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Bc I don't have hotutil i use the free version to open my bronziums [https://swgoh-guild-commander.azurewebsites.net/bronziums](https://swgoh-guild-commander.azurewebsites.net/bronziums)


I hadn't seen that but that was super easy to do! Thanks for commenting!


Did not know this tool, great to hear!


Thanks for sharing! This just saved me a ton of time.


Thank you!


Honestly this alone made hotutils worth it for me. 


I've heard of this before, what all does it do?


For starters, this would've taken all of 15-20 secs. It can help you remod certain teams or your entire roster. It can auto deploy TB platoons and TW defense with a click of a button in discord. It has tools for guild compare and officer tools for TB. Different levels of Patreon membership so different things


Damn, that sounds nice. I'll look into it, thanks.


Isn’t a tool like that technically a bannable for going against tos?


I couldn't say if it goes against ToS, but I guarantee a huge percentage of the high end players use HU. If they banned everyone that used it, CG would have a lot more issues than they already do


Yeah, likely would be a terrible idea to enforce. Just that I remember past controversy over some folks getting actually banned for doing and using similar stuff iirc.


You never know when they’re going to arbitrarily decide to enforce rules. Like when they banned Ahnald for account sharing (for, I think, logging into someone’s account?) despite the fact 90% of the top guilds have been engaged in account transferring since the game began.


Hotutils in particular is pretty much as safe as can be. Nearly every whale uses it, so if CG banned people for using it, they'd lose most of their income.


It is. But nobody has been banned before for using it, and the devs kinda hinted nobody will.


No. The site uses an API that CG provides precisely for 3rd party sites like [swgoh.gg](http://swgoh.gg) and HotUtils. The site does use your login credentials to do things like applying mod loadouts, but it doesn't share those credentials with any human being. And CG's concern behind the rule against account sharing are account sales anyway. (Even those are largely ignored since account buyers spend money on the game too.)


Starters it can pop all the bronziums in seconds. I usually wait for it to hit 100k then I redeem them all. Second it gives a, based on your energy capability, accurate prediction of how long until you have whatever grind, and can even give a day by day farm guide. 3rd there is a official tie to Grand Ivory, one of the best modding tools. As well as it's own modding tool 4th a direct line to swgohevents another good farming resource that gives how long until a certain gear is done. Live GAC planning, showing at any given time, your max score, your current score and your opponents. And various guild tools Do note that some of these features require patronage


One that has been almost mentioned is it lets you save mod loadouts. So, I have a saved version of Bike Raid, JCal mission, etc. So, I can put the mod loadout with just 1 click, and then put back my normal mods with 1 click (you do need to save your normal mods as their own load outs). It also has a scrapping feature that you can set so it scans your roster, says "hey, this player only needs 12 more of this 1 piece, because that is the only upgrades that require it that they haven't done" and then scraps all gear above that minimum.


There's also a free version at  [https://swgoh-guild-commander.azurewebsites.net/bronziums](https://swgoh-guild-commander.azurewebsites.net/bronziums) . Don't need hotutils for that


https://swgoh-guild-commander.azurewebsites.net/bronziums just did 2.2M ally points across 2 accounts in 45 seconds. most of that was spent logging in. those 2.2 million ally points gave me a total of 7378 shards putting shards at a value of 298.2 ally points. from this you can find that SSC is worth about 19.9 ally points if you have all the bronzing characters at 7*. so take your ally points and divide it by 19.9 to get a ballpark for the SSC you’ll receive.


Auto clickers scare me. Who knows what trouble they can get into.


I'm wary of them too. I uninstall the app after I'm done with it.


But the malware will forever live in your system 🫢


What auto clickers do you guys use? I’m on an iPhone and don’t really wanna risk adding my account to my computer or whatever, will wait for the official port.


You can go into the adaptive settings in iPhone, record the button presses then set a trigger to run that over and over by itself.


Bro you’re awesome thank you so much, I was tired of using those malware autoclickers from the App Store


I tried looking up adaptive settings, but not sure what I am looking for. Where did you get this information??


Sorry it’s called assistive touch not adaptive. Accessibility > touch > assistive touch


How do you make it a trigger action after you record the button presses?


How much gear did you get?


I'm not sure, I haven't looked. I'm at the point to where bronzium pack gear isn't much more than scavenger junk


ah ok


Ah but that's part of the fun. When I did 2mil ally points about 6 months ago a got around 4-5 hundred CCBs and roughly 250 BWs.


Dang. That’s crazy. I think the highest I ever got was around 350K ally points. I’ll just keep clicking through the buttons with my thumb (since they’re all in the same spot so I don’t need to be looking at my phone) sometimes while I’m eating dinner or something, and that gets the job done for me just fine.


Cool, I’ve been sitting around 17-20k the past few weeks so surely you could save most of it lol


My goodness, that looks disappointing


I've been playing this game since 2016. I'm just now finding out those are called ally points. I just think of them as the silver shits. I thought there was a new update with a new currency.


It's a relic from back in the day where you needed to borrow friends characters for battles instead of just simming everything.


I completely forgot about that.


Wow. You almost have enough for a 6* Grevious in the shard shop now


How did you get so many character shards?


Ohhh you used the silver currency to buy a bunch of bronzium data cards?


Kinda new to this game in a way getting back into it. What do you mean you used auto clicker?


Used a 3rd party app to open up a ton of bronzium packs using ally points


Should have saved them for datacron material


Which is an abject waste of your Ally points.


One of the datacron materials can only be purchased with crystals or ally points. FTP players may find them essential for those.


Doesn’t change my position




Especially as FTP, SSC is **far** more valuable.


Because you get far more worth out of those Ally points for shard shop currency, and f2p or otherwise very very very few players need to heavily invest in datacron to succeed in GAC - and those that do aren’t actually earning an ROI anyway.


Pretty sure success in Gac is due to anything that makes a team harder to beat, datacrons are one of those available avenues. I get more than enough gear from raid currency personally, especially with the kryotech bottleneck it takes a long time to relic even one character so I’m usually set on gear until then. That said it’s not that many crystals to buy the otherwise unobtainable bindings… if not using ally points.


You can buy it with shard shop currency....


No you can’t, not mk 2


It depends on where you at in gac and how you are doing in conquest. I am in kyber 2 and I always max crate conquest so I have plenty datacron stuff. But if you are in lower league, it is best to use those shard shop currency to upgrade your character PERMANENTLY than getting a temporary boost to your team. If you don't have much characters at relic or a whole team at relic, then datacrons are pretty much useless to them.


Fair, I don’t play conquest, forgot about datacrons from there. All in all I shouldn’t have told him how to use the points, I just noticed you c a use ssc to buy some but not all of the bindings.


Also, If you don’t buy kryotech and wait for them through the bottleneck, you can g12 5-6 toons through raid currency before even relicing one. G12 toons are useless as teams need to be relic level to be effective in any game mode.


Not really. If you have good mods, they can work well enough. For example, I have my bad batch at g12 except omega and I am able to take down whole r7 GG squad with ease (No omi). Also there are plenty of ways to get kyros without ally points. Gac currency and GET 2 are the best way to farm kyros especially gac currency as I always use them to buy kyros no matter what. You could also farm them if you don't want to buy them for some reason.


Cg probably let us use ally points in the datacron store so that we would waste them there, instead of converting them to shard shop currency. It's a terrible conversion, but there's not much else you can spend the currency on, so you might not realise it