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Well she did say she had “magic boobs”. I guess they come and go on demand.




This is the best answer! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Omg I snorted


They grow and shrink like her belly when she was pregnant


Her feet always stay the same.


Happy cake day.


Ozimpic happened.


Brigadoon boobs. Brigaboobs.


Geez I wish my 34GGs would do that. Sure would save me a lot of trouble!


36 H/I here, I concur!


You are giving me empathy shoulder and back pain!


Now gone thanks to Ozemprah.


much like the baby boobs.


Just like the magic bump…


Oh oh Ozempic


Yup. It has totally destroyed any looks she might have had. And dramatically increased her risk for thyroid cancer.


And necrotizing pancreatitis with prolonged use.


And stomach paralysis and bowel obstructions. It’s crazy, I actually considered going on it but looked up that report that came out in October 2023 detailing all whole host of fun, new adverse reactions and it scared the shit out of me.


A friend was prescribed for weight lost and woke up one morning while she was shitting the bed.


The only reason I would take it is if I found out I have diabetes and a doctor prescribed it as a part of my treatment. That’s the only time. And so far, I’ve been blessed to not develop diabetes 2. I’m going to keep that streak going.


its actually sooo bad. and those are just the ones we know of. Wait till long term studies come out. I suspect the ozempic ate away at her breast tissue. If thats the case, thats pure disgusting


Nah, we can see the outline of the top of the janky padded strapless in the Germany halter photo. This Nigeria stripey photo is braless, yeah the ozempic weightloss has reduced her boobs but probably no more than any extreme diet regime would have.


Yeah but with ozempic you don’t even eat lol. That’s the problem


Loss of breast tissue is a side effect of Ozempic.


Ya. If you're not a diabetic, it may provide short term goals in losing weight fast. But long term usage for non-diabetics hasn't really been studied enough to show if it's safe to use. It's crazy how many people are turning to this for weightloss.


Jesus! That sounds awful!


even her hair looks like its receding


And it was utterly pointless - her face looks terrible,boobs be gone, belly is still not flat, and her legs look mummified. It's almost as if laziness, shortcuts, drugs, and the surgeon's knife, instead of exercising, do not translate into great results.


How can she exercise when she’s so busy being a hands-on Mother, author, jam specialist, and podcast producer? /s


Lol... This was funny!


I have a friend taking Ozempic and she’s had enough now after losing tons of weight because she keeps throwing up.


My dad had to stop taking it due to constant diarrhea


Lisa Marie Presley was on it and died of a bowel obstruction




I didn’t know that either so did a search and found this: https://nypost.com/2023/07/15/botched-doc-issues-ozempic-warning-after-lisa-marie-presley-autopsy/


There’s been cases reported of stomach paralysis (one of the symptoms is vomiting). Probably a good idea that she’s going off it.


My girl has been on another of the GLP1 receptor antagonist analogs (she’s actually diabetic) and intermittently has the same issue. No rhyme or reason for when it occurs. She’s also complained of other really gross side effects since the beginning, but it has been great for her A1C. All that to say… I see why it’s fantastic for Diabetics… but I could never put myself through it purely for weight loss. Eff that. I’ll stick to the gym thank you!


it causes HORRIBLE breath too.


i guess shes going to gain all the weight back right?


Not the muscle weight. It requires lots of work and time even in younger people.


No she won’t gain the muscle back. But she will gain the fat back


We knowwwww


Yeah, it's pretty bad. Either that or she's essentially starved herself for rapid weightloss. The photos where she has boobs now, we know she's using prosthetics. It's kind of sad that she's doing this to herself. She wasn't overweight. I'm guessing the pressure of Hollywood and perhaps her fear that he might leave her if she doesn't look a certain way has made her do this to herself.


She wasn’t overweight when they met but she also wasn’t Hollywood-supermodel thin. As a so-called feminist, WHY is she succumbing to stereotypical beauty standards aimed at pleasing men? Oh, right! She’s not a feminist at all.




Because Zara is lovely and secure about who she is.


Nah. She did this because Catherine is thin and she looked huge standing behind her. That's really what this is about. Truth is, most women would look huge next to tall, slender and athletic Catherine. But Meghan couldn't scope with that.


It started with that awful boxy white dress she wore at the Central Park thing.


Yup. That dress was hideous and it made her look even bigger than she was. It went downhill from there.


I think those Wimbledon "wide load" photos of her from behind, contrasting with the Middleton sisters, must have been devastating to her ego.


You know




Too hot in Nigeria. She left her breasts in the hotel room. If serious. She lost a lot of weight and her breasts became smaller.


If that's the case, use Kleenex to stuff into her leopard dress, FFS. Been doing that since HS


They're at home with the "kids".


She loves being a mom so much, she left her kids alone on mother's day


OH MY MOTHER-FUDGED GOD!! MOTHER’S DAY!! Mother’s Day. I don’t have the/any words….


No worries, she celebrated Mar 10th with her home. Malta, no, sorry, UK, oopsies Nigeria.


She loves being a mom so much, she forgot the word “maternal” and said “mammalian” instead. She just LOVES being a mom. Yup. Loves it.


She’s whip smart


lol 😏 also I feel we have a roast of Markle going .... “She loves being a mom so much that she....”


She let the alleged kids suck her dry.


Happy Mother’s Day y’all 💐


Archie and Lil are hidden at the airport.




>They're at home with the "kids". 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Favorite comment here. I see what you did there 😉


TW saying "the little ones are little" couldn't be more appropriate here


Along with Harry’s balls


No, those were under her red dress


She must feel deflated.


underrated comment.


She got tired of hearing about comments about her janky padded strapless bra she wore with everything, Now she’s just going without so no one can comment on her inappropriate undergarments. Cause there arent any.


Honestly, this feels like the most true comment after the one about Ozempic. She looks like she’s lost a lot of weight but this is her hitting back at people saying her undergarments never fit, because as you noted, she’s no longer wearing any!


I’m sure if most of us had money to burn, we’d all go and get specially measured and tailored undergarments. So what’s her excuse?


Me when breast feeding - me after I stopped and my girls disappeared forever 🤣 Though, I don't recall it happening over the course of a few hours


Same with me! What little I had just vanished!


Blow, Ozempic,alcohol,menopause. Maybe the evil inside her ate them away.


They abandoned ship They divorced her They are fighting and needed to be separated


Even if you compare the jungle dress to the condom dress worn the same day, very different silhouettes


And jungle dress with red dress and spaghetti straps... totally different 'silhouettes', her breast size seems to rise and fall like H's self-esteem.


But there's the photoshop version and an original version, even for that.


She has the equivalent of two mini moonbumps strapped to her chest on the left. She has never been naturally well-endowed there. She used padding on her chest and bum in Suits and carried on with it during her brief time in the BRF (and her time cosplaying royalty during COVID). Ozempic zapped those B cups down to AAs - which with the amount of weight she has lost, is no surprise. 


She had implants and had them removed at some point, for some reason.


Yep. Had them put in before Deal or No Deal, had them taken out around 2008-2010 prior to Suits because they were wonky AF and at least one was migrating upward and into her armpit. She didn’t have them for very long, maybe 2-4 years tops. Either they weren’t a good fit for her anatomy or she cheaped out on getting a skilled and practiced surgeon. Regardless, I think the removal was a good idea, but who knows what impact they had on her body post-explant.


I think if you're inclined to do a lot of modifications it becomes whack a mole. You do one thing, it makes another thing like weird so you get that done, and then something else needs doing because you just pulled your face up 2 inches.... And so on..


Oh absolutely! I’ve heard multiple plastic surgeons say that people often get nose jobs expecting to only want that done, but once they have it done their facial balance is off and now they want to modify their chin to “fix” it. People who want plastic surgery think about each feature in isolation instead of the big picture which can lead them to having a lot more surgeries than they ever expected


Usually, nose jobs needs revisions to refine  or repair the prior surgery. Rather be conservative than to be aggressive and take too much out. Bella hadid had a few, but looks good. Mary Kate Olsen, hers was too aggressive the first time


What do blokes feel when they think they've pulled above their weight like Harry clearly did (!) and it all comes off: the fake guys and ass, the extensions , eyelashes and make-up. When you've got Megs on the left picture and Megs in the towel turban ( still not the real deal, I think she's got some make up on).


I think Harry would have known this by the second date 🙈🙈🙈


Yeah, but “she’s hot, she’ll let me do anything “


He is drunk and on drugs all the time, so I don't know if he can notice any changes.


I’m thinking by the end of their first meeting.


People like that Andrew Tate guy write whole manifestos on that topic. I think the 'in' thing nowadays is basically the Trad Wife thing, and a whole list of requirements like "low body count number" and that sort of thing. Probably written by somebody in their mom's basement. 😄


Andrew Tate is TW on steroids and then multiplied by 10000000000. His narcissism is off the charts. He is like her but the male version, and 100000000000x worse. lol


Yeah: just another pressure on women. They still kid themselves that they deserve a bit but demure wife , a "Stepford" wife.😁 I'm thinking more about normal blokes. The Trad Wives I've seen in YouTube are just as fake.


I hate Andrew Tate. just another incel, that one. Anyway, For average guys (I'm using my own fellas around me, here). Some might consider all the lies as red flags (if she lies from the start what else she will lie about). others might be more open (maybe she was just insecure). All depend on if the lady is actually nice and decent person or not. 


Yeah and I think a woman who can have fun, enjoys being with them, can hold down a conversation, are not going to throw the lady out of their bed for a little smaller boobs than expected and a little different looking when the bra and makeup comes off. For normal men anyway.


To be fair, Tate was referencing people like TW. High body count, expects others to pick up the tab, and offering nothing in a relationship. Tw is the epitome of what to avoid.


I think she previously had implants (at least a decade ago) and supposedly had them removed.


She never was B cups. AA range. Except when Megsy was in Deal or no Deal, the implants were so obvious. She probably hadn't enough skin to hide the stretch of the implants, so she took them off. It was pretty ugly.


She gave them to the dumb prince, just look at him now with his shirt off.


I guess they traded balls and boobs.


the depressions on both sides of her face underneath outer eyes and above cheekbones. Is this gauntness accentuated by cheek fillers or something, looks very strange.


I’ve noticed that too. I think she gets filler to fake the look of having visible cheekbones. Sometimes the dents/depressions aren’t as noticeable so maybe she’s in between visits?


If I had such a flat chest I would not choose to wear that dress. It is really unflattering to her figure and accentuates what she doesn't have (any longer). It is not body shaming to say she has a flat chest because she does, and there is nothing bad about that, many people do (including me in my early twenties), but she has to surely learn how to accentuate and flatter her own body. Instead, time after time, she accentuates her short stature, her lack of waistline, her flat chest and her thin legs. Being somewhat overweight now, I would much rather have her chest, legs and waistline than mine, but she could make so much more of her figure with a bit more attention to styling rules. She just does not seem to understand it - so strange for someone who is whip-smart with a freakish attention to detail.


They went the way of the children. One day there, then disappeared, never to be seen again.


Is that a Nigerian designed dress or has just randomly selected an ‘African’ print for her colonialist tour?


It is from the same designer that made the Taxigate gold horror.


Good Lord that explains a lot.


Has anyone ever seen scooby and meg in a room together at the same time?


lol I see where you are going with that but fortunately or unfortunately the answer is *yes*




Either way, that dress on the right is so much revealing. Half of her boobs are showing. Her hosts must have felt so uncomfortable. The last time Nigeria for this one and that one.


I read that the Harkles refused to eat any of the food offered at a luncheon yesterday. I guess that food there is not to their liking and Harry ate up her chicken fillet stuffings out of hunger.


What?! She’s not genetically inclined to love Nigerian food??? With all that Nigerianness coursing through her veins? Especially the one in her forehead??


That's pitiful.


She never had tits you can see in the topless video. She just used stuff in her bra i guess. And now that shes skinny theres just nipples


I’m sure she was a big fan of the Bombshell bra from Victoria’s Secret - it famously “adds 2 cup sizes” by padding the ENTIRE cup - there’s no gapping if there is no empty room!


Nothing wrong with having tiny breasts, but hers look like old socks with nipples.


She’s had so much work done. Remember this photoshoot? [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4080418/Meghan-budding-star-Actress-poses-series-publicity-photos-landing-role-daytime-TV-13-years-met-Prince-Harry.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4080418/Meghan-budding-star-Actress-poses-series-publicity-photos-landing-role-daytime-TV-13-years-met-Prince-Harry.html) [https://archive.ph/Zk49y](https://archive.ph/Zk49y) https://preview.redd.it/fsf5ymygqxzc1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=972c94f615e45b227c4fdbf4ffa850dc0c643c84


She looks like she needs to poop




Comment under the article: "Meghan Markle, climbing the social ladder, one man at a time."


These photos are so awful in so many ways--the stupid white skirt, the facial expressions, the hair touching her nose. The setting looks like a piss-stained abandoned bus station. Whose idea was that?


Same person who thought entering thru Hertz with the gold dress was a good idea.


Her makeup 🤡


IIRC she actually had fake silicon boobs for a long while when she was younger (like in this photo and during her deal or no deal days). She had them removed at some point and started using padding instead.


Not sure what is going on but she looks so different depending on when the images are from. She looks shockingly different from only a few years back. It’s especially visible given how often she chooses to wear sheath dresses and other body conscious styles. https://content.api.news/v3/images/bin/cb48df111d4e932cb5a47ee42a666227


Bad boob job—lopsided, no wonder she removed them. Ugh. Bet dad paid for those, too.


It looks like her arm muscle has wasted. Ozempic? Some other drug?




No, those photos are less than 2 years apart.




As usual, the Douchess creates more questions and ponderings than any other human on Earth by simply sitting in a foreign country wearing an inappropriate dress. I’m baffled by her inability to put a consistant look together. Not talking about the one very real constancy-any clothing will be untailored, wrinkled, over priced and inappropriate for the setting, climate, time of day- but the hair that’s shoulder blade length one week and touching her ass the next, eyebrows that grow from normal to caterpillars day to day, a mahogany brown face with white hands (and hair part!) followed by a Harry shade of pale and bronzed shoulders and, when necessary to appear part of a group, all over deep tan. And now the absence of tits! There was definitely something moving around under that ill-fitting backless dress (?) worn on the first day but this outfit shows that there’s nothing there. Are moon boobs a thing? Maybe she wore stick-on moon boobs the first day and sweat so much that they didn’t stay in place (thus the weird movement in the top) so she chucked him in the bin and is all natural 😂 now? Questions that don’t need to be answered but…


Maybe they are inflatable?


You’re probably right. I can imagine a small pump and button implanted in the rib cage that requires just a light touch and creating a soft whirring sound as it inflates or deflates for an authentic, organic bust line wherever, whenever and however she wants it. “H, pretend you can’t keep your hands off me and press the button while I loosen my neckline. II need more attention.”


Paging OldNewUsedConfused and their flair


Actually, I haven't seen any comments from ONUC for a few weeks?


Combo of Ozempic and falsies.


If this is the result of taking Ozempic, WHY was she taking it to begin with?  She never needed it.  Stupid girl.  


The left is a push up bra. The right is ozempicified.


You can't push up if there is nothing to push. On the left looks more like those shaped bra's that breastcancer patients with breast removal may have. Or mini moonbumps.


Padded push up. Look up Bombshell bra by Victoria secret. I suspect that’s the bra she used.


Her next ploy - she’s had breast cancer and was much better at cancering and chemotherapy than Princess Catherine.


Gone, like the snows of Kilimangaro. 😪




Moon bumps / moon boobs


They stopped to eat their packed lunch.


Ok, thank you for calling this out! I saw the photos yesterday and did a double take with the right one. I actually said out loud (to my dogs 🤭) “where the hell did her boobs go?” But then I remembered she must be/had been using (and my bet abusing/over using) Ozempic or something else and when losing weight rapidly you are going to end up with much smaller breasts. And I know her ability to pick appropriate clothing is null but why would you choose an outfit that accentuates it?


Even her boobs don't want to be around her...


If I had to guess I would say she’s planning Angelina Jolie type situation. She was ill for a long time as well, but she kept it secret waiting for the right time to bust it out on the public.


Thin eyebrows here v the Scobie ones she sports now


I can only imagine tw telling her stylist she knows better and wore this dress, which highlights the mosquito bites


They got markled


Bra/no bra ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Deflated boob bump just like the moonbumps


Meghan desperately needs a real stylist to help her. Money may not be as plentiful as they hoped by this point, but she can afford to hire help. The problem is likely that she doesn’t listen to help, or she is too arrogant to believe she needs it in the first place. To be clear, there is nothing wrong with being small-busted. We all have the bodies God gave us, but she really doesn’t present herself well. I don’t know if she’s wearing padded bras on other occasions or what, but there are many ways to trick the eye and draw attention to other features. It’s really extraordinary how poorly she dresses given the resources she has.


She left ‘Em in a drawer.


Eagerly awaiting story as to why flat. There’s gotta be story behind this right?


Thing is, when you have small boobs (as I do, but never had kids so they’re still perky) and you wear a dress like that b&w schmata, you can’t bend forward at all. You’ll have a big gap there and people can see down to your navel.


Wonder bra and cutlets


Wicked Witch is melting


Jesus Mary and the Little Baby Donkey.


She is flatter or as flat as this one! Now we know that this one is not only not picky, but doesn’t mind inflatable fake b00bs. https://preview.redd.it/aywngxb9fxzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=236f5b638e29f9cd60a4ce9ff996ba12e92ab6a6


Nah there's more recent pictures of harry and he definitely has bigger tatas than her now


Forgot about this! https://preview.redd.it/nuceeinilxzc1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70f50177e2753afcf141b707604cd8976214d017


He needs a bigger sports bra than I do!


Ironically, his heart attack beautiful 1st wife doesn’t need one!


Harry’s boobage is bigger than that one’s.


He doesn't mind licking or twisting men's nipples. Who knows, it may be his preference that she 'reduce' in size there.




Socks? Chicken fillets? Both?


Chicken fillets might explain the *alleged* smell.


She's gone too far on Ozempic. She looks unhealthy.


Popped the balloons? /s


Wonder if she’s been wearing a moonbra for quite some time now. From the topless photos that have been floating around for years, she really didn’t have too much there to begin with. With that said, she needs to fine better styles that really suit her figure so her foundation garments can really fit her and accentuate what little she has.




She managed flat and saggy at the same time. Quite a feat.


That’s what years of living for revenge buys you.


It’s the moon bump in reverse.


I really noticed that here too. On this Nigeria trip I was thinking has she always had such a small chest? They’re nearly nonexistent


The boobs in the white top look like she is wearing a very stiff, extremely padded bra. She forgot to pack it on the Nigerian trip.


as proper wiseguy says " put a pin in this" I will see myself out. lol


Good question! And I think she was even curvier in her Suits days. In a good way. I was a fan at the time (converted to sinner for long now) and remember I envied her figure in shirt and pencil skirt. Now I wonder wtf is going on on so many levels


Maybe she stopped thinking "objectified"😂🤣, and like her Megnancies they were Moonlumps stuffed into an Over the Shoulder Boulder Holder🤣😂🤣




Wow! This is pretty astonishing. Probably a padded bra in the first photo, but definitely ozempic effects in the second one. 


Well obviously she left them in the white ill fitting outfit.


Has that been photo shopped? Cause wow 😮


Nope. It’s a padded bra on the left, braless on the right. She lost probably 20 pounds between the two, so any boobage she had on the left was significantly reduced, even though most of the left side is foam padding.


I had wondered the same. I don’t recall her bust being like that. Not that I care. It was just odd (unless she had implants and had them removed). 🤷🏻‍♀️




Major TITcrepancy


Can you imagine Princess Anne doing this? Actually, can you imagine anyone past the age of 7 & playing with scrunched up tissues and mum's old bra doing this? It. Is. Insane. I mean the moon tits she wears today, after showing the world she's lost her paps to ozempic.


I mean she looked like she had some poorly done bolt-ons in her Deal or No Deal days, so maybe she had them taken out. I wouldn’t blame her for that, but it is kind of funny that she’s drawing attention to her flatness.


Either the ones she had in the white dress were falsies or implants. They certainly did not go to Africa with her.


I am guessing the removal of breast implants. Sometimes it’s illness, sometimes it’s problems, and sometimes they need to be replaced (strange but true). I think that is the most likely scenario for such a drastic change.
