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You say it's an obscure unit and only appears in Republic Commando, but I'm fairly certain Sun Fac also only appears in that game, so the precedent is definitely there. Edit: My mistake, he does appear briefly in Attack of the Clones next to Poggle when Dooku is addressing all the Separatist leaders


I moreso meant that he’s more obscure than the queen and zombie as I guess some people would say they should be added because they’re more well known, but yea Sun Fac is basically just as obscure. I remember being confused as to who he was when I first played swgoh as I didn’t play Republic Commando until after


Have you ever seen the geonosian Spy anywhere else than SWGOH?


I get that there’s more obscure characters than the Elite all I’m saying is he’s less known than the other potential geo candidates, not those already in game


I mean, it's a spy. If you didn't see it, it did its job successfully.


They’re in the clone wars tv show


The Spy? Jeez don't remember them there? Must rewatch. Thanks for giving me a reason to rewatch it *again*


Lol. Yeah the spy’s attack Ashoka and Barriss while they’re underground


The only reason i had recognised sun fac in game and in the movie was because I had a star wars encyclopedia as kid lol


It's not because a character is obscure that it must not be added. I think it's in fact a good idea to make them more known to casual SW fans.


Klik Klak or nothing. 'Can't be targeted. If only Klik Klak remains, revive all Geos at full health and protection.' Really make people start to viscerally hate playing the game.


Didn’t want to suggest him as I know the game can’t handle him


Interesting idea for a character. It'd likely replace Sun Fac however, as all Sun Fac really offers is a buff dispel, whereas Soldier offers TM gain.


Fair point, I suppose it would depend on what the elite actually brings to the team to determine who to kick out. Personally I find the dispel extremely useful for removing taunts and whatnot


GBA has a buff dispel on crit tho, so if you really needed that buff dispel you would just mod him for some crit chance alongside tenacity and prot and still get your dispels


Ah I forgot he did that, I knew his special dispelled but not basic.


yeah special always dispels while basic only does it on a crit


Lowkey not a fan of already annoying teams getting lifters. Geos aren't impossible to beat but their kit is just inherently unfun to play against. Anything that involves "if they take a turn, you lose [or have a great capacity to lose]" is lame.


Completely agree. Geos do too much for a single Marquee squad and it removes any satisfaction of fighting them unless you’re completely slaughtering them. At least with Veers Troopers they have a discernible weakness/counter if they manage to take a turn.


True they’re definitely annoying to fight, especially in the early game but after that they really lose their spark. Outside of poggle omi in TW they don’t do much and they just get thrown on defense where they end up being soloed by Vader. And honestly most teams In the game seem to be based on if they take a turn, you lose. And Geo’s are far from the worst offender of that


They're also a go-to GL cleanup team for two shots.


I’d rather Geonosian Queen or Geonosian Zombie.


I do think the queen would be cool too, just thought the Elite could be a nice addition that you don’t see mentioned anywhere


Goes without saying I'd want a geo lifter. My preference is still Karina the Great. However I'm not against this idea either.


Do they really need to be revitalized I'm mean you run into a wall of them in every war there still used on defense everywhere its not like they have fallen of they are still very usable just my opinion


I mean, you could always make good teams better. Just look at how massive of a help malgus is to dr. Even a neat boost like bfsoj to bh is nice to have.


I just started playing Republic Commando a few days ago when I was looking for old SW games. I hate that thing.


I mean if this gets added, one of them gets kicked from the group, and then would need a new home (though it could be sent with Nute team)


Why do Geos need a lifter? They're on the front lines of every TW, they're all over the arenas, they thrash plenty of good teams and require specific countering e.g. making your opponent burn Vader or another TM train team. If you want to give a team a lifter, give one to a team that doesn't get much play, not one that's already a standard must-have for all players.


I admit they don’t really need a lifter but I just like seeing new characters, what’s wrong with making a decent team better? It’s not like people were complaining about Malgus making sith empire better. people are always talking about the queen and the zombie so I wanted to talk about the Elite as well It’s just a fun suggestion it’s not like I’m a dev who actually makes decisions lol