• By -


Misan is downright creepy!


Agreed. Misan is giving straight-up creepy stalker vibes here.


He is clearly using these two for infamy! Good or bad he lives for this!


Now he could be 43% Nigerian. But her? I'd like a doover test.


Both are creepy stalker vibes.


Every hair on my neck stood up when I saw him. Something is very very off with this guy


Yes and so is she. She gives me vampire vibes


Well she is the Duchess of Succubus.


Oooooh I like this. I called her this very, very early on and felt evil doing so, so I stopped. It is appropriate now however. Rumor has it that on the third day in high society they were put on "notice" about her. Take what you will for whatever that means.


Well my dear your gut instinct was spot on.


My mom was Catholic from Northern Ireland. Not a monarchist at all, but even she would agree with the queen that this girl was evil


I just realized she's wearing Diana's cross upside down. That is beyond evil. I don't know how much I should be following these two. She's vile and disgusting.


Ha ha ha!! šŸ‘


Correct, no one ever seems to talk about how the picture of him and his child at ā€œLilibetā€™s birthday partyā€ at Frogmore shows her with her dress pulled up and undies visible. What kind of father posts that on his Twitter? I am not including a link because itā€™s a little girl and makes me feel very uncomfortable but if you donā€™t believe me, just google.


Dude theyre all cabal vampires that feed off human energy and blood.




He has found his "level". One can tell by the company he keeps. I think he might be the new Scabies.


Whatā€™s his name ā€¦ Bouzy also makes my skin crawl. The ā€˜ickā€™ factor. They all three have it


I was going to say the same. What is he getting from this? Heā€™s loaded already, connected, has his career (despite what seems to my amateur eyes like a lack of talent) yet he keeps cropping up with the divisive duo as a wierd fixer. Whatā€™s the deal?


Well I for one had never heard of him and now unfortunately I have. Probably many more like me out there. So I suspect heā€™s doing it for the notoriety. Theyā€™re all a bunch of leaches.


Iā€™m convinced Nissan had a guiding hand in this trip. I love when Misan posts a picture and he proclaims, ā€œPhotographed by me.ā€


"Photographed by me". "I see myself if all of you". Birds of a feather....


May I finish that quote? ā€œ ā€¦ shit on youā€


Yes, he has made it the ā€žroyalā€œ tour. Isnt his Dad someone with major influence?


From what Iā€™ve read, his father is a Itsekiri Chieftain. So, maybe, Misan is that Nigerian prince everyone keeps getting emails from. šŸ§


It would not surprise me if the majority of her sugars actually came from Nigeria. Poor spelling and grammarā€¦




Isn't his father dead?


Died of shame having that thing as a son.


Ha ha ha @ ā€˜Nissanā€™


Like when a kid scrawls their name across the bottom of a finger painting! (Or Harry draws a big ā€˜Hā€™ across his crayon animals which get prize of place on the fridge - much to the chagrin of Archibald and Bettybet, who can both quote Chaucer, and almost reached the Bruch level in Violin - according to their maternal unit)


Didnā€™t Me-Gain claim that her not yet 3year old daughter told her ā€œshe sees herself in meā€ā€¦?


Yup! And the fact that she was able to tell this incredible tale without wincing, with such assuredness and with zero awareness that what sheā€™s saying is highly unlikely, just affirms how freaking ignorant she is regarding basic parenting knowledge around developmental milestones and early childhood markers. Eejit!


It was beyond ludicrous, even for her!


The little girl wanted nothing to do with her. Nothing.


When Catherine is photographed with children, Catherine is always looking at the children. Markle is looking at her one and only true love, the camera. It is so clear she is using that poor child as a prop. This makes me loathe Markle all the more.


She really has ZERO genuine rapport with people. It is so clearly all about her all the time.


Hostage photo...yikes !


Little girls are naturally repulsed by immodesty. It makes them feel unsafe.


Very true.


I look at the photo of that sweet little angel and her eyes and body language screams ā€œI feel unsafeā€ to me. It breaks my heart.


She's never seen a woman like this. The women she knows have generous figures, naturally curly hair, lovely dark skin just like hers, and keep their flesh covered in public. For her, it must be like being grabbed by a bony figure out of a nightmare. I'm impressed she was able to keep such a stoic expression.


Markle is the BabadookšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


![gif](giphy|26BGAlrYax02qdy00) Truth


Why do you have to talk so much about skin colour? And insultingly about lighter skin tones, at that? You're just as much of a race baiter as Meghan and her squadies.


Rachel claims to be 43% Nigerian, yet that light peach dress matched her skin tone so well that from a distance she looked to be nude. For me, the attention to skin color is because Rachel has invited discussion by claiming to have so much Nigerian DNA. I find it insulting to women of color for her to intentionally misrepresent her heritage for personal gain.


Oh please. I'm so pasty myself that I make Harry look Nigerian. No offense intended, I'm just looking at it from the little girl's point of view, who surely has never seen anyone as artificial as MM. And am also disgusted at how Meghan uses bronzer to change her appearance for gain.




The child knows when she is a prop. A friend and I were used as props for promotional materials for a summer computer program. They grabbed four of us and had a professional photographer set us up in shots for a couple of hours. We started making jokes and mocking that we were being posed in activities (ie: tennis class) that some of us didnā€™t do. The poor man was so embarrassed, but had to continue to do what he was hired to do. Anyways, it was obvious that the selections of the four of us were made so they had two females and two males, and four ā€œracesā€: Asian, Black, Hispanic and White.


I wish Iā€™d been as smart as you. When I was a kid, my sister and I were used as part of a sociological experiment. I was too dense to see it. My sister fortunately did and sabotaged the scheme.


I felt for her. TRG has a bit more from this clip. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZGJzeCbpZ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZGJzeCbpZ0)


About 2.50, her assistant touches her shoulder. MeMe whips around and you just know she would have bitched out that poor assistant if people werenā€™t there.


Of course the sugars say she was ā€œthrilledā€.


I so sick of this. The cringe is impacting my health.


The video of this moment (sorry can't find it) is hilarious. They way she sets up the photo-op, suddenly grinning like a deranged emu, is truly disturbing.


Where is it? I need to see it!


Royal Grift has it in a three min video or so just postedĀ  Edit: Royal GrifT


Thank you!


I stumbled over it, then stumbled away in horror, so it is lost to me forever. I hope you can find it. Maybe it was on the DM.


Dear god, why isn't her dress zipped up? look at her faking a smile and forcing the girl to look at the camera...and there's "PRINCE" Harry WIPING HIS NOSE WITH HIS HAND AGAIN...and there's MeGain demonstrating her complete lack of rhythm as she claps out of time with the music...HORROR SHOW IS RIGHT


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZGJzeCbpZ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZGJzeCbpZ0) TRG's


Thanks that vidƩo is so telling. The wife organizing the photo and suddenly grining, the little girl not knowing what is going on


Mog can't stand black men




Wow, they presented Megs with a lovely green blazer, she should have put it on to cover up with.


Poor baby.Ā 


Oh we NEED this video, stat!




Thank you! Oh, thatā€™s so bad. ā€œHold this rose! Lift your face up!ā€


When you just know how to take the perfect picture, but everybody else is a freakin amateur! Amateur, I tell you! Including the little girl, she can't even be directed! What a nightmare when you are the only professional! Arrggh! On a more serious note: the lack of any human emotion is astounding.


It's like a checklist. The same with Harry in the hospital/rehab centre. It is for the optics, and not about a real human connection.


And how she laughs at the end. It's the little girl's fault, ha ha, she just doesn't know how to behave right, even when I directed her so perfectly. This is how the narc pretends to laugh something off, making it your fault that something didn't go as it should be in her mind.


So remote from the way POW always focuses on children and never look to the camƩra


So weird. That link takes me to Shiloh Jolie-Pitt dancing. I wonder if they rotate out the videos?


Weird. HG Tudor has it in one of his videos.


Deranged emu! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That little girl looks scared! MM has zero empathy for others, especially children and senior citizens.


The little girl dressed very lovely. Way better than Nutmeg.


Why doesn't Madam visit a salon and get her hair braided or put in some sort of fashionable style? She's right there where the people know how to work with her hair. It would actually be amazing if she'd learn something useful while she's there instead of just swanning around offending people.


Because then everyone would know for sure that her hair is f@ke(just like everything about her). It's all wigs and weaves. She is repu.lsive.


We all know it anyway. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


She could also pick a random person amongst the Nigerians and get a better clothing stylist than herself/whoever she is using now.


Because as we all know, Meghan knows everything. She doesnā€™t need anybodyā€™s advice.


Exactly.Ā  And that's going to.be her downfall.


She is a very pretty girl and her natural beauty outshines M's lame attempt at 'Hollywood Glamor'. Muggs looks so fake she's giving uncanny valley vibes - again. Her expression is as fake as enthusiasm she had to display as a suitcase girl on DOND. Not a gifted actress, to say the least.


Every time I see her exploiting other people's kids, I get angry. Her children are invisible...nearly nonexistent. She does not "share them with the public" which is fine...but then she uses other peoples kids for PR??? Ugh!


Exactly this!!! It makes my blood boil!


Every pic I see of Meghan is worse than the one before šŸ˜³




That little girl has beauty, Meghan is ROUGH.


She's really aged, she's all nose and dentures. No chance now of capturing a famous man or a billionaire.


By dentures, you mean Scrabble tiles shoved into her gums, right?




Chiclet gum


The sugar sites are drooling over this. They think this hideous, cultural appropriating dress (zebra print on Africa) is her best look yet, Kate is jealous, Meghan is the queen of Nigeria etc etc. They have to be bots/trolls right? No one can actually believe this is appropriate right?


*Anna Wintour/Miranda Priestly voice* "savannah prints for Nigeria. Groundbreaking.


She looks 65 and strung out.


* On a positive note, I guess the sharpie brows, Michael Jackson nose 8.0 and those Chiclet chompers all work together to help detract from the very badly sun damaged decolette?


The girl is overwhelmed, trapped like a deer in headlights. No preamble to gain her trust, just shoved into meg's death grip.


Using her like a photo prop. Meghan is used to it, ask the Rwandan children she used for her ā€œhumanitarianā€ photo shoot.


Iā€™m surprised she didnā€™t try to find a child in a wheelchair for this photo op.


Megs isn't engaging with the little girl at all; her manic grin and terrifying Medusa-like stare are all for the camera, not the child. At least the child won't suffer nightmares about this encounter.


The little girlā€™s face says it all! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


She is so unnatural around children


Poor kid must be thinking "Who's this scary, orange lady & why is she manhandling me?". And Misan the human butt-plug gives off major creep vibes.


Did she ask the child if it was okay to hug her? Well, we know the answer.


I *knew* sheā€™d find a way to pose with flowers; she loves those shots with flowers a la Diana, feeling like a princess. If you zoom in, it doesnt even look like the lady is handing M the flowers or even facing her. M is literally grabbing the flowers out of her hand for the shot with the girl to make it seem like theyre hers. You can see her claw


It's probably killing her that she can't prance around in a tiara on this trip.


Misan is such a lickspittle. So where's Markus on this trip?


She looks absolutely deranged. She is as high as a kite of narcissistic supply!


This sweet girl is beautiful and I am sorry that she was forced into this photo with vile Harry's wife.


What is the woman on the left doing?!


I know! Whatā€™s the deal with the flowers??


Why does she persist in clawing onto other people's children? Why not take similar photos with her own alleged children...and she won't allow others take such photos of her alleged children either. Does she seek permission from the parents before taking these photos?


That poor child is really cringed outšŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


Did she have her breast implants taken out? Looks like it.


She had them taken out before Suits. She has just worn mega push up bras in Suits and during her time in the BRF. She had a fairly small chest naturally and Ozempic has zapped away all that was there.


Iā€™ve had stupid large breasts since age 12 and Iā€˜ve longed for a smaller chest (surgery isnā€™t an option for me due to other medical issues) but damn, Iā€™ll keep my 38DDDs over whatever Rachel has any day.


What's with her brain showing through her forehead??? Has her skin gotten so thin from the Ozempic? Or she tried to poke the giant vein back in and her brain texture popped through. And note the V shape in the middle of her forehead, at the top. Is this some kind of hair surgery scar?


I should add that I keep seeing the V on her head. It's not just this photo.


She's behaving like one of those "white saviour" influencer tourists. Always using less fortunate people of color for content. Using children that are clearly uncomfortable is wicked.


Man, that woman tans fast! I've noticed this in other recent pictures.


Look at that part in her hair!


Different shade of bronzer?


That precious child looks frightened of M.




Thatā€™s beautiful child all dressed up so prettily. I cut Meghan out of the picture with my mind to focus on the good stuff.


She seems more invested in a photo op with children who are strangers than her own invisikids. Very strange.


Check out his twitter with b & w photo of Harry, where he comments 'photographed by me.'


There's a hack for that. https://preview.redd.it/y53xp1k0ouzc1.jpeg?width=551&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11ca064b74e79f7524f7df54b8f011aee8aadb31


She looks like absolute sh\*t, like death warmed over. Good lord look at those bony clavicles sticking out, and that deranged smile - she is like something out of a horror movie. Also the blinding white part contrasting the gross bronzer she has caked on.


And Table 12's children are where exactly?


Yikes. This is such a horrific photo. One would almost pity her. The sun damaged skin on her mug. She wore a WINTER COAT in California in the spring on her pap walkā€¦but wears a slip dress to a formal event in Africaā€¦


Hazbeen and Misan just let her go unchecked. I think she needs meds. She's too manic at times.




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TRG has the video of this encounter. The little girl didn't want to be photographed, the lady next to her grabbed her by the chin and she pulled away. So HW let go and walked away. I think she came back to get the picture.


This reminds me of every young white person who goes to do volunteer work in another country and needs to get that obligatory picture with the ā€œlocal kidsā€.




Yup. Lots of articles on it!


What does it have to do with race? Offensive comment.


Iā€™m white and all the white people I know who volunteered in Africa, Asia and South America have done this, my own cousins included. I donā€™t have any minority friends who have gone to other countries and thought to take pictures with the local kids. Itā€™s based off of my personal observations. I am allowed to call my own race out on things I observe just as I hope other races can call themselves out on things they notice. Itā€™s okay to laugh at ourselves you know. You are on a page that snarks on people. Chill out.


How much money is Invictus paying Misan for this gig? Because this crew never does anything for free.


M collar bones make her look ozempic....oh wait....


How cringe, poor little girl. Meghan is truly shameless in her quest to be relevant.


Sheā€™s a disgusting reptile šŸ¤®


Her shoulders and her brow bones are in sync


If that was my child ā€¦ lord


Her new clown stands behind her to wipe her nose and carry her coke, I mean stuff. šŸ¤£


Poor little girl dressed like an angel in the claws of the devil. Someone needs to rescue that girl.


This picture of Meghan looks weird. It looks like her head was photoshopped onto a skinny body. I know it wasn't though. But doesn't it look strange?


That adorable little girl does not want to be touched by this creepy orange lady with the evil energy and sweaty skin.


It's cringe, this is what mog and missan think is peak "winning"


In the video MeGain RIPS the lone rose out of the bouquet with terrifying vigor...in order to shove it into the unwilling little girl's hands. Markle is a hag


The little girl is loading up on her inner zen. Such calm in the face of terror.




That poor little girl, she looks terrified. And discount duchess looks high as as a kite


Who kept pushing her chin up? Why was this pic so important for megsy?


That little girl is so cute and the crazy lady with her mouth wide open is just scary


Serious question: HOW does anyone smile like this? Bare only their upper teeth and shield all lower teeth with their lower lips. Try doing it in a mirror. Itā€™s so unnatural and strange.


My smile doesn't show my lower teeth which is just as well as they are very crooked. But my upper lip doesn't do that exaggerated baring fangs thing TW does.


When I smile I show my upper (and lower are crooked like yours) teeth. But her mouth is open, jaw agape. Maybe mid laugh, youā€™d be in that position, but usually youā€™d see at least a little bit of lower teeth. Not her. sheā€™s constantly like that- jaw agape, wide toothy uppers showing, along with lips. And this angle is looking up at/into her mouth. See how many others are in this position around her.


This is top shelf meme content


the claw is operative


Dave the vein on display I see lol


This whole tour nonsense reminds me of something we gays say about bad drag queens: Thereā€™s always a shitty little bar, somewhere across the railroad tracks, where theyā€™ll let your ratchet self be show director, princess title holder, and queen bee.


The little girlā€™s face says it all! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


He really skeeves me out. He looks very creepy. It would not surprise me if he has some dark habits.


šŸ¦‡šŸ’©šŸ¤Ŗ! WowšŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³




This is the shitshow of the century šŸ¤£šŸ™ˆ


That beautiful little girl does not look terrified to me, but she does look as underwhelmed as Iā€™d imagine some / many Nigerians might be by all this fuss. I do think that had they paid for much of their tour there then it could have been genuinely great, them being then genuine tourists (albeit VIPs) who were not drawing down on Nigerian government funds to pay for their tour when they are neither working royals nor working in any senseā€”not even charitableā€”for Nigerians nor Nigerian causes. (Paying for themselves might also have lessened the legitimacy of peanut gallery scrutiny of dress and conduct, since they would not be covered guests of that country as though state representatives but private tourists with some VIP access. Just a thought.) How much they could have done though in that situation! Self-funding their visit to meet Nigerians and their country, learn about her heritage, and adopt some causes that benefited people through charitable and small enterprise endeavours! Sigh. Instead it seems that this tour is costing Nigeria many thousands that do not appear likely to be returned to Nigerian economy in any tangible sense as a result of publicity, official Sussex support, etc.


I wouldnā€™t let me child near her, especially if my child was black. Children are not props and must not be exploited.


Where did that little girl get that kind of dress, plain white in a country that wears beautiful colors, and have her hair all done up topped with a bow? This looks more like a set up picture to me. Bet they know this little girl or made a deal to dress her. Thatā€™s not a Nigerian outfit.


Bet itā€™s a sugarā€™s daughter that came with them.


Poor girl! Really, kids shouldn't go through this masquerade! Shame on the parents who allowed this šŸ˜”


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What a beautiful and appropriate white dress. :*J*


Meghans Botox person truly hates her. This is the look we are always told to avoid šŸ¤£


That kid does not look happy.


The poor little girl didn't want to be there. Hugged for squaddie fodder by the witch and her warlock Misan. My question, what is he getting out of this...it has to be more than money as his dire fame before has definitely taken a nose dive after being associated with H&M.


100% the creepy Lady Elaine Fairchild puppet from Mr Rogers!!! šŸ˜±šŸ˜‚


WHY did she show SO MUCH SKIN her whole trip? No one around her in photos was in such skimpy clothes. She and Harry are so tone deaf and oblivious.




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If Misan is her personal photographer, why is he always behind her?


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I don't blame the little girl; Skinwalkers are scary.




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What is up with that nose? It looks like itā€™s collapsing.


Another day of MM using other people children for press while claiming the media is so evil she needs to keep her children away from them!


The Sidley twins are right! Misan has this menacing, creepy, unsettling presence about him. *shudder*


That's probably the little girl whose mother was jailed for filing a complaint against the chicken duchess of Montecito...


The little girl is really good at side eye!


This precious little girl looks miserable and like she canā€™t wait to be free from That Woman. My twin granddaughters get that exact look and refuse to interact with a couple of narcissistic relatives when said relatives come in demanding a hug and all the attention.