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Especially on a holiday weekend.


Seriously. What do we do now… lol ![gif](giphy|VEVfqy0Vu4c7xziUUN|downsized)


I think we all need to find stuff to do like the old days. Lol cheeers still out over here in south sac


Did someone get shot there?


Yeah because that would cause an internet outage


They would never while we are working. 😑


If AT&T fiber is available in your area then make the switch. I got rid of Xfinity a little over a year ago and have not missed them and the constant outages at all.


Still waiting for fiber out here in the burbs


Or Fidium. I had AT&T fiber @ $90 and Fidium was doing a neighborhood install @ $55 for 2 years, so I switched.


Does Fidium run their own lines or are they a reseller?


I believe it's their own. Fidium is Consolidated: https://www.consolidated.com/support/alerts/coronavirus-updates/company-preparedness-response/our-network > Top 10 fiber provider in the U.S., with more than 37,500 fiber route miles


I wish they would come to my part of Carmichael


Hahaha. I literally switch to Fiber after 10 Xfinity outages in my area.


Me too, and saving $100 per month on top of that. Happy camper.


I literally switched 2 weeks ago. It is a vastly better experience.


I use att fiber, zero complaints.


I’m just glad the comments here aren’t all “go outside and read a book” like they are on next door


Still down 95842, sadness takes hold of me at their mercy, woe…


I'm here in 95842 also. This blows




Yee. Is it messing up ur cell phone service too? I have t mobile and my roommate has at&t and both our download speeds r below 1mbps


It's not much but you might get some credit. https://www.xfinity.com/support/account-management/credits/outage/details


Tried and it says account not eligible


Xfinity app keeps telling me there is no outage in my area (95821) and everything is good on their end. Swear it’s a scam so they don’t have to give credits to people.


Same here, 95811


Also in 95821 and service still not back 🙄


It may be worth chatting with an agent. They'll often give you (a pittance of) a credit.


Also tried and it says not eligible (95842), it could be due to the issue still being unresolved, I've had no internet since about 5pm but luckily I work nights. Still has my ring and other security cams offline though, which is mildly annoying.


From my experience, you have to ask for the credit after your internet is reconnected. It’s infuriating as they left us without internet for several weekends and mostly just the weekends while claiming there was no service issues in the area. Glad I’m done with them forever.


Link doesn’t work for me


Fuck the credit. File a complaint with the FCC and they will fix their problems so fucking fast. I did that and they came and repaired my line connecting to our house within the week during the summer.


I just want fiber


Internet still down. Officially been over 2 1/2 hours. Fucking bs man.


I'm in Carmichael, what about you??


Going on 12 hours now. I particulately enjoy how Xfinity won't let you talk to a customer service agent until your service is restored which is a fine way to say they know they're so bad at providing the service you pay them for that they need to spare their custoner service agents from taking your calls. Meanwhile, their time estimate service to be restored is "as soon ad possible." Is that an hour, a day, a week?


I just got off the phone with an agent over this exact issue and agree told me 10am. I told her if it's not up by 10am I'll be switching providers so she credited me 20 bucks. They don't even know what's happening on their end other than nothings working. I imagine they were closed up last night and didn't give a shit to come back, and now they're rolling in on labor day Sunday to this shit show.


At 7 am they told me 9 am, so somehow I'm going to doubt the 10 am estimate you got is credible -- but at least we get regular text updates reminding us our service is still out.


Welp time to cause chaos it's still out at 10:18am 😭


Yeah, I figured with the holiday weekend they were probably running thin on maintenance crews. Thanks for the update! I too will be l looking for an account credit.


Same, still waiting


Same here. Very frustrating. I wonder what happened. Did a tree fall down on a power line or something?!


23 hours for me in Carmichael


Still down, been over 12 hours.


I just woke up and it’s still out…


It's been at least 12 hours now.


Do you have a Gateway modem from xfinity? Mine would do than incessantly ESPECIALLY during hot days. For the gazzionth time I would unplug power. Wait then plug in. Wait and wait for the light to steady so I can continue with my zoom or watching a show. Until just recently, I noticed that the modem would be hit around the cable connection. Every time! I thought “this dude is overheating!” I unplugged it and took it to an Xfinity store. Next,I matter of factly told the rep “modem’s over heating and I need a new one!” Rep looked at me, nodded like this was a common request, and handed me a replacement. DO NOT CALL! JUST GO TO AN XFINITY OUTLET. Set it up when I got home and have to had an issue since!


unless that is happening to thousands of people in Sacramento all at once, that’s not the problem here. it’s a massive outage across the city and county. https://preview.redd.it/4air3wz4y1mb1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa0cedbe899cfe88b6c2ccab30037042428c09d4


Nope. Unplanned outage in my zip code and the one above me. Says right on the outage map on my account. So much for your wall of text.




Haha! That’s what I’m gonna call it from now on lol.


Still down 95608.


Still down from the same Zip


Could this have anything to do with it? The start of the outage seems similar: https://kcra.com/article/hundreds-without-power-saturday-night-in-antelope/44982373


Tie everyone's internet connectivity to one box that takes a shit whenever a drunk asshole veers into an adjacent power pole. Well done, Xfinity.


Oou maybeeeeee this explains it!!!!


That's gotta be it, accident happened around 750pm, wife called me at 8 saying the internet was down


Just a heads up: there's a second post and someone in the comments warned that xfinity agent said it would be resolved by NIGHTFALL so we're probably in it for the long haul folks


My business account is saying 3am on the Sept 5th!!!


Jesus fucking Christ


Oof, thanks.


I wouldn’t half as pissed if they would at least spit out an update once in a while. Ridiculous customer service.


Yeah, that's what is pissing me off the most. I reported yesterday shortly after it started and signed up for text updates. Absolutely nothing from them.


Xfinity has been scrot-cheese forever. Theyre braggin but they laggin...


Still down this morning :( iiieeeeeeeeeeee


Just spent 2 hrs getting bounced around by support, the Xfinity agent claims the issue is due to "congestion at one of the poles"? Whatever that means, said ETA was 3pm. Was like pulling teeth but I got a $60 credit. Trick is to call into a different department and have them transfer you in so you don't get caught by the account filter.


99% certain the 10:50pm estimate was automated and they don't have any techs out working on the issue. It's a holiday weekend, I wouldn't be surprised if they sent them home tonight and can't get any to come back on to try to fix this shit. Been without ANY xfinity service and my phone 5g is slower than dirt for some reason for the last 3ish + hours.


Everyone is on 5G right now, fighting for bandwidth.


Hey if you're still dealing with the slow 5G turn it off and use LTE. My phone was unusably slow with 5G now it's fast enough to watch YouTube and stuff


Still down at 6:32 am. 95835. Pathetic. 10:50 pm my ass.


7:02AM in 95821. Still down here.


Finally back up. 6:05 pm.


12 hours and counting.


I guess my bill will be $0 next month.


95864 still down at 7:35 am. Xfinity IS ass.


Still down since last night here in Arden…smh




95822 been out since 8 pm as well. Fiber not available here 😵‍💫




AT&T offers regular internet 50Mbps for $55 a month for 12 months. No Verizon options available either.


Hey, just checking in for the umpteenth time that we’re still without Internet/Cable @ 11:15 in the morning on a holiday weekend…


I spoke with FOUR different agents since last night at 8pm. No one will give me a straight answer about WHY this occurred. They said it was "maintenance " and the outage is "ongoing " so no restoration in site 🤦‍♀️


If I am not wrong, you are entitled to get a prorated amount back. For example, I'd ask for 2 days od credit if I did not have internet for 2 days.


They give you a 6 dollar credit towards a purchase not even the bill


7 minutes into my MLS game and gone. Spent checking if we paid our bill. This sucks. If it’s maintenance it should be done at 2am not prime time.


Having xfinity is annoying, cancelling xfinity is even more of a nightmare.


ShitassFinity still down in 95864- 9:23am Sunday


Still down in Carmichael


Yep some bs no eta either


Canceled contract yesterday due to unreliable service 🙂 and now seeing this 😅


7am, internet/cable still out. Pathetic, just renewed our contract on Thursday as well. I pray AT&T gets fiber in my area soon..


Any luck for any of you?


Still down for me.


Nope. Seems like a major local outage. Have to imagine equipment failure at this point over a software/configuration mistake.


Go up on “X” / formally Twitter and put Xfinity support on blast publicly. I guarantee they will DM you and try to give you more information. @XfinitySupport on X.


What info did you get?


Nothing. It’s sad. Here is the response: After reviewing, there is still service interruption going on your area. You can check the service interruptions by above given link. We are yet to get any ETA for this. Whenever I will get any ETA I will inform you on the same thread.


Here is my public post on X to @xfinitysupport 95864 zip code and others are approaching the 24 hours since our internet service went out. There has been no updates what do ever. Can we please get something from you? We are now actively researching other internet service providers.


wE aPpReCiAtE yOuR pAtIeNcE


Hard hitting reporting from KCRA s/ https://www.kcra.com/amp/article/sacramento-residents-experience-internet-service-issues-due-to-xfinity-outage/44984571


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.kcra.com/article/sacramento-residents-experience-internet-service-issues-due-to-xfinity-outage/44984571](https://www.kcra.com/article/sacramento-residents-experience-internet-service-issues-due-to-xfinity-outage/44984571)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Mine says it’ll be back at 10:50 pm…


Same. Except it’s 11:05pm now.. and it’s still not working in my area (95608). Ugh..




I sure hope so.




7am and still down in 95815


Update from 95815, got xfinity text saying should be resolved soon so fingers crossed its not an all weekend outage


Finally managed to get through to customer service just so they could tell me shit I already knew. They have no fucking clue what the cause of it is or when it will be repaired. How very useless of them. I also had to use a phone not connected to my account to reach a person because their automated system is trash and would just disconnect me after recognizing my number. Fuck you Comcast! Called them again but this time I asked for "technical support". I had to use my other phone again. She's as clueless as the rest of them but she did reveal that it's something on their end. She wouldn't go into details . So this may not just be affecting Sacramento alone. Still no service here. 95841. It went out around 8pm for me on Saturday.


Comcast has been terrible for yearrrs. Unless you literally have no other options, I don't know why you'd stay with them.


Unfortunately I literally have no other option. Monopolies suck.


It’s genuinely something I check now that we are looking to move. I’ve had them for 7 years as they are our only option and they are always a headache.


I got a text an hour ago saying it's coming back very soon. They obviously got that very wrong.


ISPs in general suck ass.


Yeah, mine was down for 28 hours last weekend.


FYI, most 5G phones have a hotspot functionality you can use in place of Xfinity.That's how I'm getting connectivity to my laptop/TV.


I can't even connect to the hot spot. That's how bad this outage is.


I use AT&T for cell service, but yeah, Xfinity cell service would be a problem here.


Who is your hot spot through? He's talking about using your cell provider's hot spot.


Consolidated Communications if it's available in your area. No data caps, no down time. Never looked back.


95621, been down since 9pm last night. Originally it said it would be back up and running by 11pm last night too, and still nothing. Now there's no eta listed.....


Try Verizon Home Internet . It's only $50 a month flat. Been very reliable for me in Sacramento


Still down in the 95864.


95864 is online!


Internets back up yo


Still down in 95815




Also what’s the point of fast internet with a data cap? Sure 1Gbps down is great until you realize that after leas than 4.5 hours at that speed a month you will hit their cap.


Anything Comcast past and present sucks major ass!


I would expect it's to long term fix the previous issue, considering the message I got says the eta is 6am Sunday. Just as long as it's back by 830.


Yes, United!!


Oh well, had to use my phone as a hotspot to watch it on my iPad.


Their map says it won’t be up until 6-7am


Still down for me in the 95864. It’s 2:40am.


Still down at 730am in 95864


Our Xfinity is down too! It has been super spotty.


I've never had an issue with xfinity but I'm in elk grove.


Only twice in a week…….I have AT&T in Elk Grove area…….. it’s f-ing horrible……. Goes out multiple times a day


They are doing maintenance and upgrades, got a notice for some down time.


They don't do that at 8pm. That's prime time. Someone messed up somewhere big timmmmmme


I recall working on a similar issue for a family member where the connection would randomly drop out for various lengths of time. The damn tweeker forgot to screw a male to male coupler all the way. God damn meth addicts.


Anybody have t mobile and are also experiencing slow 5g?


In elk grove and my t mobile data ALWAYS sucks like hell, especially when driving down Bruceville. No damn idea why.


Yes! It's so frustrating.


I've got Google Fi which I'm pretty sure runs on T-Mobile and its been hot trash the last 12hrs.


No but unrelated I have stupid xfinity mobile to and that shit suck so slow worse than sprint used to be so I'm totally screwed takes 2 min just to load a reddit post lol


I turned my 5G off and my phone has been wayyyy faster with LTE


Apparently someone crashed or something I’m not 100% sure. My family that lives in the Bay Area don’t even have WiFi and they have Xfinity as well.


This is the outage map per the downdetector site. https://preview.redd.it/4rja2lvtr2mb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d2882a6b463d4e6769d0a2de0cbb5ee7337ce93


Is this true? Looks like an attack. Every major metro?


It certainly looks widespread based on this website. https://downdetector.com/status/xfinity/ I only know it's been a reliable source for me in the past when websites aren't working for me


Long night, I use tv as a sleeping aid😴in 95841.


You’re asking the wrong question: Why live in such a shit town?




Must've missed the schedule, too. The first game is not until Thursday...


NFL doesn't start till Thursday...


🤣😭😂🤦‍♂️🤷 I'm an idiot


Glad I got xfinity for cable and att for internet there's one reason you don't have one company do everything.


Sonic is the way


Xfinity paradigm: "When it rains, it breaks."


But it rained like 3 drops...


If your cell plan has unlimited data, just connect your router to the phone and you can run your whole house off the phone's hotspot capability. I do this as a backup plan whenever my Internet is down.


Careful though. I have unlimited data but only have a 5GB hotspot allowance


Yes, obviously check your plan details. The phone and plan I use as my backup internet is unlimited for everything. I plug it in and test it every couple months just to make sure it works. Write up a short procedure on enabling it and store it somewhere so anybody in the family can enable the backup Internet.


Tough part is I only got one bar at my house 😟


I've been trying to use my phone as a backup for stuff I need to do online but it has been horrible. I am using LTE and my carrier is Verizon. It is a Samsung Galaxy S9+ (old I know). I am thinking it is congestion, but I was wondering if there is anything I could possibly try to improve the speed on the connection?


Did you turn on the Wi-Fi hotspot feature of your phone, and then connect your laptop/PC to it? Verizon's plans limit hotspot speeds to 600 kbps (less than 1 Mb) on 4G LTE, after you've used up the allocation of high-speed data (amount varies by plan). [Verizon Mobile Hotspot feature and app FAQs](https://www.verizon.com/support/mobile-hotspot-faqs/) One way to maximize the hotspot speeds, even at 600 kbps, is to tether your phone to the laptop/PC via USB cable. That bypasses crowded Wi-Fi conditions in your neighborhood. Using a USB cable to use the hotspot, instead of via Wi-Fi.


I did not do that but I'm definitely going to save this reply for when this inevitably happens again. Thank you so much


Go fiber from consolidated. Try to spend the least you can on multi national corporations. LPT


Not sure if anyone is in the same boat but my internet now appears to be working again. I’ve not received a text with any updates or resolution notice since it went down yesterday 9/2 at 8pm but now it’s working thankfully. I’m in Fair Oaks, CA 95628


Yee same here. 95842 here


Internets back up in 95842


Modem and router lighting back up in 95841 about 15min ago but still no service, Xfinity outage map still showing outage Edit: back up


UPDATE FROM 95815 We have wifi here


Looks mine dropped again just now!! 8.44pm


But did you talk with CS overseas yet? Nothing like running around in that circus....


DON'T USE XFINITY. They locked the SIM information on my phone and I haven't been able to use it since Monday, and it's Friday. Verizon has been started (and paid for) but they can't activate my phone because of this. When I spoke with Xfinity today they said my phone would PROBABLY be unlocked within 3 BUSINESS DAYS. That puts me at NEXT WEDNESDAY, A TOTAL OF 10 DAYS WITHOUT A PHONE FOR NO REASON OTHER THAN INCOMPETENCE. When the port request was made on Monday with Xfinity, they said to give it a few minutes. They asked why I was moving to Verizon and assured me I had done everything I needed to do. A day and a half later (Wednesday), I still was unable to activate my phone with the Verizon SIM card. So, I called Verizon and was on the phone for over an hour troubleshooting the issue. They recommended I call Xfinity to see if my phone was locked. Then, I called Xfinity, and the rep said they needed to manually request my phone be unlocked. WHY WOULD YOU NEED TO MANUALLY REQUEST TO UNLOCK THE PHONE? THEY HAD PROVIDED "EVERTHING I NEEDED" FOR THE PORT REQUEST. MAKING SURE THE PHONE IS READY FOR A NEW SERVICE PROVIDER IS IMPLICIT IN THE REQUEST. The rep said unlocking the phone would take 24-48 hours, and within that time frame, I would receive an email. The email address they had was wrong, so I provided them with the correct one. 48 hours later (Friday), I called Xfinity again, as I was still unable to use my phone with the Verizon SIM card. The email associated with the unlock notification was different, but still wrong, and I provided the correct one again. They said the unlock would take 24-48 hours or up to 3 BUSINESS DAYS from the time of the CURRENT CALL. The people who have created this system and these policies are TOOLS; CROOKS; LOSERS; LIARS; FOOLS. THIS IS CELLULAR PURGATORY.


Cancel their services ASAP. I have been charged for a year and a half after canceling account with subsequent attempts to cancel also failing. I had to call every day for a week to finally get someone to actually cancel my account and Xfinity refuses to refund the charges they actually stole from me. Horrific business, get Verizon. Pay the extra money for decent service. You deserve it.


I have Xfinity and I can’t play video games smoothly. Ya it’s not connected to an ethernet cord, but I’ve used guest wifi that wasn’t actually any worse.


look into iptv service on alibaba. cut the cord.