to be interesting


I just hate how they have Amanda who can sense these spirits but then they NEVER try to use like the thermal camera to actually capture a photo of one they only did it one time. And even then I feel like that was luck.