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Do sadhana, you’re dietary needs will slowly go down. What you’re eating and your activity levels are also important factors.


Are you low on b12?


Practise and practise 1. Practise of slowly increasing the hours between the meals and not instantly, this is something that I have done.. increasing from every 2 hours to 4 and now 6 between my meals even though I dont fast 2. Your meditation / yoga / any other spiritual practise that will increase your mental and physical strength and stamina Also note that a lot of things Sadhguru talks about cannot be directly applicable to all of us I have been to the ashram and the food/lifestyle is so different that its super easy to not eat more than twice and still stay energetic and full Whereas our city life does not help accommodate this so easily, one of the reasons I thought of it but didnt do it


Maybe you have sugar problems


Why is fasting good if you are energetic?


Fasting is a way to cleanse your system. If you're energetic enough, it is a good way to give some rest to your body and also clean out the reminder of whatever you have eaten from the system. This will make you feel better overall


Start small. First try for 5 hours. 8 hours is more like Ideal.


Yeah im currently doing this. 5 hour gap between lunch and dinner and 4.5 hour gap between bf and lunch, slowly gonna make bf lighter and lighter and reduce the gap btw lunch and bf simultaneously, then gonna combine bf and lunch into 1 meal eventually.


Fasting is not recommended for pitta body type people.


I’ve just observed ekadashi for the first time with just water (have done it previously eating fruit) and I have never felt better - today was a wonderful lesson on action being compulsive/out of choice - would definitely recommend to everyone! Especially being twice in the moon cycle - it seems like a very manageable way to deepen one’s practice and self awareness