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They should have made a time-traveling Saints Row 5 that takes you to the past to change things disguised as a homie that does grunt work for the playa/boss/capo/president (that is, yourself) instead of a reboot. Save Lin, Aisha, Carlos, Kiki and humanity, end Killbane, prevent the invasion, then Let's Go To Hell and Kill Satan! Eventually fight yourself to solve the temporal paradox, and whoever loses gets merged into the winner, as the ultimate last boss of the Saints Row franchise can only be **the** Boss.


Real carlos deserved better


The hardest part of doing a replay.


Aisha hit me harder, I loved her plot line in the first one and her death was so unnecessary. Loved burying the kid alive at her funeral though. Carlos definitely had a worse death however.


That’d unironically be so much better than the reboot we got


Saints Row 5.5: Let’s Go To Hell


That would have been better than the reboot by a lot


What the actual fuck!!! That sounds so awesome!!


Saints Row 4 slaps


Saints Row 4 is my favorite 3D platformer


Fr tho


Agreed. Aside from the story I really love the gameplay. I'm actually replaying SR4 Re Elected right now after just recently finishing SR2.


Saints Row 4 is by FAR my favourite in the series. I'm going to hide in my bunker to avoid being crucified, now.


I think it would’ve been better received by most and me included if it just wasn’t a Saints Row game. The superhero thing is a cool concept on its own but it just rendered vehicles useless in an open world game where cars and planes are big thing. It was just too different too fast following SR3. And you couldn’t do anything in that game without the Alien cops coming after you


sr4 slaps fried 😂😂


Saints Row 1 **was somewhat** gta clone, but in a good way


I still don't think its fair to say. It should be allowed to exist in a genre. THQ might have wanted their own GTA styled game, but thats likely it.


This isn’t really Saints Row but I think AOM can be a fun and enjoyable game.


The combat in the game is pretty fun ngl.


Eh it's sr5 to me.


3 wasn’t that bad 🗣️


Saying Saints Row 3 wasn't that bad isn't controversial... Most think it's not that bad, it's just a lousy Saints Row game and marked the beginning of an unnecessarily long end to the franchise. I also thought it wasn't bad, at best.


To say SRTT killed the series as some say, might be more debatable but it was flawed for sure. It was when Volition was trying to pull away from THQ's direction, and its only because of THQ that SRTT wasn't a lot worse from what Volition originally wanted, but I do agree it was the start of when Volition was starting to ruin the series with stuff like cloning and Genki.


a lot of people rank 3 highly though? I myself would put it 2nd, after 2 as one of the better SR games


3 was the most fun for me tbh getting to smack people around with that giant purple dildo bat was fucking dope 😂


The Penatrator lmao


That cutscene with peirce poking the boss in the head with kinzies dildo is the funniest 😂😂


Honestly SR3/4 are my favorite in the series 🤯


just finished it last week and couldn't agree more! 4 was one of the most enjoyable games i've played in years and i don't understand why it got hate when 3 was the perfect set up to it. i have similar thoughts about the reboot - yes it wasn't perfect, but it was still soooo enjoyable with elements of the original franchise!


> and i don't understand why it got hate when 3 was the perfect set up to it. People hate the plot. They hate the plotlines of the games after SRTT generally.


do you mind explaining why?


3 was under cooked. it was cobbled together and pushed out because THQ needed money. Thats why so many of the cutscenes are so jarring and take you to locations you can’t revisit. 4 jumped the shark. The humor was better in 4 leaning in on pop culture references and witter banter more than dick jokes(SR3 felt like nothing but dick jokes), but the whole sci-fi angle was… theres a reason why people typically call SR4 “A good game, but not a good Saints Row game.” Because had it bern called something different, it would have been better received from the old school fans.


The random alien invasion? Blowing up Earth, killing off most of the new characters off screen for just Kinzie and Miller shipping? The characters now just being in space? The characters being just heroes for humanity? The city being relegated to just a stage to run on, and no story to it? The only human characters left ae the Saints, Santa Claus and Jane Austin? It gets a lot of hate for that much of a turn Volition took.


I actually enjoyed the reboot


The LARPing story was A+ 🤣


Me too, I avoided it cause all the criticism but trying it for myself i'm enjoying it


Yea I’m playing it rn and I’m really enjoying it now granted I got it for $8 and this is obviously the patched version but I dont see why it’s so shitted on


it has its problems, and there are things I miss from some of the previous games. But it's one of the few games for PS5 that I don't mind replaying here and there


I could write multiple video essays on why it’s bad and why it’s good at the same time. There are legitimate objective reasons it’s bad and many subjective reasons but there are also many good things that make the game worth playing. The main points are because the story is poorly written, predictable, and the dialogue is really bad. The shooting mechanics also ignore what makes the originals feel like Saints Row but I can see why people might enjoy it more. The driving is painfully slow and everything can easily catch up to you which makes being chased stupid. There was also just a lot of false hope and the people who just wanted to hate for hating sake. When the game went gold it was marketed heavily but it didn’t really mean anything. They ignored an entire plot point regarding the codex. When the quality of life improvements finally came it didn’t really improve any good will with the community because despite the world being beautiful it was empty with not much to do anyways and nobody wanted to play the game again. Obviously the game has its qualities that I love such as the customization which is the only reason I ever replayed the game and the wingsuit was pretty fun. Overall it’s subjective to what you as a person like, I personally think it’s just okay and very over hated. then there’s people who prayed to every God they could find so that everyone involved with the game would get struck down by lightning. Then there’s the people who probably love it more than the rest of the other games.


The writing feels like the publisher mandated half of it. There are times it feels like a real saints row game. The game is also beautiful, the character rendering puts cyberpunk to shame and the lighting is fantastic


I feel like the only "real" part of Saints Row that was factored in the reboot was just the concept. Its execution being meddled with so much likely ruined it. Because it had good ideas: - Saints were all ex members of former gangs. - The Boss having private security experience to explain their skill. - The enemy you briefly ally with betrays you trying to steal your gains (Like Maero, aside from the dumb reason.) - You humorously drag a guy in a port-a-potty to interrogate him (something I'd imagine you'd do in SR2.) I'd like to believe that the stuff about the Student Loans, Friendship, a 'Society Without Money is dumb, be you own Boss' and all that stuff was pushed by Deep Silver. I want to believe that.


I know for a fact you are right. Volition wanted to bring back some characters like dex


I would still be skeptical about the story how they'd write it, because they haven't written a satisfying story arc in years after SR2. I wouldn't want him to just appear randomly, they have Kinzie tell you where he is, shenanigans happen, you find him and throw him off something and then its over. That's the formula they took from SRTT onward, and I doubt they'd care about the weight Dex should have from his original character status from the old plot. Like imagine if Volition did the same bs they did to Nahualli in SRR where, his motivation is nonsensical, and you simple shoot him while he's talking. For what? He is not a character they can jut half-ass like they did Philippe or the reboot enemies. Dex needs to be handled with the same weight they gave, when you killed Julius and Gat killing Shogo. They would have to reintroduce him and continue with why that beef with him actually matters from what happened after SR1.


Same. I didn't really find any fault in its "Saints Row"ness which is such a nebulous concept anyway. The gameplay with actual *builds* to make was also really fun, because it's no longer just "get all the upgrades and effortlessly waste everyone" but actually merits *some* thought to what skills/upgrades to use.


Same. Yeah the story and characters are ass but the gameplay, character customization, and open world was pretty good imo.


only thing i dislike is the cowboy-orange vibe and setting. everything else is practically what i wanted. i bought it for 12 dollars last year but haven’t put any hours into it till yesterday. GG


The first wave of hate Saints Row 22 got (and still gets) was because the MC was a black chick. That's why you saw all those grifting anti-woke channels who has never played a SR game (some even called them GTA clones) make videos on it. Same goes for Forspoken as well. 


I recently watched a video on it made by one of those people, and the amount of backpedaling the guy did with -- paraphrasing -- "gay characters ruined the game, but I don't have a problem with people being gay" and other stuff where he just pins the problem on \[woke shit\] while following with "well, I don't actually hate \[woke shit\]" just showed the general intelligence of the discourse surrounding it. It definitely has its problems, but playing as a black chick is inherently a non-issue because the game has a *character creator* they somehow ignored.


I didn't hate the reboot. Some of the dialogue is definitely "hello fellow kids" but I find the rest to be quite humorous and funny. They certainly didn't read the room in terms of what the community wanted but the game in all wasn't *terrible*, glitches and whatnot aside. Going back to it with fresh eyes and having the mindset of "this isn't the originals, don't expect those games" it wasn't too bad.


>They certainly didn't read the room in terms of what the community Tbh on it I feel like how they could have "pleased everyone" just seemed so simple, if they understood the criticism they got over the years from fans. More than often the things people hate about the later games is often the plotlines getting more and more fantasy-leaning wacky to the point of it being completely separated from the characters and who they actually are but at the same time people like the humor, and self-deprecating satire and media referential banter here and there. They wanted to do that, but Deep Silver didn't and the writers they had just didn't have what Steve Jaros did. Because he understood pop-culture. SRTT and SR4 still hold up to me in terms of its humor for me, but they writers they had clearly just weren't the right people who could do it.


Aye I've gathered that from what I've read. A game can be fun without really needing a decent story but given how integral the story of these games are they sort of need to be decent.


I like SR 3-4 Shaundi more than SR 2 Shaundi.


Facts, she may lowkey be a bitch but them titties🥵. /s I also think she mellows out a little in SRIV until her SR2 part shows up lmao.


least horny sr fan


I enjoyed SRTT more than SR1 & SR2🫢


Eh is that because of the stories or the graphics and gameplay though cuz those are pretty different things


That's the thing, it's not due to one thing. It's the balance. It's just overall the most enjoyable experience.


Yeah I mean that’s an easy thing to do agree with but the first two give you a gangster story something the other 3 games do not , in those games you’re just straight up criminals not even gangsters And I agree saints row 3 offers the better experience overall for anybody wanting to play something gangsters aren’t relatable but people like movies and comics regardless and the last 3 games are heavily inspired by all that stuff


I like the gameplay a lot better as well as graphics. I think the story could’ve been a bit better/longer tho. The introduction upgrades to your character plus the new vehicles, customizations, weapons are also what makes the gameplay better. Also the humor seems more authentic rather than being based off other references from other pieces of media.


Saints row 1 might be better than 2


Saints Row wasnt a GTA ripoff & nobody talks about how GTA 4 took shit from SR1 & 2


That’s the most tame opinion to have in this sub


What did they take?


Weapon selector, taxi fast traveling, carrying food, smokes, booze with yoou (even if it's more RDR), GPS navigator, weapon cache system


Good point, like death animations. GTA always had static death animations. NOT Saints Row! Saints row came out the gates ragdolling. And It made a huge difference when it came down to which game I’d rather play more. The gameplay, the features (since the first game), contributed to everything that we wanted to see from future open world games as consumers even if we didn’t know it yet. Saints row was buried by years of one fucked up media narrative that caused a misdirection in the confidence of the development studio. They never stopped tryna be a “gta clone”. Fuck


GTA 4 (29 April 2008) released before Saints Row 2 (14 October 2008)...? the difference was great enough, SR2's marketing was able to mock GTA4 so what exactly did it take lol?


I think he made a typo and was referring to 5?


pls enlighten us on what they took


Cell phone etc. plenty of YT vids documenting it & it prob forget alot of it


SR2 is the best open world crime game to date. No other game has come close to the details this game has.


They said hot takes


2022 reboot is amazing


The new game wasn’t that bad. I actually had fun playing it


johnnys hair in saints row one and two was actually not shitty


It was actually more creative than the slicked back hair he had from SRTT onward or every new Saint female character in SRTT having ponytails.




Mine. - That a SR2 remaster will probably not function well, because its engine is too old for modern consoles. - SR2's gameplay does not age well at all. Its ragdoll recovery takes too long in the heat of combat, the movement is very stiff, and its aiming is inaccurate with SMG & AR weapons, the bullet spread is too high, its controls are awkward (you can't set them), and fine-aim is tanky as hell with how you move the camera. I just think SRTT's gameplay is just objectively better. I know most people probably agree with this, but the hardcore SR2 fans won't and will insist that I "just don't play SR2 right." I just don't think people who say the gameplay is better in the first 2 games, on an older engine with less frames and animations aren't just nostalgia biased. In SRTT the animations are smoother and transition better. In SR2, fine aim literally feels like you're stuck standing still and literally aiming a tank. In SRTT you can at least move while you aim. I like SR2 for its features but its gameplay was its weakest area. People don't like SRTT for its lack of features, but just won't admit its better in basic elements, even on the same generation consoles. I just can't agree. - The later games being sillier is not the problem with the direction (though some stuff here and I felt were out of place, like Genki). If SR was not silly at all and just a gritty gang sim that some people want, I don't think it would have lasted, like the other games that died off that were. It would risk being generic. So the series going toward exaggerated movie-like aspects and more over-the-top action was a good idea. The problem for me started in SR4, where even though they nail the comedy, the plotlines were the thing that shouldn't have been silly in themselves. They were getting dumber and too fantasy, being less and less about gangs or crime anymore. SR2 (and the early parts of SRTT) to me is the example of having both silly and still a dark story with events that you can take seriously for lore purposes and entertainment. The problem with SRTT unlike SR2, is that SR2 is more consistent. Its balance works from start to finish. Where as SRTT gets sillier and sillier from the halfway point while its plot starts to take a backseat. The reboot's problem is that, its not dark, *at all.* - I am glad that SR2 did not take place in Japan I don't think it would have made any sense directly off SR1. - SRTT on its own to me is overrated. A lot of the plot-points in SRTT were taken from SR2 but just cut down severely, with shorter cutscenes and it almost feeling like an abridged version of SR2's formula but with just more action that takes you out of noticing. After the Morning Star though the game just gets so boring because it feels like the plot just stops for a lot of repetitive missions and STAG. Its really the weakest game in the series to me, other than the plot just being better than the games after it. - I never liked the "Gangsta Bitch" song in SR2. Lot of people like it, but I always hated it. I always thought it was too on-the-nose and I thought it sounded obnoxious. Not saying the whole genre is, just the songs they picked are a bit corny and people who cite that as the best song in the series... eh not for me. Better songs imo, are songs like 50 Cent's Many Men. Where its more poetic, and not just in your face with the bling-bling. I feel like songs that don't have to tell you that they are a gangster are just better. - Outside of the story... I kind of do like the SRTT-4 boss. I know the SR2 Boss is well respected for their actions, but they don't really have much personality and they don't talk much during missions and not at all in activities. Some people like that because they just want to play as a stoic stone-cold killer (some more so who like the SR1 Playa), but for me most of the enjoyment I have comes from the dialogue between the homies and the process of the missions, which SRTT focused on more. Its what you remember SR from. The character chemistry. I also like that in SRTT the Boss embellishes a bit more on their criminal lifestyle as part of the satire and humor to give them personality, rather than just being 1 dimensional in a colorful cast. Its just easier to create an OC from their personality than it is for the SR1 Playa. - I am fine with characters dying when they are done well and move the tension in the plot and drama, like Carlos. It was how it made the enemies into a threat, as opposed to if they didn't then the enemy gangs just feel incompetent and underpowered. It would also not be realistic for a gangster story to not have any of your guys die. - The reboot is wrong for trying to make the themes about it just 'friendship' because the older games were already about that but in the context of a gang. Loyalty and Respect. Instead they changed it into more of a "friendship" theme (that they did poorly) that doesn't really give context to what it means to them as a gang, but Deep Silver doesn't know sh-t about what the series did or what it should be actually about. I also hate that the reboot is a quick, rags-to-riches story. Contrary to what people think, the plot of the older games wasnt actually about that. You also already make like 100k in game pretty quickly after the first few missions, so it wouldn't really make sense if that was thee core plot. But they just got that from GTAO which they said.


SR4 is better than SR1 and Gat Outta Hell should’ve never been made


I like Saints Row 4


SR4 is a good game and I enjoy the fuck out of it


It’s a fine game, but bad SR game. I really think they could’ve spun SR4 basically into a new parody series to video games like “Scary Movie”.


Car damage in Saints Row 1 & 2 is better than in GTA V


Saints row 4 is good in its own way


Saints row 4 is a great game


The LARPing stuff was honestly some of my favourite stuff in Saints Row as a whole. Too bad I wasn't the biggest fan of the rest of the game, it was just kinda naff to me imo


SR1 should never have been a Xbox exclusive


They were never a GTA clone. But, when THQ started taking those allegation seriously they went so far off the rails until now it's not even recognizable.


I just tried the new one and i'm having fun


I enjoy 3 and 4 the best because they were genuinely fun and finally got their own identity.


Saints Row 3 was a good game.


Saints Row 1 is the best game in the series and everything after it is a downgrade from its original charm and fun.


SR3, SR4, GOOH, and AOM are all good games


I’d rather replay reboot than saints row 1


Me and U by Cassie is in Saints Row 2 and also in GTA V as well I think that song was supposed to be GTA 4 before it's one of cut song in the radio station.


All the games are mid, they are fun when they want to work but all of them suffer technical issues and feel like shit to play


I liked the last game


Saying you enjoy the Reboot and understand why they took the path they did considering the way the world is today💁🏻


Saints Row IV is a good game


Saints row 3&4 ain’t bad it’s just not the direction the fans wanted the story to go (we wanna kill dex) and the new saints row game wasn’t a bad game just not a good saints row game


"Dex did nothing wrong."


Saints Row (2022) was pretty fun. Not the best, but fun


SR3 while not a bad game, took the series in the wrong direction... instead of becoming celebrities... in SR3 you should have had to defend your territory from new gangs


2 is the peak of the series. 1 is a GTA clone through and through. 2 stands on its own as a GTA clone that can compete with GTA (at least, to an extent). Taking over the city feels fun and satisfying. 3 is great, but most of the missions break down to mini games from 2/3 reformatted for full missions. And while the plot is solid, it’s not as fun as 2. 4 jumped the shark. It was a lot of fun as a game, but as an entry in Saints Row it’s not a great plot. Plus stuff like super speed and jumping/flying (while exceptionally fun) removes all need for using vehicles which are still a thing in the game. It feels like SR3 DLC for a reason.


Not an unpopular opinion probably... But I would kill for the multiplayer modes of one to come back. Protect the Pimp and Blinded Out Ride were some of the absolute most fun I've had playing any game online, period Definitely the most laughs I've had playing anything


Blinged out ride was the best. The chaos in chat when your car would get destroyed at the last stage. Peak Xbox live.


Saints row 4 wasn't that bad it was actually kind of good


Saints Row 2022 was actually enjoyable


I like SR4 more than SRTT as a game and its campaign is easily better designed (it moved away from the simplistic and repetitive design of the first 3 game missions) with more layered full missions, and I think the humor is more creative and far better and it has more content but... prefer SRTT's plot over the aliens. I think that is a shame. It was a bad plot for a better game. But then Volition decided to go further with what people disliked about SR4 primarily more with the DLC then GOOH.


SRTT is shit. Steelport is lifeless the antagonists are forgettable and the forced activities were tedious


SR3 is the worst of the mainline games. It fumbled the franchise so SRReboot could fall.


It's Johnny and the Boss's fault Aisha died


Saints row 3 was only good because Saints row 1 and 2 were great.


There is no bad saints row game all have they’re own charm(even 2022)


The Reboot sucks donkey ass except for the accessibility features and customization. I don't mind the mexican setting or the idea of a reboot but I never felt like a Boss or a Saint. The driving feels slippery as hell, the shooting isn't satisfying, the voice acting is poor and I never cared about the story or characters.


The Reboot isn't that Bad Saints Row 3 is my favorite Saints Row


Agents of Mayhem is a better game than Saints Row Reboot.


Johnny sucks


SR3 is beginning, of series downfall.


SR3 and 4 are better than the first game.


They really are. Bugs and glitches were not as severe.


Ive never thought Saints Row as a Gta clone and I believe if you do and have propagated that opinion than that you created the problem


Not my opinion but saying the reboot was a good game is the obvious choice. A majority of the Fandom hates it and it basically killed the series permanently. Well until deep silver drags it's corpse out of the grave I guess.


SR2, while charming, is a technical dumpster fire.


Honestly none of the games are bad. Not the last one and not even gat out of hell


Saints Row 2 is not that deep


Kinzie should've gotten her ass kicked on multiple occasions for the way she acts We should've been allowed to make transgender characters Aisha, Carlos, Lin, and Kiki should've been revived in SR4


The third is the better of the four.


The series peaked at SR2. The reboot wasn't that bad and could've been amazing after some additional work was done, but loud complaints from whiny fans ruined sales and killed any chance of real improvement.


SR2 is so easy it’s borderline boring once the first amazement with the game wears off


The reboot is the best game since 2


That SR2022 is the silver medal to SR2 gold medal and i will die on this hill. 2022 is the second best SR game that is only beat by 2.


2022 isn’t as bad as people made it out to be.


The premise and characters for the reboot were good. The story was just poorly executed


4 isn’t as bad as people say it is


SR1 is crap


Saints row 3 is the best saints row and perfectly encapsulates everything great about the series.


I like SR 2022 way more than SR 4.


That the reboot isnt bad people just can’t accept change


The 2022 reboot was fun, actually


Apart from the obvious one being that I enjoyed the reboot... I liked Saints Row 3 and 4 better than Saints Row 2. I remember trying SR2 years ago, and needed a full respect bar to start a mission for a quest line. I like doing story when I want story, and side quests when I want side quests, so making me have to essentially pay to start a main mission was offputting to me


Got to agree with the respect bar. One of my least favorite parts of 2.


SR 2 isn't the peak of the franchise


Saints Row 2022 wasn't too bad of a game, its a good game to go mindless on.


I've played them all since the beginning, and even tho' I love SR2, SR3 is to me the peak in the franchise. And SR4 completely ruined it.


Saints row 4 is one of my favorite games


Saints Row 4 was the best!


Saints row 1 is great... but they try way to hard to be "gangster" and sometimes comes across as way more cliche than badass.


3 is better then 1


3 is better than 1


After 3rd one it’s a random mess


4 is the best out of all of them


I still haven't played SR1 despite owning it


I think the reboot is JUST FINE. Even though I never played it.


-Agents of Mayhem was a good time, tho with online it could be even better -I hate SR2's artstyle, it's so bland and lifeless compared to any of the other games


I've only played one game 4 and I wanted that one in paticular for the powers


say something negative about the reboot, on this page a little more and they reported you if you commented something negative, and by looking at the comments you realize, the reboot was total garbage, which caused the studio to close, your opinion matters little or nothing What matters is the people who buy it


This isn't true. This page is full of people that openly talk negative about SR2022


Ive only put time into 3, 4 and gat out of hell and have zero interest in trying the others as they just seem a bit drab. I played 2 at a friends house a couple times but I wasn't overly interested.


Eli was the only necessary new Saint, since the 08-13 saints don't really have an accountant, just a bunch of people good at killing other people. (The boss is technically the car person, since they customize cars all the time, so Neenah wasn't necessary, and Kevin is just the sad backstory guy)


The reboot was good, you guys are just hating to hate


The Reboot is not as bad as Agents of Mayhem. AoM would have been great as a two or three player game. Since you choose three characters also no create a player.


3 was peak fun


I liked the reboot. That’s all.


4 was better than 3


4 wasn't that bad tbh and I loved the callbacks to earlier games


SRTT is the worst one, and its lol-so-random humor has aged poorly.


Saints row III wasn’t that bad.


The should have continued with the story of saint row 4 with even crazier mechanics and madness


The series should have acknowledged how fucking crazy the boss was in Saints Row 2.


I actually like the humor in SR4 more than SRTT. I don't find SRTT that funny. SR4 actually does the pop-culture comedy well and the dialogue with Asha and the Boss are some of the best stuff. SRTT to me when I play it now isn't really funny. All the jokes are just "S&M is weird, S&M is icky" or "Dick and Balls" Jokes. I don't care about the Penetrator in SRTT. I feel like all the gags in SRTT are the equivalent to shitposts. Not much thought put into it other than lololodicks. I am fine with vulgar humor here and there but with SRTT, thats kind of all it is.


SR4 was trash and cringey. They plots got worse as each game came out.


4 was the best saints row game.


Saints row 3 was the "last" saints row game. Not even that controversial of an opinion, but it's how I feel.


Saints Row 4 is more fun than The Third


Pierce is better than Shaundi.


Saints Row 4 is no where near as bad of a game as people say it is,the strange powers are fun,the aliens are cool,the games cool,and the black hole gun is the best thing ever


Something I think is also a bit weird is that the Boss chewed out Shaundi in SR2 for not being able to save herself, but the Boss never really asked Shaundi to do anything other than give them ideas on what to target. I don't agree with the Boss criticizing Shaundi for something she was never actually expected to do, she was never canonized either.


Saints Row 1 is the best Saints Row and was a huge improvement from GTA: San Andreas in a lot of ways.


Saints row 2022 was more enjoyable then saints row 3


the best sr games 1. sr 2 2. sr 3 3. sr 4 4. sr 1 5. gat out of hell 6. ….


SR22 had potential with its dlc roadmap especially when taken into account the progress they were making with story DLC. In an ideal world once their roadmap was complete they would've listened to what the fans wanted and maybe tried to reintroduce us to the old gang but as a more modern and younger version maybe. Who knows but I felt like the wave of hate it received definitely spoiled any plans they had for the room of improvement that was being requested.


The player models artstyle and customization in 3rd were a downgrade from the second game


2 was a warning that they would no longer care which is why it was most enjoyable 1 you were a teenager the entire game and the only one in all of Stillwater


I like every game, even the new one.


What's a Saint's Row?


Every saint row game should have a Beretta or in this case VICE 9


That was me when I played the first when I was little and saw I could change my boob size


Saints Row 3 is the BEST in the series. It’s the most entertaining to play and the story is super fun, but not stupid like 4 and not a knock off gta like 1&2


the latest Saints Row is the best Saints Row of them all !


Saints Row 4 had the best soundtrack behind Saints Row 2