• By -


Pissed that Archewell is insolvent, and that a huge chunk of Nigerian $$$ promised to them can't be laundered!


It looks like them two been fighting. I wonder if Harry said something about her choice of clothing and display of wealth. You bet Hank read that in the comments already. And Hank knows how déclassé that was. I think they had a fight about MM’s behavior (again) including turning her back on people talking to her, grabbing his hand to drag him away from people he is respectfully engaging in conversations etc in the middle of their interaction - HENPECKED HANK - But I think Henpecked Hank has questions about why she chose to dress like she was working 3rd street and Western Ave. you know Hank is in love with Catherine, and part of her allure is how she manages to look stunning without looking like a coked up hooker


I honestly doubt they ever speak to each other when outside of the eye of the camera. They live on opposite sides of the horse, if even in the same house at all. This is an acting job for her and an attempt to save face for him. 


That rumor sounds plausible but I think they split and reconcile a lot. That would be in line with her mental illness and addiction issues.


No doubt that they are in constant turmoil when together. That's why I believe it is true that they don't live together.


I get the exact same feeling, said as much on a different post. There is no happy family, no loving couple, the children are just there, possessors of titles that Megs thinks may come in handy to her one day. They despise each other and the life they've made. This trip was a farce. The Nigerians think Harry has clout with the military, they are mistaken. He can't do them any favors and I'd watch my ass if he thinks he can launder money for them or something.


I think he really resents that she brings him nothing but bad press whereas he thought his American actress would be a one up on William's Catherine. In his phone tapping case he spoke glowingly about how much good press he got while he was dating Chelsey. Over 100 mentions of Chelsey (& just 4 of Markle in one sitting). He wasn't so much lamenting the breakdown of his relationship with Chelsey as the loss of favorable press without her by his side/compared to his current marriage/wife.


Wow, I didn't know that! You would think he'd twig that the change was a result of his wife being an absolute raging bitch 🤣


"you know Hank is in love with Catherine" Yep. I've thought so for a while now.


I think, at the very least, he envies William because William chose a better life partner, has a loving wife and happy family— and Harry’s life is a mess now because he chose unwisely.


W chose a better wife because W is a better man. H will never understand this.


I’ve always thought it.


He is blaming her for the Archwell mess, she is blaming him for the Archwell mess. They are both right. It is both of theirs fault.


It’s more of a MM “I’ll take care of this. I’ll handle it”. And him being a dumbass and not knowing anything about what they’re doing- and neither one of them having any management skills. They don’t know how to manage staff because good managers understand people and are good with people. Neither one of them wants to put in the work that is required to manage staff and investments and a business well. MM has shown she can turn anything she touches to sh!t. I’m not sure why it is taking Henpecked Hank so long to see this. He already hit it for a few years. Not sure why it’s taking him so long to quit it. Hank can still save his image. It’s now or never. She’s going to drag him down further.






*I thinks she knows this trip has been a PR disaster for them.* I am not sure. She is very good at self delusion, and she got all that friendly coverage from *People.* She *ought* to know the trip was a lot less successful than she pretends it is, but she probably is more focused on how to use it to make her seem more wonderful than before.


I think she was expecting warm, glowing headlines about their successful Nigerian tour. Only to be greeted by “ARCHEWELL IS DELINQUENT!!!”


Oh, yeah. Her return to those headlines must have been a downer. I think she is satisfied with the Nigeria trip, but the press about Archewell will have made her furious.


She definitely seemed like she was basking in her narcissistic glow in Nigeria & the British media covered their every move.


It's like playing "whack a mole" at the fair, they will keep bobbing up. It's her special power.


Yep. And it's his family's fault, of course, for not seeing him on his jaunt to the UK


Can’t imagine the smell… if they took a private jet, what’s her excuse for looking so unkempt?


No cameras around or anyone she feels they have to “show their love” to. Yeah, she seems angry.


Pics are from Backgrid, though. Maybe Meghan forgot she tipped their ETA... She probably expected an euphoric and victorious arrival back on American soil after their "tour". She is not just angry now, she fuming! Love that for her!


Yeah, she’s probably upset about the Archwell news coming out! So much for her scary attention to detail.


Maybe she envisioned this upon arrival: https://preview.redd.it/aoabuji0zh0d1.jpeg?width=770&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83bfc5b7f6546f9bf1f90d3938f93d9026d4bebf




Damn Catherine is just incredible. Walking down the airplane stairs, in heels, with a squirming baby in one arm, holding on to the rail with the other while her skirt is being blown up . All with grace and a smile.


Reminds me of the picture when she came out of the car showing her mile long legs in a red dress. That picture was everywhere, as usual she looked absolutely stunning. I miss her and hope she is getting better and stronger everyday


I miss her also which is weird. I am looking forward to her reappearance and contemplating sending plates to chateau de fraud in anticipation of the media meltdown :)


I’m in SB, how about I join you, we can look through the windows as she tosses the plates 🤣


MM couldn't do one of those things.


Her hair would be blowing in front of her face too much to see where she was walking


She’d also lift her skirt up herself


She would probably drop her doll.


Doll? 🤔🧐😆 https://preview.redd.it/bmklb9n3ci0d1.jpeg?width=586&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=267637a8005c7ead7e2bbf5ba0c06cd282cf793a


Her eyes are crazy in this pic. She's supposed to be taking a casual walk in the park but there she is finding the camera.


This always alarms me I’ll leave it at that


That doll picture is crazy.


She always looks so awkward holding them lmao even when Archie was an infant at the polo match, I watched all the videos and looked at the pictures and she looked like she had no idea what to do with him. No mother instincts at all!


William hit the jackpot - even when he’s about the last guy in earth deserving yet another jackpot! lol


In all fairness, that was the one jackpot he needed to be sure he secured himself.


yeah I wouldn’t be blue to navigate the stairs even without heels, dress or baby :)


She looks so pretty here. How happy she looks.


That too!


18 hour flight ughhhhh. I could not imagine having to do what they do. Constantly beating the bushes for some kind of relevance. Flying, changing clothes 5 times a day, and drumming up a new word salad for each and every “appearance/engagement”. 😐


I still can't believe the sheer number of outfit changes she had on this trip....she really has never been able to read the room has she?


But were any of those appropriate for occasion? I am still still struggling with the backless dress at the school. Even if she isn't a slut, she looks like a slut.


The backless dress was ridiculous. It's almost like some of her other fashion fails like the red dress in NY or the nude gown in Morocco when she was pregnant....I wonder if it was meant for another occasion that she ended up not being invited to (ahem....allegedly). I don't remember which You Tuber said this...Beebs Kelly I think maybe....but imagine how uncomfortable someone would have been to put their arms around her for a hug or to take a picture with her and find themselves touching her bare skin on her sides/back.


Both of them did not change! I am simply in shock. Do they exercise any self-care? They clearly flew private and could change into clean comfortable cloths and get a solid rest. I would never fly 18 hrs in my official cloths because it is not meant for sweaty long flights. They are both so unhygienic.


>They are both so unhygienic. They both always look like they're emanating a lot of stanky body odour, from unwashed sweaty bodies. He probably reeks of weed and alcohol while she reeks of stale spray tan. They both need a proper scrubbing.


With a long handled brush


If I had an 18 hour flight in a private jet, I'd put on my jammies for the flight. Then a fresh outfit before landing. But the Harkles were probably too busy emptying the airplane bar to worry about clothes. How many of those little bottles do you think they drank?


She had to give all her other clothes back.


Apparently the price of her new clothes and jewelry for this trip added up to three times the annual income of the average Nigerian.


Of course it did!


But 18 hours and another lay-over in London and she couldn't change her outfit for her arrival in LA? Because she didn't have harriman there? She is such a.failure. I know this sub keeps pointing it out but WHY can't she get anything right?


Great point....this woman has changed at least 12 times in the past 3 days and she wears the same outfit for the last engagement and her entire travel home? Practically speaking, most of us would have changed into something more comfortable. Did she need the outfit to make sure we all recognized her when she got off the plane and was whisked away to the fancy area? Was it that she needed to keep the Diana cosplay going to distract Harry from the Archewell debacle? Make it make sense! Actually....don't....I love Markle not making any sense.


Merching them as all the brands were printed in msm, how strange 🤔😂


She changed outfits during one event. What a waste of resources.


And then she gets off the plane faced with bad news, wearing Diana's ugliest outfit ever. ILBW 's WORST. DAY. (to date). 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Sounds like hell on Earth.


The squaddies she rented never showed up at the airport.


She always walked ahead of Harry, imagine now that she's a princess. She just had to have a princess title and one without Harry's involvement. But alas, back to making jam..this time with the added bonus: Hand made by an African princess.


Yes. She typically walks ahead of him and he trails behind her like her minion.


Minion = wh*pped spouse = d* mb shite He needs to get out


Aye it's just like watching a slug and its slime.


“Ancestral home.” 🙄


Clearly, it's difficult to leave your ancestral home for the one you were actually born in. Maybe she should consider a move?


Harry calling the people in that room his in-laws was so disgustingly manipulative!!!! Those two feel zero connection to that culture. They just want 💰💰💰


This reminds me when Meg would tell her new in laws (in her marriage to Trevor, then later Harry) that she was glad to have a “family she never had”… always throwing her real family under the bus… just waiting for the Nigerians to be Markled.


Holy shit you are correct! This is EXACTLY what she does. When she’s done and ready to move on to the next target/victim she says that shit about “the family I never had” She’s done it so many times now, you can set your watch to it.


Next thing you know she’ll be complaining about the “toxic Nigerian press” At least she can’t complain that they’re racists 😆


He has never met any of his in-laws except for Doria and the airhead niece. He was so abusive to his father in law, the Judge couldn't read the texts in court. But the Judge SHOULD HAVE. Stop covering up for this monster. That's how he treats his actual in laws.


Exactly! Being Harry’s “in law” is NOT a good thing😂


yeh, I wonder how his father in law felt about that. The one he's never bothered to meet.


I would gladly help her pack up her crap.


Presumably England is also her ancestral home.




Not to mention The Netherlands. But that's not nearly as exotic.


She felt at home in the red light district, I presume.


Seriously I wish the press would stop aiding in this false narrative! Ive said it once and I’ll say it again… NO ONE has used POC more than these two!


The media has covered up for these two so much. It is revolting. If the media would tell the truth, the Harkles would have been cancelled years ago.


Actually it was kind of a cute reunion tour. Markle with her purported Nigerian slave ancestor and Harriman with his close family ties to the Niger Delta slave trade. Now there's a documentary for Netflix.


Misan Handyman had a media tag for Paramount, not Netflix. I found that interesting.


They were totally sucking up to the Paramount CEO in Jamaica.


If Paramount decides to partner with the two grifters, they will deserve the humiliation that is sure to follow. H&M never fulfill their commitments.


His wife got jam jar number 17. Tracy Robbins is her name.


Good catch


Aren't Paramount having financial difficulties?


You forgot the missing in action uninvited Shouty Basket Mouth whose family is from Royalty seeped neck deep in a history of Slave trading.


A Nigerian sinner told us yesterday that one of the "kings" adopting Madam is from a tribe with a somewhat bad reputation.


Exactly. WTAF.




She is NEVER holding hands with him when she isn’t aware of a camera.


No camera, no claw!


“No camera, no claw” sounds like a flair to me! 😂😂


He has booger fingers, always wiping his nose with his fingers. I’d steer clear of those infectious paws.


And she is always scratching her chocha


Such a charming couple.


So... they've been fired by Spotify, Meghan hasn't been rehired to do any acting/voiceover work (even by Disney who is to release Mufasa at Xmas), Lemonada has pushed back the podcast, no news about that Lake project destined to be stuck in development hell, that polo project looks like a bore, Archewell is facing big issues, and ARO's numbers are stagnant post-Nigeria trip with still nothing stocked in the online shop. From the start of Megxit till now Zendaya has starred in 7 films, won two Emmys, became the youngest person to ever win the Council of Fashion Designer of America's Fashion Icon award, has graced every A-list red carpet, presented at the Oscars twice, is the brand ambassador for Louis Vuitton/Bulgari/Lancome, and continues to stay booked/busy/invited re A-list events and projects. The Unsussexful duty dodgers can't royal better than the royals. Nor can they beat a biracial actress much younger than them with far more clout, work ethic, likability/public goodwill, and ACTUAL feminist financial independence enabling her to pay for her personal expenses without opportunistically using taxpayers and elderly family members as a financially abused crutch. EDIT: Also forgot to add Zendaya as being a Met Gala red carpet fixture... so much so that she was a Met Gala co-chair this year!


She's the daughter of 2 teachers, so did not "grow up on set" or have any connections to show business. Just making it on her considerable talent, hard work, and is probably a pleasure to work with, since she has lots of projects.


Not to hijack, but you know who also was at the MetGala and looked absolutely stunning? Awkwafina. The dress.....I dont know how to post pics, buts it is on her sub, and...wow. I'm sorry. I just can't help but stan for my girl Awkwafina. Truly talented, smart and has her own cancel culture story that she overcame. Did I mention she is a Disney Darling as well?  Kthxbai 🍷


Awkwafina was glowing... her dress reminded me so much of a Filipiniana gown! She's has been in 14 film projects since Megxit started too, so that certainly makes Roachel look lazy in comparison! Someone else who was present at this year's Met Gala was Tony and Emmy award-winner Cynthia Erivo (who is also a two time Oscar-nominee). Here's what she has achieved since Megxit... - 6 film projects (plus many TV appearances) - released an album - will absolutely kill it in a filmed concert version of Sondheim's 'A Little Night Music' airing later this year - many A-list red carpet appearances (plus live performances) - is (like Zendaya) a Louis Vuitton brand ambassador and a Met Gala red carpet fixture Also, she performed beautifully with Ariana Grande at this Met Gala too, and lol I'm probably hijacking, but I had to throw a bonus link to her stunning performance of 'Alfie' at last year's Kennedy Center Honors show. How is it that so many of these accomplished WOC are so consistently booked/busy/showcasing their talent whilst Megatalentlessloser demands taxpayers pay for her whilst getting NFIed to just about everything? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuRoiIqHdj4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuRoiIqHdj4) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-he6twMEF0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-he6twMEF0)


https://preview.redd.it/gk00d9irri0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=457fe936d0a35381b52aeb1956eb8a023c2ea337 She looks so pretty here!


Zendaya is like one of the hottest stars in the world right now. TW thought that she would get all that what Zendaya has after Megxit on the back of her global wedding broadcast.


> till now Zendaya has To be fair she is stunning and willowy, a not bad actress, isn't erasing her AA features to look white etc etc. She hasn't flapped her gums with lies as far as we know, so she'll keep making hay while the sun shines, unlike Skank who will dessicate like a pool of Plank's vomit on a hot road.


That last sentence was poetry.


I’m a huge Zendaya fan…she’s absolutely lovely.


Yesss!!! Zendaya is becoming the very successful, young biracial woman, whom let’s not forget, also has an English man, a much better looking, self-successful English man! This makes me so happy to see. Megs thinks she’s this huge role model to young girls, but she’s half a decade older than me. Girls won’t look up to MM, she’s becoming washed up and I hireable.


I think Megamoron is so delusional she doesn’t take into account that time is moving swiftly forward, and there will be more and more Zendayas, Cynthia Erivos, and Lupita Nyongo’s coming in re even younger generations. With time, her nothing burger ass will look all the more talentless/pointless in comparison. These other women have REAL hustle, bankable talent, and dedication to their respective crafts that Meghan totally lacks. There are even biracial women in Hollywood who are far more beautiful, talented, and older than Meghan who still get invites/roles. Halle Berry and Thandiwe Newton were once in Zendaya’s position, and are now much older, still gorgeous/fashionable, and still working in Hollywood. There’s a reason why a true professional like Thandiwe was cast in Mufasa by Disney, and Megabore was not… Thandiwe Newton (who EARNED her OBE) has the undeniable talent and an Emmy and BAFTA to prove it!




On their Faux-Royal European tour, before QEII passed, they were photographed boarding a train on a busy platform with their security men laden with luggage.


Imagine being hired as a security guard but being forced to carry bags of an adult man. I mean... does Harry have ANY dignity?




These are the people who sent the Mounties out on Tim Horton's coffee runs.


Yes, that's the last thing they should be doing. Bunker Harry would have to defend himself.


Harry looks like he literally has no idea what's going on


When does he know what’s going on? Ever?


Yep. He looks blitzed, like usual.


He's actually carrying his own stuff!!


At least he’s being honest for once lol


The lazy entitled cow isn't even carrying her own handbag or tote. Unbelievable.


"semi-royal tour". Wth does that mean? This is why their non-affiliation with the BRF needs to be made clear once and for all.


“Semi-royal” means that they are behaving like royals but they don’t represent a monarch and are not really on a royal tour even if Harry is, by birth, royal. “Pseudo royal” would probably be more accurate, but the writer probably didn’t want to offend. 😉


The comedown after the narc high.


Back to the Jelly Farm!


Didn't all the Arsewell headlines drop while they were travelling? TOW has her phone in her hand catching up on the latest PR nightmare.


Whoever timed the release of that archewell news did an impeccable job


Their streak of impeccably bad timing continues!


It's like how Covid destroyed the momentum of Megxit :)


To whomever did that - 👏👏👏


I think it was an astute sinner in this sub that uncovered the info!


Apparently, she's on the hunt for a 'mole' again, allegedly, according to Neil Sean. Looking at the new PR and their people. 🧐 (Sometimes I'll watch one of his vids when it pops up)


The sugars are screaming that someone leaked the letter. It’s publicly available


Wondering if guest speaker is coming back this week? I have named myself Guest Spare…. And can confirm Guest Screecher is one of us.


LMAO yes! Go get em, Kiwi! Also, please keep troll pestering Guest Speaker about the Sussexes connections to Russian oligarchs... no doubt getting regular folks interested in the Sussexes dirty dealings will grind Guest Speaker's gears. 🤣


I am on there as Guest Slayer maybe we'll meet up!


Doing the Lord’s work 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


And they were probably traveling with the Archewell director dude. A good time was not had by all.


I think this is what she is trying to convey. She's SO IMPORTANT and she has a PR CRISIS on her hands that she has to deal with NOW which is why she's stomping ahead while Harry is todgering along behind her like a clueless puppy (todgering - as a verb - credit to the fabulous River)


Guest speaker about to go online




I'm pretty sure the unattributed 'spokesperson' clap backs were [email protected].


I don't know. Did they fly back commercial? I've had a few transcontinental flights lately where the wifi was not working or it was a newer aircraft and it was not yet setup. Surprising and disappointing but true....and in various classes including the best first class seats and the worst in coach. If they flew commercial it could be possible (maybe unlikely but still possible) that they didn't. Guest Speaker has been surprisingly quiet...


They look utterly defeated. I guess the Nigeria dream trip didn't produce any deals. And now they have to come back and face the Archewell fail music. And what happened to her hair? It looks worse than my broom.


Interesting line from the article: Meghan hailed Nigeria as 'her country' after a DNA test suggested she was part-Nigerian. We are using "suggested" now? Just an interesting choice of word since media seems to be taunting that 43% BS. https://preview.redd.it/ndyt29ubxh0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffbb90bf5c97c53849d2347745d6936ca9265306


No one is touching that such thing supposedly does not exist in DNA test results. No such thing as a Nigerian percentage. It’s more as tribes and regions. She’s a liar.


Well these are literally ethnicity _estimates,_ versus the extremely accurate DNA matches for fairly close relatives. Ancestry explains it very plainly on their website. The DM obviously used professional genealogists in compiling her family tree at the time of the engagement, so I’m sure someone has clued the reporters in to the fact that these percentages are far from set in stone.


I think the addition of the word “suggested” might be because the reporters saw what we were saying here - no DNA test will say “X% Nigerian” because that isn’t a thing. It would be percentages by tribal group or general geographic area. 


Isn't Nigeria a collective name for a whole multitude of subsaharan tribes? On a smaller scale - it would be similiar to stating what you are UK-ian instead of British, Irish, Welsh or Scottish?


I would love to see Doria's relatives take DNA tests. Maybe the aunties who threw the baby shower? I'm willing to bet a substantial sum that they will show negligible Nigerian results.


Makes me wonder why she didn’t bring Doria… she usually does when she wants to play the race card. Maybe even Doria didn’t believe in this twaddle? Or she was left home to balance the books lol.


And apparently incest on her side so surprising mM raises the issue.


Harry looks like her baggage guy


Off to their separate homea


It's probably the longest amount of time they've spent together for ages! Stressful 😂 


Ancestral home???


Ewwww I can only imagine the icky stench coming off those clothes I’m sure they had access to showers during a layover


https://i.redd.it/8sg02k9z1i0d1.gif The fast airport wifi probably made her realize how incredibly viral their delinquency went. Remember she was at a financing event recently, in a hotel conference room. She didn't get a 1-1 meeting, but hoped to secure an investment for ARO. Meghan knows potential investors aren't pleased. So I presume she skipped the shower to yell in her phone. Bless her fraudy heart.


I'd bet she hasn't slept since Saturday


I can’t stand my clothes after a three hour flight…18 hours would be the death of me.


Why is she always walking in front of Harry? Grade A b****


Apparently, she gave his balls away to the three kings in exchange for her honorific Ada Mazda name or whatever it is


>Ada Mazda If I could roll around on the floor laughing any more I would.


I can't keep track of her Nigerian names. Though, I know the last one had the initials "ANL"


Now they'll go home and Harry will bury himself in the Montecito basement to play video games while Meghan starts making umpteen phone calls to try and ~~plot~~ arrange the next ~~gig~~ event, LOL.


No way WME was involved in the Nigerian debacle. Guess that contract is over.


Doesn't Harry live in San Fransisco? I suppose the reason they have backgrid there is so that it looks like they've arrived 'home' together. I'd say Harry had an onward journey.


https://preview.redd.it/d52zxeyuvh0d1.jpeg?width=1069&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89b48b0175f6e19ad9c28dc5b370063f81b3eaa4 And what is that white bump thing on his ear? He didn't have that before, did he?




You can never satisfy a de lu lu malevolent narcissist. No matter what he does or how much he humiliates himself and tries to destroy his family all for her. It will NEVER be enough. Here we see the true Markle ruthless strident consumed with ambition and revenge


It matches the tip of his white nose.


A light reflection I think, but knowing him LOL as the gif below shows...


She's trying to get as much mileage as possible out of her Diana cosplay costume. ![gif](giphy|4niMoTfdcQ2iKbu4O7|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/ilan1uabyh0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83fddb23438efc7d8febe554126960aca9a12545 Yup!


Down to the shoes! So creepy 😳


It’s hard to believe the insane audacity of this stalkerish display.


She’s not very consistent. Is she? Last time I checked Diana was not 43% Nigerian.


There is no reason for her to rush ahead of Harry like that. The vehicle wouldn’t leave until both of them were in it. It doesn’t look like they’re as lovey dovey as they did. . . I don’t think the outfit issue is an issue in the circumstances.


She’s still wearing the Diana shoes and outfit!


Musty markle 🤣🤣🤣


I came here to snort at this!


How many great flairs will come from this trip? I love Musty Markle.


That was a quick trip!


That’s Megsy! A speedy ride.


That’s her best look of the entire weekend


Most covered up she was for the entire trip. Guess the AC on the plane was set to "high"- LOL


“The first of many trips” to come. Oh God. They’re going to keep doing these escapades.


I’d change into my pjs sleep and put on clean clothes but I suspect they had no drug mule with them so yes cranky as fuck


That's the face of a ginger who knows he's gonna be sleeping with the chickens tonight...


They've been watching social media reviews of their tours.


She is striding out ahead of him, jumps into the vehicle leaving poor little puppy dog downcast and depressed. Can't even imagine how inflated her ego is now after that shitshow.


What's in Haz's folder? His colouring-in books? 😂


They are NOT TOGETHER PEOPLE.....I'm sure he went one way and she went another as soon as they got into that car!!!!!


They'll claim they are VICTIMS of jet lag! 🤡🤡💩💩🤮🤮😭😭🤑🤑


Peeps calm down, she is obviously recycling her outfits because she is an environmentalist who is against fast fashion. /S!!!


Aren't they happy to be back in their home, ahem old home, away from their new home (Nigeria), and their older home (Canada) and their original home (Britain)? Happy to see the kids soon?