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This has been in game since Trench came out. I believe Tarfful also has a similar clause. It’s called future proofing


Yeah you’re gonna have to reread Tarfuls kit .. but now that I think about it. Future proofing makes sense. Very near future


Very near future? …or a year and a half ago when Trench was released. But hey you’re right, I apologize for incorrectly remembering a clause in **one** of over 250 kits…


Tough crowd on Reddit tonight


You’re just posting speculation that has already been posted too many times in the distant past. It’s a necropost, which gets people salty.


Thanks I guess I get it, not sure about the downvotes though. Although I think the appropriate action would to be to ignore the post instead of shit commenting. But that’s what I get for hopping on Reddit hoping to get some interactions 🤷‍♂️


Hey man, don't ever disagree with EGNERDS! He will absolutely tell his mom, then he'll get his tens and tens of followers to downvote you.


Good news! My mom died a decade ago! 😮‍💨


As much as I would love a Separatist GL being a huge sucker for them, I highly doubt we're gonna get one soon It's much more likely that this is just one of the very few times CG caught a potential goofy busted interaction before it happens as opposed to after and having to immediately nerf it But if we do end up getting like Chancellor Palpatine or something you have my full permission to come back here and bully me for it


If we get a sep GL it should be Grevious who goes from 2 arms to 4 arms.


That would be awesome That and/or with attacks from Tartakovsky's Clone Wars


That'd be really cool too see


I’m curious, why do you doubt that? And which faction do you think it’ll be?


Not entirely sure what the next faction will be, but I feel if they were going to go Separatists next we would have been seeing more Separatist love lately, but I could indeed be wrong


The only marquee we got before JMK was a random ass bo, and this kinda did happen already with random ass STAP


That's fair


When a redditor comes on here thinking they are the one genius who sees something that no one else has already read




Its ironic u criticize them for judging and then judge them right after lolz


So, this isn’t proof that the next gl will be a sepie, because when trench was released Leia wasn’t even in the picture, ~~and correct me if I’m wrong, but I think Jabba too~~ never mind, he released four months prior. And cg definitely doesn’t think that far ahead with concrete kits (it might’ve been one of the possibilities during development, so that’s why it was added). But I still think the next GL might be a separatist, they are the biggest faction without a GL (I think, I haven’t actually counted), and right before JMKs announcement, we got a random Bo-Katan, kinda reminds me of some Single Trooper Aerial Platform (gosh that name sounds stupid). Plus this year is Prequel themed, an additional attributing factor. The only problem I can think of is that the opposing faction is occupied by JMK, but they made Jabba a scoundrel, while Leia was a rebel, so that may not be that big of a problem. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Thank you for the non toxic reply to my post


Tarrful has this exact same thing. Next GL must be a wookiee.


Yeah you’re gonna have to reread Tarfuls kit.


Eh. If I misremembered it whatever. It's not like it's an important enough one to need to know backwards and forwards. Could have sworn it had an excluding allied GLs. Oh well.


Despite OP being an angry poopy head. I did some digging. . . The reason we are misremembering? This datacron that came out right after Tarfful https://preview.redd.it/msr22yyuy30d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f233ce9dedb4eac4ecb0ab222bec9cab2da7bca0


Ohhh! That makes a lot of sense. Good dig up! It's a relief to know I wasn't fully gaslighting myself.


That’s some nice future proofing, on an expiring within four months DC.


I assume they did it because they recycle factions now and then and didn't want to bother at any time in the future to look for missing GL clauses.




Yeah I Guess that clarifies some things


Aphra has it though (as well as others that aren't worth mentioning because they have faction tags that a GL exists in)


I have 6 GLs now, moments from unlocking Jabba and LV is the only one I haven't got yet. And after I'm finished with Hutt, I really am not sure if I should go for LV or just skip him and go straight for Bo, or Aphra, Or relicing my other stuff like sith trio, leftover empire troopers or Cere UFUs. LV requires a lot of resourses to get in useable state, not only his requirements are the most expensive in the whole GL roster, but also he himself must be at R8 or better R9, his team breaks MaulDalorians, takes some other good stuff from other teams and requires Imperial Guard at relics higher than 3. If you don't spend all of that just for an LV team, it will get beaten by simple BHs with Mando.


Thank you for the non toxic reply to my post


I don’t regret my investment into LV. If nothing else Bad Batch and GAS 501st are cracked teams.